Chasing Fairy Bones

Chapter 452 Big Cat


The narrowness of the cave can't make the small bones turn around. And if it weren't for the accumulation of these white skeletons and dead bodies of leopards occupying too much space, he would still have enough space to turn around.

The little bone carefully held the soft little guy, like a big fat cat, supporting the stone wall with his elbow and slowly retreating. The breath made him annoyed, and his body was full of sweat.

The stone road was narrow and difficult to retreat. Xiaoguding couldn't hold his breath at all. He couldn't help opening his mouth. The heinous smell and blood did not need him to breathe and went straight into his stomach. He was so disgusting that he almost opened his mouth and vomited, and there was a kind of dizziness that he rolled his eyes and fainted.

Slowly bowed his body and retreated slowly, and the little bone soaked his whole body with sweat in an instant. If he was not wearing this dark leather armor, then he was stained with more dirty black blood clots and beast hair. However, even if the leather is smooth, it is still stained with a lot of fur.

"It's out, it's out!"

The sixth princess shouted happily.


The sixth princess shouted in surprise, bowed, stretched out her hands forward, grabbed the receding ankles of the little bone, like dragging a dead dog, pulled the leg that had just appeared in front of her, slowly stepped back, and dragged the little bone out of the cave.

hu hu

Finally arrived outside the cave, and the fresh air came to face. Xiaoguding did not have to resist the feeling of suffocation. He held the big fat cat in his hand and did not move. His hand was empty and had been caught by the sixth princess. He didn't care about anything else. He immediately pulled off his sultry black leather armor so that he could enjoy it. Breathe the air outside, and the cold breeze that can eliminate the sultry and irritability.

"What a cute little leopard, really like a big cat!"

As soon as the sixth princess saw this cute guy, she immediately threw down the little bone like throwing garbage, grabbed the little leopard cub held in the little bone, and stroked her head and neck excitedly.

"What a cute guy."

Xue Yueer stared at the little leopard cub with the same two stars, just glanced at Xiaoguding and confirmed that there was no accident. When he approached the sixth princess and stroked the cute little guy with her.

Suddenly, she swept her sweat and lay on the ground. She was so tired that she opened her mouth and gasped like a dog. She asked expectantly, "Is there anything else in it?"

Xiaoguding shook his head with a bitter smile, was too lazy to answer her idiotic questions, and continued to gasp, allowing sweat to flow down her thin cheeks. Previously, I only smelled a faint breathing sound, and there would be no other leopard.

The two women excitedly played around the little leopard and let the leopard's red tongue lick their hands and completely forgot to ask about the situation in the hole. When I came to this strange place, I didn't find a single person except them. It was hard to get a cute big guy as a companion. The big guy like the big fat cat in the past didn't make them happy.

"Well, it's time to go. We have to prepare food for it."

After gasping enough, Xiaoguding got up, patted the dirty fur and other dirt on his body, went down first, and went to the cliff with a pool of water stains below to clean some stains that could not be patted.

At this time, the sixth princess looked into the cave and asked, "Is that leopard really dead?"

The little bone has just been ignored, which is not as good as this fat cat-like big guy. He felt a little uncomfortable and replied angrily, "If you don't believe it, go in and have a look?"

The sixth princess didn't feel it, but still ignored the sarcasm in his tone, stroked the little leopard's head slightly sadly, and said quietly, "Poor little leopard, your mother is dead, and you will live with us in the future."

Xue Yueer asked, "What's the situation inside?"

Xiaoguding imagined the scene inside, and our disgusting and bored vomiting rushed up again. The sour water in our hearts was overflowing. He frowned and shook his head and said, "It's all the fur and bones of beasts, as well as blood maggots. It's rotten!"

When the two women heard this, they naturally imagined the toilet, and their bodies couldn't help but feel excited. Then they looked at Xiaoguding, imagining that Xiaoguding had just climbed out of the cesspit.

The sixth princess thought that the little leopard she held in her arms was also carried out in such a dirty place. Although the little leopard's fur was extremely smooth, she still felt a little disgusted, and her face became more ugly. She couldn't help stretching out and wanted to leave the leopard in her hand.


The movement of her grasping the leopard made the leopard feel a little uncomfortable. She twisted her body uncomfortably, opened her mouth and roared, and her hazy eyes were full of prayers.

The sixth princess's eyes touched, and the disgust on her face immediately disappeared, and all turned into water-like tenderness. She stretched out half of her hand and shrank back, continuing to touch the hair on her head. The little leopard twisted his body comfortably, and his head basin was on the inside, shrinking in the arms of the sixth princess, as if sleeping in his mother's arms.

The sixth princess's eyes looked at it became softer, and she no longer felt the filth just now. She abandoned all that feeling and smiled and carefully walked down the smooth rock wall.

Xue Yueer was disgusted for a while and felt the change just now. Until she put the little leopard in her arms, her eyes slowly softened and recovered her mood. She looked back at the stone cave and knew that the death of the female leopard was most likely to be related to the knife she drew. She prayed a few words secretly, sighed, and finally walked down. Rock wall.

With the unexpected appearance of this little leopard, Xiaoguding and others had to make changes, cancel the plan to continue exploring first, and returned home.

Go straight down the cave hundreds of feet away. I couldn't see the cave at all, let alone feel the filth inside. Xiaoguding suddenly whispered, "I should have thought of it a long time ago. It seems that I am still inexperienced."

The sixth princess lowered her head and stroked the sleeping leopard. She looked up and asked strangely, "What do you think of?"

Xiao Guding shook his head and said, "I should have thought that the bone skin of those prey did not appear outside the hole, which proves that the leopard has suffered extremely serious damage."

Thinking that she was in a place where white bones and hair were stained, the sixth princess trembled again and hurriedly said, "Don't mention this! Let's talk about how to feed this little leopard.

Xue Yueer smiled and said, "Since we want to raise it, we have to name it first. Husband, what do you think should be taken?

The sixth princess immediately grabbed it and said, "Call it 'Zhenshan', General Zhenshan!"

Xue Yueer shook her head and smiled, "It's just a little leopard, which is not as good as our common tiger king. How can we control the mountain?"

The sixth princess said, "Because the tiger is the king, it can only rank as this general."

Xue Yueer couldn't refute it. She looked at Xiaoguding as if asking for help. The sixth princess immediately said, "Don't object, you have to call it 'Zhenshan'."

"Mu Xiulin, the wind will destroy it. Originally, we didn't mean to hunt the big leopard, but it immediately launched an attack on us because it felt like we were going to hunt it, but it didn't expect..."

Thinking of the prestige of the leopard before, and finally fell into a tragic death cave, all because of its momentary strong anger, Xiaoguding sighed that the world is impermanent and said quietly, "I always feel that everything should not be so good."

Little Guding did not mention what's wrong with the domineering name like the general called "Zhenshan", but just sighed like this. The sixth princess suddenly felt that the name was really bad and immediately said, "Then don't call 'Zhenshan', but 'Big Cat'. This name is vulgar and cheap, and the cat legend has nine lives, which can always Make up for this bad luck. Is this name all right?"

Xiao Guding smiled slightly, approached the little leopard, stroked its hair, shook his head and sighed, and said, "If you don't die, you will be blessed!"

The sixth princess smiled and said, "'Big Cat', you will be blessed to follow me in the future!"

Xue Yueer looked at the two with a smile, and the sleeping little leopard like a big fat cat under their hands should also admit the name.

Back to the tent that seemed a little dilapidated, the sixth princess carefully put the big cat into the enlarged and reinforced prison, laying some soft animal fur in it.

This big porcelain prison, which was once painsively and slowly transported porcelain soil into a small kiln, was pushed out by the three of them with round wooden rods.

Seeing the big cat sleeping in the enlarged porcelain prison, the sixth princess looked at the tent that once belonged to Xiaoguding's house with her waist and said domineeringly, "This tent will be mine in the future."

The dove occupied the magpie's nest, and the little bone frowned and was a little displeasure. He said, "This big guy was originally made to imprison living things. It's unlucky to be used as a nest for it."

The joy on the sixth princess's face disappeared. She put down the hand of the Jianghu figure with her waist crossed and muttered, "How can there be so much attention?"

Xue Yueer smiled and said nothing.

The sixth princess immediately picked up the big cat from the porcelain prison, pouted her mouth slightly, and continued to mutter, "Don't say it sooner or later. I won't say it until I have paved my fur. Isn't it tossing people?"

Xue Yueer couldn't stand it anymore and laughed, causing the sixth princess to respond with a white eye.

Xiaoguding put his hands around his chest and said, "I'm doing this for your own good. If the big cat becomes smart in the future, I know that you once locked it like a prisoner, and I'm definitely not in a good mood. I'm afraid some people don't like you."

The sixth princess had nothing to say, curled her mouth, took the big cat back into her tent, grabbed a few pieces of fur and spread it in a corner of her tent, used some hardwood piled as a chair, and set up a temporary nest for it.


The sixth princess clapped her hands with a smile and immediately set out to prepare some of the meat soup mentioned earlier. Because Xiaoguding was not sure what she said, she was just guessing whether the big cat would eat these things or not.

After thinking about it, she still didn't slaughter a live green mouse among the killers and put it back in a small porcelain cage. She felt that when the big cat was hungry and called, it would be better to let it feed directly, just like training kittens and mice.