Chasing Fairy Bones

Chapter 472 Mud Ball Offensive


Lu Luchan looked a little distressed and carefully loosened the roots of the ground ginseng to restore it to its original state. Then the delicate and small jade hand slowly waved, and a dust technique unfolded it to shrink it and ingest the newly opened jade boxes.

This jade box has the effect of warming and nourishing, which can keep the elixir in its original state. At that time, it will be taken out the same as fresh medicinal herbs and will not lose its effect.

After finishing all this, she looked at her in a daze and enviable Song Chuyao and said, "Yaoer, continue to talk about how you hunt this monster."

"Oh, oh."

Soong Chuyao came to her senses, nodded and hurriedly said, "I said, at that time..."

Because Xue Yueer switched to taking three pills for training day and night, she had to take the third pill near noon. In order not to affect the experience, Xiaoguding and Song Chuyao simply took a full set of equipment to the old forest on the second day. This direction is to the south, not to the west, but also to the depth that I have never been to before. As a result, I still met a powerful monster, which was unexpected by Lu Lvchan.

They have made great progress all the way. In addition to directly practicing killing skills and repulsating some fierce beasts who dare to intercept them, they have no effort to implement the method of capturing.

There is a big cat in the front responsible for exploring the way and detecting the danger. The two of them can only collect medicinal materials in the back at ease. The progress is easy and fast.

Moreover, the big cat seems to have opened its wisdom and become more and more intelligent. Seeing that Xiaoguding is particularly interested in those medicinal materials, it is particularly useful. With its more sensitive sense of smell, it can naturally be felt more easily, which makes the collection speed of elixirs faster.

Maybe the beast is naturally keen, or it has come into contact with the aura induction. The big cat can more keenly feel the elixir with weak aura, an extremely common elixir.

The aura emitted by these elixirs is extremely sparse, and some auxiliary elixirs do not have aura sensing, and monsters that wake up naturally will generally not notice.

Just like the big cat, if it hadn't been for Song Chuyao and others, it wouldn't have realized the importance of these elixirs at all, unless it came to opening up its wisdom and could read the medicine books of human practitioners.

As for some particularly precious middle- and high-level elixirs, which seize the essence of heaven and earth, there is aura convergence from time to time, and the drug spreads. The monster guarding it can not only use its medicinal power and absorbed aura to achieve faster practice speed. The elixir is protected and can grow safely, and the guardian beast is fed back to improve its cultivation, which is the complement of the elixir and the monster.

The two leopards quickly walked south. Suddenly, the big cat felt that the aura in front of them lost a little quickly, just like it felt that the aura next to it gathered into the array outside the residence of Xiaoguding and others, but it was slightly weaker. And in the center of this convergence, there is a faint medicine that makes it smell very comfortable.


Far away, the big cat made an excited cry, gently biting Song Chuyao's trousers and leather, and ran towards the elixir in the place where the aura gathered. It keenly felt that there was a rare elixir that could excite its owner.

It was unimpeded all the way. I don't know whether it was excited or something, but it didn't feel dangerous.

hu hu hu

Suddenly, a black meteor shower fell in mid-air, and several bowls of mud balls hit over and fell very violently.


The cat's yellow hair with black spots has just stood up, and there is no time to shout for warning. A hard mud ball like a stone has hit it, as well as Xiaoguding and Song Chuyao.

Originally, the little bone that was as slippery as loach twisted strangely and dodged, and would not be smashed at all, because when he saw the big cat being hit twice in a row, it roared endlessly, and its bones were about to be broken. He quickly pulled it up and ran away. As soon as this action slowed down, he ate a mud ball, which made him grinned, sucked his teeth and brows and eyebrows. He twisted into a ball, bowed and dragged the big cat behind a big tree and retreated violently.

Song Chuyao shouted in imageless pain, but she was very clever and hid behind a big tree.

In this comparison, the two people who often practice practice are more resistant and responsive than the big cat. In fact, because the big cat is too big, there are too many mud balls, and it is too urgent to dodge, so it has been beaten back, and it is too late to react.

This muddy rain immediately smashed the little bone hiding place into a mess, and even the thousand-year-old tree shook and fell into a leaf rain.


Seeing that he could not see the fierce monster attack, he immediately shouted and ran away directly.

The big cat arched in pain and broke a few bones, but after slowing down, it did not affect the speed of escape. Because it lands on all fours, they are smaller than the small bones, and it is easier to shuttle through this old forest full of vines and thorns, and they run faster than the little bones.

The two little bones cut the road with their long swords out of their sheaths, ran away with their heads in one hand, and fled dozens of feet away in confusion.

Before I could breathe, I heard the sound of the mud ball over there. The roaring mud ball came to my ears, which scared the two of them. When they fled, they were hung their clothes by thorns and became beggars' clothes.

Maybe forced by the sharpness of the white sword in their hands, the ground fox chasing behind did not dare to approach, but fiercely grabbed the mud into a ball and fiercely chased the two beasts.

The straight-line attack chased by the mud ball was intercepted by endless big trees and vines, which made the two of them less attacked. But it is still inevitable that the blown mud ball rubbed the head and back pain and has been in a state of being beaten.

One chase and three escapes, and escapes half a miles away in a blink of an eye.

The little bone Ding, who had been beaten countless times, was suddenly staggered by a mud ball and fell to the ground and gnawed grass crumbs. He couldn't help but be furious. A lazy donkey rolled behind a big tree, spit out mud crumbs and said fiercely, "I'm still chasing it endlessly. Do you think the young master is mud?"

He simply did not escape. After hiding in this big tree, he took a breath for a while and thought about countermeasures. Although Song Chuyao was smart, he was timid and afraid of things. At this time, he also hid behind a big tree five or six feet away from the little bone with the big cat and asked anxiously, "Husband, what should I do now?"

"What should I do? Hit!"

The little bone said viciously.

"But we..."

Little bone Ding said, "I'll figure it out. If you don't believe it, this beast is so powerful!"

Song Chuyao said weakly, "I'm afraid it's not a beast, but a monster!"

The little bone said domineeringly, "The monster is also killed. Look at its timidity. It must be not high. Cut it with a sword first, and let it know that the young master is not easy to provoke."

The little eyes turned around, made up their minds, and said to Song Chuyao, "Wait for me to pretend to be dead. You must hide not far behind me, yell for a while, and then escape after a while. Don't worry about me. Wait for me to kill."

Song Chuyao listened to the endless mud ball and piled up a layer of mud next to the tree she had avoided. She was extremely afraid and said weakly, "Will it..."

Xiao Guding was impatient and waved his hand to interrupt, "If you are afraid of trouble, just escape. I didn't cut it by you."

"All right!"

Song Chuyao nodded very dismay, and there was some grievance in her shocked eyes.

The ground fox is not stupid. On the contrary, it is extremely cunning and alert. The two beasts hide behind the big tree and can't attack in a straight line. It flies through the old forest and beats it in the other direction, forcing them to change their direction or get up and run away.

"When you see me fall down, don't look back, or I will be killed by you!"

Xiao Guding told him again and shouted again: "Run!"

Avoiding several large stone-like mud balls and real stones, the little bone cat turned to the right, using the big tree as much as possible to dodge the fast-throwing mud ball and began a new big escape.

I feel that I'm about to lose my strength. It's not easy for Xiaoguding to avoid this time. Several times, he was wiped by the mud ball, making his body shake more and more embarrassed.


Xiaoguding seemed to have been injured in the back, and his reaction became less sensitive. Another two mud balls were not far away from each other and hit Xiaoguding's head and waist. There were also two mud balls next to him at the same time controlled the direction of his dodging, so that he could no longer escape and was hit by a mud mass.


Xiao Guding shouted muffled for the first time and roared, "Yao'er, run away, leave me alone!"

The sad voice shocked Song Chuyao, and her nervous body trembled. She turned her head and saw Xiaoguding roll into a big tree that was just enough for Tibetans. She couldn't help turning around in panic and asked, "It doesn't matter!"


With this shock, his body flashed less sensitively. He was smashed by a mud mass and crashed a few steps away. He immediately hid behind a big tree. Seeing that the little bone was still motionless, his face became more frightened and screamed very sadly: "husband, are you all right!"

The voice was sharp and miserable, and the ears of the little bone that pretended to be dead were itchy. He frowned uncomnably and roared harshly, "What howl? It's so noisy. Run!"

Song Chuyao's face was full of mud, and her big eyes flashed with crystal tears. She realized that Xiaogu Ding was pretending to be dead, and angrily pointed to Xiao Guding and said, "You..."

I just got too nervous and forgot about it.

She stamped her feet and shouted, "Be careful!"

A gesture of escape to the big cat, and the cat began to run.

The ground fox behind has adapted to their way of hiding behind the tree. From the two people hiding behind the tree, they flew in the other direction and were ready to grab the mud ball from there. At this time, when they saw that Song Chuyao did not rest for long, they immediately began to escape from behind the tree. They couldn't help but be slightly perplexed and immediately flew in the bushes. Not only the pursuit of Song Chuyao, who fled, regardless of the little bone that had no sound.

However, the ground fox is extremely alert. Even if it chases and escapes Song Chuyao, it still bypasses the small bone Ding and does not leave any possible danger for itself.

When Song Chuyao saw that it was not fooled, she bit her silver teeth and only ran out dozens of feet. She deliberately pretended to be embarrassed and staggered to dodge, and then rolled into a big pit that was extremely difficult to be attacked by a long-distance mud ball, and closed her breath and pretended to be dead.


The big cat is extremely intelligent. After receiving Song Chuyao's instructions, it roared angrily and kept stopping Song Chuyao's side to intercept the attack of the mud ball, but secretly pulled several static mud balls to her side, so that she would no longer be attacked by the mud ball.

Covered with a layer of mud ball, Song Chuyao hid only a few wisps of leather armor gaps. The big cat roared and rushed to the front of the little bone for a while, roared for a while. Probably seeing that he had no response, he rushed to the ground fox.

Although the ground fox is not afraid of its offensive, it is happy to play with it slowly like a cat and mouse, constantly throwing the hard mud ball caught at the big cat.

The big cat followed a pattern, threw it out with the hard parts of its body, and then hid behind the tree and fled.

Later, when he saw that he couldn't get close to it, he jumped in and ate several mud balls. The big cat roared a few times, but walked beside the two little bones.

Its figure is much more flexible, and it is much more agile than the two people who shuttle through the bushes than the small bones. It is pure to hide. This kind of mud ball that has been smashed far away can't reach its body at all.

Later, Xiaoguding and Song Chuyao actually piled up mud balls several feet high forward, completely hiding them.

The ground fox, which grabbed the mud and played with it, saw that he couldn't help the big cat, but could not scare it away. He became a little impatient. Looking at the mud pits under him, it was inconvenient to stand below and smash it. On the contrary, the small bones were piled up higher in front of them, and it was even more difficult to hit the big cat hiding there.


The fox was angry, hissed twice, and began to force Song Chuyao to walk away.

The pieces of mud over there are ready-made, and it is more convenient to grab and throw them. The ground fox looked at the big cat who was extremely embarrassed, and couldn't help chirping twice excitedly. The mud balls caught by the front paws were quickly thrown into the big cat one by one.

Suddenly, the ground was cold, and a spiritual sword cut one of its front paws at an extremely fast speed. Before it could react, the remaining momentum of the sword was not decaying and cut to its throat!


The ground fox screamed and retreated with a burst of rain. The front paw that hurt its muscles and bones shrank slightly in mid-air and became a three-legged ground fox. After retreating, it quickly lowered its short body, avoiding the small bone and throwing a noso, and its movements were still extremely agile.


A bamboo arrow shot dozens of feet away and took its eyes, but Song Chuyao saw that the opportunity to ambush was no longer possible, so she changed to use ordinary bamboo arrows for a long-range attack.

The big cat knew that his cunning owner was going to launch an attack and did not lead the mud ball to her to hinder her attack. Song Chuyao took advantage of the fox's notice and carefully took off the bow behind him and put it there, waiting for the small bone Ding to launch an attack after the successful ambush.


The ground fox just avoided the arrow and shot another arrow, still taking its eyes straight. However, although the bamboo arrow is fast, it is impossible to attack the ground fox that comes like the wind and is still agile.

Accidental injury may have inspired the ferocity of the ground fox. Unexpectedly, it did not hide. Instead, it bypassed the stabbing of the small bone Ding's sword and hit it with its back claws.

Compared with small bones, it is much faster. If it hadn't been for the fierce flirtation of the big cat, and the little bone Ding had not held it for so long without any movement, it gave him a chance to take advantage of it. With the current speed of the two animals, he would not have hurt it at all.