Chasing Fairy Bones

Chapter 543 Unexpected trophy


I don't know if she was disgusted by her behavior. Xiaoguding said impatiently, "Go back and hold your son and run away. Run away while no one knows now!"

Lu Luchan stared at him, and Mrs. Zhang Cheng just kowtowed, "How can I escape? Please save my poor heart! As long as you promise to save my heart, you can do whatever you want me to do!"

"Little bone..."

Lu Luchan smiled shyly and said, "I didn't mean it! Shall we help her? Look at her, it's pitiful!"

"If I had known that she would have been humiliated!"

Xiaoguding shook his head helplessly and stared at her with no temperament. Now he looked at Mrs. Zhang Cheng, who was very disgusted, and went out and said, "Don't bother me now. I will restore a little spiritual power first and save people later. I warn you, don't go out now unless you want everyone to die together!"

Xiaoguding has no respect for Lu Lvchan, who is several levels higher than himself. Lu Lvchan also spit out her tongue apologetically and nodded obediently, "I know. I listen to you and know that you are the kindest good person!"

"Good people are not long..."

The voice suddenly stopped, and the figure of the little bone Ding disappeared.

Zhang Cheng's wife continued to kowtow to Lu Luchan with a spiritual spell scarf and said, "Thank you, Miss!"

She said with a strong worry, "Miss, will this be too dangerous? Will my heart lose my life?"

"Is your son practicing in the room now?"

Lu Luchan asked and comforted, "If he is obedient and has been practicing during this period, then there should be no problem. Don't worry! Those bad guys are so bad that no one will report the case for them, so as not to get into trouble. You just wait here obediently and think about where to escape after rescuing your son. We can't help you all the time.

Where to escape? My mother's family has no face to go back. I'm afraid it will affect them when I go back. I'm afraid it will inevitably affect them. What should I do?

Mrs. Zhang Cheng sat down weakly on the floor, muttering with her eyes, and suddenly looked at Lu Lvchan and said, "Save people to the end, miss, please be merciful again and take in my heart. I'm willing to sell myself to raise a sum of money for you."

"How much money can you get by selling yourself?"

Lu Lvchan asked inexplicably. After asking, she felt very embarrassed and lowered her head and said, "That's not what I mean..."

Mrs. Zhang Cheng said palely, "I heard them mention that it should be worth about 10,000 silver. This little money is just..."

Lu Luchan waved her red hands and said, "Don't think nonsense. That's not what I mean! I was just a little curious. Don't be surprised.

In the following words, she said very weak and lack of confidence, and she hated why she asked such a sentence bluntly.

"How dare a poor person like me to blame the young lady? I just beg her to take in my heart, and I will close my eyes to death. Even if I live with the humiliation of death, anything is fine!"

Mrs. Zhang Cheng knelt on the ground, with a pale face and godless eyes, indescribably cold and helpless.

"We have enough people now, but it's too far from home..."

Lu Luchan looked at her helplessly and dared not promise anything. Unconsciously, she became the same as Xue Yueer. She took Xiaoguding as the main bone and vaguely put herself in a very low position, lower than Xue Yueer and Song Chuyao. She had long lost her demeanor as a master in the early stage of refining.

I felt that Xiaoguding seemed to be in love now. With today's ** scene, Lu Lvchan wanted to seal it and germinate, and once again thought about how to restart this unfinished complex.

Thinking about it, her face became more and more red, and her heart pounded. She realized that there was still one person in her room. She quickly withdrew her mind and continued to help her think about how to help the dead widow and her son.

Zhang Cheng's widow knelt on the ground and did not disturb Lu Lvchan again. Lu Lvchan couldn't afford to pull her, so she had to kneel.

Now there are thirteen houses in this mobile palace, a large public living room, nine private practice rooms and bedrooms, a kitchen, a refinery room, and an Dan room. All the places are either occupied or become the nest of demon pets. Without space, Zhang Cheng's wife cannot be temporarily accommodated unless they are allowed. Grab the position with the demon pet, or take time to rotate the elixir room and refinery room.

An hour later, Xiaoguding entered Lu Luchan's room and stared at Zhang Cheng's wife, who was still kneeling on the ground, with loose hair and disheveled clothes. She frowned and said, "Speaking, where is your son? If you take it out, you still want to run for your life, and you will leave the city overnight today!"

Lu Luchan heard Xiaoguding's serious words, and her crimson face turned away, and then began to think about the next change to deal with.

"Ah! In the secret room under the bed in my room, the organ is in the corner of the bed, open the trick..."

Mrs. Zhang Cheng raised her head in surprise, knelt over and said, "Can you take me there? This formula is a little troublesome!"

"Not enough spiritual power!"

Xiaoguding frowned and turned his eyes, remembering that it was in her home. Her breath did not need to restrain, so he asked Lu Luchan, "Sister Chan, are you still sure that you will take her to her home without being found?"

"Ah, if you want to restrain all your breath without leaving traces, I can't do it by turning over the yard!"

Just tracked the past and came back with people and a pack of heavy trophies to restrain all the breath. For a high-level practitioners like Lu Luchan, his spiritual power is also consumed a lot, and he will not be able to recover for a while. She had just been thinking nonsense, and Mrs. Zhang Cheng was here and did not enter the state of recovery. At this time, she could only shake her head apologetically.

"Then you can only use the dust seal first. You have to bear with it!"

The little bone said, "If it's late, it will be chaotic! Sister Chan, you can wake them up later and call Uncle Deng over. We are going to leave the city before tonight. Don't say hello to the old man and wait for me to come back.

Mrs. Zhang Cheng nodded and didn't say anything. She closed her eyes and waited for the little bone to cast the spell. The little bone did not move, and he looked at the road green.

"Well, I'll be this villain and offend you!"

Lu Lvchan waved her small hand slowly, raised her hand and harvested Mrs. Zhang Cheng into a person the size of a small fist like a cargo and sealed it into the jade box.

Such a forced shrinking seal is not as good as its own shrinking technique, which will cause certain damage to the cultivation monster. Over time, it will also affect the smooth flow of qi and blood and affect the refinement of future cultivation. Just a small seal for a while, the practitioners will feel tired and dizzy, and have to rest for half a day to recover.

Xiaoguding nodded, took the jade box in his hand, stood at the door of the palace and felt it for a while. He silently hid into the dark places and turned into a gray cat moving with the wind.

Half a column of incense, Xiaoguding came to Zhang Cheng's family. The blood was more intense. Zhou Jin's families and passers-by obviously felt it, but no one went inside to check it.

In the yard, the little bone carefully sensed dozens of breaths and did not notice that there was someone in it. He quietly turned over and returned to the quiet room.

Taking out the jade box, Xiaoguding muttered, "It's really asking for trouble!"

Restored and enlarged, Mrs. Zhang Cheng, who was out of control, staggered, fell into the arms of the little bone, and walked from him to the bloody corner of the bed.

** and the blood stains on the ground have dried up and solidified. Mrs. Zhang Cheng stared at the two naked bodies, both ashamed and shocked. Her trembling body was cold and unnaturally leaned into the arms of the small bones and dared not look at the bloody picture again.

The little bone frowned, pushed her, and scolded in a low voice, "Hurry up!"

Zhang Cheng's wife remembered that she was here to save her son. She struggled, endured the fatigue and pain of her whole body, touched the corner of the bed, used a trick with little spiritual power, opened the secret path, and staggered into it.

By the way, in a narrow secret room with a radius of two feet, the whole secret room is a narrow room, from food to accommodation. Xiaoguding saw a boy who seemed to be seven or eight years old sitting cross-legged on the pu ball in front of the low couch. He had entered the late stage of the plastic pulse and did not notice their arrival at all.


A trace of joy flashed in Mrs. Zhang Cheng's godless eyes. She leaned in her arms and slowly picked up the steps. She lifted her hands softly, and finally took it back weakly. She hung her light body more and more on Xiaoguding's body and wanted to close her eyes and sleep at any time.

"What's the pain!"

Xiaoguding shook his head secretly and didn't understand that she came back to pick up people and escape, but asked herself to suffer this crime.

Little Bone Ding asked her to lean against the wall and walked to another restraining array. When the boy didn't notice it, she wrapped him with spiritual power, made him unconscious, and then laboriously used a dust technique to put the boy into the jade box like goods.

Mrs. Zhang Cheng and other little bones took her son and said with difficulty, "Son, help me there. There is still some money hidden in this secret room, which can be used as the reward of the prince."

When Xiaoguding saw her like this, he didn't know whether to be cautious or stupid. He helped her impatiently. His breath had been wrapped in spiritual power without a trace of leakage.

Mrs. Zhang Cheng asked Xiaoguding to help Zhang Guixin to meditate. With the little spiritual power left, she applied a tedious and complex formula. As she became more and more difficult, she trembled and fell down at any time.


Xiaoguding sighed, put his hand on her back, entered his little attributeless spiritual power, and injected it into the body of Mrs. Zhang Cheng, who was close to the oil lamp, to help her open the prohibition.


The formula was finally completed, and a white light appeared under the removed pu ball. The heavy stone slab slowly opened, and a money bag was stored three feet below. After all this, Mrs. Zhang Cheng closed her eyes, fell into the arms of the little bone with a little joy, and fell asleep quietly.