Chasing Fairy Bones

Chapter 552 Scorched Black Skeleton


Looking at the thin charred and charred bamboo pole in Luchen's arms, everyone cried sadly. Even the old man who was about to be buried in the soil with half of the neck of the street lamp was wiped with slightly cloudy tears from the corners of his eyes, secretly saying that the world is impermanent and good people do not live long.

As for whether Xiaoguding is a good person or not, he is still a very good person in the eyes of the street lamp. Who has such a large capacity to waste the valuable and rare elixir on a lowly servant like him who is not very talented in practice? General elders of large sects may not have such a capacity!

Lu Lvchan's eyes were full of tears, and unconsciously hugged the bamboo pole-like scorch black, regardless of the charred black that would stain her pale green and precious skirt, and forgot that she would be a little inconsistent with her identity by doing this now. She hugged him so anxiously and forgot where she was, a big treasure. Pearl-like tears flowed from the bottom of her bright eyes and slid down her pale face.

No one believes that Xiaoguding can survive a life and leave a little breath under such a powerful thunderbolt. Therefore, Lu Lvchan picked up Xiaoguding from the bottom of the pit until tears and crying. No one tried to feel whether Xiaoguding's breath was still safe.

No breathing, Lu Luchan, who hugged Xiaoguding, suddenly gave a soft sound and stopped crying. It was still so clear in the hoarse howl of everyone, because here people are very human and extremely sensitive.

With her whisper, all the people stopped crying, and suddenly became very quiet, like a master with great magic suddenly applied a sound ban, isoling all the screams of them.

Lu Luchan didn't care how the people around her reacted. She was uneasy and couldn't wait to try and accept it. She carefully wrapped the burning black bamboo pole in her arms and carefully sensed his breath.

"Dong Dong..."

The slow heartbeat remains, jumping at a very slow speed, like a turtle, very weak, and you can't feel it if you don't pay careful attention.

"Little Guding is still alive, he is still alive!"

Lu Luchan suddenly shouted excitedly and cried with joy, and the tears in his eyes turned from previous grief to joy.

As long as there is still breath, there is still hope of life before it is dead. Lu Luchan's spiritual power in her hand gently tore off and throw out the charred layer wrapped on the surface of the small bone. There are countless dry skeletons cracked inside, which is really like cooked food. As soon as the layer of burnt black is torn apart, everyone's nostrils It was filled with a strong smell of meat, and the corners of the big cat's mouth began to drool. A long one kept falling to the ground.

Song Chuyao, who was extremely nervous, only cared about the scorched black skeleton in front of her and did not notice the greedy appearance of the big cat. Otherwise, she would definitely slap it again with anger, and maybe she would kick it dozens of feet away with a violent kick.

In fact, you can't blame it. Now it's lunchtime. After a hard search just now, the big cat's belly is empty, thinking that it's natural to eat.

Seeing that the skin inside was as black and cracked, the exposed cracks were faintly bloody, and everyone was as painful as a knife.


Several precious elixir in a jade bottle were smashed, and the faint smell of meat was covered up in an hour, all of which was covered by the strong medicinal fragrance.

The soft white light wrapped the powder and turned into a gray-white medicine mist, wrapping the charred whole body of the small bone.

Song Chuyao and Xue Yueer suddenly trembled and took action at the same time, followed by a green glow, gently wrapping the small bones and charred body to penetrate those burnt skin and repair the damaged meridians and flesh.


The surface of the charred bone suddenly burst into a light blue light cocoon, a sparse layer, which pushed Xue Yueer and Song Chuyao, who used their spiritual power, as well as Lu Lvchan holding him, pushed them aside together, shaking the three people to stagger several steps and almost falling to the ground.

Lu Luchan's arm holding the little bone was shocked, and a feeling of numbness hit her whole body, which made her stunned for half a breath. She almost threw down the little bone Ding in her hand. The fierce spiritual power surged, and took back the burnt black ball in her arms, held it tightly, and did not let him fall dust. After being seriously injured, she was hit again.

"What's going on?"

Everyone screamed, and Song Chuyao, who stepped back more than ten steps, stood still puzzledly, quickly approached Xiaoguding's side, and asked in panic.

Lu Luchan sensed the heartbeat in Xiaoguding's body as usual and did not change. She said suspiciously, "It should be that there is still a strong thunder and lightning force in his body, which resists the wooden spiritual power emitted by you. Let's wait and see what happens and don't use spiritual power to treat him."

The street lamp looked at this large mess and thought of the thunderlight just now. The movement was too loud for fear of attracting other powerful practitioners to come to inspect it. Things were a little bad, so she said to Lu Lvchan, "Miss, let's avoid here first to be tracked."

"Okay, let's go!"

Lu Lvchan nodded decisively, held a group of burnt bamboo poles, summoned out the flying sword, and spread out a large flying sword cloud. At the same time, she put the three demon pets such as Dahei into the mobile palace, took the girls who jumped down, and flew south. It didn't take long to fly out nearly thousands of miles until she flew over a stream that the road Lvchan fell. Go down.

Without instructions, the street lamp threw out the black boat and turned into a boat several feet long on the stream. After staying in the mountains for half a month, they returned to the river again and continued down the river.

In the cabin, everyone forgot that it was time to cook and satisfy their hunger. They all stayed next to a newly arranged soft bed in the cabin hall, staring at the small burnt bones and the burnt black lines in his hand, with anxiety and expectation on their faces.

The cabin is too small to accommodate the anxious crowd to watch, and the new bed is in the cabin hall.


The big cat who ran out again was the first to stand it, like reminding everyone in this way that it was hungry and it was time for the owners to eat.

"Ah, I'm going to cook."

Ma Mingxiang was excited, wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes, and hurried into the kitchen to cook today's food.

The rest of the people have become wooden stone statues, staring at the charred "burned corpse" without blinking. Except for tears flowing down their cheeks from time to time from the corners of their eyes, and everyone's thoughts did not leave the little bone.

All the woolen burnt black object held by the little bone in his hand were ignored by everyone. In addition to the two cold eyes of the big black, they would still look up.

For a while, the meat in the narrow cabin hall was full of fragrance. Except for the three demon pets, no one wanted to eat, including the old man who was a street lamp.

Feeling that the atmosphere became particularly depressing, the big cat restrained the action of wolfing, swallowing became extremely careful, and did not dare to make a big noise, for fear of provoking the owner and causing their unprovoked anger.

Song Chuyao wiped her tears and gritted her teeth and said, "Let's go to dinner. It's impossible to stay like this. Then the little bone will definitely laugh at us when we are too stupid when they wake up!"

This joke was not funny. After a while, the hall laughed and began to slowly go to the table to eat. The last snow moon was pulled by Song Chuyao, frowned, bit her silver teeth, and came to pay tribute to the empty viscera temple.

However, all the people and demons are interested, and not many people have an appetite. A large table full of dishes, swallowed in their mouths as if they have become bitter Huanglian and can't swallow.

A meal, a meal in a very hungry state, everyone spent a column of incense. Everyone did not enter and looked at the small bone next to them, so they ate half of it hastily, stopped chopsticks and chopsticks, and had no interest in eating again.

After eating, Lu Luchan felt that Xiaoguding's heartbeat was still beating weakly at the speed of the turtle. The divine mind could softly cover the surface of his body, but it still could not penetrate his body. Once their thoughts penetrated, a feeling of paralysis invaded their whole body, making them stiff on the spot and have no next move. There have been many attempts, and no one will try again.

After quietly watching for a while, Dahei suddenly hissed, and the big cat and Xiaoxue also issued a warning, reminding everyone in the hall that there were practitioners approaching outside.

"Let's go outside and have a look."

The street lamp shook slightly, and went out of the hall with a restrained array in the cabin. I went to the bow deck and saw a small ship opposite me rowing against the current. The strange things on the ship were all city guard-like standard armor, long guns and swords. I don't know which big man was traveling.

When the street lamp saw this group of soldiers, they saw the ship's spiritual iron package, shining, and the hull was sharp curved, going up against the water, no slower than their blunt boat, the kind of light warship used for military pursuit.

"Who came from the front, report it? This is the military ship of the Hidden Maple City Guard.

A small head collar with bright armor in front of the boat pointed to the street lamp and asked arrogantly.

The street lamp bowed and said, "I have seen Lord Chengwei, the little one who traveled from Qiyue City. When he heard a sudden thunder in the mountains, he thought that there was some huge demon. He was so scared that he quickly came to the city and did not dare to walk the far river."

The leader said, "If that's the case, why don't you escape directly by flying sword, but drive the boat slowly?"

The street lamp said, "The little one has rushed far away. Seeing that there are no demons chasing me, my spiritual power is almost exhausted. I simply go down the stream. If I don't want to meet the adult's warship, the little one will be more at ease."

"Oh, did you hear the thunder from the blue at that time? Can you show me the way?"

A Confucian-like young man suddenly came out of the bow deck and asked with a smile.

The street lamp waved his hands and shook his head and said, "It's not easy to escape. How dare you go again? You don't have to be swallowed by any big demons. The adults are still powerful. Go and eliminate the harm for the people."

"The late Yuandan practitioners are really timid!"

The captain of Yuandan's junior question earlier whispered disdainfully, and stood more straight to show his extraordinary and boldness.