Chasing Fairy Bones

Chapter 554 Demon Army Encroachment Tactics


In the northwest corner of the Xiuzhen Realm, a big city approaching the center of the Xiuzhen Realm, the Frost City under the rule of Qianqi Temple, and the newly reinforced dozens of feet-high green brick wall, there are many tents standing like ants, surrounding the whole city.

This time, the demon army was no longer like the previous siege, but just forced them to put pressure on the Xiuzhen world to escape and fight for the demon army to win the first battle. Unexpectedly, the final victory was won, and the ending was unbearable for the demon army. It sacrificed several demon-level masters, a whole 70,000 demon army, and finally got an empty city, and even the bodies of the demon generals who had been attacked before were all strangely taken away by the practitioners.

According to the gains and losses of a city, the first victory of the demon army is a victory, but the gains outweigh the losses.

In this second siege, the demon army learned a lesson and decided to surround the big city layer by layer, no longer give the repairer army a chance to escape, trap the big city, and see how many spiritual gems they can waste to transport food through the transmission array.

At the same time as the siege, a small number of demons gradually encroached on a town and a village around the big city, completely occupying and destroying the small cities abandoned by the practitioners.

Not all practitioners will follow the instructions of the senior officials of the Xiuzhen world, abandon their homes and run away. Some stubborn Xiuzhen will not come to the war, or they will not believe it, or they will not be willing to run their own painstaking homes, and stay in this empty town that will be abandoned.

Except for some old men who really miss their homes, other stubborn family owners drag their whole family to be buried together in these demon army teams, or become their blood food or prisoners.

In the whole northwest corner, there are such small battles everywhere, with blood flowing into rivers and wolf smoke everywhere. Originally, many beautiful, quiet and detailed towns that are indisputable, and the existence of paradise outside the world, because many of these demon armies that suddenly broke into the world have become ruins and blood-stained ruins.

In the end of most of the tragic battles, there were only ferocious laughter, some helpless and miserable crying, followed by bloody scenes that were more horrible than the practitioners killing monsters with swords.

There is no surprise that the practitioners and monsters are enemies of each other and slaughtering and devouring each other. The difference is that more ordinary practitioners who have no conflict with the world have never killed a bloody monster in their lives, or even slaughtered a chicken and duck. They have never seen such a bloody and horrible picture. Seeing their relatives fall directly into the mouth of a powerful monster, he chewed twice and swallowed it into his stomach. Most of them were directly scared to faint and easily swallowed into their stomachs by other monsters.

Compared with a small number of practitioners who fought fiercely with monsters, a considerable number of practitioners who had never been in the world were either directly scared by monsters or directly scared out by monsters and could not raise their fighting spirit. They turned around and fled, regardless of their relatives.

The belligerent demon army has such an advantage, making it easier to attack the city and capture the fortress, and the speed of advance has been accelerated a lot.

However, even if these few remaining practitioners for some reason can resist, it is just a struggle before death in front of this demon team that is obviously superior in number and cultivation.

In Luoshuang City, several well-cultivated decision makers looked at the small towns near the city and emitted smoke in the high watchtower. In the far distance, it symbolized that the demon army occupied all the small villages and towns on the edge of the city, and also left a Some practitioners were all killed.

Shaking his head helplessly, several decision makers returned to the city and sat in the spacious city owner's house to discuss some countermeasures.

The war is urgent, and it is not easy for the senior management of the practitioners to use brute force to migrate those who have problems with their heads, so as not to attract hostility and opposition from other practitioners. The final result is to sit back and watch their demise.

It is understandable that they are obsessed with their homes, but they don't know whether the army of the demon world is prepared, or whether there are so many powerful monsters in their world, and their overall advantage is much higher than that of the cultivation world. If it hadn't occupied the land of the defense of the city, the familiar environment, some magic weapons and armor that are more powerful than the demon world, and some magical arrays that can improve the power of the attack, the demon army would have swept the whole northwest region and advanced to the real world to kill the four directions.

The last time, Fang Wentao, a wise man from Sihai Cang Pavilion, sat in the army and planned strategies, as well as the two local feathered high-level practitioners of Qianqi Temple. With a powerful foreign treasure and deadly resistance, he entangled the four demon kings in the demon army, and there was a temporary entangled army of practitioners to practice the formation, plotting and then moved to fight demons. The world army was caught off guard. It must be very difficult to win so easily this time.

Even last time, the demon army suffered heavy losses, and the army of repairers was not like this. That battle directly lost nearly one-third of the high-level practitioners in the whole northwest region, mainly those in the northwest.

Now in this city, it is the real army of practitioners temporarily recruited from various regions. Without a war, they have never practiced the formation, and the spiritual soldiers and armor are not unified.

However, fortunately, most of the practitioners are obedient. When they see the army of the strong, and then see the large demon army outside the city that is several times higher than their cultivation, they put away the arrogance that usually dominates in their respective towns, obediently listen to the commanders of several giants in the world of cultivation, and perform every day. Practice some boring formations and practice these complicated formation evolutions that give them a headache.

When many practitioners like frogs at the bottom of the well heard some old practitioners who went through the first battle talk about the combination of these arrays and the terrible spiritual torrent bombardment will be as powerful as the demons and handsome level. The powerful monsters they can only look up to, which are bombarded with no residue, or seriously injured and fell out of the coma dozens of miles. The drill became more enthusiastic, knowing that only by familiarizing with these formations earlier can you leave your life in the chaotic war.

At such a critical moment, they know that they can no longer retreat, but only fight. Otherwise, their hometown, under the demon hooves of the demon army, will become a hell in just a few months.

Practice first, then become the captain of a team, and get familiar with the array with new scattered practices. In this way, all these scattered practitioners who did not understand the array will all ** know some ways of formation. Only two or three people are accumulated, as large as dozens or hundreds of people.

As for those armies to form a huge formation with tens of thousands, it is not what they need to consider. They just need to evolve step by step under the instructions of their superior leaders.

In the first war between the two worlds, all the practitioners who entered the frost city one after another from all over the world brought their own days of grain and fodder, as well as a large amount of grain and fodder collected in advance by the city owner. This batch of grain and fodder was enough for the army of more than 200,000 practitioners in the city for two or three months. At this point, the siege taken by the demon army is a failure. In addition to making some arrays more familiar to these scattered practitioners, there is not much benefit.

After a long siege, the whole eight demon kings gathered again in the high clouds, looking at the drill array of all the practitioners' army day and night in the frost city below. They became more and more proficient in changing, and realized that the siege tactics adopted by the demon army this time were afraid it was another mistake.

They thought that in the first battle, the army of practitioners could set up such a magical and powerful array, which made the demon army suffer a great loss, so they thought that all the practitioners must be proficient in these arrays.

How can they imagine that the first army of practitioners were all those who were proficient in arrays extracted from countless large and small families by the senior officials of the cultivation world. Those who had practiced arrays gathered together and hurriedly set up the array ambush.

Now the ordinary practitioners in this city who used to have more than 100,000 do not understand the principle of these arrays at all, and some do not even know the names of the arrays.

Now looking at the army of skilled practitioners in the city, far away, the eight demon kings feel that there are bursts of terrible spiritual power brewing near the array, which can send a fierce blow at any time to give their demon army a fatal blow.

"King Bear, King Snake, in your opinion, how many of the more than 400,000 troops in our demon world can be left to attack the Frost City in front of us with a number of levels higher than the cultivation world?"

A white-haired rhinoceros demon king with white pointed horns on his head looked at the army of practitioners in front of him, and asked his members about the two demon kings who had suffered heavy losses.

When they have practiced to this extent, they are all old-fashioned demons. No matter how stupid and proud the demons are, they will be more wise, restrained and arrogant, and treat cautiously some things that seem to be stable to win. What's more, this is still a war with great impact, and they are likely to lose many generals under them.

A black pig demon with curved fangs at the corners of his mouth said disdainfully, "There are only four feathered practitioners in the whole city, less than half of our demon king, and the demon handsome level is not as good as a quarter of us, not to mention the rest. In my opinion, let's go in directly. Now it's good, let him practice more familiar with the array practice. Practice, it seems that it is still a little unfavorable to our attack. The war was over. He was afraid of wolves and tigers. It really missed the fighter! In my opinion, we will lead the whole army into this city now, or we will take a detour to attack other towns behind the Xiuzhen world.

The loss in the battle of the golden armor demon king was the worst. The demon commander's loss caught up with the three-eyed bear king who was ambushed several times for the first time. A pair of cold eyes turned and said gloomically, "In this way, your pig demon king's subordinates will be the vanguard. As long as you capture this array, half of the trophies will belong to your pig demon king. How about that? "

A pair of black eyes of the pig demon king turned, looking at the changes in the operation below, which made him dazzled, think about the interests, imagine the previous rumors, and said, "Then in my opinion, take a detour to the town behind the repairer."

"I'm not familiar with the demon land, and I still want to attack long-distance attacks with these cunning practitioners in the world of cultivation? Your pig demon king can take your subordinates to have a try. I promise that you will definitely get unexpected gains!"

The Golden Snake King stared at him and said coldly.