Chasing Fairy Bones

Chapter 587 First Visit to the Sea


Luchan looked at the long snow-white face opposite, and her two bright red lips opened and chattered, as if there were thousands of flies flying in her ears.

Wait very impatiently when she rested, Lu Luchan said, "Actually, we didn't come here specially to see the scenery. We just want to relax and see some sea views by the way."

Han Qingxin was still enthusiastic and smiled, "I know, Miss Lu wants to find a suitable place to live here, right?"

"Find a place to live?"

Lu Luchan was stunned. Later, she figured out what was going on and said with a dumb smile, "Miss Han. Most of my Lu family's construction is water spiritual power. In this place where the ocean rivers are dominated by water spiritual power, they can't survive at all. Isn't it self-broad to move here?"

"Is that so? I thought that the Lu family also had many members practicing water spiritual power over there.

Han Qingxin was stared for a while and said with a sweet smile, "But even if it is a tour, with my native guide, you can have more fun. The boat is fast. At the same time, you can go to more beautiful places to play, and you don't have to waste time on this river. Miss Lu didn't want to tell Qingxin anything. Did she still hate my brother and refused to forgive our Han family on Sijiang Island?

"No, I really don't want to be so troublesome!"

Lu Luchan really felt that her head was too big, but these hundreds of flies had to squeeze into her head, which was really terrible.

"It won't be troublesome. I've always been very idle. Miss Lu won't think I'm troublesome, will she?"

Han Qingxin still smiled very charmingly.

This tone is very polite, but the words are a headache, which makes Lu Luchan angry, and it is not easy to accept the truth.

"Should I call Miss Lu sister or sister? That's called strange! I'm just 110 this year. How about you?

Han Qingxin couldn't wait to ask Lu Luchan with a wry smile.

"I'm a few years older, but my cultivation is worse than you, which makes you laugh!"

Lu Lvchan couldn't pester, "You are a few years younger than my brother. My name is Lvchan."

"Sister Lvchan, please change the boat first, so as not to waste time on this river."

Han Qingxin enthusiastically continued to urge Lu Lvchan to change the boat.

Lu Luchan had no choice but to call the street lamp outside supporting the situation and get on the fast boat embroidered with dragons, and put away her ordinary black boat.

"Oh, does Lvchan still have a baby who can hide people? Why don't you invite the young man to come out and meet his little sister?

Han Qingxin was a little surprised to see that Lu Luchan just called out the street lamp. She didn't know whether this inconspicuous little black boat could hide people or another treasure.

After a pause, she continued: "That little prince defeated my brother in one move with his cultivation in the middle of the gathering level. He is very experienced and powerful. I admire such a young hero very much! If he doesn't mind his sister's age, I can marry him!"


Lu Luchan was stunned when she heard this. Not only was her head not enough, but her face was also hot and red. Unexpectedly, her temperament was the same as her appearance, bold and direct, which was very different from her common woman. She was so scared that she said, "He has too low cultivation and has to practice in isolation. He doesn't have time to accompany Qingxin's sister for a while. Please forgive me."

"Oh, we can only wait for a chance to see you later."

Han Qingxin showed a little disappointed and did not press too much. As long as they were together, she would not have a chance to see her. Immediately, she talked about other things with Lu Luchan in the cabin.

The speed of the Clippers on the river is very fast. Ma Mingxiang can no longer sink to the bottom of the river to collect elixirs. She stays in the mobile flying hall every day. In addition to being responsible for the diet of several demon pets and Lu Mingzhen and others, she is lucky to practice in this mobile flying hall and occasionally refine some elixirs. In the past, she purchased a lot of ordinary elixirs from Liu Laoweng, a friend of the moon chicken old man, as well as the medicinal herbs they collected along the way, which were enough for her to practice.

After a while, when they went to some beautiful places, Lu Mingzhen and He Pinglang came out to watch. Instead, the three little bones who originally planned to come here to see the sea took their own elixirs every day and continued to practice their attribute spiritual power to prepare for the elixir as soon as possible.

Now, in the air of this cultivation world, the richness of aura has been improved accordingly, but the clearly distinguished attribute spiritual power is relatively less except for the water aura. However, the three little bones have a lot of rare elixir brought by the old man from the Sihai Cang Pavilion, which is still very fast to practice, but the speed of refining the elixir is relatively slower.

The three little bone Ding continued to practice day and night. After nearly half a month, Han Qingxin took Lu Luchan and others through several wonders, but they didn't see him come out. He said curiously, "How can Mr. Ding endure to practice hard in front of such a beautiful scenery? Didn't he come out for a trip?"

Lu Luchan smiled and said, "His preference is relatively special. If there is a monster in the Yuandan level in front of him, he will immediately come out of the closed state."

"Oh, is he a violent fighter?"

Han Qingxin smiled and said, "So, he came out of the closed state when he saw an opportunity to teach my brother a lesson?"

"No, what your brother did made him uncomfortable. Mingxiang asked him to come out to help, and he immediately came out to fight. By the way, he had a long experience in actual combat with others. He is usually kind and doesn't like to argue with others.

Lu Luchan explained that she could not tolerate her speaking ill of Xiaoguding.

Looking at the bright lake in front of him like a mirror, with birds singing and flowers next to it, strange stones, and the rare natural beautiful scenery. Still, Lu Lvchan and others are very happy. Han Qingxin is not sure what Lu Lvchan and others are doing here. She feels a little depressed and confused. After a while, she put away her loss and asked with a charming smile, "Sister Luchan, where are you going on this trip? Why are you not so interested?"

Without Xiaoguding and others to come out to play with treasures, Lu Luchan and others are certainly not very interested, but at this time, they can't say clearly and said with a smile, "It's hard to say. Originally, Xiaoguding was planning to walk slowly in the boat. Just after a while, he came out to enjoy the beautiful scenery and relax. Now Sister Qingxin Bringing the Clippers made the trip chaotic. However, his ultimate goal is to go to the sea and dive to the bottom of the sea by the way.

"Well, it's my fault that my ship is fast!"

Han Qingxin smiled bitterly, "Then I will drive the boat directly to the sea, such as the sea not far from my family, Mr. Ding will always come out to play?"

There are not many practitioners of the same rank to defeat the enemy, but it is also not uncommon, especially some disciples from large families. Only this step-by-step challenge is really rare, especially if there is a difference of almost one level. It is really not easy to seize the opportunity to defeat the enemy with the weak and defeat the enemy in one fell swoop.

If Xiaoguding's sword was not horizontally, but vertically cut in that battle, then her brother's face would have one more scar. And if he doesn't cut there and replace the throat and other key parts, he can do it at that time, then his brother will become a dead body at this time.

The battle between the two opponents is not based on cultivation and means, but only by success or failure. If it is a real enemy of life and death, then there is no chance to turn over the pot. It is only because the little bone does not want to kill, so he shows mercy.

Lu Luchan said, "It should be, but the purpose of Xiaoguding's trip is to go to Sihai Cang Pavilion, and he doesn't want to waste time elsewhere. I'm afraid..."

Han Qingxin said, "Go to Sihai Cang Pavilion? Does he want to be a teacher? With his actual combat experience and mind, he must be equally talented and will definitely join. Before that, why don't you go to our island for a while and let the little sister have a little landlord's friendship?

"Is that right?"

Lu Luchan vaguely obscured the past. Before everything is clear, she doesn't want to reveal more, including the two daughters of Xue Yue'er, who have not yet met her, and the antique old man Chedao.

"Well, I know that Sister Lvchan and others look down on the industry of my Han family's island, and my little sister won't force it. I will take you directly to the sea near the Sihai Cang Pavilion. Will Mr. Ding always come out?"

Han Qingxin pretended to be unhappy and immediately ordered the helmsman outside to change to navigation and accelerate.

"Definitely, the most important thing he came here is to see the sea."

Lu Luchan nodded and said in her heart that he was like a guy who couldn't sit still, making him practice honestly all day long. If he was so panicked, he would definitely come out to practice. If it hadn't been for the strange Han Qingxin and the many people on the river, Xiaogu Ding would definitely come out every day to practice what he brought from the mortal world, adhere to the martial arts routine of recent years, and move his muscles and bones.

The Clippers accelerated day and night, but in two days, they have reached the wide sea of Xiuzhen.

There is an endless blue on the sea, on which a roll of snow-white waves keeps beating on the shore until it disappears, and continues to the next round tirelessly.

On the sea, there are also many ordinary islands flying high and dancing on the sea, sometimes sinking into the sea to play, or swallowing an unlucky fish from below into their stomachs.

The sea is wide and magnificent, and it is still as magnificent as the mortal world. What is slightly different is that the sea of the cultivation world is less than the particularly unpleasant fishy smell of the mortal world. The air is relatively clean, but it is still not pleasant to smell, compared with the fresh air in the mountains and forests.

"Wow, the sea is really wide and blue! Is this the sea, like spreading the blue sky above our heads upside down on the water!"

Facing the sea, Lu Lvchan stood on the deck cheering, and her beautiful face showed innocence and joy.

The street lamps that have been lit, Ma Mingxiang, Lu Mingzhen and He Pinglang all look excited. It must be the first time to see such a spectacular sea. Unlike lakes, the sea is wider and more magnificent at a glance.

Han Qingxin stood aside with a smile. When they laughed enough, she urged him unforgettablely, "Sister Luchan, why don't you invite Mr. Ding to come out and have a look now? Are you afraid that your little sister will take him away? Don't worry, no matter how thick-skinned the little sister is, she is not thick enough to rob people to be her husband!"
