Protagonist's aura

Chapter 009: Saving Haofu 1

After scolding, his strength must be improved, otherwise his life will be in security. After venting, Haoren began to practice hard again. In this way, after more than a month, I finally arrived at the destination of the trip: Dafengzong.

The endless mountains spread on the ground like dragons, and the green wind released from the opening of the dragon's head, shooting everywhere. The green wind is like a knife, cutting all the rocks, branches and air hundreds of miles into powder, forming a huge bird-shaped smooth platform. The surface of the platform is extremely smooth, like the surface of a mirror, which is slippery and shining. The blue wind swept in all directions was condensed by a huge array and concentrated on the two eyes. After purification, two towering green tornadoes were formed, spewing out and swaying up, like two giant bird legs, holding up a bird-like peak at 888 meters.

The peak in the suspended clouds is shaped like a bird, occupying a hundred miles, and the whole body is snow-white. The edge feathers are blood-red, and the face is ferocious, especially the deep eyes, which release a bloody, evil and gloomy atmosphere all the time. From afar, it looks like an evil giant bird standing between heaven and earth, looking down on all living beings.

MD, the world is really weird. Is this a real bird? Oh, my God, the giant bird covering an area of 100 miles... Around Hao's heart is extremely resolute and can't help being moved. He shook his body a few times and swallowed a mouthful of saliva with difficulty. He pointed to the giant bird in the distance in disbelief and asked, "Is this the Great Wind Sect? Oh, my God, what's the beginning of the Great Wind? Uncle Hao, don't let anything happen."

Mudonggua reluctantly withdrew its envious eyes and said slowly: "It is rumored that the mountain gate of the Great Wind Sect was transformed by the ancient god bird wind. After the big wind god bird flew to the divine world, it left supreme secrets and countless best flying swords and magic weapons. After ten thousand years of inheritance, it finally achieved the status of the first sect of the Dafeng Sect Soul Light Planet. Most of the disciples of Dafeng Sect are wind attributes, which can attack the world thousands of miles in an instant. Fortunately, Dafengzong has no strengths in defense, refinery and alchemy. Otherwise, according to Dafengzong's strong strength and arrogant style, they would have unified the real world..."

MD, as soon as he talked about this, he forgot Haofu. Haoren interrupted and said, "Is there any way to find Haofu?" Damn papaya, damn Haofu, actually provoked such a huge force for me. God bless, I hope Haofu hasn't been arrested yet, otherwise I will really die.

As soon as Haoren interrupted, Mu Donggua suddenly remembered the purpose of the trip, patted his head, and said shyly, "Go around the mountain gate, the direction of the bird's beak, and look carefully. There are countless masters of Dafeng Sect. You have to be careful.

Bullshit, as soon as you look at other people's mountain gate, you will know that it is not easy to mess with. Haoren curled his lips.

Mickey Mouse carefully circled under the bird's beak and flew against the top of the tree. It flew back and forth dozens of times to expand the search scope to one kilometer horizontally. Finally, a month later, a thousand miles away from the beak, papaya suddenly pointed to a small valley below and shouted, "Stop, stop."

The valley is towering, full of jungle, and it is very secretive. If you don't search carefully, you really won't find a small valley in this place. Seeing that there was no one around, Hao and Papaya walked out of the Xumi space and fell on a huge stone. And Mickey Mouse still flies high, always alerting everything around it.

Papaya looked around carefully, stretched out his fingers, closed his eyes slightly, and counted repeatedly. Half a day later, he suddenly lost his voice and said, "Haofu just left here a month ago. He has sneaked into the Dafeng Sect."

Haoren looked around and had nothing but trees and stones.

Papaya explained proudly, "Here is the information he left, and no one can crack it except us. If you want to learn, I will teach you."

These two guys are not stupid. They know how to pass information with passwords. They finally don't live to dogs, but this doesn't help now. Haoren thought to himself and said calmly, "Let's talk about it later. Let's go to Dafengzong immediately."

It is said to go to Dafengzong, but under the reminder of Haobangbang, Mickey Mouse, who was afraid of leaking breath, only dared to search around a kilometer of the big bird. No matter how close it is, Haobang can't guarantee that Hao people will not be found.

"Damn Dafengzong!" Haoren cursed fiercely, "The strength is a little too strong. I don't even dare to approach their mountain gate." Again, he has a deep sense of powerlessness. But the seventh level has been unable to break through for a long time, and any person in the heartbeat period can find that he can't help but be careless about the mountain protection array of Dafengzong.

In the surrounding search for nearly a month, Hao people have not only learned the cultivation methods of the low-level disciples of Dafeng Sect, know their laws of life, and see that they kill each other in order to compete for secrets and spiritual stones, Haofu's news is still nothing, as if the world evaporates.

"Yes, yes... According to the strength of the Haofu fusion period, it should be on the big bird, but it can't be approached. What should I do?" Papaya looked at the wind god bird with a sad face. He also knew that once he got too close to the sixth-level strength of Haoren, he was found by the Dafeng Sect, and everyone had only one dead end. Even if saving Haofu is important, Haoren's life is more important. After all, Haoren is the only bloodline left by the head of Danzong.

"Wait!" Haoren dao. Helplessly, he summoned a man, grabbed the freshly roasted chicken wings in his hand, nibbled a few times, and then looked up to the sky to drink a few mouthfuls of flower brew. This guy's thighs rise, stretch his waist, and lean back. Under him, life teleported to a sofa and carefully held Haoren. With the change of his body angle, the scene transmitted by Mickey immediately turned to appear at the most suitable angle for his observation.

Papaya has become accustomed to this magical method. Although he doesn't know how Haoren can do it, he doesn't ask much. Also lie down and carefully understand the elixir.

The man saw the two lay down and left quietly. Together with 20 men, he continued to listen to the brainwashing speech of a little bearded and a little neurotic guy. If earthlings see this scene, I believe they should be able to see that the moustache is Heathler, known as the most talented brainwashing master.

Looking at the twenty men who were like listening to the oracle and with devout eyes, Haoren smiled secretly. These men have fifth-level strength. Although they have been cultivated by Haofu since childhood, in order to make them foolproof, Hao people still have to brainwash and train them, and accept the leadership and exercise of Sharp Brother. When they can be alone, when the time is ripe, Hao people will send them out.

It seems that the brainwashing that combines Chinese and Western religions and pyramid schemes is really good. During this period of time, the results have been remarkable. These men now look at Hao people as gods, fanatical, pious and not afraid of death. Among them, the best one was successfully promoted to the sixth level under the fierce torture of Brother Sharp.

Early the next morning, as soon as the red sun jumped in the east, papaya shouted: "Young master, Haofu, my God, how did he become like this?"

In the green light, in a remote small yard of Dafengzong, a man in blue appeared with a group of ragged and dirty people. The group of people were like slaves, worn from their shoulders by a long chain and driven by people in blue waving long whips. One of them is a thin and dry person with a face similar to Haofu.

"Is this Haofu? He is not that young." It is difficult for Haoren to connect this thin person with the fat Haofu like Dora's dream.

"Yes, I know it after being with him for decades and turning into ashes. It seems that he will be sent to the spirit stone mine for hard work. Prince, save him quickly, otherwise once he is sent to the spirit stone mine, he will die. Papaya said hurriedly.

"Don't worry, since you have waited so long, you don't care about waiting a while. Strong people at the gate of Dafengzong, I can't guarantee that my whole body will retreat. Haoren said quietly, with a trace of fierceness on his face. MD, dare to send Uncle Hao to do hard work, Dafengzong, I will never end with you.

The man in blue took out a bamboo bird, put it flat in his hand, and opened his mouth with a breath of blue. Suddenly, the bamboo bird grew like a blowing balloon and became a five-meter-high bird and dozens of meters long. There is a side door next to the bird for people to enter. It looks similar to a plane all day, but the power source is just a spiritual stone.

"Hurry up, you damn guys, don't delay my good deeds." The man in blue said impatiently, and the whip full of thorns flew over the slow-moving hard worker and splashed with a string of flesh and blood. Every whip went down, there was a sad scream. The hard worker was as quiet as a cicada, with a shocked face and fished into the birds. Quietly, Mickey attached to the sleeve of the last hard worker and followed into the bird.

"Damn, why does it smell so bad?" Mickey Mouse complained. As soon as it entered the bird, the smell of feet, sweat, dead rat... A mixture of hundreds of disgusting gases suddenly poured into its nose and almost fainted.

Just now, it was released from the dungeon. What else can it be if it doesn't smell like this? Haoren comforted understandingly, "Good boy, little mouse, hold on, hold on. When Haofu is saved, we will go back immediately. I'll buy you whatever you want."

Mickey snorted coldly and rolled his eyes and said, "It's really annoying to follow the incompetent master. I have to take action on everything.

I X, it's not the same to hit people. Anyway, I'm your master. Can you save some face? Hao's heart is cursed. But who said that his strength was low? He had no choice but to accompany his smiling face and continued to comfort him for a long time before he let the bad Mickey Mouse smile away.

In the birds, the hard workers have sad faces and their eyes are empty. Once assigned to do hard work, there is no doubt that there is only a dead end. Similarly, Haofu is the same. His hair is messy, and he pulls his head weakly, with a look of accepting his fate. But Haoren, who was always watching him, keenly saw that Haofu's eyes hidden under his long hair were spinning from time to time.

"Haha, Haofu still wants to run away." In Xumi space, Haoren laughed heartlessly, which was worthy of my uncle Hao. People are not afraid of falling into difficulties. What they are most afraid of is to lose hope and hope of hard work. Nowadays, Haofu's life is saved and he still maintains a strong hope, which is better than anything else.

"Young master, let's do it." Papaya was a little anxious to see Haoren's leisurely and leisurely appearance.

Oh, you can't eat hot tofu in a hurry. Uncle Hao is not in a hurry. What are you worried about? You'd better concentrate on alchemy in the future. Haoren thought to himself and quietly asked, "Wait, if we take action now, it will be easy to find our purpose for Dafengzong, and then there will be great trouble. You see, Uncle Hao will be fine for a while. When he waits to the spiritual stone mine, he will quietly take away Haofu. In addition, if the miners have death indicators, he will not attract attention. Don't worry, I'm more anxious than you.

Papaya pondered: "Okay, young master, I'll listen to you."