Protagonist's aura

Chapter 0134: Infernal Path retreats 3

"This is too much!" Bian Hu thought disdainfully that in terms of refining, Biangu said the second, and no one dared to say the first. As long as he caught the Hao stick, it was not easy to break the seal. Therefore, his idea is that the top priority of Haobangbang is to collect the materials, and then naturally run for his life, instead of wasting spiritual power to seal the storage ring.

There are too many materials. An hour later, Haobang is still collecting slowly. Without the accident of the people in the square, his forehead began to sweat and his face was pale, which was obviously not spiritual enough. The guy took a deep breath, took out a medium-grade spiritual stone, and began to replenish his aura.

"How many storage rings do you have?" Feng Feihua couldn't stand it any longer and asked.

Hao Bangbang smiled brightly at her and gave her a wink before he proudly pulled away his robe. The robe was densely hung with storage rings. At least hundreds of unwitting people looked at it and thought that he was a hawker specializing in buying storage rings.

Boom, the square laughed, and the strange and quiet atmosphere was suddenly broken.

"Look, a guy in the foundation period dares to masturbate the infernal tiger beard..."

"I admire those who are not afraid of death, and I admire those who die for money even more..."

"But why does this boy get so many storage rings? Is there still a back?

Everyone began to talk one after another, slap in the face of the Infernal Taoist, which made them blush and ashamed, and they couldn't wait to dig a hole to get in. But the leader did not say anything, and no one dared to act rashly, so they had to stare at Hao Bangbang angrily.

To borrow a very vulgar sentence: if the vision can kill people, then at this moment, Haobang is already full of holes.

The heartless man looked at the sky with his hands on his back and said nothing. Only those closest to him can see his face sinking like water and don't know what he is thinking. When Haoren plotted 49 disciples of Infernal Affairs, he finally found out and reported the situation to him. This change completely disrupted the plan. Now he only feels that he has two heads, and what is the origin of Hao people hovering in his mind? That sect has such a strong strength that it can send so many people and quietly take away so many disciples of Infernal Affairs. Where are these disciples now?

If Hao Bangbang comes alone, he won't believe it. Therefore, he has made arrangements for a long time and wants to catch all the Haobangbang and others. However, he didn't expect that Haoren was captured as early as half a year ago, when he was captured without talent, before the news was sent back to Infernal Affairs, he arranged countless micro gossip transmission arrays outside the headquarters of Infernal Affairs.

No one can imagine that the miniature gossip array that even the border valley can't have will appear in the hands of the opponent, and what's more unexpected is that the opponent carries a space of thousands of miles. The most important thing is to play with the infernal path of the puppet master, and I didn't expect that Haobang would break his wrist and sacrifice himself to take away the ransom. In the hearts of unintentional children and others, life is the most important thing, and everything else is outside the body. I never thought that someone could do life outside the body.

As soon as he got the news, the heartless had quickly adjusted his plan and gathered everyone into nearly 100 groups. Each group was led by a heartbeat master to support each other and carry out a carpeted search. At the same time, the protective array covering within a radius of ten miles has also been launched.

Unfortunately, I still got nothing. The opponent, except for Hao Bangbang, had no news, and even the missing disciples had no trace, as if the world had evaporated. The only gain is that the speed of disciple disappearance is slowly decreasing. But only a reduction, from time to time, some disciples will disappear, and what's more, a batch of people will disappear.

Information asymmetry and spatial movement speed asymmetry are the biggest factors for unintentional mistakes and have nothing to do with whether they are smart or not!

In addition to the infernal protection array, a team of 21 people had just flown across a canyon. Suddenly, the aura in the body stopped running, fell like raindrops, and fell on a dog and gnawed shit. Before they could react what was going on, the shadow of their eyes flashed, the back of the head hurt, and their eyes were black, and they fainted.

He threw this group of disciples into the Xumi space like a dead chicken, turned into a breeze, and quickly revoked the painting into a solid array and threw it into the stream.

Water formula launched!

The breeze swept over the water in the middle of the canyon, and the calm stream had a ripple-like water pattern. Hao people retrograded hundreds of meters along the stream and disappeared in an instant. The next moment, he had followed Brother Sharp's instructions and appeared in the hole of a big tree 30 kilometers away, staring at the next batch of prey through the leaves to study how to catch them quietly.

21 more people are missing!

And there is a heartbeat master leading the team!

The heartless man's heart was shocked, and his face was so gloomy that he was about to drip ink, and he quickly walked to Haobang.

The good play began... The people in the center of the square were immediately refreshed, as if they were sharp-minded and looked at the heartless.

Seeing that the momentum was not right, the Hao stick, which did not need to be installed, waved his hands repeatedly, and the spiritual stone in his hand clenched. In an instant, he was sucked off the aura and turned into a pile of pale and colorless stones.

The Haobang stick that got the "reiki supplement" rolled up a strong wind, took back the remaining ransom to the Xumi space at one time, and then saluted the heartless son with a smile: "What are the instructions of the headless door? Do you want to force me to tear up the ticket?" In order to strengthen the effect, Haobang pinched out several spiritual formulas and waved the flying sword across the talentless neck. Wisps of blood were soaked in the untalented clothes in a blink of an eye, and the threat was self-evident.

Seeing the eyes of untalented pleading, the heartache and the pace condensed.

Haobang sent a voice to Haoren: "Master, my performance is wonderful. At least they will not reveal the secret of Xumi Space. They will only think that I have spent my last spiritual power to forcibly collect the remaining ransom.

Haoren gave him a thumbs up and said, "Well done, as long as he dares to touch you, the 70 infernal disciples in our hands will die."

"Thank you, sir! Haha, look at how grandchildren play with them?" Hao Bangbang laughed wildly in his heart.

In the eyes of outsiders, it is even more arrogant. Especially the people of Infernal Affairs, who have bit their teeth creaked.

The unintentional son strongly suppressed the anger in his heart and whispered angrily, "Since Mr. Li has got the ransom, Huaer should return it to me. Don't bully people too much and force everyone to die."

Does the threat work for me? Bah!" Good to say, good to say!" Hao Bangbang laughed, shamelessly gave a wink at Feng Feihua, and waved to the edge tiger.

Bian Hu was stunned and looked at the heartless. The latter nodded, and Bian Hu swaggered to the front of Haobang. He was not afraid of the strength of the foundation-building period. He could pinch it to death. Looking down at this young man who was not afraid of death, Bian Hu asked coldly, "What's the matter with me? If you don't give an explanation, I will pinch you to death with one finger.

looked depressedly at the edge tiger, who was taller than him and had muscles like steel, and then looked at his thin figure. The Hao stick, whose self-esteem was hit, was immediately unhappy. He coldly threw out two lists and shot at the heartless son and the edge tiger respectively. He laughed and said loudly, "You know the reason for the new batch of ransom, quantity and delivery place. If you dare to say a word, kill it immediately!"


Exparaly arrogant!

Handsome, not afraid of death, horizontal, full of masculinity, the light in the eyes of some female disciples... Falling into the eyes of Haobang, naturally another batch of autumn waves sent out desperately.

See how long you can be arrogant! Feng Feihua looked at this scene with a smile and gestured quietly. Far away, the disciples of Dafeng Sect who received orders launched one after another. Other sects also spread information through various unique methods.

In the middle of the calm square, the wind and rain were about to come, and the temperature suddenly dropped a little, covering a strange atmosphere. The invisible murderous atmosphere rippled away, forcing the rolling sea of clouds to retreat, revealing a bottomless cliff.

The heartless man looked at the list, suddenly took a breath of cold air, and almost fainted. According to the list, all the hundred-year savings of Infernal Affairs had to be hollowed out by people and glared at Haobangbang: "Why is the price flat?"

"Ky, although the ransom is good, you have to enjoy it," Bian Hu looked down coldly at Hao's stick, as if he were looking at a dead man. If 102 disciples had fallen into the hands of others, he would have slapped Hao's stick to death. In words, the threat is unconcealed.

Hao Bangbang stretched out his hand and pulled out his ears, flicked at the two people, and smiled: "You forced me, I'm just collecting some interest. Received the interest, then your things..." As soon as the idea moved, he winked at the edge tiger invisiblely.

Hao's small movements can be hidden from others, but they can't be hidden from the heartless people around him. There was a thump in his heart. Could it be that Li Huai's behind the scenes was the border valley? The border valley took the initiative to help... The other party quietly swept away so many disciples and avoided searching... His mind turned his mind thousands of thoughts. The more he thought about it, the more he felt that this possibility was great. He, who was good at reasoning, quickly came to a conclusion: the border valley should cooperate with others and wanted to die.

There are four gates of wind and moon, with competition and cooperation. But there is more competition than cooperation, and they can't wait to get rid of each other. It's not surprising that he has this idea, but his cunning face is still calm.

Is it that the other party will return the ransom? When Bian Hu received Hao Bangbang's eyes, his heart moved and began to calculate. No one except the person involved knows that Liu Yun was taken away. The people in the border valley don't even know that Liuyun has been subdued by Hao people.

After thinking for a long time, the pianhu suddenly smiled and said, "Okay, the ransom will be delivered on time."

The heartless man was shocked, and Bian Hu's performance was more realistic about his speculation. At least at present, he thought so, and his expression kept changing. He said for a long time, "Okay, I hope you will strictly abide by the agreement next time." 70 disciples have been caught as hostages again. Coupled with the great enemy of the border valley, he dared not act rashly.

The separation is successful!

"So good!" Hao Bangbang looked up and laughed wildly and arched his hands around. When everyone did not react, it suddenly disappeared without a trace.

Of course, according to the agreement, the trustworthy Haobang sticks leave the talent behind.

Although I heard that someone can come and go without a trace, I feel completely different from seeing it with my own eyes. The moment the Hao stick disappeared, the eyes in the middle of the square suddenly fell to the ground, and everyone who saw it naturally knew what this spell meant! The spell that can come and go freely in the infernal mountain protection array means that it can save lives at critical moments.

People who are more agile and have a lot of information will naturally consider problems more comprehensively and longer-term...

Like Bai Qi, at this moment, he remembers the dead Taoist priest who died silently in the White Tiger Palace a few years ago, the dead Taoist priest with immortal cultivation, and even the founder Bai Laotu in front of him...

But in any case, Infernal Affairs lost face to home this time.