Protagonist's aura

Chapter 0194: Three people must have my teacher 3

The vast sea is boundless. Every day, the sun rises from the front and sets from behind. There is no reference. If you are not careful, you will get lost. Fortunately, there is a compass.

Snow White and others are still meditating, leaving Hao people to push the hot air balloon east, east, and then east... On the sea, unlike the land, the weather is unpredictable. At the last moment, it was still windy and sunny, with blue sky and white clouds, but the next moment, it was immediately covered with dark clouds, strong wind and rain, and the pouring rain fell to death.

Fortunately, the spider silk of the heartbeat spider spirit is strong enough, and Haoren held out the Xuanguang wave to protect the hot air balloon. Along the way, there was no danger, and the luckiest thing was that he did not touch the enemy.

At the height of the sea, the scenery is naturally different. The sun and moon look extremely huge, and the stars are even clearer, as if they are in front of you. The hot sunshine, soft and smooth moonlight, silver-like starlight are extremely round and seamless, making Hao people's understanding of various forces more in-depth and profound, and their cultivation is more exquisite.

With nothing to do, Haoren simply transferred out all three splits, and together with Haobang and Mickey Mouse, they formed a huge diamond-shaped propulsion on the vast sea.

At the top is Mickey Mouse, monitoring the four directions. The point is a good stick to protect the chassis. Around them, three bodies formed into regular triangles to protect the hot air balloons, Hao people and Snow White in the residence. Haobang, Mickey Mouse and four split bodies are equal in distance. Each has a mysterious light invisible to connect with each other, forming a magnificent array. All kinds of energy extends to the mysterious light and exchange rapidly. The speed is getting faster and faster, more and more round, smooth and magnificent.

In order to avoid suspicion, Haoren reduced the flight speed of the hot air balloon to the normal speed, and focused on the invocation, intersection and integration of various forces, as well as monitoring the cultivation of Snow White and others.

Ten days later, a faint blue light surged up on Snow White...

"Everyone, flash!" Haoren quickly transmitted the voice to Haobangbang and Mickey Mouse, and thought regretfully, "It would be great to give me more time to experience this mysterious feeling." He moved his mind, teleported the three splits to Xumi space, and gave orders to Haobang and Mickey: "Continue to cooperate with me to experience this feeling."

"Don't worry, sir, I will definitely cooperate." Haobang said with a strange smile.

"OK!" Mickey Mouse responded coolly. It is dedicated to enjoying the improvement of strength, and I can't wait for Haoren to practice harder.

From in vitro to in vivo, from macro to micro. However, for a moment, Haoren looked inside and looked at Xumi space. For a moment, he felt that everyone was still on the sea, and a mysterious and mysterious feeling arose spontaneously.

Inside, inside the body!

That one is in the body and that one is outside the body?

Is there any difference between the two? As long as Hao people's divine consciousness comes, the body is also outside the body, and the outside of the body is also inside the body.

Haoren suddenly smiled brightly like a spring flower.

fell into Snow White's eyes and was immediately terrified. At that moment, she only felt that Haoren was clearly in front of her, but it seemed that there was no trace, silent, and completely integrated with this world. At that moment, she felt that Haoren was this day and this place.

At this moment, heaven and earth and Hao people are inseparable from each other and irresistible.

Traced by this air machine, they woke up with seven people during the day and looked at Haoren in disbelief. For a long time, they read a word from everyone's eyes: epiphany.

Once you have an epiphany, you will soar!

"Ead Elder Snow White, he is a monster." During the day, he sighed and said enviously. You know, a month ago, inspired by Haoren, he made a breakthrough and entered the integration period. And the perception of these days has raised him to the middle of the integration period again. The rapid progress can be called shocking.

"Yes, a thorough monster." One of the seven said. Another person said, "The first person after the ancestor, worthy of the name, has to be convinced." Inspired by Haoren's unintentional words, after just ten days of enlightenment, the seven people broke through the bottleneck for many years and instantly entered the heartbeat period from the peak of the integration period. How can they not accept the re-creation of kindness?

The nine people looked at Haoren in the epiph complexly, and their eyes were full of envy and gratitude.

Snow White is no exception. She also entered the peak of the Yuanying period in an instant. Hearing the words, she sighed quietly: "Everyone's opportunity fell on him. Everyone knows how to do it. In fact, there is another sentence that Snow White didn't say in her stomach, that is: Haoren's future is unspeakable and powerful. Unfortunately, Haoren does not belong to the four mythical beasts.

The opportunity fell on Hao people... During the day, when eight people heard the words, they couldn't help but change their colors and nodded together, indicating that they would not leak out. During the day, he was born as a prince and grandson, and the other seven people are also the best of the major families. It can be said that no one is a fuel-efficient lamp. How can they destroy the Great Wall casually?

For a moment, the nine people fell into meditation. On the hot air balloon, the birds were silent and the needle fell audible. In my ear, there is only the sound of breaking the air caused by the high-speed flight of the hot air balloon.

"Why are you staring at me? Is it that there are flowers on my face? As soon as Haoren woke up, he saw everyone staring at him and was shocked.

"Bah, narcissist, if you grow flowers, how can you not even have a wife?" Snow White calmed her expression and cursed mercilessly.

I X, which pot doesn't open! Haoren wants to cry but has no tears.

Haoren's extremely aggrieved expression made everyone laugh and be happy.

"Would you like to send you ten or eight beautiful women?" Laughing during the day.

Haoren was shocked and hurriedly refused, "Don't, I'll take your heart. Uh-huh, um, I'm not good at this." The helpey eyes looked at Snow White.

It turns out that the heart belongs to the master... During the day, he and the seven people will be mistaken, wrinkling their eyebrows, and look at Haoren and Snow White with strange eyes. One is handsome and beautiful as a flower. At this glance, they are really a natural pair and make a pair. As for the master and apprentice, it is not at all for royal children and top nobles. You know, the last thing you need to take into account is ethics and morality, and everything is respected by strength.

Bah... a bunch of obscene guys. Snow White looked at everyone's expressions and didn't know why. Her pretty face turned red, so red that she was about to drip blood, and she scolded secretly in her heart.

Oh... During the day, he and the seven people are more determined to their ideas, which is absolutely adulterous to the master.

The fallen planet... I praise you and curse you! The heart is like a mirror. Everyone scolded in his heart. The topic changed and said with a smile, "Master, brothers and seniors, I still have questions to ask." Then, difficult questions are endlessly spoken out of the mouth...

Taking this opportunity, Snow White regained her face, restored her master's dignity, and continued to teach her career.

During the day, seven other people put away the hot air balloon and listened to the conversation between the two masters. They also did not hide their experience and strived to make progress together...

In a short time, ten streams of light soared into the sky, talking and laughing and going straight to the east.

This time, Snow White raised everyone's flight speed to the heartbeat period. Unsurprisingly, Haoren is still skillful and has no limit at all. During the day, he was still at the bottom. Although he complained bitterly, he, who tasted the sweetness, still forcibly stimulated the aura and quickly followed.

The consequence is that 90% of the spiritual stones brought by a line are spent to help replenish the aura during the day.

"I feel that human knowledge is like a circle, inside the circle, is my own knowledge, outside the circle, is unknown knowledge. The more knowledge, the larger the circle, and the larger the circle, the more unknown knowledge. So, the more you teach me, the more questions I have. Haoren found such an excuse for his endless problems.

But this excuse was deeply recognized by everyone. After all, everyone felt the same way, so they unreservedly shared their cultivation experience with Hao people and helped 40,000 Danzong disciples in Xumi Space to cultivate a solid foundation. Especially after the party, including Snow White, has benefited from this unreserved and unreserved communication, even if Hao people do not take the initiative to ask questions, everyone will be confused and scramble to discuss together.

During the day, he also made rapid progress, especially after Hao personally instructed him how to improve his control. Every time he rested, he acted as the engine of the hot air balloon without hesitation, carefully experiencing the spiritual input and controlling the flight of the hot air balloon.

After realizing the benefits of applying gravity at all times to improve speed, Snow White announced that everyone, including during the day, must exert gravity on their bodies when flying with their swords.

There is Snow White as an example, and this rule is highly supported by everyone. The only consequence is that the spiritual stones carried with you are consumed quickly, which is several times faster than expected.

In Xumi space, Haoren can currently control four splits. Except for one split to accompany Snow White and others, the other three are desperately practicing various formulas. The speed increases and the fusion is so fast, which makes Haofu and others stunned.

Is the combination of the white tiger's true body, for others, although it can only be done with the help of the white tiger soul beast. However, for Hao people, there is another shortcut. When each split is practiced, four splits can be combined when needed, and the power can be quadrupled in an instant.

The method is invented by people, isn't it?