Protagonist's aura

Chapter 0260: Blitz 2

38384 scheme, also known as Blitzkrieg, refers to a tactic used by Germany during the Second World War. At that time, Germany made full use of the fast advantages of aircraft and tanks to defeat the enemy with surprise attacks and knock down most European countries in a short time. Used in Danzong, it is to take the Hao people as the carrier and release the panda army in multiple locations to achieve the three-in-one effect of surprise attack, speed and concentration, and to annihilate the enemy's living forces with an overwhelming advantage in local areas.

Of course, the people who drew up the plan, including Brother Sharp, don't know how Hao people can accurately put them to the target position.

"War, war, come a little more fiercely, haha, blitz, I like it." Mickey Mouse listened to the order and frantically circled around Mount Everest, shouting hysterically to his flock of birds and beasts, as if he were a Haoren commanding thousands of troops and horses. This guy regrets very much. If his men had condensed early and been trained by Brother Sharp, this lightning attack would definitely have its share.

"Mickey Mouse, check the situation of the target quickly to see if it is consistent with the previous one." Haoren sent a voice to Mickey Mouse. If there is no Mickey Mouse detective and the strength of the other party is unknown, the effect of the blitz will certainly be much worse, and the loss of the Panda Legion will be much greater.

"I'll do things, don't worry." Mickey Mouse laughed and disappeared into the void. When the goods were about to leave, he also showed a coquettish expression to the birds and beasts, "Without my help, the big boss can't do anything."

A coquettish bag... Haoren scolded secretly, which was angry and funny.

Four mythical beast gate, Qinglong branch, hill. Haoren's split looked up at the rock-like Haohu beside him and smiled, "I want to retreat to understand. You help me protect the law. Before leaving the customs, no one can disturb me." After saying that, he flew to the nearest secret room with Haohu, Shiran walked in, played a few spiritual formulas, sealed the secret room, threw a miniature gossip transmission array, and instantly moved back to the Xumi space.

Haohu sat down cross-legged, motionless, with his back to the door of the secret room. The tiger stared wide and stared at him.

Four God Beast Gate, White Tiger Branch, Tiger Spring Pavilion.

"Three hours ago, Fengyue officially opened the merger. Feng Feihua, the foreign elder of Dafengzong, served as the first leader. This news was only announced internally. Externally, it will not be officially announced until the Soul Light Hero List." Haoren thought about it and decided to tell Bai Qi the news. However, when he told Bai Qi, Mickey Mouse had identified the situation of the target, and the Panda Legion had been on standby for a long time and could attack at any time.

First of all, Haoren believes that such a hero as Bai Qi will definitely not let go of this opportunity. After all, it is a great opportunity for Fengfeihua to first ascend to the throne, and the boundless masters of the wind and moon gathered at the mountain gate, and the defense power in various places is weak.

Second, Haoren once again showed the intelligence power of Danzong and deterred the four mythical beasts from acting rashly. With thousands of miles of video symbols, Haoren's spy can contact Xumi Space at any time to report the situation. But other sects, such as Bai Qi's spy, should find an excuse to go out of the boundless mountain gate, inform the people at the contact point, and then notify Bai Qi. That is to say, when the news reached Bai Qi's ears, he did not know that it was the year of the monkey.

Three, it is naturally a goodwill sign, indicating that the alliance between Danzong and the Four Gods and Beasts is good and can share confidential information. Although Haoren knows that sooner or later, the alliance will be torn up, as long as they don't turn against each other, the superficial friendship must be maintained.

"Really?" His white face changed wildly, and he suddenly stood up and looked at Haoren in disbelief. If this news is true, it is more shocking than the merger of the four mythical beasts. The hidden meaning behind it, such as the intelligence power of Danzong, is even more surprising.

What's more, the four gates of Fengyue are originally the top four gates of the soul light planet. They have led the cultivation world for thousands of years, and each of them is huge. Any of the wind and moon boundless sect is enough to sweep the four mythical beasts without the four ancestors such as Bai Lao Tu. Today, the impact of the four major mergers is far-reaching and can be figured out with your toes.

"Exactly." Haoren said seriously and didn't mention the source of the information. This is the rule.

After turning around the chair twice, Bai Qi's face was blue and said in a low voice, "What's the plan of Elder Qian?"

"The plan will only be known by the head." Haoren shook his head with a wry smile and pushed the responsibility completely.

Haoren's plan is to return to Xumi space at the shortest speed, and then take advantage of multiple splits and miniature gossip arrays to attack with lightning and blood wash the four gate veins. The advantage of this is that, first, the enemy cannot obtain a continuous supply of materials in the short term. Without materials, the four major sects will be unsustainable and will have to eat the old capital. II. Fengfeihua's first ascended to the position of leader, and its own foundation is unstable. In addition, all the mineral veins have been washed by blood. Fengfeihua, which is difficult to blame, will face a crisis of trust. It is impossible to complete the integration of the four major schools in a short period of time.

Haoren is also a helpless way. Who is called Danzong no master? Then you can only pick the soft persimmon, that is, the vein with the weakest defensive power.

But how could Haoren tell Bai Qi about this plan?

You should know that the Four Divine Beasts have always wanted to know the real strength of Danzong. Once Bai Qi is told, it is difficult to guarantee that Bai Laotu and others will not go to the boundless vein of Fengyue in person. With the current strength of Hao people, if Bai Laotu and others deliberately hide their breath, Hao people can't find it at all, and if they can't find it, they will give Bai Laotu and others a good opportunity.

Bai Qi stared deeply at Haoren, or a lot of money in his heart, as if to judge whether Haoren was telling a lie. He also knew that Qian Duoduo was just a foreign elder of Danzong. To put it bluntly, it was one of the many senior errands and microphones of the head of Danzong. Qian Duoduo may not know the confidential decision of the head of Danzong. Even if he knew, it was after the end of the matter... This is common sense. After all, Bai Qi does the same.

Haoren's eyes are extremely clear, and every ray of eyes reveals the expression that I won't lie to you.

Bai Qi couldn't see any fake ingredients, so he quickly withdrew his eyes, hurriedly retreated, and moved away.

Hao laughed wildly in his heart and quickly returned to Xumi space through the transmission array. As before, when he left the Huquan Pavilion, he played a spiritual formula and sealed the gossip transmission array.

Nalan Rong smiled and sat down with his knees cross-legged and guarded the transmission array. As soon as someone approaches, inform Haoren immediately.

The blitz is about to start, and Hao people don't want to be disturbed halfway.

Sumi Space, Mount Everest.

In the white snow, 10240 soldiers of the Panda Legion were divided into ten columns, standing quietly like ice sculptures, ready to go, their faces were as quiet as water, exuding a suffocating breath. Each of these soldiers has received at least two years of military training. Although their cultivation is slightly lower than that of the soldiers who went to sea, they are also elite among the 100,000 soldiers in Danzong.

In front of the Panda Legion soldiers, a huge hologram shows the attack target in detail. Brother Sharp, with Hong Zhanye, Dongfang Changling and other leaders of a group of troops, is systematically arranging the attack targets of each group.

"How's it going?" Hao's figure broke out of the air and fell to Brother Sharp.

"Like the information collected in more than a year, each target has a spiritual master leading the team to control the mineral veins. We are ready to continue to attack the veins of Infernal Affairs and Border Valley, and if we have the strength, we will deal with the veins of Dafengzong and Xuanyuexuan. Brother Sharp said succinctly, with a wave of his big hand, a hologram emerged in the void, listing the specific goals in detail.

This attack is still in the name of revenge for Li Huai. Every sect has countless enemies, but Danzong is the only common enemy of the four sects. Once the four sects are attacked at the same time, Feng Feihua, as the leader of the intelligence system of Dafengzong, can easily guess that it was done by the descendants of Danzong. But under the guise of Li Huai, who has no history, at least in the short term, it can attract the attention of the wind and flowers.

"Well done!" Haoren praised. Brother Sharp grew up to be independent, which made him a lot easier.

Facing the scarlet war flag, Haoren's face was calm and he shouted in a low voice: "Fight."

Brush, 10240 well-trained panda army soldiers walked together and saluted the boss Hao. The weather rolled up and pushed away the sea of aura clouds in the sky, forming a huge pillar of light, soft and fierce breath, the scarlet panda army blood sea, heaven and earth red.

With a scarlet whirlwind rising from the ground, in a blink of an eye, the sky and the sky are flying swords are coming. The wind and clouds are moving, blood is splashing, and the broken limbs are full of mineral veins. Even the floating clouds in the sky are like cotton wool. They are swept in and strangled, adding a little sadness to the bloody and hellish mines. Breath. Especially the disciples of the leader's spiritual silence period. Under the joint attack of a full of 100 Panda Legion soldiers, they were beaten into a ball of meat sauce without even screaming.

According to the plan, this time, as last time, Hao people first teleported to the vein and released Panda Legion soldiers in batches. As soon as the soldiers of the Panda Legion appear, they will attack with all their strength according to the hologram, leaving no life, no backhands, no trophies, but only to annihilate the other party's living forces.