Protagonist's aura

Chapter 0271: Overnight Epiphany Building

Xuanya scattered practice concentration, a moderate dispersion concentration place in the four mythical beasts continent. Like other scattered areas, there is a common unspoken rule, that is, within ten kilometers of the edge of the concentrated area, you must not fight privately, otherwise you will be besieged by all scattered groups. And the scattered practitioners who live here also have the obligation to maintain order here. After all, no one wants to be attacked when they devote themselves to practice.

Of course, like all parts of the world, this unspoken rule is only valid for the weak.

In addition to practice, there are also things that are urgently needed when trading practice. In a large number of scattered places, there will even be stores of major schools to spy on news and absorb urgently needed supplies. After all, although the sect has mineral veins and spiritual grass nurseries, most of the materials are not short, but there will always be something missing.

As the saying goes, it's not a book.

Feng Xiaoxiao, the distant niece of Feng Xiaoyu, an elder of Dafengzong Feng Feihua, happened to come to Xuanya to concentrate on doing things and was preparing to go back. What's more coincidental is that she was the one who went to the world to investigate Haoren. Therefore, although the head was surging and far away, Feng Xiaoxiao recognized at a glance that the slender guy was Haoren.

Feng Xiaoxiao's heart beat like a drum, and he immediately realized that it was time to make contributions.

Feng Xiaoxiao remembered that Feng Xiaoyu's ancestors said that there was something wrong with Hao people, and the degree of danger was comparable to Bai Lao Tu. Unfortunately, the head of Feng refused to list him as a key observation object, but just paid attention to it. After that, Feng Xiaoyu disappeared and went there. Feng Xiaoxiao did not know and dared not ask, which was also the quality that intelligence personnel should have.

Feng Xiaoxiao knew that if she could dig out the secret of Haoren, it would be a great credit. She could become a formal disciple of the boundless door of Fengyue, and even become a cronin of the head of Feng Feihua like the ancestors of Feng Xiaoyu.

Yes, Feng Xiaoxiao is in the state of the integration period. In other sects, even the four mythical beasts have long been official disciples and even core disciples, but there are thousands of boundless gates of masters such as Yun and Yuanying. The integration period is nothing. Any stone can be smashed down and a lot can be killed.

In the boundless door of the wind and moon, it is so simple for registered disciples to become formal disciples, either to make contributions or to the heartbeat period.

This is the heroic spirit of the huge thing in the leader's world of cultivation, which is unmatched by any sect.

"Do it now or wait? Don't do it. Once the opportunity is lost, it won't come again. If you do it, the woman's cultivation is higher than mine, and there is no chance of winning. Move the rescuers and give them credit. Just as Feng Xiaoxiao evaluated the gains and losses, the target suddenly looked at himself and secretly said something bad.

Thirty-six strategies are the best strategy to ensure safety first, and then ask for help. The idea must be, and the breeze will disappear.

People from the Great Wind Sect? If you are sneaky, there must be a conspiracy. Haoren thought to himself and quickly provided Feng Xiaoxiao's photo to life. After checking it in the database, he couldn't help scolding: Shit, it turned out that Cha Ge in the White Tiger Empire was this old woman. MD, if I had known this, I should have left her immediately just now.

But it's too late to regret at this moment. Haoren immediately passed on his life to Mickey Mouse: "Be careful, someone is not good to me."

"MD, the boss of China wants to see who dares to move the earth on Taisui's head?" Mickey Mouse scolded and shot backfire.

Haoren curled his lips and cursed, "Come on, don't talk too much. Well, you won't go there tonight. Protect the law for me. I want to refer to the blood cultivation method of Xin Miaoyao's trio."

"The boss is doing things, and the big boss can rest assured." Mickey Mouse slapped his chest loudly.

Haoren had no choice but to look at the water that Taobao was full of interest in the scattered repair booth and said softly, "Sister Shui, well, let's go and get a room." As soon as the words came out, Haoren's head broke out in a cold sweat. In the middle of the night, the lonely man and woman wanted to open a room as soon as they opened their mouth... Ah, oh, I'm so obscene, but it's so direct.

"Open a room? Well, I'm also a little tired. Well, let's find a cheaper house. Shuihua responded happily and ran around for a day. Although he was not tired, he still wanted to wash up.

Fortunately, Shuihua girl is pure and doesn't know the meaning of opening a room... Haoren laughed, secretly wiped the white head sweat on her forehead, stopped the Sanxiu around her, asked a few words, and immediately jumped on the flying sword, and went straight to the Epiphanyi Building with Shuihua Niu, known as the highest-grade hotel in Xuanya Sanxiu.

"Change a place..." Shuihua girl looked at the brightly lit and luxuriously decorated Epiphany Building, and knew that it was not a lot of cost. She gently pulled Haoren's skirt and said softly. Although the treatment of the Four Divine Beasts is good, most of the spiritual stones received by people are spent on cultivation. Where is it willing to waste? Therefore, in the past, when I practiced, Shuihua usually slept in the wild and had to stay in a hotel, and chose a cheaper one.

"Listen to me." Haoren laughed and stopped Shuihua Niu from talking. She stepped into the door first, full of momentum, and threw out ten low-grade spiritual stones: "The best suite."

"Good." The second child sang for a long time, and the smile on his face was happier than seeing his own father. He ran around attentively to help Haoren arrange it.

It's true that money makes ghosts grind.

Soon, the smiling shopkeeper helped Haoren and Shuihua arrange the residence, and the whole top floor was Haoren.

"Don't bother me if you have nothing to do." Haoren glanced at Xiao Er, who was respectfully staying at the door, and threw out two low-grade spiritual stones.

"Of course, of course, the guests play slowly. I'll be waiting 24 hours a day, and I'll use it on call." The second child in the store will smile, and men will understand that smile. He nodded and walked out of the door and carefully closed the door for fear of not being able to greet the guests.

In the middle of the moon, the stars are dotted, and Haoren's eyes are like torches. He can't help but praise the scene on the top floor.

The soul light planet is vast and sparsely populated, and it is also an immortal world. Therefore, although it is the top floor of the hotel, it covers a vast area, with mountains, water, flowers and grass, just like an independent small world. Moreover, considering the characteristics of practitioners, there is also a small gathering array on the top floor, which is convenient for the residents to restore their aura. It can be seen that the cost is still worth it.

When Shuihua saw Xiaoer leaving, she immediately said angrily, "You are a loser. You are really a loser. Money is not spent like this. You should know how to save." She is distressed and very distressed. There are not so many spiritual stones left in a month as a registered disciples of the Four Divine Beasts. Haoren is so good that it will be spent all in one night.

How can I be stingy when I have a room with a beautiful woman, or is it the first time for a big girl to get on a sedan chair? Haoren smiled shamelessly and said generously, "I have my own proportions and many houses. I can choose casually. There is nothing important. Don't bother me. I need to understand something. Besides, if you are as talkable as a housekeeper, no one really wants you.

"Well, it's none of your business." As soon as the words came out, Shuihua's pretty face suddenly turned red, stared at Haoren with hatred, pouted her little mouth, and found a room to get in.

"Big boss, do you want to inform the shopkeeper?" Haofu asked in a voice. Except for Haoren and Haofu, no one knows that in fact, the shopkeeper of Epiphanyou is a disciple of Danzong, one is to spy on the news, and the other is to supplement all kinds of materials urgently needed in Xumi's space. If it weren't for the dark lines all over the world of cultivation, Haoren would not be able to grasp the situation in the world of cultivation in real time. And the transaction with the Four Divine Beasts alone can't get all the materials needed.

Haoren smiled and said, "No, if Shuihua can't cope with this little thing, then she doesn't deserve to be a disciple of Shuiyun."

Haofu smiled kindly and said with deep meaning: "Shuihua is a good girl..." That smile is as full of expectation and desire as the old man who wants to have grandchildren.

Here comes again. A woman is enough to annoy me, and there is another old man who is wordy... Haoren is full of black lines, and the holy light covers his whole body. He said righteously, "Uncle Hao, don't mention this matter. Danzong won't take revenge. What face does Haoren have to start a family?" This guy is sad and wants to cry without tears. In fact, my brother also wants to.

Seeing that Haoren was so resolute, Haofu sighed angrily and was silent. He didn't know what the hell he was thinking.

The moonlight was enough to pass through the window, sprinkled with a quiet light, and a residual shadow passed by, and a blurred light and shadow appeared. Soon, a medium-sized Sunday killing array was quietly arranged. Another few figures tore through the void, floated out quietly, and quickly merged with the remnants, and showed the appearance of Haoren.

Hao Bangbang smiled, stepped out of the void, looked around, and disappeared from the ground.

High above the sky, Mickey lay in the wind, with an expression ready to watch the play.

After the great success of the skill of splitting, each split can act, practice and fight alone. The wonderful use is endless, and the speed of cultivation is greatly improved. But it is not without shortcomings. The disadvantage is that the split must be combined into one every day, and then it takes an hour to integrate the split to ensure that each split is in the same state.

To fuse the split, you need to be completely distracted and not be distracted at all. Otherwise, it is easy to go crazy. The light one's cultivation will be damaged, and the heavy one will explode and die. Therefore, this moment of every day is the most vulnerable time for Hao people. If it is in the Qinglong branch, everything is easy to do. Get into the secret room and complete it in Xumi space. But at this moment, it is obviously unwise to do so.

Therefore, in order to ensure, Haoren still arranged in advance before starting to integrate the split, and practice the method of blood cultivation obtained from Xin Miaoyao, and the method of sharing co-cultivation, looking forward to completely solving this shortcoming.

How can a traveler with the protagonist's aura not succeed?

Hao laughed wildly in his heart and began to be settled and integrated.