Protagonist's aura

Chapter 0355: Grace 2

One million each! Five million in total! There are also one billion pieces of medium-sized spiritual stones! The pie, a huge pie, suddenly fell from the air, made Bai Laotu and others dizzy and almost fainted without happiness.

All four of them are old and elite. They fully combine the information obtained from Danzong before and quickly understand the subtext behind Hao people: use this material to form a million-cultivation army to counter the invasion of the demon world. After defeating the demon world, Danzong will return to the divine world, and the Four God Beast Gate will become the only ruler of the soul light planet, including the human world, the demon world and the demon world.

Dominating a plane! For the Four God Beast Gate that dominates a four mythical beast continent, it is a dream target. Although it is an unreachable goal at present, as long as Danzong, who has the strong support of a god-level master, Bai Laotu is very confident to achieve this goal.

Haoren naturally has his plan to do so. Since his eyes have jumped out of the world of cultivation, begun to lay out three worlds and six paths, and he is too lazy to kill too much, it is necessary for each world to maintain a good relationship with a strong strength. And maintaining a good relationship is to support that force with your own hands! As for Danzong, it is enough to deter these forces to make them betray.

Similarly, Haoren is also returning the favor! Let alone Snow White's cultivation, let's say that Danzong started with many transactions with the Four Divine Beasts before he finally achieved leapfrogging development. As we all know, it is the most difficult time for a person to start a family, let alone a sect? Since Danzong is rich now, it is also appropriate to take out a dime of materials to feedback the Four Gods and Beasts that are about to face great disaster.

This is equivalent to someone giving you 10,000 yuan when you are poor, so that you can start, make a rich, and finally become a billionaire, and then you take out a dime and give him a million to help him improve his life.

"Thank you, Danzong's great kindness, the four gods and beasts are unforgettable." Bai Laotu's face turned completely and said very seriously. He also knew that these elixirs alone were enough to make the four gods and beasts the largest force other than Danzong.

"Brother Tu, you're welcome. What I just said is the first gift for Bai Zhangmen. Haoren turned over his palm, and a book that exuded a faint ink fragrance and was obviously just printed appeared. He handed it to Bai Laotu and laughed and said, "Your "Qingyunjue" is not perfect enough to practice until the Mahayana period. This book is better and can be cultivated to the level of immortals. Take it. This is the second gift given by Danzong to Bai Zhangmen.

With trembling hands, he quickly took over the enhanced version of "Qingyun Jue", that is, the "Qing Yun Jue" obtained by Hao people from the memory of Ya Maixiu. Bai Lao Tu was moved to tears and couldn't even say anything. Look, Danzong is so generous. Massive materials and fairy-level classics are sent out casually without blinking their eyes.

Bai Laotu's vision was really vicious. He chose Bai Xue as the leader. Look, Danzong immediately sent the benefits, especially the "Qingyun Jue" which is more complete than the Four Divine Beasts... Seeing the big gifts sent by Danzong, King Wu, Shuiyuanzi, Zhu Hong and others were also extremely excited. Everyone secretly admired Bai Laotu's first in their hearts. See it clearly.

Another faint light appeared, and a thicker book appeared. Haoren gave the third big gift: "The third gift for the head of Bai Xue, an improved version of the secret book. Well, although the original secret book at the bottom of the four mythical beasts is powerful, it can still be improved. All the improved formulas are here. I hope the head of Snow White likes it!"

Poutong... Bai Laotu and others can no longer withstand the shock in their hearts. Qi Qi collapsed softly to the ground and only gasp for white hair, thinking secretly: Fortunately, they are not the enemy of Danzong, otherwise it is not clear how to die. It's very simple. You can imagine it with your toes. Since Danzong can improve the secret of the four mythical beasts, he naturally knows all the dead gates of the four mythical beasts...

Muyin and others quietly watched this scene and watched Haoren fool Bai Laotu, the top master who was famous all over the world, and they also admired it. They know that as long as Bai Laotu slightly releases the pressure of the master of the disaster, Haoren immediately reveals the prototype and may not even be able to move his fingers, but this guy, who is bold, dares to fool Bai Laotu, which is incredible!

Bold to death, starve to death! Muyin and others finally understood why Haoren often said this, and finally understood why Haoren could rapidly develop into today's huge things in just eight years, starting from a few people, and even deeply understood why Haobangbang said that Haoren was a "super liar".

Look at what this guy has done. He has been pretending to be a liar.

Haoren's old god was there, waved his hand, and the improved version of the secret of the four gods and beasts floated in front of Bai Laotu and smiled gently: "Brother Tu, please accept it for Bai Xue's head." Only he knows that behind the generousness is that the "Qingyunjue" for Bai Laotu can only be cultivated to immortals, and what he has in his hands can cultivate to higher golden immortals.

Standing hard, the white old man calmed down, with a whole face, took the secret book with both hands and smiled, "It's rude and rude!"

"Understanding." Haoren smiled understandingly.

Looking at Danzong's continuous sending of big gifts, all on the grounds of congratulating Bai Xue's new appointment, King Wu suddenly asked, "Elder Qian, it is said that a senior of Danzong has a friendship with Bai Xue, but Bai Xue said that he doesn't remember. I don't know if Elder Qian can make a statement?"

Muyin and others laughed unkindly... The head of Danzong is Snow White's beloved disciple. Do you think there is any friendship?

Not to mention, I'm afraid that the other party is suspicious and not conducive to future contacts. After all, there is no free lunch in the world... Hao people's brain turned around, weighed the pros and cons, and played Taijiquan: "The head has been favored by Bai Xue's head, and I'm afraid that the white head has many noble people have long forgotten. But the head has been thinking about it. He often tells us that without the white head, there will be no him, so that we should repay our kindness. As for more details, you will naturally know when the leader breaks through.

Oh, my God, there would be no head of Danzong without Snow White. In this way, this kindness is really small... No wonder Danzong is so generous to the four divine beasts. After sending the spiritual elixir to the spiritual stone, the spiritual stone to the immortals... Bai Laotu and others suddenly realized and began to associate with it. But no matter how they think about it, they can't connect the "god master Danzong leader" in their minds with the "disciple Haoren in the foundation period of the Four God Beasts".

No one else, there is really a difference between the age, status, strength, power and knowledge of the two, and the difference between clouds and mud!

"Invasion of the demon world, Danzong is not ready to take action and train soldiers by the way?" King Wu said cautiously for fear of angering Haoren. In his opinion, if Danzong's power is willing to take action, what is the demon world?

Haoren looked at King Wu with a smile and said slowly after sweating: "The biggest threat to Jin Xianya buying Xiu Danzong has been dealt with. First, secondly, Danzong supported Lingshi and Lingdan at a loss, and also calculated. In other words, all that's left is to pick the fruit of victory. Is it that your family has no ambition to return the fruit to Danzong?

Although the dream of "picking the fruit of victory" is good, it must have this strength. I'm afraid that the first one to be disabled is the Four Gods Beast Gate... Bai Laotu and others are slandered in their hearts, but on second thought, they have five million absolute elixirs, especially one million soul elixirs, which is enough to make the Four Divine Beast Gate directly kill the world. The Hundred War Legion was transformed into a Xiuzhen army.

In particular, Haoren's light sentence "I want to return the fruit to Danzong" made Bai Laotu and others more contradictory.

If you win, you can become a co-owner. If you lose, after all, Danzong will never die. But if you don't fight, you will be abandoned by Danzong in minutes. That's really a place to die, because Danzong gives you a chance to strongly support you, but you are a bastard and dare not fight... A generation of heroes, Bai Lao Tu, King Wu and others understand this. If they had stood in the position of Danzong, they would have done the same.

Fight! The four Bai Laotu looked at each other and saw the same meaning in each other's eyes.

"What's wrong with the demon world? Elder Qian, just sit down and see how I can eradicate the demon world. The idea must be that Bai Laotu, who was made powerless by Danzong's super stick, suddenly regained the momentum of staring at the world in the past. He smiled gently word by word, with a plain tone, but full of unquestionable strong self-confidence. Especially when he said this, the murderous atmosphere under his body was released unabashed, and the strong murderous spirit suddenly enveloped around, making the powerful energy flow condensed.

"That's right. It's rare to fight a few times in life. Qian is waiting for the good news of the old man." Haoren said slowly, as if unintentionally, a wisp of thumb-sized black murderous spirit floated out of his body, and suddenly surrounded him like falling into hell, and ghosts cried and wolves howled, making the listener's hair stand on end and making the hearer's soul fly away.

Bai Laotu was stunned and looked at the wisps of black murderous spirit surging from Hao people in disbelief, which was many times more murderous than himself. He suddenly took a breath of cold air and immediately withdrew the murderous spirit on his body. He secretly said: Qian Duoduo is so murderous. Although he is a peaceful and peaceful businessman, he actually kills more than me.

King Wu and others' eyes fell to the ground, swallowed a mouthful of saliva with difficulty, couldn't help shivering, looked at Haoren with fear, and secretly said, "Damn it, Qian Duoduo has killed countless people. You have to deal with it carefully. Don't make him unhappy and kill us by the way."

Muyin and others were shocked. They never thought that Haoren was so murderous.

The more people kill, the more murderous they are. This is common sense! Bai Laotu, the founding emperor of the White Tiger Empire, died countless times under him. In addition, he practiced the real secret of killing the white tiger, but in terms of murder, it is still not as good as Hao people. It can be imagined that there are so many people who died at the hands of Hao people.

Seeing that he scared off Bai Laotu again, Hao laughed wildly in his heart: "Bah, it's more murderous than me. Can you compare with my brother, who kills a hundred souls in the underworld every day for nearly eight years? SB, the best way to test my strength is to release the pressure of the master during the disaster period. I must immediately reveal my true form.