Protagonist's aura

Chapter 0379: The Grace of Danzong

Mount Everest is covered with snow all year round, surrounded by a vast sea of clouds. Haoren stands in the wind, carefully experiencing the spiritual trajectory of everyone below, secretly learning their spells, and trying his best to improve his cultivation. However, his unpredictable face shows that his inner thoughts are like a sea.

In a blink of an eye, it has been more than eight years on this planet, but it has always been in his grasp. Because of his caution, his low profile, and his cleverness, most importantly, Danzong has been in the dark, so he can devote himself to development until now and become the top sect with the most potential. For a while, it is the same momentum.

Hao people's cultivation, under various favorable conditions, or with the help of pandas or the help of light or dark, has improved rapidly, and the speed has improved rapidly, which can be called shocking. In just eight years, it has been the cultivation of the Yuanying period, and has also walked out of a bright road that has been unprecedented. Moreover, this happened when Hao people deliberately suppressed their own speed.

At this speed, it is inevitable for Hao people to become immortals and gods in the short term. However, several recent events have forced Haoren to re-examine themselves. Is the speed improving too slowly? Is it necessary to deliberately suppress your speed, is it as safe as possible?

One is that in addition to the soul ball, the aggressiveness of Lu Guanzi and the sky monks. If there is no white old soil to resolutely stand up for help, Haoren will be exposed at that time. The second is that in the face of Jin Xianya's shopping show, which is even more tragic. Haoren doesn't even know what happened. If it hadn't been for the fast life, Haoren would have died long ago. The deterrence of the Mahayana period, such as the three hatreds, and the battle with Zishuiying, made Hao people deeply understand what strength is and what is the difference between the abysss.

Under the absolute strength, all conspiracy and tricks are flowers in the water, and the moon in the well are vulnerable.

Now, the panda has left and no one can rely on it. You have to rely on yourself and your own strength! So, why not let nature take its course? The idea must be that Haoren's face returned to calm. Only those big flexible eyes, full of wise light, are unstoppable as the iceberg that is about to break out and the flood of the world, and the purple light jumping in it is like a pair of eyes of wisdom, seeing through everything!

The powerful and magical top cultivation trajectories of Bai Laotu, Feng Feiwu, Lihuo, Yue Fuqun and others, the strange and incredible cultivation methods of tens of thousands of scattered cultivation, the leaders of large, medium and small schools, the assembly line production methods of alchemy refiners in Danzong Factory, and millions of panda legions coordinated and surrounded them. , attack, killing moves... All kinds of data flowed quickly through Haoren's mind.

Gradually, a bright smile appeared on Haoren's face: Isn't this the scene when I first entered the Internet?

Piously stretched out his white jade-like hands, and Hao's body twisted and suddenly disappeared into Xumi space, leaving only a small point in place, deep like a black hole. Surrounded by countless data flows. Every data flow that has been calculated by life and operates in the most heavenly way will be attracted by no points, and no points will feed on these data flows and continue to grow.

Just like the soul of Hao entered the network, turned into a small source code, and then devoured all kinds of knowledge! The complete integration with life makes him extremely clear about the knowledge he has experienced and exists in the life database, and the speed of digestion is more than 10,000 times faster?

One punch, one palm, one finger, one sword and other moves, spells, arrays, alchemy, refiners, runes and other knowledge, Wuji, Taishang Wuji Mixed Yuan Zhenjing, Qingyun Jue, White Tiger True Body Secrets, Dragon Nine Changes, Empty and other classics... Haoren broke these things and rubbed them carefully. Taste, study carefully, and calculate carefully until this knowledge completely becomes an instinct and reaches the peak.

After completing this step, Haoren began to analyze his body, meridians, blood vessels, nerves, muscles, bones, internal organs and even every cell in the body, analyzing how to make his body more perfect, can accommodate more energy, release more explosive power, etc... Finally, he came up with a body than the current use. A body that is ten thousand times more perfect.

Then Haoren began to reorganize his body, from a wisp of cells, to the meridians, to the appearance, to a place that is super important to men. Well, you know, that place... Then on this basis, familiarize with and digest all the knowledge you know, and then calculate the optimal body structure again... Then heavy Group the body, in this cycle.

"Damn it, the big boss is messing around again! Oh, my God, how can people absorb so much aura? Is this still a human? Haobang looked at the pointless like a bottomless hole, and the aura around him frantically poured in endlessly along all kinds of mysterious and mysterious trajectories, and the faint mysterious light on the spotless surface became more and more prosperous.

The huge spiritual array condensed aura, which is continuously provided to Haoren under the life arrangement. From 1% to stable, the data shows that Haoren consumes 10% of the energy obtained per unit of time! What an amazing and horrible data this is!

It should be noted that more than 2 million Danzong disciples and spiritual grass planted in Xumi space consume only 0.01% of the energy!

Time is like this, day by day!

In a blink of an eye, a month has arrived.

In a month, all the guests have received great gains. If the cultivation is low, Danzong will sort out the cultivation system and indicate the development direction according to the characteristics, personality and other directions; if the cultivation is high, find a way from the massive data to make up for their own shortcomings; if the cultivation reaches the bottleneck and pursues hard but cannot be broken through, in white Under the guidance of the girl in clothes, she quickly broke through and promoted, and the improvement of cultivation is secondary, and the increase of longevity is important.

After all, after having endless longevity, there is much more time to find the next breakthrough, and the easier it is to succeed.

This is the month of the information explosion!

This is a month that everyone is happy!

At least, Danzong is like this. A month is enough for Haofu to lead the disciples of the factory to produce a lot of elixirs. In addition to meeting daily needs and exchanging with guests, there is still a large amount left. Moreover, as a result of crazy alchemy, many disciples stood out and put forward constructive opinions to improve the production method of the assembly line and the quality of refining the elixir.

At the same time, after receiving the favor of Danzong, everyone's confusion, uneasiness, fear and other negative emotions about Danzong disappeared and turned into awe, respect and fear. Therefore, each guest took out his own savings at the bottom of the box and bought as many elixirs as possible to defend themselves. After all, the invasion of the demon world is imminent, and Danzong absolutely has the magical effect of an unparalleled elixir equal to a life, which is well known to everyone. If you don't have enough materials, set a large number of purchases on the spot and pay sincere money.

But in any case, Danzong has gained the most!

First, the cultivation database of life has been improved by tens of millions of people, or according to stealth learning, covering all the secrets and cultivation experience of the whole world of cultivation. In this sense, Danzong has an unparalleled cultivation system. Even if the whole cultivation world falls, with this cultivation system, Danzong can quickly rebuild the cultivation world.

Second, there is no need to say that the huge amount of materials exchanged for the massive elixir.

Three times, nearly one-third of the guests asked to join Danzong. After the urgent competition between Haobang, Sharp Brother, Haofu, Muyin and others, it was finally decided that those who came would not refuse to accept them all. This group of people is close to more than 9 million, which has made the number of Danzong more than 13 million, and all of them have good cultivation. Well, compared with Danzong's previous scattered repairs during the foundation-building period, this group of people are undoubtedly stronger and have achieved leapfrog development again.

This is not enough. Adhering to the Hao people's principle of "more is better, less fearless", Brother Sharp secretly sent out the Panda Legion and pulled their relatives and friends into Danzong one by one according to the requirements of the disciples of Danzong. Of course, Brother Sharp's order is: act secretly and don't reveal it, otherwise there will be no mercy!

Generally speaking, everyone has ten or eight relatives and friends... You can imagine the meaning.

Bai Laotu and others slowly walked out of the gate of Danzong Mountain through the transmission array and returned to the red carpet. Batch, batch after batch, continuous... On the edge of the red carpet, countless streamers flew and densely. They were from all sects, waiting for Danzong to really let this group of guests out.

It turns out that Danzong did not live up his promise. Moreover, many sects saw their leaders, elders or representatives advance within a month. In addition to their surprises, they were all talking about it. They threw themselves to the mysterious and magnificent elixir with green and undisguised envy!

Strangely, after the guests who came out of Danzong went out, they stood quietly and looked at the ten colors with admiring and grateful eyes. There, after a month of training, many people have undergone changes. That is to say, Danzong and they all have a relationship of incense!

The fate of incense is like a teacher! Danzong's generosity and Danzong's generosity moved all the guests.

When the last four guests were reluctant to leave and walked out of the gate of Danzong Mountain step by step, the onlookers were even more turbulent. It was an exaggeration that their eyes fell all over the ground, but their eyes were full of disbelief.

Those four people are the wind flying, Xuanyue, heartless, and border gate!

Bai Laotu's face condensed, and he relaxed in a blink of an eye. He smiled and shouted, "Congratulations to the four, He Xi. With the help of Danzong, he finally broke through the bottleneck of many years and advanced to the disaster period."

"What? Master, did you break through?" He was looking sadly at the four people who didn't even come back to host the door opening ceremony, which surprised Feng Feihua, who had lost face in front of the world. His beautiful eyes were overjoyed, but soon, they darkened again. Yes, the grandfather broke through, but the problem is that this breakthrough was helped by the life-and-death enemy Danzong! Is there anything more ironic than this?

"What on earth does Danzong want to do? There is always such an incredible move!" Feng Feihua felt that she was about to collapse.

In full view of the public, the wind-like wind dance made a shocking move for everyone. He knelt down on one knee, and his soft face was full of determination, gratitude and endless regret. He shouted, "The kindness of Danzong, the wind flying is unforgettable. Resisting the demon world, the wind flying dance must be the lead!"

coaxing... The onlookers were in an uproar again. Which one is this, this, this? But a shocking scene followed.

"The grace of Danzong, I can't wait for it!" All the guests, including Bai Laotu, knelt down on one knee and shouted in awe.

The audience was silent and dared not breathe loudly. In their ears, they were deafening, "The grace of Danzong, we can't wait for unforgettable!" The sound is long!