Protagonist's aura

Chapter 0406: Destroy the Demon World 2

Yue Bqun smiled and said nothing. He looked at Bai Laotu, who was possessed by the god of war and the god of war, with great interest, and his eyes were blurred, as if at this moment, he had entered the human battlefield of the golden iron horse with Bai Laotu's statement, and he was the commander of thousands of troops and horses.

He has always been straightforward. He rolled his eyes and said impatiently, "Come on, old man, you have said this matter tens of thousands of times, and my ears are cocooned."

"How dare you laugh at me!" Bai Laotu was furious and jumped straight up. He rushed up like a street hooligan fighting, and it was a pile of fists against the fire. Unwilling to show weakness, Li Huo quickly counterattacked, the monkey stole peaches, Erquan reflected the moon, and all kinds of sinister and poisonous moves splashed on the white soil like raindrops.

As if there is a tacit understanding, both sides did not use spiritual power and use brute force to attack. The consequence is, of course, your face is blue and nose. You have one more dark circles, and I have one more convex angle on my head. Of course, there are also ragged clothes, and they fight with street hooligans with bare hands. It is difficult to imagine that these are two masters of the divine period. Brawl!

The war situation is tragic, and everyone is under a lot of pressure. Occasionally, fighting and soothing is good for physical and mental health!

This situation has happened countless times in recent months. The blind sharp brother shrugged his shoulders helplessly and muttered in a low voice, "Five it, hit it, hit it harder, MD, the big boss said that the heavier it is, the heavier it is, the more Danzong makes."

After saying this, Brother Sharp stared at the big screen, slapped him, cheered, and his melancholy eyes quickly turned a few times, and ordered: "Invest 100 million people into a thousand guardian arrays, causing signs of a big attack. The Panda Legion will invest another 100 million people into the hinterland of the demon world and continue to sweep.

Another 200 million people have invested, and it is the last force on everyone's hand.

The decisive battle begins? Like a rhinoceros, Lihuo and Bai Laotu, who were still beating desperately at the previous moment, stop together, grabbing Sharp Brother like a cannonball, and quickly waved his big hand. The huge screen in front of Brother Sharp shot out hundreds of millions of glows, forming a huge three-dimensional hologram.

The hologram clearly shows the distribution and mobilization of the demon clan. At this moment, there is a continuous flow of soldiers and horses from the demon capital and the demon clan to the protective array of the human race, that is, the thousand sharp knives. Although the intelligence of the spy is not detailed, it can still be roughly estimated that the demon clan is ready to increase its attack.

The white old man with two dark circles laughed happily: "Come on, come more violently! Bai Xue, give me the order. All the elites of the Four God Beasts are dispatched to resist me, hold on!" Turning a few times with black eyes, Bai Laotu asked Brother Sharp pitifully, "Brother Sharp, don't lie to me, or the Four Beast Gate will be finished."

"Yes, yes, if the demon clan increases its attack, but you can't erase their troops, then..." There are a few more convex corners on their heads, long hair is messy, and the fire with ragged clothes also said pitifully, shivering while saying, as if thinking of something extremely horrible things.

Joke, the Allies are backed by the sky-covering array, and all of them are guarding in the defense array. With countless spiritual stones, so many people are killed and injured under the attack of the demon clan. Once the defense array is broken and directly connected with the magic soldiers, the casualties will increase exponentially. No one can afford it. But no one dares to say that Danzong is not, spying on the dynamics of the demon clan and returning the information. At this alone, Danzong does not know how much manpower and material resources he has invested. Not to mention, Danzong has been investing no less troops than everyone in the hinterland of the demon clan, effectively harassing the demon clan and promoting the concentration and concentration of the demon clan!

The only thing that surprises Bai Laotu and others is: where did Danzong get so many troops, accumulating more than 1 billion! One billion well-trained Xiuzhen army, cooperating with infernal and fearless death, can be imagined how amazing the combat effectiveness is! But what's more amazing is that the human race has invested so many troops, and the demon clan has obviously not hurt its vitality. What a powerful opponent!

Fortunately, there was Danzong... Bai Laotu and others looked at each other and saw the happiness in each other's eyes.

The sharp brother, who knew the little Jiujiu in everyone's hearts, smiled and said nothing, and the instructions were ordered to reach the front line of the battle through the central computer, and reached the hands of the leader of each combat team.

From the perspective of the void, in the center of a thousand protective arrays, the transmission arrays kept flashing dazzling milky white light. After the spiritual power fluctuated, batches of square legions came out one after another. Each legion had 10,000, and 100,000 new personnel were added to each protective array.

With the input of the fresh force, the protective array suddenly lit up the dazzling ten-color divine light, and the covering position rapidly expanded. Previously, the protective array was compressed to a radius of 10,000 miles by the demon clan, and suddenly expanded to 100,000 miles, restoring the size at the beginning. The indestructible and indestructible ten-color divine light mercury filled the surrounding space like a torrent. Everywherever array of protection, there were millions of calculated magic soldiers, mutilated limbs, and blood sea corpses all turned into nothingness.

Like detonating a yellow honeycomb, the almost crazy magic soldier moth drew a long meteor mark in the air and hit the guard array fiercely. Every time they approached the guard array, the magic soldiers brazenly exploded. In each round of self-exploding, the guard array shook violently several times, and several people in the guard array would die. The scope of the cover has been reduced a little.

In the hinterland of the demon clan, countless magic soldiers went up to the sky and down to the ground, crazily chasing a group of ten-color divine light apertures, no longer besieging, directly self-exploding, a play that died together. Every time the self-explosion, a ball of ten-color divine light aperture disappears, and the monument of Danzong is increased by one point.

The demon clan went crazy, and the beaten demon clan completely fell into a state of madness! A series of obscure and strange fluctuations were emitted by the demon capital, and all kinds of strange demons gushed out one after another to participate in this battle. And the ten-color divine aperture is too dazzling, like a firefly in the summer night. It is clearly visible. All the demons who see the ten-color divine aperture come from all directions and will not stop destroying the ten-color divine aperture.

One day, two days, three days... As time went by, half a month passed, all the ten-color divine light circles in the hinterland of the demon clan disappeared. Another obscure fluctuation spread throughout the whole demon clan, as if it were spiritual. Except for the magic soldiers concentrated in the arch defense of the demon capital and the major demon clans, all the magic soldiers went to the guardian array of the thousand people...

Concentrate, concentrate, concentrate again, concentrate troops, and break through the human race... This is the only order of the demon king.

The thief ran away from the demon city. Mickey was full of smiles and said happily like the hungry wolf who had just eaten 10,000 little fat sheep, "Little boss, how many people did the demon clan lose this time? And the boss should be the biggest of these credit. How do you think the big boss will reward me after breaking the barrier?

The cold irony came from the mouth of Haobang, and it sounded directly in Mickey Mouse's mind in a mysterious way: "Bah! What's your credit? It's not that I mobilized the people of the research institute to develop an annihilation bomb that is more powerful than destroying the bomb. How can the demon clan perish? In terms of credit, it is also my biggest. After all, even I have personally participated in research and development.

"Cut!" Mickey Mouse indecently raised his middle finger to the void. Although there was no one in front of it, it knew that Hao Bangbang would definitely feel it. Suddenly, he shrugged his face and said sadly, "Little boss, the Chinese boss misses the big boss very much. Although he is a big bastard, he is not here. I always feel unreliable."

"Yes." Rarely, Haobang, who has been arguing with Mickey Mouse, echoed Mickey's words: "According to the big boss, this is called a crash. He processes too much information, so it seems that he can't get out of the current situation in ten or eight years."

Two bastards suddenly opened their eyes and said, "For so long, the big boss has broken the barrier, and his strength must have improved rapidly, haha!"

"MD, no wonder the big boss said that Mickey Mouse and Hao Bangbang are both bastards!" Brother Sharp secretly slandered himself, and observed in detail various data, such as whether the annihilation battle was accurately installed in the place where it should be installed, the concentration of the demon clan, etc., clapped his palm and shouted, "Guys, cheers, the destruction of the demon clan is about to begin. Pass my order, and everyone will retreat quickly.

Hearing the words of Lihuo and Bai Laotu in the fight, Qi Qi laughed and said, "Finally it's started."

Under an order, a thousand protective arrays slowly contracted the covering range and continuously retreated behind the sky-covering array. In order to prevent the magic soldiers from discovering, Qiu Fengke and others have already arranged all kinds of wonderful arrays to shield everyone's breath, shape, spiritual power fluctuations, etc.

The demon clan, who has fallen into a state of madness, is undoubtedly fraudulent and surrounds it like a tide, providing a rapidly shrinking array of guardians more crazily. With the last round of suicide attacks, there was a loud noise, and the array of guardians exploded. The bodies of the previously dead human practitioners scattered everywhere with the explosion, and the wreckage of the broken limbs flew all over the sky, and the scarlet and seductive blood flew around, sprinkled thousands of miles.

The body of human practitioners is the favorite of the demon clan. After swallowing, it can effectively improve their strength! No demon clan can resist the ** of human flesh, because in the demon clan, low strength means that it is born with food, food of the same kind.

What's more, at this time, the human race was defeated and the demon clan won!

In an instant, countless demons swarmed up like flies seeing cow shit, densely and stacked. From the void, every 100,000-mile area covered by the previous human protection array is full of magic soldiers, and even many magic soldiers fought for human flesh.

Brother Sharp, who observed the scene, sighed in a low voice and exchanged views with Bai Laotu and others, who nodded firmly to show his support. Brother Sharp's voice suddenly became serious and said in a low voice, "Boss, little boss, Brother Sharp, please take action!"

As soon as the words fell, in the huge hologram, the dazzling black light shone a few times, just like the scene of the wind and moon boundless gate and the sea dragon palace. Such a black light of death was full of 18752, which was connected one world after another, magnificent, with an unparalleled breath of death, and instantly swept the demon clan.

Three seconds later, there are only 18752 huge deep holes in the demon world with a radius of 100,000 miles.

Bai Laotu and others couldn't help shivering, and an idea flashed in everyone's heart: "The demon clan is over!"

Brother Sharp's voice spread all over Xumi space: "Spike my order, everyone will attack and level the demon clan!"