Protagonist's aura

Chapter 0423: Incompared Arrogance 1

General Amber walked to the tripod. The tripod was windless and floated upside down. In an instant, it grew up to dozens of meters in size. In the center of the tripod, a dazzling blood red shot out and covered the two people. The next moment, the two disappeared from the study together with the big tripod.

It's like walking in a space-time tunnel, surrounded by strange energy flows. In a blink of an eye, Haoren's eyes lit up and he has come to a wonderful place. The red mountains are towering into the clouds, and the red forests are extremely dense, and in the middle is the red lake. In a word, the whole space is rippled with a breathtaking blood red.

Around the lake, hundreds of tall, fat and thin people, different people do their own things. From the strong purple light surging from them, the turbulent weather between their heads and feet, and the light in the two condensation, it can be seen that this group of people are absolutely the elite of the elite of the Red Cloud Legion, and they are all senior officers.

Among the hundreds of people, Hao people are most concerned about a person, to be precise, a child. Less than five feet tall, he is a second-class disabled among the common height in the founding world. He is thin, like a bean sprouts, and has a vegetable color on his face. He can't help but feel weak. He timidly holds a simple dagger with a thumb length, and his baby-like blue veins are prominent, and he is hard cutting a branch that comes from nowhere. There is no one within 100 meters of the child.

Haoren stared at the child and intuitively told him that among so many people, the child was the most dangerous.

Following Haoren's eyes, General Amber saw the child at the same time, threw a look at Haoren with approval, with a strange smile on his face, and said loudly, "Kongkong, hasn't your statue been carved yet? Oh, my God, it hasn't been carved for so many years. Your efficiency really has to be improved. Well, this is Liu Laosan. He came to fight with you. If you want to fight later, don't be lazy.

"I know." The empty man did not raise his head, and responded crisply. His milky voice was like a child who had just learned to speak. He could see that the thin and weak hands of blue veins were still slowly cutting the branches, one knife after another, one knife, and another, constantly cutting at an unchanging speed.

After a while, the confident Haoren smiled and turned his attention to others. His squinting eyes habitually evaluated their psychological characteristics, combat habits and weaknesses of the enemy according to each person's figure, actions, posture, interaction with surrounding people, etc., and looked for opportunities to kill them in seconds.

Clap your palm hard to attract everyone's attention. General Amber laughed loudly and said, "Guys, I have found a good hand. If you want to fight, just let go. Well, let's start with the ugly words. If you lose, then Liu Laosan will be the head of the Red Cloud Legion in the future.

Except for the children, everyone looked at Haoren, with different faces, suspicion, envy, jealousy and so on. Yes, Haoren is a little taller, a little stronger and symmetrical, and his momentum is a little wilder, but he looks so simple that he can't see that he is a master.

The empty space still quietly cuts the roots of the tree, as if there is nothing in the world to attract his attention.

In the face of many eyes, Haoren held his hands, narrowed his eyes and smiled with satisfaction. The reaction of these people was the same as his inference, that is to say, it was not enough to talk about it, and it was directly abused. The mysterious legion said by General Amber gave him great concern. The only way to find this legion as soon as possible is to enter the top of the human race as soon as possible. The head of the Red Cloud Legion is undoubtedly a good position.

Seeing Haoren's smile, General Amber's eyes became brighter and brighter, and he shouted, "Liu Laosan is only three tripods, so you can't use more than four tripods. And I can tell you that I have accelerated the time a hundred times here.

There was an uproar, and there was an extra solemnness on the faces of the Red Cloud Legion. The resources consumed by accelerating time by 100 times were extremely huge, so huge that the Red Cloud Legion did not dare to move casually. It can be seen that General Amber's attention to this matter and Liu Laosan are not as easy to deal with as expected.

Kongkong slowly put down the dagger in his hand, and his confused and shy eyes looked at Haoren seriously. It happened to be the simple smile of Haoren and the clear black eyes. If the empty eyes are frightened children, full of panic, and want to destroy everything because of panic. The eyes of Hao people are the eyes of newborn babies, which understand everything, reflect everything truthfully, and bring warmth and sweetness to people.

Slowly, the empty face became more and more solemn, and a disturbing breath emerged from the body.

Feel the suffocating breath of the empty space, General Amber's smile was even better, patting Haoren's shoulder fiercely, "I'm optimistic about you" appearance, but he floated far away, found a place to sit cross his knees, took out a few jars of wine, and drank it by himself.

Behind him, Yi Xin, who had disappeared for a few days, suddenly appeared and asked in a low voice, "Is Kongkong also ready to take action?"

"Yes, there is a good show. I hope Liu Laosan won't let me down." General Amber said with a smile and said, "Have you arranged a good person? Don't miss the opportunity."

Yi Xin and Amber sat down side by side and nodded confidently, "It has been arranged. All the 100 most experienced officers who have guided the soldiers to practice are present. Liu Laosan does not know how to systematize cultivation, but the Red Cloud Legion is full of talents. I promise to find the best way to practice.

"In the ancient wilderness, the top masters of the human race broke the sky with one hand, stamped their feet and cracked the ground. When their thoughts flowed, the stars changed. Today's Jiuding masters are not even qualified to carry shoes. How majestic! But now, hey, everyone relies on foreign objects. If they don't have a magic bow and arrow, they dare not fight against the enemy. Don't you know that the magic weapon is an external object after all, and only the body is the source of strength. Shaking his head and shaking his head for a while, General Amber said again: "Liu Laosan was born in the wilderness and fighting with beasts day and night. I see that his move is traceless, natural and smooth, faintly homologous with heaven and earth. At the same time, he is thick skin, infinite power, extremely abnormal, just like the top master of the ancient barbarians recorded in the secret books, if you can find With its own way of cultivation, it is difficult for the Red Cloud Legion not to become the first army of Daqin.

Yi Xin was deeply convinced and turned her eyes and said, "If you can't find it, send him to study and ask him to teach the knowledge systematically."

The two looked at each other and smiled extremely happily. They had foreseen the wonderful scene when an indigenous hunter wanted to go to school and be taught by corrupt Confucianism.

With Haoren's current strength, there is no reason why these two bastards can't hear the conversation, and they can't help but feel cold. On the Hao people who have read the scriptures, learn rich five cars, and completely digest all the knowledge of the central computer, claim to be the second. It is estimated that no one in the founding world dares to say the first. But General Amber and Yi Xin were so whimsic that they asked him to go to study?

Depressed, extremely depressed! Think about it and you will know how ridiculous it is for an academician of the Academy of Sciences to go to kindergarten! Haoren suddenly regretted why he chose the identity of indigenous hunter to contact the people of the Qin Empire. If he had known this, he should have chosen a better identity.

At this moment, Haoren was extremely unpleasant to see the people of the Red Cloud Legion and wanted to beat them all over the ground. Who told their boss to secretly calculate Haoren? This guy arrogantly hooked his finger at hundreds of people: "Come on, let's go together!" You guys, I don't pay attention to it yet."

Hao people have arrogant capital. He has always believed that the body is the source of strength. He is born in physical cultivation. He kills skeletons in the endless abys every day, and there are extremely perverted Haobang sticks. In addition, the powerful central computer helps to simulate and refine skills. He has killed all the top of Xumi space countless times in group fights. Good hands are full of teeth, and it challenges at least hundreds of people at a time. It can be said that Hao people have unparalleled experience in large-scale group fighting.

I'm right, the indigenous hunters have to single out the top masters of the Red Cloud Legion, and single out more than 100 people at a time!

General Amber was stunned, and Yi Xin was stunned.

Kongkong suddenly became interested, and the dagger in his hand was put away. He stood up and looked at Haoren from a distance.

A group of Red Cloud Legion's eyes were red, and their nostrils sprayed white gas like spring beasts. Like the enemies who met the hatred of killing their father and the hatred of seizing their wives, they couldn't wait to immediately jump up and smash the Hao people to pieces. Contempt, this is the contempt of Chiguoguo! Especially in front of General Amber, it is terrible to despise them so arrogantly in front of their boss.

"If you have eggs, come on!" Haoren said impatiently.

"Liu Laosan, don't be afraid of flashing your tongue when talking big. Let me teach you how to teach you. Look at my plum blossoms." A burly man roared and waved his sword and rushed up. On the way, the thick sword in his hand was already shot out by thousands of cold lights, forming a beautiful proud snow and cold plum, and the void covered Haoren.

"Good." The people of the Red Cloud Army marveled and looked at Haoren with smiling eyes, waiting for Haoren to kneel and beg for mercy. They know that plum blossoms are the most lethal move of a burly man. They have both attack and defense, and the power of every cold light is enough to kill a fairy without magic weapons.

Even if he is a burly man, he is full of confidence in his move, but why does Liu Laosan still smile like a spring breeze? Could it be that the burly man said something wrong, and suddenly his lower body hurt, his body tilted, with a roar, and his abdomen had been hit hard. Before fainting, he clearly saw several blood flowers floating out of the corners of his mouth, and the last scene was inverted into the blood-red lake.

The people of the Red Cloud Army stopped as soon as they began to marvel. They looked at this scene in disbelief and lost with one move, and there was no room for them to fight back. A better-eyed person can also see a few wooden pillars suddenly floating out from under the burly man, fiercely giving his lower body like this, and then the native hunter's hand pressed on the abdomen of the burly man like lightning penetrating nothing, beating him 360 degrees.

As for how the indigenous hunter's hand penetrates ten thousand points of cold light, only a few people can see that they find a glimmer of vitality in the ten thousand points of cold light, risking their hands being strangled and attack brazenly. It's simple, but the danger can be imagined. It is impossible to achieve it without the certainty that the fighter will reach the peak in seconds.

Kongkong is undoubtedly one of the people with good eyesight, with a trembling all over his body. Hurry up and tighten your legs!