Protagonist's aura

Chapter 0427: Traitor 2

Haoren smiled, stood behind General Amber, looked at each other angrily, said nothing, and immediately took action. But Haoren knew that in the face of the mysterious and powerful human priest, his strength was not enough to stuff his teeth, so it was safest to hide behind General Amber.

The priest guarding the door snorted coldly, and a mysterious wave of turbulence rose, and he didn't know where to go.

The next moment, a white-haired, full of vicissitudes of life, wearing a black priest suit, an old-fashioned and zombie-like old man stepped out of the air, glanced around with turbid eyes, and said in a duck voice, "Amber, are you promising and bullying children again?"

Also... Haoren smiled secretly and made up his mind. It seems that Amber has done a lot of this kind of thing and is very experienced.

"Wu Qixian, they were disrespectful to me first. If you don't believe it, ask them, who will look at people with disrespectful eyes first?" General Amber rolled his eyes and looked tired.

The gatekeeper priest was speechless for a moment and looked extremely angry.

Priest Wu Qixian saw it and said in a daze, "Amb, what's the matter with you coming here?"

General Amber pulled out Haoren with his backhand, pushed him in front of him, and said carelessly, "Wu Qixian, help Liu Laosan test the position." With that, he muttered in a low voice, "Damn it, it's not a test of the tripod, but the ghost comes to deal with you."

Priest Wu Qixian automatically ignored General Amber's words, tried to open his turbid eyes all the time, and looked at Haoren seriously. Except for his height a little taller than ordinary people, there seemed to be nothing special. He nodded and said, "Then take him up. Remember, stop teasing children. Otherwise, hum..." After saying that, he didn't wait for General Amber to reply and disappeared straight away.

"Wolite guy, hum." General Amber held his head high and stepped on the mountain like a proud little rooster.

Haoren smiled secretly and strode to follow the meteor.

The mountain road is very long, and the strong prohibition restricts anyone from flying here, except the priest. Especially in order to set off the unreachable height of the priest's palace, the designer painstakingly divides the whole mountain around the mountain into countless layers. Between each floor is a whole eighty-level ladder, and each staircase is extremely wide, thick and steep.

This made General Amber, who was walking on the mountain road, cursed endlessly, and Hao people heard his words along the way. However, from General Amber's muttering, Hao people still heard a lot of information. For example, the priest's palace controlled the supply of the Red Cloud Legion and had the power to monitor the military operations of the Red Cloud Legion, and Wu Qixian was the ferocious man of the great prince Qin Wu. However, although Wu Qixian has just arrived and his foundation is not stable, he has always been arrogant and extremely unpopular.

The so-called sacrificial hall, in addition to hosting sacrifices and other affairs on the surface, is equivalent to the factories and research institutes of Danzong in the Qin Empire. It mainly studies all kinds of strange things and applies the research results to the army, such as the magic treasure tripod with both attack and defense, the flying boat that can cross the stars, and the destruction of a planet. Energy cannon, as well as the mustard space, long guns and so on.

In the same way, the priest's palace of the Qin Empire also has the same supreme status and super strength as the Danzong Research Institute. All the people who can be selected into the priest's hall are those who founded more than three tripods, and have specialties in some aspects, such as arrays, such as refineries, alchemy, etc. This also explains why General Amber, although as the leader of the six legions of the Qin Empire, still had to bow his head in the face of the sacrificial hall.

After all, the testicles were pinched... Haoren understood General Amber's mood very well, smiled a few times in his heart, and secretly said: Do you want to find a way to get rid of Wu Qixian? As soon as the thought turned around, Haoren quietly stretched out along the palaces on both sides of the mountain road. As soon as they stretched out, they were immediately counterattacked by a ban that came from nowhere. With a muffled hum, he staggered back a few steps and almost did not fall down.

Amber gloated and laughed: "Liu Laosan, are you stupid? Do you dare to peep at the sacrificial hall? If it was so easy to be peeped at, the Qin Empire would have been destroyed several times.

What a powerful prohibition, Haoren is terrified, and his thoughts are as wild as weeds to peep at the secrets of the sacrificial hall, and can no longer be suppressed. He shrugged his shoulders, wiped the blood from the corners of his mouth, and smiled: "Hey hey, I don't know it's so powerful, but I still want to try." Just now, although he was hit by the counterattack and was injured, it was not without gains. After all, Haoren has a complete version of the founding secret book, and the basis of the prohibition of the sacrificial hall is also the founding secret book.

In General Amber's incredible eyes, Haoren extended his divine consciousness again and again, peeped at the prohibition of the sacrificial hall, and spit out blood again and again. From the thickness of the mouth of the bowl to the last wisps of blood, it was obvious that the injury was getting lighter and lighter. But after many injuries, Haoren's face became paler and paler...

He grabbed Haoren, and the tiger's eyes forced to look at Haoren. General Amber, who was trembling all over, whispered, "You're crazy!"

Licking the blood stains on the corners of his mouth, Haoren glanced at the empty mountain road around him. He dared to bet that his behavior would definitely attract the attention of the priests of the sacrificial temple. At this moment, I don't know how many people are peeping at him secretly. Haoren sneered: "General, what are you afraid of? Can't you die again?"

A gentle sigh sounded, and a bright purple beam of light fell from the sky, covering the Hao people and General Amber. A flower in front of the two had appeared in the sacrificial hall square at the top of the mountain. Wu Qixian, with a strange face, looked at Haoren with ghostly eyes.

"Nice to see you again, witch priest." Haoren greeted Wu Qixian with a smile, but a pair of thief's eyes looked around. The buildings around the square were no different from the style at the foot of the mountain, old-fashioned, dull and rigid with solemnity and mysterious. Of course, the scale is larger. Nine huge tripods are suspended above the square, which is the same as General Amber's tripod, which is also larger. In the sky, nine huge purple lights roared into nine big tripods, releasing a suffocating breath and firmly covering the whole square.

The incomparable obscure energy flow, mercury poured down, permeating the whole mountain peak, and a familiar breath came to the face. Haoren was relieved that these nine big tripods were the eyes of the whole sacrificial hall! If you break the eyes, you can break the prohibition of the sacrificial hall. With his eyes slightly closed, the divine consciousness swept up again and carefully approached the nine big tripods.

There was a loud rumbling sound, and an unparalleled counterattack came. Hao people flew thousands of kilometers backwards, shrank and knelt on the ground.

General Amber was shocked and shouted hurriedly, "Liu Laosan, are you all right?"

"I can't die!" Haoren struggled to stand up and gasped for breath.

The ghost floated to Haoren's side. Wu Qixian stretched out his thin hand like ghost claws, picked up Haoren like a chicken, and said indifferently, "Kid, you are so bold that no one has ever dared to be rude to the sacrificial hall."

"I'm really bold." Haoren smiled and answered, looked at Wu Qixian's murderous eyes without fear, and said word by word, "I can feel the weakness of energy." This guy was shocked. Although Wu Qixian fell down by the wind, the speed was not slow, and Haoren even caught it before he could react.

What is the weakness of energy? Wu Qixian was stunned and looked at Haoren in a daze.

General Amber was stunned at first, but suddenly woke up and screamed, "Liu Laosan, can you break the Jiuding Zhenyun array?" If, as Hao people said, a native hunter knows the weak points of energy, can't Taoist and Buddhist people also crack the Jiuding town?

"What?" Wu Qixian shouted wildly, and he also realized the seriousness of the problem and subconsciously tightened his hands.

Haoren only felt that his whole body was locked by refined steel, and hundreds of millions of tons of giant ships were endlessly squeezed outside the steel, and a terrible force kept pouring into his body. He could even feel his bones creaking, and there was a possibility of being ground into powder at any time. Blood spewed out and wet his whole body.

" Stop it!" Seeing that Haoren was almost pinched to death, General Amber carried purple gas and shouted at Wu Qixian's ear.

Wu Qixian trembled and stared at General Amber fiercely. He casually threw away Haoren like garbage and said arrogantly, "Who are you and how did you know the founding of Jiuding Town? Explain it truthfully as soon as possible. Listening to his tone, it seemed that he was willing to talk to a little man like Haoren, which had already given Haoren great face.

Haoren didn't talk nonsense. He just broke away from Wu Qixian and directly twisted into the void. Then, ten dazzling purple arrows locked the key points of Wu Qixian's whole body with cold light, and one of them shot from the ground strangely, ready to have close contact with a fragile position of Wu Qixian's lower body.

Wu Qixian was so scared that he never thought that he would brazenly kill him and be so shameless. As a high priest of the Qin Empire, he has always used martial arts to kill his opponents, but weaker than close combat. In addition, he lost his mind for a moment and actually watched the ten cold lights fall straight into his body, and his eyes were stunned to find that ten dazzling purple long arrows float out of the void, followed by ten... It's endless.

The heartbreaking pain suddenly exploded from every corner of the body and from the depths of the soul. Wu Qixian instantly felt as if a * exploded in his body. Every cell was annihilated in this violent pain, and his brain was blank. In addition to anger, there was also great shame.

But before Wu Qixian came to his senses, his body had been hit like a storm. The loud noise of fried beans kept ringing from all over his body, and his whole body bones were clicked and broken inch by inch. Unfortunately, he doesn't even know where these attacks come from. The only blessing is that after all, he founded the six tripods, and as long as there is still one breath left, he will not die.

General Amber also stared at this scene stunned. His scalp was numb, his hands and feet were cold. He came back to his senses after a half-sound. His hands suddenly closed, and the two bright purple lights turned into huge hands, proflotched into the void, pulled Haoren out, and roared, "Damn, Liu Laosan, you dare to die against us. The supreme high priest Wu Qixian took action? Oh, my God, you bastard."

The Haoren whose whole body was sealed was held by General Amber, shrugged his face, and cried with great aggrievedness, "General, this old man is the first to take action. You have to testify for me!" This guy is clear that General Amber's words are not scolding but gloating.

Presumably, Qin Wuyun and General Amber were very happy to see Wu Qixian beaten... Haoren laughed secretly.