Protagonist's aura

Chapter 0447: The Line of Life and Death

The peaks in the void are like an eternal landscape, standing in the endless void. In addition to the void, it is the wind that frightened all the monks. The cultivation below the nine tripods, the Buddha's below, and the immortal emperor's cultivation below will die. Therefore, the four people have no worries except to beware of the arrival of Ziqiong.

At the peak, four extremely powerful gods firmly locked the purple gold gourd.

Monk Naga flicked his fingers, and a gray clear light shot out. It is clear and gray, which seems to contain all colors, and there seems to be no color. Through the clear light, two purple lights can be faintly seen hovering to protect the handsome young man in the residence.

The purple-white light and the dark purple light gradually change over time and eventually evolve into a black and white. The dazzling black and white light became more and more dazzling, and gradually its edges were covered with a faint and mysteriously twisted mysterious light all the time. This is not a real distortion, but a circle where space-time is distorted by a powerful force from the original straight line at this point and at this position. Originally, it only took a moment to walk through the time space, but it took hundreds of times and thousands of times more power to cross, or even never.

A mixed, primitive and infinitely powerful force gradually became at the top of the peak**. As the peak of the ** mountain became ethereal and ethereal, the ancient and vicissitudes of tadpoles floated out one after another and turned into bright to dreamy pure yellow, floating in the air, forming magnificent and eye-catching heart words, showing the most original source of the founding world. Charm.

The simple and fragrant yin and yang mirror that has been standing quietly in front of the old man is windless and automatic, shining around the bright light of black and white, black as a dragon, followed by white, white like ivory, and a black and white light roaring out, constantly shooting into the clear light. Gradually, the purple fire began to change, and the black was darker, the white was whiter, and the dead were more dead and alive.

"The extreme of black is white, and the limit of white is black! Black and white are two sides, and they are both reactions of the heart. What is the difference? The heart says, you are black, you are black, the heart says, you are white, you are white, all ideals!" A calm and quiet voice came from the mouth of the young man in the middle of the light.

As soon as the words fell, the black and white light with the magnificent heart words suddenly disappeared, and all turned into a clear light containing all colors, hazy the young man's body and made his body begin to light up. The four people, Monk Naga, Qingyun Ancestor, Linghu and Demon King, are clearly visible. The young man's body begins to dissolve from his hair, one, two, three... Over time, the melting speed is getting faster and faster, and his breath soars rapidly. From the spirit of the founding five tripods, it began to change to the founding five tripods on the first floor, the second floor, the third floor...

The speed of promotion is unprecedented and can be called shocking to the world.

The magic net frowned, touched his head confusedly, and looked at Qingyun's ancestor after thinking for a while, "Old ghost, do you understand?"

"I can't see through it." Qingyun Laozu shook his head desperately, and his white hair shaking like a rattle shook so that there was only a remnant of shadow, but the corners of his dry and thin mouth were slightly raised, but betrayed his heart.

Monk Naga glanced at the happy Qingyun ancestor with jealousy and shouted, "Old Taoist priest, don't eat alone. If you eat alone, you will die. Such a mysterious thing can only be understood by you, a guy who has been thinking about the power of heaven all day long. He looked greedily at the young man with his muscles, and said intentionally or unintentionally, "I know, you have realized that your cultivation will soon soar like this young man, right?"

As soon as the voice fell, the young man suddenly disappeared, and a round of sun appeared in place, surrounded by dark black light, black hole-like deep to extreme black light, wisps of white light shot out of the sun and plunged into the black hole. Every wisp of white light has a magnificent righteousness that frighten people's hearts, with infinite power, arrogance and domineering, making all creatures tremble for it, and they can't wait to crawl on the ground immediately and offer their awe from the depths of their souls.

This is a huge force that does not belong to this world, and this power is still rising rapidly...

The demon king stood in a daze and looked at the powerful scene. Suddenly, there was a trace of indescribable strange fluctuations. He said to himself or encouraged everyone, "Let's go side by side. If young people go on like this, we just need to wash and sleep in the future."

Bo... When the huge power that does not belong to this world reached its peak, in the crisp sound of broken glass, the young man and the surrounding space quietly collapsed. A pair of eyes slowly opened in place, and in an instant, a circle of fine light shone on the cold and dark void, and the mysterious fog around the light rose and gradually dissipated.

This scene is extremely pure and leisurely, giving people a magnificent beauty.

Fortunately, the four of them had been prepared for a long time. Seeing that the momentum was not right, they quickly escaped before the collapse of the void to avoid the disaster. But even so, the body still gives extremely strong energy, and the blood in the mouth gushes out like a fountain, becoming a shocking scarlet blood belt, suspended in the air.

Fortunately, that breath is no longer strong, but stays at the peak of the founding eight tripods, only one step away from the nine tripods.

But this advanced speed still shocked the four people. They had never seen such a terrible advanced speed, just like riding a rocket, soaring up. They have no doubt how stressful this young man will put on them in time.

Looking at the blood belt in front of him full of resentment, Naga's quiet and peaceful monk's face twisted into a twist, and cursed crazily in the bottom of his heart: "Damn guy, it's too horrible, too evil. This kind of person can't stay, otherwise we will be suppressed to death."

The devil is not happy or worried, does not laugh or angry. He looks at those eyes quietly, and his eyes fluctuates faster and faster.

"Kill?" The sound of the spirit fox sounded in the void, sometimes to the east and suddenly to the west, making people unable to grasp her position.

"Kill!" Monk Naga quickly responded, "Take advantage of his illness and kill him." While talking, his white five fingers shook gently, and the soft Buddha light rippled out between his five fingers, transforming into a huge Buddha seal on his chest like an obedient puppy. The continuous Buddha seal covers a 100-meter space, and all the matter and energy in the space are transformed into that devastating Buddha light.

Only Monk Naga knows that two other thumb-sized Buddha seals between his hands are also forming.

"Go!" As soon as the white Buddha seal was formed, the monk Naga did not hesitate at all. He shouted majestically, and the 100-meter-long Buddha Seal Mount Tai pressed the eyes between the sky.

"Praise Naga, and I will also become your believer." Seeing that the monk Naga took out the bottom of the box to kill, the spirit fox sighed just right and turned into a devout believer of Naga Buddha. In the exclamation, the void aura turned into a floating white fox and went straight to the eyes between the sky.

The devil's face, which has been silent, showed a strange expression of fear and ecstasy. Suddenly, he rushed to those eyes at a high speed that could not be grasped by the naked eye, forming a strange and colorful meat mass with his body. He bumped into him and roared as he bumped. "The devil is invincible."

Qingyun Laozu sighed softly, and in his eyes, a black and white bowl-sized light shot out, shooting out with the momentum of destruction.

In the moment of life and death, no one is stupid enough to leave any spare strength. As soon as you take action, you will do your best!

"Who dares to hurt my son-in-law? I will destroy your nine clans." Ziqiong's thunderous voice sounded, and she was at the critical moment of Haoren. She finally arrived. With her delicate drink, seeing that the situation was critical, she didn't care about the danger. She took a deep breath and greeted the purple light, unexpectedly abruptly one against four.

With a loud noise, countless streamers erupted in the void, hundreds of millions of fine light rains boiled all over the sky, and even the cold and dark void instantly shined dazzling and charming light.

The right hand of the magic net that flew out twisted into a spring shape, and the left hand was rolled like a twist. The bones, meridians and muscles of both hands turned into a ball of meat sauce, leaving only a layer of meat sauce wrapped in skin and did not fall off. The heartbreaking pain made Nima Mo's mouth a series of vicious curses.

Others are also having a hard time. The energetic fox can't maintain its empty body at all. It has shown a faint body, flashing, and is obviously seriously injured. Qingyun's ancestor was better, just his arm exploded, revealing his bare and white bones. The monk Naga was completely destroyed by the purple gold gourd, his body was full of blood, and the blood full of rich golden light filled a square meter of space.

Ziqiong is also having a hard time, and her whole body is purely a bloody man. However, in the stunned eyes of the four people, the blood man proudly took out a faint and fragrant elixir and threw it into the bloody mouth. Soon, what scattered the soul of the four people was that the blood man incredibly turned into the magnificent Purple Fire Hall Ziqiong at a speed visible to the naked eye. In addition to his pale face, his whole body There are no more scars.

"How is it possible? My devil's health is not so good. How can you do it? What kind of elixir is that? The devil's eyes protruded, staring at Ziqiong, who had returned to her original shape, and roared crazily without tears. A Ziqiong is already horrible enough, and what's more horrible is the immortal Ziqiong!

"I don't believe in evil." Monk Naga screamed and roared away before the two Buddha seals hidden in his hand.

The demon king, Qingyun Laozi and Linghu all looked at each other and saw endless horror and fear from each other's eyes. The three instantly reached a consensus that Ziqiong was already horrible enough, and the immortal Ziqiong must be eliminated. At worst, they had to get the elixir, otherwise they would not be unable to sleep.

At the moment of reaching a consensus, the three of them took action together, and they couldn't do it. The contract has been signed! Although Ziqiong's body is intact, her pale face undoubtedly tells everyone that Ziqiong is very weak at this moment, her vitality is greatly damaged, and may even have reached the point of drying up.

At this time, it is already a critical moment of life and death, and it is also the best time to take action, but can it be as you wish?

However, when the four people saw Ziqiong take out the black spiritual stone, their hearts sank in an instant!