Protagonist's aura

Chapter 0451: It's hard to measure

Hongyun City is benefiting from the tying of the Red Cloud Legion, or the existence of Baozhilin, or for some unknown reasons, such as Taoism and Buddhism, which requires believers. Therefore, it has not been attacked by the demon and spiritual armies. Instead, it has become more prosperous because of the influx of fugitives from all over the country.

People are crowded, pushed, and piled up with people, which can be seen everywhere outside the huge Hongyun City and even in the countryside. But the closer to the center of Hongyun City, such as the main mansion of Hongyun City, Baozhilin and other places, the fewer people there will be. Of course, this is actually several times more than usual compared with out-of-town, countryside and other places.

In extraordinary times, the defense is naturally different. Nearly a thousand sharp guards with distinctive leather armor around the city master's mansion are paired every 200 people, closely guarding the whole city's mansion. In the red sky, ten flying boats loomed, densely covered with priests, and the breath of murder was faintly revealed.

A bird flying high in the sky couldn't dodge. As soon as it flew inside and outside the boat, it was hit by a dark force and exploded, turning into a ball of blood mist and came down. This scene made a few more wrinkles on the face of the crane in the cloud standing in the middle of the city's mansion.

Returning from the Purple Fire Hall, the wrinkles on the forehead of the crane in the clouds grew day by day, from a word to Sichuan characters and countless earthworms crawling on the forehead. It was really laborious, and only he knew the reason. Who will be willing to be forced to sign a soul contract by Zishuiying?

What if you are unwilling? My life is in the hands of others!

Yunzhonghe is not unwilling to seek the two monks in the secret room, who have supreme magical power. But as an important minister of the empire, he knows better than ordinary people how powerful the Purple Fire Hall is. There is no need to say more about the strength of the Purple Fire Hall, which has guarded the fortune of the human race for many years and can deter the two Taoist and Buddhists who dare not act rashly. The crane in the cloud can't believe that the secret method of the Purple Fire Hall, the two monks can crack, not to mention the method of signing a soul contract, as well as the swallowed glow introcious absolute elixir, which is unheard of and never seen!

Since you dare not try, what else can the crane do besides obeying the order of the Purple Fire Hall?

"Poisonous little lady, I hope that once this happens, she can really not blame the past and lift my ban." Muttered in a low voice, the crane in the clouds frowned even more and almost turned into a ball of hemp rolls. He was very annoyed, and he also believed that other important ministers of the Great Qin Empire were also worried. The charge of collusion with Buddhism was not serious. At this thought of this, his heart finally relaxed a little, and even a trace of pleasure. He secretly said: No one's buttocks are clean. What are you afraid of!

After hesitating for a long time, the crane slowly returned to the study. For men, the biggest secret is not in the bedroom, but in the study, and the crane in the cloud is no exception. In the study, there were two monks waiting for a long time, one old and one young. The old monk is kind-looking and looks like a Taoist monk. The little monk looks at the eagle, which is obviously not a good thing.

The strange combination made Yunzhonghe quite unhappy and secretly scolded: "Is there no one in Buddhism? Find such a little bastard! It's disgusting to look at it." Although he was unhappy, he did not show his cunning. If he didn't even have this city government, how could he become an important minister of the Qin Empire?

Yun Zhonghe put his hands together and sang respectfully: "Yun Zhonghe has seen the master of reduction. During this period, there are many things to do, please forgive me." When he spoke, the soul of the crane in the cloud was trembling with tension, for fear that the signing of the soul contract would be seen by the monk.

"Buddha said: understand! Lord Yun, you don't have to be polite. Please sit down. Naxi monk sat still, and the Buddha beads in his hand rolled slowly and firmly, just like his quiet and peaceful heart. He opened his old and turbid face slightly, and his shining eyes carefully glanced at the crane in the clouds, as if he were the owner of the study.

Yunzhonghe cursed in his heart. Seeing that the monk did not find anything strange about his body, he was calm in his heart. With a respectful face, he slowly told the latest dynamics of the empire in detail, such as those cities were captured by the spirit clan, those places were captured by the demon clan, and even including the movements and military strength of the three existing armies of the human race. The configuration, the attitude of various powerful ministers in the court, etc. are extremely detailed.

Of course, the Yunzhonghe didn't say anything about the dynamics of the Purple Fire Hall, and even if he wanted to say it, he couldn't say the reason. Purple Water Shadow can't let him know anything about the Purple Fire Hall.

The monk Nachu listened quietly. He was like a stone Buddha statue, and only the Buddha beads in his hand continued to rotate at an unchanged speed.

After saying that, Yun Zhonghe bowed slightly and sat cross-legged, waiting for the monk's question.

"He in the Cloud, the Purple Fire Hall comes to you. The only requirement is to stabilize the Red Cloud City and the surrounding environment, and shelter more exiles? Keep the vitality of the human race?" Although the monk Naju didn't say anything, the little monk beside him couldn't help laughing and asked loudly, "How is that possible? It is unreasonable to abandon other cities and only keep the super-large city.

"That's what the people in the Purple Fire Hall require." Yunzhonghe endured the anger in his heart and looked extremely unhappy. He respects the old monk Nahei, and he respects the old monk Nahei's unfathomable strength. He will not pay attention to a small monk.

"How dare you disrespect me, do you know who I am?" The little monk was furious.

The old monk coughed gently, and the little monk immediately sat down like a frozen quail. His triangular eyes were cold and shining, looking at the crane in the clouds like a dead man.

The crane in the cloud snorted coldly and stopped talking. It can be imagined that he was depressed. He muttered to himself, "Little wolf, you have guts. I won't care about you today. Let's see how I deal with you." Somehow, at this moment, Yunzhonghe suddenly regretted that he had hooked up with Buddhism. Yes, although Yunzhonghe and some people of the Qin Empire are not on their way, they are still polite to each other. How can they have shouted so face to face?

In the clouds, the crane and the little monk stared angrily, and there was Mars in the air.

The old monk slowly stopped playing with Buddha beads, his slightly closed eyes suddenly opened, and a pair of bright light lit up in the study, as if he had seen through all the fog in the world. The monk Naqian said softly, "Wukong, there is nothing abnormal. There are priorities. The Purple Fire Hall is eager to block the passage and destroy the army of all ethnic groups as much as possible. As for the missing soldiers, it is normal for the major legions to take action.

The monk looked at the crane in the clouds quietly, and his wise and bright eyes kept shining: "I'm curious, why the important ministers, nobles and princes of the Qin Dynasty, such as the crane in the clouds, are obviously qualified to compete for the world, why can't they compete for the world? Don't you have any idea?"

"It's good to have an idea, but you also need to have this strength." Yunzhonghe's heart thumped, shook his head and responded with a wry smile. He raised his finger and pointed to it. Above is the base camp of the Red Cloud Legion guarding the surrounding star domain. Any abnormal movement in Hongyun City can't escape the peeping of the Red Cloud Legion.

Yunzhonghe narrowed his eyes and said slowly, "The people above are not right with me. At the front end, they also condoned their men to hurt my grandson and son, and blackmailed me with 100 billion gold coins. Later, Amber and Yi Xin, two bastards, joined forces with others to win a trillion gold coin bet, secretly letting me completely leave the power of the city owner. Force center. Nowadays, at least half of my men don't listen to my orders, and even if they are careful, they are powerless.

"Amber and Yi Xin are nothing. I'll kill it for you." The little monk interrupted.

The monk Naqian frowned slightly and stared at the little monk fiercely. The crane in the cloud was fine, bowed slightly, and withdrew from the study.

After witnessing the crane leave, the monk lowered his head slightly and said quietly, "Wukong, you're right. It's really abnormal. This is not in line with the style of the Purple Fire Hall. The Purple Fire Hall has always maintained the luck of the human race and cherishes every life, but now it is obviously abnormal."

The little monk Wukong turned his eyes and said, "Will there be a new lord?"

"Absolutely, and it is a very powerful temple master. The little girl of the Zi family doesn't have this ability." The monk's face became more and more solemn, and a continuous Buddha light gushed out of his body and quickly spread to the whole study.

As far as he could see, the little monk only felt that it was like stretching out to the Buddha's country. What he saw was a bodhi tree and heard was a Sanskrit array.

The serious monk slowly got up, took the hand of the little monk Wukong, and stepped gently, just like stepping through countless voids, and disappeared from the cloud crane study with the little monk Wukong. Appearing again, the two have arrived at the edge of the clear light on the roof of Baozhilin.

"Ancestor, the situation is strange. Do you have any suggestions?" Nachu asked respectfully.

The light quickly rotated a few times, and the old and tired voice of Qingyun's ancestor came out: "The sky is chaotic and can't be reversed."

The little monk Wukong stared at the clear light strangely. His triangular eyes were full of envy. He was shocked when he heard the words and secretly said: Qingyun's ancestor can reverse the sky, and it is no wonder that he can become the first person in Taoism.

The way of heaven is unpredictable, and the secrets of heaven are difficult to see, which is well known to everyone. The so-called peeping at the sky can predict the future. For a long time, Qingyun's ancestor has relied on this magical ability to become a guide for the two Taoist and Buddhist teachings, and even subdued the demon king and the spirit fox, integrating four huge forces for his own use.

The sky is equivalent to a long river. Where is a person with low strength? He drifts with the tide and can't know where the long river is going. A slightly more powerful person is equivalent to small fish and shrimp in the river. Although they drift with the tide, they can occasionally jump out of the river and look at the surrounding environment. When it comes to the realm of Qingyun Laozu, it is equivalent to the boulder in front of the river, which can reverse the direction of the river in a short time.

Qingyun Laozu foresaw the catastrophe of the human race in advance, and the integration of four forces waited for a long time and finally invaded the human race. But what he didn't expect was that he foresaw the front, but he didn't expect that the vision of heaven and earth caused by Haoren would disturb the sky. The chaotic sky is traceless and he can't peep at all, let alone interfere or even guide the sky to transform in a direction that is beneficial to himself.

"Or, take back all the splits and completely solve Ziqiong? As long as Ziqiong dies, several of us will work together to crack the secrets of young people. The Purple Fire Hall and even the rest of the human race are naturally not worth mentioning. The monk thought for a moment and resolutely made the most correct decision.

The clear light suddenly stopped rotating. For a long time, the voice of Qingyun Laozu came out: "Good!"