Protagonist's aura

Chapter 0453: The Power of Danzong

One-on-one, group fight, you choose!

The gentle and kind voice fell into the ears of the four ancestors of Qingyun, which was tantamount to slapping their faces and crackling. They were ashamed and angry, and wanted to jump up and turn this annoying young man into dust, but to measure the strength of both sides, Qingyun Laozu and others decided to endure it!

Haoren smiled and looked at Ziqiong with a smile, giving her a grateful look.

In that clear eyes, Ziqiong only felt that her whole body was watered by Jiutian Yuqiong, her skin was reborn, her injury healed, and her spirit instantly rose to her peak state. Even Ziqiong feels that as long as she wants to, she can change her appearance and even strength at any time and enter an incredible state.

"Thank you, aunt!" Haoren said lightly. What he said was sincere and not faked at all. If Ziqiong hadn't bought time for herself, without the huge blood storage of ancient beasts in the Purple Fire Hall, and countless human secrets, there would be no Haoren today.

What you think is what you get. This is the current state of Haoren. In other words, he is the only god who founded the world!

"Mother!" The purple water shadow with a smile in the cheerful voice turned out from behind Hao's body, and the birds threw the forest and rushed to Ziqiong. Ziqiong gently hugged Zishuiying, and tears gushed out. She stroked Zishuiying's hair dotingly and asked in a low voice, "What's the human race?"

"All the spiritual world, demon world, Taoism and Buddhism have been sealed, and all the troops remaining in the human race have been destroyed. In a short period of time, they cannot attack the human world, and we can attack casually." Zishuiying Cat snuggled in Ziqiong's arms and pointed to the four ancestors of Qingyun: "Haoren said to kill these four people first, and then mobilise a large army to counterattack."

The four Qingyun ancestor were shocked, and their faces were as gray as earth. They stared at Haoren, sweating coldly, and soon soaked their clothes. The four opened their mouths slightly to beg for mercy, but found a vast but magical force firmly controlling their whole body. They couldn't even blink their eyes, let alone speak.

Haoren carried his hands on his back and walked to the Qingyun ancestor, looking down at Qingyun ancestor who didn't look like human ghosts and ghosts. He said seriously, "You all deserve to die. The human race is the co-owner of the world. How can you peep?" Haoren sneered: "especially Qingyun ancestor, your disciple Ya Xiuyun killed my wife and destroyed the soul-light planet. How can I let you go!" In the laughter, the monk Naga, the ancestor of Qingyun, the soul and the magic net were strangely broken, like the thin ice on the floating water illuminated by the spring sun, turning into the most complete energy particles and disappearing.

Ziqiong looked at Haoren like a ghost, and her heart was extremely shocked. The four top masters of the world are so easy to erase for Hao people. They don't need any action, any energy fluctuations, or even signs, and completely disappear.

What a horrible strength, Yinger found a good husband, and Ziqiong was secretly happy.

Haoren smiled at the purple water shadow, raised his legs slightly and stepped, instantly crossed countless time and space, crossed countless distances, and appeared over the imperial capital of the Qin Empire. He quietly looked at the magma all over the sky, and looked at Ziqiong and others with an expectant face. The two words came out from his mouth: "Re recovery!"

The powerful and magical power of the founding World Cup is shrouded, just like going back in time. The magma recant shrank back to the ground, and the heat covering the earth disappeared. The Qin Emperor, which was destroyed by the vision of heaven and earth, was pulled up on the ground, and the unjustly dead soul disappeared from the six reincarnations and changed into a human again.

Inside the towering Daqin Palace, the majestic Emperor Daqin is sitting on a high throne and listening to the fierce debate of the Minister of Culture and Armed Forces. In the store changed by Jin Bihui, the clerk is receiving guests from all directions. In a warm family, the filial son and kind parents had dinner together... Everything in the founding world, with the "re restoration" of Hao people, instantly changed back to the moment before the vision of heaven and earth.

No one knows that they once walked around the ghost gate. No one remembers that Taoism, Buddhism, demons and spirits once invaded the founding world and fought with blood. Even if the strategic priests of the Purple Fire Hall around Haoren, except for their old bodies to return to their youth, they don't know what has happened. The only thing they know is that the Purple Fire Hall took out a large amount of jade fruits to prolong their lives and help them recover their youth. They don't even know who Hao is! Except for Ziqiong, Zishuiying and Xumi Space, no one knows what happened.

Everything is like a smart programmer restoring everything in the founding world to a certain point in time! However, Haoren's ability is only this. He can only restore and smooth everything that happened after the vision of heaven and earth, and cannot change what happened before the vision of heaven and earth.

Just like the computer system restore, how can the system be restored without a backup in advance?

I'm sorry to take a look at Ziqiong with shining eyes, and Haoren smiled: "I'm sorry!"

Ziqiong was gloomy. She was still thinking that Haoren could save her dead husband, but people who have cultivated to her level also know some of the magic power of people with divine first-level cultivation, and also know how difficult it is for strong people. If the dead husband has just died and Haoren can't save him, that's fault is Haoren. But since the dead husband has been dead for many years, I don't know how many times he drank Meng Po soup. I'm afraid I don't know how many times he has been reincarnated, how can he get it back? Even if you find it and forget all your memories, what's the use of finding it back?

Ziqiong smiled and said, "It's okay, I understand." Her tone was indescribable loneliness and loneliness, and her autumn eyes flowed with a river called missing.

Life, old age, illness and death are the supreme rules in the world. No one can violate and surpass them. Even if they are as strong as Hao people, they can't change their lives against the sky. It's very simple. For example, when Hao people meet a stronger enemy, they accidentally beat them to dissipate their souls, and there is no way to resurrect them by themselves.

This is the eternal rule, the supreme rule that cannot be exceeded!

The breeze brushed, and the fresh air of the Great Qin Emperor came to his face, penetrating the Hao people's body without any flow. In Hao people's body, the old-fashioned and dullness of the ruling class of the Qin Empire, the infinite vitality and hope of the people at the bottom of society, and the vitality of all things are left. This wonderful feeling makes Hao people extremely happy.

"It's good to live. As long as you live, there is hope and endless hope." Haoren sighed softly. If someone has enough cultivation, it can naturally be seen that he is completely energized and integrated with the founding world at this moment, regardless of each other. His every move can call the whole founding world. His every move is enough to destroy the whole founding world, and even destroy the founding world, with only one of his thoughts. .

Purple Water Shadow smiled, floated lightly to Haoren, quietly snuggled up, and enjoyed the rare relationship after separation. The two didn't get along with each other. In addition to the eight years on the soul planet, they just met, and Hao people were captured by Qingyun's ancestors and others. Therefore, every moment of getting along with each other is precious to Zishuiying.

Ziqiong stared at the two. The man's handsome smile and the woman's smile are dreamy, which can be called a pair made of heaven and earth, which is impeccable. For a long time, she paused slightly and quietly disappeared. Once again, she had sat on the high chair of the Purple Fire Hall and looked down at the thousands of priests belonging to the Purple Fire Hall below.

Nine priests who founded the nine tripods, more than 10,000 priests who founded the eight tripods, and hundreds of thousands of priests who founded the eight tripods... This is the strength that Haoren has accumulated for her in a short period of time. Although it is the same group of priests, it is different from the previous priest Shouyuan who will die and is getting old. These priests have all recovered. In spring, they all look 18 years old, and their longevity is as high as 10,000 years. They have enough time and energy to create the world.

And every priest wears a special storage ring made by Danzong, and each storage ring contains 10 million enhanced versions of the world's unparalleled absolute elixir. In other words, each of these priests has 10 million lives to spend, and the overall strength has increased many times.

In addition, there are inexhaustible divine stones, huge and magnificent flying boats, energy cannons that can destroy the world, all kinds of powerful flying swords, magic weapons, etc... The huge founding world, coupled with the same huge Xumi space, the combination of the two can accelerate time in different dimensions under the coordination of the central computer. Under the effect of 10,000 times, terrible strength was immediately generated.

This is just the strength in the Purple Fire Hall. As for the strength hidden inside the Xumi space, it is many times more powerful! But for Ziqiong, this is enough, enough for the human race to sweep the whole founding world, clean up the demons, spirits, ghosts, etc., and completely return the founding world to the people.

The dense group of priests is like a purple sea floating in the huge space of the Purple Fire Hall. A scholar in white strode out. The scholar's eyes are always melancholy, but his smile is charming, and his voice is even more magnetic. He said, "Hello, Purple Lord, my name is Brother Sharp. Hao Ren ordered me to help you!"

With the words, Brother Sharp stroked his hands, and a huge screen appeared in front of everyone, which detailed the plan to conquer demons, spirits, ghosts, etc. in a simple and easy-to-understand way. One of the most critical points is that all those who surpass ordinary people will be included in the management of Haoren. Compared with the current power of the human race and Danzong, it is not difficult to achieve the above goals. After all, the strength is there.

But this is not what surprises Ziqiong. After all, from her perspective, the strength of captivity is far better than the development of ordinary people, which is beneficial to the development of the human race. What shocked Ziqiong was that she felt the same momentum and irresistible momentum as Haoren from the sharp brother who stood quietly.

is another top master. How much strength does Haoren hide? Ziqiong was shocked, but before she woke up from the shock, one, two, three, more than a dozen figures as powerful as Brother Sharp emerged from behind Brother Sharp and stood respectfully behind Brother Sharp.

The purple fire hall is silent, and the unconvinced priests remain silent under their strong strength. Only a pair of envious eyes swept undisguised at the dozens of figures, imagining that one day they could enter the same realm.

For a long time, Ziqiong's voice sounded in the Purple Fire Hall: "Brother Sharp, I agree with your plan! Human race, start the counterattack!"