Zhu Xian

Chapter 10 Sky Fox

The flame beast looked up at the little ash surrounded by golden light in the air. After a long time, it suddenly roared, and the temperature in the whole hall rose sharply in an instant, almost like a sea of fire.

In the roar, its attention obviously shifted from the ghost to Xiaohui. His limbs stepped on the ground hard, suddenly jumped up, and rushed straight to Xiaohui. The flames around him were burning, and even the rotating mysterious flame totem aperture behind it was as bright as if it were on fire.

Under the pressure of the overwhelming fire, the golden light emitted by the little gray was pressed down for a moment, and the flame surged up crazily, and it was about to swallow up the little gray.

At this critical moment, a figure stood in front of Xiaohui, which was a ghost. He floated up and floated in front of the little gray. Under the urging of his true method, the whole black soul-eating magic wand lit up, emitting the brilliance of the debut road, which was even more mixed with light blood.

In a moment, the huge head of the alien beast had jumped in front of Gui Li. In the face of such a fierce monster, Gui Li could even clearly see the sharp sharp teeth in the bloody mouth.

Deep, breathe!

In the sparks flying all over the sky, the true words of Buddhism suddenly appeared three feet in front of Gui Li's body, and the golden light was shining. A moment later, he saw a flash of blueness on his face, just before the giant claws of the foreign beast fell on the truth, and the golden light above the truth was light blue at the same time.

Since the founding of Qingyunmen and Tianyin Temple, the two true methods of "Dafan Prajna" and "Taiji Xuanqing Road" have been used at the same time for the first time.

The flames all over the sky are like mountains and seas!

The foreign beast roared and slapped. The huge power of the flame hit the truth, and in an instant burst out unparalleled brilliance from **. The mountain-like flame flew back in an instant, and the huge foreign beast was bounced back, and the whole hall was shaken by the invisible force.

The flame beast fell back to the ground and seemed to be shocked. Huo Ran looked up and looked at the figure in front of him with a pair of burning flames.

The golden light of the truth gradually faded, then dissipated and slowly disappeared into the air. Gui Li's body fell down, and his feet touched the ground. He couldn't help staggering and his face turned white.

The soul devouring slowly flew down, stopped in front of the master and floated. In the firelight opposite, it still emitted a faint mysterious blue light.

The corners of the ghost's mouth twitched gently, and then he resisted, but after a moment, he moved again. Finally, his shoulders trembled and sprayed a mouthful of blood. The bright red blood seemed to turn into a red fog and floated in front of him.

Just like the sad rain many years ago!

Little by little, the blood wrapped the black stick, and the former "burning stick" quietly devoured every drop of blood and quietly sucked it into the body of the stick without leaving a trace.

On the blood-eating beads, the red light is getting brighter and brighter.

The cold feeling goes all over the whole body.

The violence that had been endured just now finally could not be suppressed. The ghost looked up to the sky and roared, and his eyes were red. In an instant, thousands of thoughts turned in his mind, and endless blood bones came like nightmares, entangling him. The trembling hands slowly clenched hard, as if he could no longer bear the blood boiling from blood all over his body!

Opposite him, the eight fierce gods on the flame totem behind the beast also flashed faintly, as if echoed the smell of bloody killing on his body.

At this moment, the ghost seems to have turned into a cruel beast, confronting each other with the flame beast in front of him. The hall was hot, and even the air seemed to be burning.


Suddenly, the flame beast roared, as if there was a little uneasiness for the first time.

The little gray in mid-air fell in front of Gui Li.

The golden eye on the forehead flashed, and the sound of "Kakakaka" joint trembling and tapping from countless places on Xiaohui's body at the same time. Then, under the gaze of Gui Li and the flame beast, Xiao Hui began to change.

Countless thick and strong muscles suddenly bulged up on the originally thin body. In the sound of the knuckles, Xiaohui's body slowly became bigger. At such a clear moment that the human eye could see, a monkey, which was less than half a person tall, quickly became larger in the rapidly increasing muscles and bones, and in a blink of an eye, it had surpassed the body of the ghost.

Piece by piece, the muscles bulged in the arms, chest and abdomen of the little gray, the head became bigger, and there were even long and sharp fangs in the mouth, emitting a cold light, protruding outside the huge mouth. The palms that were originally used to pick fruit also produced sharp claws.

Finally, when the monkey, which had become extremely terrible, turned into a fierce beast almost as tall as the flame beast, it slowly opened its eyes, the eyes under the third eye.

The bright red and blood-eating eyes, mixed with a golden light, came out.

The originally vast altar hall suddenly added two such huge monsters at this moment, and it was suddenly crowded. Xiaohui's eyes were full of fierce light, staring at the flame beast opposite, and his mouth kept roaring.

The flame beast giant rotated slowly, and all he could see in his eyes was a flame, with no expression at all. But it can be seen that it is also a little afraid of this huge monkey that has suddenly transformed.

Suddenly, Xiaohui roared, and the third eye with golden light suddenly lit up, and a beam of golden light sped out. The flame beast roared and left.

The golden light hit the ground, roared, and immediately hit a big hole in the hard red rock.

Before the flame beast could react, the ghost Li, who had been standing behind the little gray, had risen up. In an instant, he was shrouded in a strange light, and the soul-eating magic wand in front of him rushed to the flame beast.

Almost at the same time, Xiaohui also rushed to the flame beast.

The flame in the eyes of the flame beast is extremely hot in an instant...

Suddenly, when the ghost Li, who was killed and bloodyly filled his heart, was about to attack the foreign beast opposite, the Xuanhuo Jian on his right arm seemed to suddenly wake up, bursting out a strong pure sun, far more than ever before, rushing towards the fierce atmosphere of blood-eating beads in the meridians of the ghost

The ghost's body was shocked, and his face was almost immediately pale. The body leaping in mid-air was like being hit by a huge force, and I only felt that my whole body seemed to have thousands of sharp blades pierced into the flesh and blood of my body at the same time. The pure yang force in his body seemed to be stimulated by the cool and violent air of the blood-eating beads. It incredibly quickly turned into a hot inflammation, covering every meridians in his body, and fighting with the yin and ice gas of the blood-eating beads.

His whole body collapsed in an instant, and he fell weakly from the sky and fell to the ground heavily. And half of the flying soul devouring lost the master's urging, and immediately flew back like spirituality, and fell on him with a " bang".

"Squeak..." Xiaohui looked over his three eyes at the same time and roared loudly. Obviously, he couldn't imagine why the ghost suddenly did this.

But almost at the same time, the flame beast opposite began to move. All the way hovering over the flame totem aperture behind the flame beast, one of the eight fierce gods suddenly flashed, and rushed in with the roar of the flame beast. The fierce light was like a living thing, and he rushed to it with his teeth and claws.

The little gray roared and roared, and his huge body suddenly rushed up. Two huge monsters collided in mid-air and fell to the ground again, and the whole hall immediately trembled.

The burning flame burned like a mountain and a sea in an instant. The little gray's strong body caught fire several times, but it seemed to ignore the pain of these flames at all. It grabbed it with one claw and hit the head of the flame beast, but almost at the same time, its lower abdomen was also severely hit by the opponent.

The two giant beasts roared in pain at the same time, and after a moment, they were entangled and beaten together. The huge body turned into a terrible volcano, and every heavy blow was full of blood.

Gui Li lay weakly on the ground, tortured by the sudden great pain and unable to move. There was a blood-red color in front of him, but somehow, at this moment, he suddenly woke up in his mind.

All the fighting sounds suddenly left, and the hot light of the burning flames seemed to be far away in the sky, and the incomparable pain in the body eroded every inch of skin. His eyes clearly saw in the blood that the fierce light manipulated by the strange power in the air seemed to rush towards him ferociously.

But he didn't have the slightest fear!

In a flash, how long is it?

What do you think of on the edge of life and death?

Is it the night rain in Zhushan many years ago? Or is it the pale figure beside you when you fall into the endless abyss?

In a trance, I saw the faint smile I met for the first time...

He slowly closed his eyes.

Are you going to die? Then die!

I'm really tired of this life!

The next moment, the boundless darkness enveloped him with heavy ferocity.


The huge force directly hit the ghost's body from the ground into the air and flew back. The fierce light clung to him with a ferocious smile. He tore his clothes with a "hess", opened his mouth, and was about to bite his neck.

Xiaohui, who was fighting with the flame beast, heard the sound and looked back. In an instant, his eyes were wide open, the corners of his eyes burst, and the blood flowed down. Across his face, the blood was almost like a ghost, making a sad scream.

I don't know where a force came from. I saw that the red light in Xiaohui's eyes was about to bleed. In the roar, he actually threw the flame beast away. But almost at the same time, the claws of the flame beast scratched the huge wound on its abdomen, and the blood spewed out like a raging wave.

But Xiaohui didn't look at his body and rushed back with all his strength in the direction of the ghost.

The man who is entangled by the ferocious god!

At this moment, it is reflected in its blood-red eyes...

Will the distance be the end of the world?


The wind is roaring.

Fierce array.

The fierce god's sharp teeth bit on the ghost's neck. Xiaohui, who was still a few feet away, sobbed and roared in despair.

A faint red light suddenly came out of the ghost's tattered clothes. Somehow, the fierce light suddenly froze his whole body and didn't move.

Mysterious fire!

The ancient flame totem wrapped in a turquoise jade ring in the middle slowly lit up at this moment, emitting a red light, shining on the fierce light statue.

There was almost no resistance. With a "ss", the ferocious and fierce light statue, which had just been ferocious, was actually sucked in by Xuanhuo Jian like a long whale sucking water, and disappeared in a blink of an eye.

After a while, Xiaohui rushed to Gui Li's side, but before he could carefully check the Gui Li's injury, the wind behind him was loud, and the flame beast rushed up again.

At the wound of Xiaohui's abdomen, blood gushed out like a spring water. It can be clearly seen that its action has been a little difficult, but subconsciously, Xiaohui is still in front of the unconscious ghost.

However, the flame beast suddenly stopped, the huge head slowly turned, and the flame-burning eyes fell on the Xuanhuojian tied to the ghost's right arm.

The ancient flame totem, flashing with a blurred red light, seems to be telling something.

Xiao Hui stared at the flame beast warily.

But this strange beast suddenly seemed to become very strange, as if it was unbelievable. He looked at Xuanhuo Jian, and then at Gui Li and Xiao Hui. His huge head turned, as if he was a little irritable and kept roaring in a low voice.

After a moment, as if he finally couldn't resist anything, the flame beast suddenly bent its two front legs, and his huge head slowly nodded three times to the Xuanhuojian. Then with a low roar, the flame on his whole body suddenly dimmed, and all the flames disappeared one by one. Finally, even The body of this giant beast also slowly dissipated in this space. And the flame totem with eight fierce god patterns in the air slowly disappeared after losing the flame beast.

The whole hall suddenly quieted down.

All the flames disappeared, and the hall was again shrouded in a faint red light emanating from the volcanic well. Only above the head, the place where the flame beast just appeared revealed a round hole leading to the second floor.

Xiaohui shouted in a low voice, slowly sat on the ground, sat next to Gui Li, looked at the master silently, and then looked at the huge wound on his stomach.

It waited in silence.

The pain gradually faded, and the instinct of life pulled him out of the darkness.

The ghost slowly opened his eyes.

The huge pain is like an invisible fire, which has just been burned on every inch of the skin in his body, leaving no trace, but it has exhausted him.

He took a deep breath, and his tentacles felt cold, and the "fire stick" was still at his hand, accompanying him.

Burning stick...

He suddenly smiled bitterly in a low voice, and there was a "squeak" cry beside him. Gui Li turned his head and looked, and Xiao Hui was lying beside him and looking at himself. The huge body just now has changed back, and the little monkey snuggling up to his hand again. It's just that the blood-stained wound on its abdomen, and the third eye flashing with a faint golden light on its forehead at this moment, are reminding him of what just happened.

Gui Li suddenly smiled, turned to Xiao Hui, slowly sat up, reached out his hand and gently stroked its head. Xiaohui grinned, squeaked twice, and scratched his head with his hand.

The red light in the hall flowed gently, shining on their figures.

Gui Li secretly checked his whole body and only felt that his body was tired, but the meridians in his body seemed to be fine after that incredible infighting. I can't figure out why the mysterious fire, which has always been gentle and pure, suddenly became so violent. After thinking about it, it seems to have something to do with the Xuanhuo altar I was in and the strange magic array just now.

Gui Li tidied up the torn clothes on his body, then pulled off a piece of cloth, took Xiao Hui over, and carefully bandaged the wound on its stomach. Xiaohui lowered her head, blinked her eyes, looked at the sudden increase of something like a belt on her stomach, and squeaked twice. She seemed to be curious, and her hands kept touching it.

At this moment, Gui Li's physical strength gradually recovered. He stood up with Xiao Hui in his arms and looked around. There are many scars in the surrounding hall, and traces of dramatic fights can be seen everywhere, but somehow there are many traces on the ground, but not many on the wall. And the circle of fierce stone carvings under the feet regained calm at this moment and stayed there lifelikely.

He stood and meditated for a moment. For a moment, he couldn't figure out how long he had been in this Xuanhuo altar, but it was obvious that the Shangguan old man guarding this place had not come back yet. He also dared to leave because he knew that there was a guard of flames and strange beasts in the Xuanhu

Then, his eyes fell on the hole above his head to the second floor.

The red light on the hall also floated up a little, but from the bottom, you can only see a small part of the hole, and it seems to be dark next to it.

Gui Li looked at the darkness and suddenly said to Xiao Hui, "Let's go up and have a look!" Is it good?"

Xiao Hui grinned in his arms.

Gui Li gently touched its head, then put Xiao Hui on his shoulder, and then took a deep breath. His whole body slowly floated up, left the ground, and flew to the hole.

He rose slowly and was very careful. No one knew whether there were any monsters guarding in this mysterious altar. But there was silence around him until he floated to the second altar without any attack.

In addition to the faint red light in the round hole that came up, the altar on the second floor is surrounded by dark, but in the depths of the darkness, there is also something emitting a faint light.

Gui Li walked there.

It is a stone platform more than half a person, in the shape of a cylinder. The whole stone is completely different from the red rocks around it. While it exudes a faint coolness, the glide from the stone pillar is constantly changing color, sometimes slightly red, sometimes light purple, sometimes goose yellow, sometimes green, which is very beautiful.

And on the plane of the stone platform, there is a ring-shaped dent, with three words engraved next to it──

Mysterious fire!

Ghost's fierce eyes unexpectedly fell on his right arm, and in the middle of some broken clothes, faintly revealing the ancient flame totem of Xuanhuojian.

He gently untied the treasure, stared at it for a moment, and then put it in the dent, which turned out to be seamless.

After a moment, a dull sound suddenly came from the top of my head. Gui Li and Xiao Hui looked up at the same time and saw the slate above their heads. In a deep voice, they slowly retreated and a stone cave appeared.

Almost at the same time, the temperature around me suddenly dropped in an incredible way, and it became as cold as ice in an instant from the original extreme heat. Against the faint red light, you can even see the cold white air floating from the round hole leading to the third floor.

From hot to cold air, it can actually exist in this mysterious fire altar at the same time!

Gui Li showed a faint smile at the corners of his mouth. He took the Xuanhuojian back from the stone platform and put it in his arms. Without saying anything, he flew to the highest floor again.

The surrounding air was getting colder and colder, and the heat of the crater below seemed to be unable to affect here at all, so that when Gui Li stepped on the third floor of the ground, he found that there was thick ice under his feet.

There is nothing shining here, but after the ghost's eyes slowly adapted to the surroundings, they found faint light blue emitting light from all corners.

I don't know how many years of hard ice has been condensed, as if it is gently telling something.

He walked forward slowly, and the sound of stepping on the ice spread slowly, breaking the seemingly ancient silence here.

Suddenly, a low and slightly surprised, soft and desolate woman's voice sounded faintly in the depths of the darkness: "Aren't you the best official policy?"

Gui Li immediately stopped. After a moment, his eyes stared at the deepest darkness in front of him and slowly said, "Isn't it?"

The voice was silent for a while and said slowly, "Who are you?"

Gui Li asked, "Who are you?"

The blue light emitted by the surrounding hard ice seemed to flash, and the woman's voice was silent. After a moment, two faint faint lights, as if they were endless deep pupils, flashed and flashed in the deepest part of the darkness, staring at Gui Li and the little gray on his shoulder.

Finally, the soul-eating magic wand fell into his hand.

"The monkey on your shoulder is a three-eyed monkey, right?"

Gui Li's heart was stunned and did not answer. Instead, the little gray teeth on his shoulder shouted to the depths of the darkness, as if demonstrating.

The woman didn't care and said slowly, "The magic weapon in your hand, but the 'blood-eating beads' and the ghost 'dementor' are melted by the magic 'blood refining method'?"

Gui Li's body shook, and his pupils contracted.

The woman's voice seemed to laugh gently and said slowly, "The dementor and the blood-eating beads are the most fierce and evil things in the world, especially the blood-eating beads, which contain violent evil power and invade people's souls invisibly. I think your Taoism is not low, but the evil power is already deep in the body. Sooner or later, you will die of madness.

Gui Li said coldly, "Who the hell are you?"

The woman ignored him and said to herself, "Although the monkey beside you is known as the spirit of all things, and the sky's eyes are open at this moment, I see that there is a red fierce light under the golden light in its eyes in the sky. It must also be because of its company around you and being invaded by the evil power of blood-eating It's better to change the name to 'Three-eyed Monkey'.

Gui Li's heart was shocked and he couldn't speak for a moment. He gradually noticed the abnormality of Xiaohui's body, but now that the mysterious woman said it so clearly, he was a little confused for a moment.

The little gray was angry, hissing, revealing his sharp teeth in the dark.

The woman suddenly smiled and said quietly, "You're angry, hey hey, why is this? We are all born spirits. You know me, and I know you. Why do you have to be greedy for the prosperity of the world?

Gui Li withdrew his mood and calmed down. His eyes were gradually cold, and the soul-eating at hand gradually glowed with a mysterious blue light. He said coldly, "If you don't show up again, don't blame me for being rude!"

The woman's voice snorted and said, "You are not a disciple of the Incense Valley. You can actually go up to the third floor of this Xuanhuo altar. You really have some ability. Is the old ghost of Shangguan dead? But even if he is not here, you can actually break through the 'Eight Fierce Mysterious Fire Array' guarded by the 'Red Flame Beast'..."


Suddenly, the woman's voice suddenly raised sharply, as if she suddenly thought of something, and there was a trace of excitement in her voice.

"No, no matter how high the Taoist line is, except for the Shangguan old ghost, there is only... Only Xuanhuojian can open this altar on three floors. Do you have a mysterious fire on your body?

At the end of the speech, it seemed to reflect her excited voice. In an instant, the hard ice around Gui Li and the blue light lit up at the same time.

Gui Li frowned, but before he could react, the faint eyes in the dark had fallen on the mysterious fire in his arms.

The ancient flame totem seems to be burning slowly.


With a shrill roar, the woman's voice was instantly loud, mixed with countless pains, surprises, sadness, despair, and a trace of desolation.

"Why, why is Xuanhuojian on you? What about Xiao Liu? Where's Xiao Liu..."

She screamed, as if she had lost her mind. On the mysterious third floor of the Xuanhuo altar, in the depths of darkness, blue light suddenly broke out, and countless shadows flew under the light blue light, swimming uneasily in the gap between darkness and light.

A figure, like flying out of the dark abyss, and from the ancient desolation, like a huge shadow like a demon, dancing in this space.

Gui Li was stunned. Even if he saw something fierce and terrible, he was ready. But when he saw the figure in front of him clearly, he was stunned.

The long-standing memories rushed to his mind in an instant, filling his mind, and even Xiaohui screamed loudly on his shoulder in front of him.

Behind the figure, there seemed to be nine shadows flying like a nightmare.

He said slowly, slowly, in an astringent voice, "Nine-tailed Sky Fox!"
