Zhu Xian

Chapter 5 The World Buddha Hall

Morning clock, evening drum, day after day, it seems to be endless.

Every day seems to be exactly the same as yesterday. Some people feel boring, and some people feel at ease. The secluded years, long or short, are in people's hearts.

In a blink of an eye, Gui Li has been staying in Tianyin Temple for many days, listening to the bells in the morning and sinking drums in the evening. From the unknown places in the temple, he rang on time every day and stayed silently. Somehow, in just a few days, he seemed to have integrated into this strange environment, silent every day, just stunned.

He is in his prime at this moment, and his body is excellent. Although he is seriously injured, on the one hand, he is young, and on the other hand, his practice is high. In addition, Tianyin Temple is unexpectedly generous to him. He is not stingy with any good medicine, and he casually uses it on him. With the reputation of Tianyin Temple, the good medicine in the temple is naturally a first-class medicine in the world. The effect of the medicine plays quickly. He is injured and sick, and it is very fast.

In just a few days, he was able to get out of bed and walk reluctantly, but when he walked, his chest still hurt sharply. After a few steps, he had to breathe. However, even so, Fa Xiang and others who came to visit him have been happy. They praise that they have never seen a person who has recovered so quickly in the past. It seems that they will fully recover in less than a month.

Gui Li usually gets along with them indifferently and occasionally talks with each other. Both sides avoid talking about their opposing identities. It seems that at this moment, in the eyes of the monks of Tianyin Temple, Gui Li is just an ordinary person they treat with good intentions, not that they are willing to risk the world's greatness to grab it from Qingyun The demon religion is coming. And Gui Li never asked why the people of Tianyin Temple wanted to save him.

The time passed like this, and the ghost's body got better day by day. In the past few days, he has been able to walk on the ground more easily. Sometimes when the morning bell and the drums sounded, he would pull a chair to open the window, sit by the window, and listened, as if the bells and drums in the Tian A lot of charm.

During the days when he was recovering from his wounds, the monks in Tianyin Temple only had Dharma and Dharma Shan often came to visit him, and almost no other monks came, not to mention the Puhong Shangren and other general monks. And because of the injury, Gui Li has never left this room. In addition to occasionally opening the window to look out, what is displayed in front of him is just a small courtyard, red walls and blue tiles, and a few short trees planted in the courtyard.

It's just for Gui Li, such an ordinary and simple yard has a sense of familiarity that he hasn't seen for a long time. From the day he opened the window, although it was not revealed, he immediately fell in love with this place in his heart.

Listen to the morning bell in the morning and the evening drum in the evening. Such a calm and leisurely time, but in a short time, he has made him unable to give up and intoxicated.

Who knows that in his heart, the greatest extravagance was to live such a peaceful life...

Xu Mountain, Tianyin Temple, in the vast and magnificent temple pavilion, in the small courtyard of a strange and remote corner, living like this, living, living...

'Squeak!' The wooden door was suddenly pushed open, and Fa Xiang came in alone, glanced at the room, and then fell on the ghost lying on **. Gui Li closed his eyes and didn't know if he was asleep.

Fa Xiang smiled, turned around and closed the door, and said to Gui Li, "How do you feel today? Do you still have pain in your chest?"

Gui Li moved his body, slowly opened his eyes, looked at Fa Xiang, and said lightly, "You have to ask this sentence every time you come, don't you feel bored?"

Fa Xiang shook his head with a smile and turned his eyes, but he walked under the other side of the wall. In front of the statue dedicated to Guanyin, he picked up three fine sandalwoods from the table, lit them on a thin candle next to him, and then inserted them in the copper incense burner.

The light smoke curled up and floated into the air. The statue of the Guanyin suddenly became a little confused, and the fine smell of sandalwood gradually began to float in the air.

The law is ten times, and he worshipped the image of Guanyin. Then he turned around, looked at the ghost for a long time, and suddenly said, "Won't you come and pay a visit?"

Gui Li was stunned for a moment and couldn't help looking at the portrait. The Guanyin in the image was merciful, dignified and beautiful, and a pair of wise eyes looked at it, as if he was looking at everything in the world. At this moment, he was looking at himself like mercy.

His heart moved, but then he sneered and said, 'Why do I worship her? If she really has a spirit, I don't know how many times I have asked God and Buddhas in the past, and I have never seen them show mercy!'

Fa Xiang looked at him for a long time, and the ghost looked at him frankly, and there was still a sneer on the corners of his mouth, without any regret. After a long time, Fa Xiang sighed and turned around. He bowed his head to the Buddha statue of Guanyin, and gently recited words in his mouth, but he didn't know what to say.

Gui Li looked at him behind him and sneered.

After the Dharma salute, he turned around and gradually disappeared. He changed into a peaceful smile and said, 'I think you look good today, and your body has roughly recovered recently. Why don't we go out!'

Gui Li was stunned when he heard the words and said, "Go out, where are you going?"

Fa Xiang smiled and said, 'Go where you want to go and see the people you want to see.'

The ghost frowned, and then raised his eyebrows and said, 'What, is it Puhong's man...'

Fa Xiang nodded and said, 'Exactly, the teacher was very happy to hear that you have recovered. Let me come and have a look today. If you are not tired, you can meet. I don't know what you think?'

Gui Li looked at the law for a long time, and suddenly laughed and said, 'Okay, okay, I've been waiting for this day for a long time. Naturally, I want to see him. Don't say that I'm in good health, but I was seriously injured that day. As long as he wants, I will climb to see him.

The law is ten ways: 'The beneur's words are heavy, please follow me.'

After saying that, he led the way, went to the door first, opened the door and went out.

Gui Li immediately followed, but when he was about to walk out of the room, somehow, he suddenly looked back at the statue of Guanyin hanging on the wall. In the curling smoke, Guanyin was kind-eyed and smiling, as if he was also staring at him.

Gui Li frowned and snorted, but immediately turned around. If he didn't look back, he went straight, leaving only fine sandalwood, floating gently in the empty room behind him.

Out of the courtyard, it is a passageway about two feet long, four feet wide, with red walls on both sides, more than two people tall, and green glazed tiles on the top, and a round arch at the end of the passage. When approaching the arch, I faintly heard a sound from the outside.

The sound is quite strange. At first glance, it seems to be the sound of the monks chanting the scriptures in the temple, but it is also mixed with other strange sounds. Some of them should not appear here in the ghost imagination, such as village women getting together to chat and talk, or the believers salute the Buddha loudly, Some children are crying.'s coming.

How can such strange sounds appear in the Tianyin Temple, which is known as one of the three major schools in the world?

Gui Li was shocked and looked at the Dharma, but only saw that the Dharma's face remained unchanged. He led the way in front of his head and walked out to the arch. Gui Li frowned, calmed down, and then went out.

The door suddenly became cheerful, but I saw that the white jade was the stone, the ping was the field, the stone class was stacked, and the nine was in a group, connected to the Daxiong Hall, which was actually as high as the ninety-eight group. Between the jade carving fences, the hall was majestic and extremely tall. The thirteen huge stone pillars in front of the hall rose to the sky, more than ten feet high. The golden wall of the hall was brilliant, and the eight ridges were divided equally on it, carved in the shape of a dragon head. Before each roof, there were ten auspicious auspicious beasts carved Note 1)

And all kinds of carvings of His Highness are gorgeous and exquisite, which is far beyond the imagination of the world, and can be made by idle people. After the Daxiong Hall, on both sides and in front, there are towering halls connected one by one. Between them, the squares are connected, or the paths are winding and connected, and some are directly connected, layer by layer, which is spectacular.

It's just that although the building is majestic and gorgeous, it is indeed amazing, but at this moment, it is not these that surprises the most, but on this solemn Buddhist holy land. At this moment, there are countless mortals who keep shuttling through. Countless people hold incense and kneel down to worship the Buddha. The steps of the square, Imagine.

A large Tianyin Temple, which has a lofty status in the right path of the world, is like an ordinary temple in the world, open to countless secular people to burn incense and worship Buddha.

Gui Li never thought of this. He understood the strange sound just now, but he was even more confused about all this in front of him. Growing up on Qingyun Mountain, he has long been used to the so-called fairy style, the fairy fairyland, which can only be possessed by monks. On Qingyun Mountain, where have you ever seen an ordinary person come up the mountain to burn incense and make a wish?

He turned his head and looked at Fa Xiang and asked in astonishment, 'This...'

Fa Xiang smiled and said, "Today happens to be the first day of the lunar new year, so there are more people. Although the incense in this temple is strong, there are not many people on weekdays, but on the fifteenth day of the first lunar month, the people who are hundreds of miles nearby have the custom of coming to worship Buddha.' ( Note 2)

Gui Li shook his head and hesitated for a moment. After all, he still asked, 'No, I think it's strange. How can you let the people come in to burn incense and worship Buddha?'

It seemed that it was really expected that the devil would ask this question. He nodded, made a posture to walk this way, and then took the ghost to the back of the Daxiong Treasure Hall, walking along the way: 'In fact, the congenital Tianyin Temple was the same as Qingyunmen and other door valves, and it was not open to the world, After that, he learned the Buddha's principles with the other three uncles, made a great wish, and said: Buddha is the Buddha of all sentient beings, not my Buddha. So he decided to open the mountain gate to accept the people.'

Speaking of this, Fa Xiang stopped, turned around and pointed to the countless steps leading to the Daxiong Hall, and said, 'Have you seen the long stone steps?'

Gui Li nodded and said, 'What's wrong?'

The law is in line with ten ways: 'That was when an uncle saw the steep mountain road. Although the people had the intention to worship the Buddha, there were many people who were weak and had no mobility, so they could not go up the mountain to fulfill their wishes, so he used his great magic power, with the power of one person, and spent ten years of Waiting for the countless good deeds.'

Gui Li couldn't help but be in awe, and his face also looked heavy. He said, 'There is such a great senior. May I ask his name?'

Fa Xiang glanced at him. After an unexpected moment of silence, he whispered, 'The uncle's name is Pu Zhi, and he has been dead for more than ten years.'

Gui Li's body was suddenly stiff, like the word "Pu Zhi" thundered like a sunny day, which hit him in his mind and shocked him to tears.

Fa Xiang looked at the ghost's fierce and unpredictable, suddenly sad, suddenly angry, sighed, and whispered, "It's all, let's go, the abbot is still waiting for us!"

Ghostly followed the law, but his originally easy pace has become extremely heavy at this moment. After walking a few feet, he suddenly turned around with a complicated face. He saw a bustling crowd in the distance. Countless people walked on the stone steps. The old people, men, women and children walked through the stone steps one by one with devout faces and chanted the Buddha's name, as if they had taken this road, which was closer to the Buddha.

The expression on Gui Li's face was complicated and difficult to understand. He clenched his fists and slowly loosened. After a long time, he slowly turned his head and walked forward. The Dharma waiting in front of him is the same as the Tenth nenbutsu, but he doesn't say much.

The two of them went together, leaving only the countless believers and the silent Buddha road behind and in the world.

This place was originally the world, but it is no longer the realm of immortals and Buddhas.

After walking through the Daxiong Hall, there is still a long string of temples behind it. After all, Tianyin Temple is a famous school, and its style can be compared with ordinary temples. It's just that Fa Xiang walked back with Gui Li all the way, but did not stop in any of the palaces and pavilions, but just walked to the back mountain.

Gui Li just followed Fa Xiang all the way. He didn't say a word, and his face was full of thoughts. He turned a blind eye to the gorgeous and exquisite buildings around him.

Only in the end, Fa Xiang took him out of the back door of Tianyin Temple and walked on a small mountain road to the top of Xumi Mountain. Gui Li frowned and said, "Why, is Puhong Shangren not in the temple?"

Faxiang nodded and said, 'Yes, although this temple is open to the secular world and is an infinite act of merit, after all, the monk needs to be pure. The teacher and several uncles are quiet people. They have always lived in the small temple on the top of the mountain. We usually call it "Little Tianyin Temple."' After saying that, he smiled and showed two white teeth.

Gui Li nodded silently and said nothing more. He followed Dharma to the top of Xumi Mountain.

Although Mount Sumeru is not as high as Qingyunmen Tongtianfeng, it is definitely not low. The Tianyin Temple they just came out of was halfway up the mountain, but they walked up for half an hour before they saw the plaque of Xiaotianyin Temple.

From the outside, Xiaotianyin Temple can really be called a small word. It can't go in and out of the courtyard three times, which is far from the magnificent Tianyin Temple on the middle of the mountain, but it is far away from the secular world. I saw the surrounding pine trees and bamboo, densely forest, the mountain The quiet and elegant taste is another taste compared with the hustle and bustle under the mountain.

Gui Li just recovered from his great injury. After walking many roads, he had seen a slight sweat on his forehead. He stopped his feet and rested for a while. Looking back, he saw the incense in the Tianyin Temple in the middle of the mountain, and the silk wisps floated up. It was so far away that he could see it clearly. During

Gui Li looked at him for a long time, stunned, and didn't know what he was thinking. He turned around for a long time, nodded and took him into Xiaotianyin Temple.

It's much easier here than the bottom of the mountain. The two of them passed through the middle Buddhist hall, turned two turns to the right, and walked into the back hall, which was three pure Zen rooms. Fa Xiang stepped forward and said loudly to the door of the Zen room in the middle, 'Master, Zhang Xiaofan's beneur has come over.'

An old but kind voice immediately sounded in the Zen room, saying, 'Please come in!'

Fa Xiang turned around and made a gesture of invitation to Gui Li. Gui Li hesitated for a moment and walked into the house. Jian Xiang stopped outside, as if he didn't mean to go in together.

Walking into the Zen room, Gui Li looked around. The Zen room was simple and unpretentious, and all the decorations were almost the same as the Zen room where he was recovering at the foot of the mountain. Today, the upright giant in the world, the abbot of Tianyin Temple, is sitting on the Zen bed, holding a string of rosary beads in his hand and looking at him with a smile on his face.

'You're here.' Puhong's voice was calm and he smiled.

Somehow, in the face of this monk, Gui Li's original turbulent mind soon calmed down and took a deep breath. He nodded and said, 'Yes.'

Puhong looked at him carefully and looked at him carefully from top to bottom. His eyes flashed with strange compassion and light, and the rosary in his hand also turned gently. For a long time, he said, "You should have something to ask me?"

Gui Li immediately nodded and said, 'Yes, I'm surprised why Tianyin Temple risked turning against Qingyunmen to save me, and why do you...'

He was in a hurry to ask, and his voice was extremely fast, but in the middle of the question, he couldn't help but stop. The man of Puhong stretched out his right hand and stopped in the air, blocking him from continuing to speak.

Gui Li was puzzled and looked at Puhong Shangren with some confusion. Puhong Shangren bowed his head and praised the Buddha's name, but he got off the Zen bed, stood up, and said to the ghost: 'Before you ask me, I'll take you to meet someone first!'

Gui Li was stunned and said, 'Who is it?'

Puhong didn't answer, but only went outside and said slowly, "This man has wanted to see you for a long time, and I know that you must also want to see him."

Gui Li was stunned, but subconsciously followed. Somehow, his palms sweated, and his heartbeat suddenly became faster, as if there was a frightening existence in front of him.

Fa Xiang has been standing quietly outside the Zen room. Seeing that Pu Hong Shangren came out with ghosts so quickly, his face did not change. He just took a step back and stood aside. Puhong looked at him, nodded, and walked in the other direction without saying anything. It was the last small courtyard in the three-entry yard, leaning against a mountain wall.

Note 1: Carving auspicious beasts on the eaves of the palace is a unique architectural regulation in ancient China, with extremely detailed division rules. In terms of the number, from the emperor to the official to the ordinary family, there are detailed regulations that cannot be exceeded, otherwise it will be disrespectful and can kill the clan. There are ten buildings of auspicious beasts on the roof. Since ancient times, there has been only one place in China, which is the Taihe Hall of the Forbidden City, which is the only one in the world. This is a fiction, and you readers laugh and see it.

Note 2: Burning incense and worshipping Buddha on the fifteenth day of the first lunar month is quite popular in China, which is widely spread by Buddhism, or called Dharma or Buddhist Association, from Yonghe Palace in Beijing to small temples in Fujian villages in the south. I grew up watching my grandmother burn incense, and it is still the same. When I start writing, I can't help sighing when I read this.