Zhu Xian

Chapter 4 Old Place

Qingyun Mountain, Tongtian Peak, Ancestral Hall.

The green forest is still as before, growing densely and vigorously. The faint morning fog is drifting in the forest. You can see the leaves and branches everywhere. On the grass and wild flowers and leaf petals, there are crystal dewdrops trembling gently in the breeze. In the distance, there is also a crisp and pleasant sound of birds singing in the depths of the dense forest, which makes people feel clear in the body and mind, like a fairyland.

In this human resort, Taoist fairyland, a short and fat figure slowly appeared on the path in the forest. It was Tian Buyi.

It seems to be a little incongruous with the beautiful scenery around him. Tian Buyi's face is a little solemn. His eyes look straight ahead, and the expression on his face seems to be heavy. At this moment, there is no one around him, which also seems a little strange. Although Tian Buyi, as the head of Dazhu Peak, is one of the most important people in Qingyunmen, it is obviously a little strange to come to the ancestral hall of the ancestral temple in the back mountain of Changmen Tongtianfeng in his identity.

On the mountain road, there were no disciples of Qingyunmen to guard. All the way, there was no sound. In the sound of the breeze and birds, Tian Buyi turned around the famous fork and gradually saw the majestic eaves in the depths of the dense forest.


I don't know where the bells and drums came from somewhere, coming from the direction of the front mountain, echoing at the top of Qingyun Mountain.

The empty and fluttering echo made Tian Buyi stop silently, look back and look.

The sky is the sky, and the sky is infinitely blue!

For thousands of years, it seems that it has never changed.

Tian Buyi's face gradually calmed down, stood silently for a while, and then turned around again and walked towards the ancestral temple.

The empty stone steps appeared in front of him, and the ancestral temple remained unchanged, like a sleeping beast, sleeping gently and lying in the arms of the forest. The door of the ancestral hall is still open, and it is still dark inside. Even the incense candles in the depths of the darkness seem to be sleeping, and everything is so quiet.

It's just that outside this ancestral temple, under the stone steps, there is still a young man standing at this moment, with his back to the field. Tian Buyi frowned and walked over.

Hearing the footsteps, the young man seemed to be shocked. Unexpectedly, someone else would come to this place at this time and quickly turned around.

Tian Buyi was opposite the man. Both of them were stunned for a moment. The young man was Lin Jingyu.

Tian Buyi immediately remembered that in the past, he had heard his disciples say that Lin Jingyu had been guarding in this ancestral temple. It was said that it was for someone to guard the spirit, but no one seemed to know who the "someone" was. However, Tian Buyi is naturally not in the mood to think about this at this moment. He and Lin Jingyu didn't have a very good relationship. They looked at each other and didn't speak immediately. The atmosphere seemed a little awkward.

Finally, Lin Jingyu coughed and whispered, "Uncle Tian, why did you come here so early?"

Tian Buyi took a look at him, and then his eyes moved to the darkness in the ancestral hall and said, "I'm looking for someone. What are you doing standing outside the ancestral hall early in the morning?

Lin Jingyu's face changed slightly, and there seemed to be a wry smile on his face. He looked into the ancestral hall, but did not answer.

Tian Buyi said lightly, "Is there anyone in it? Is it the head brother?"

Lin Jingyu nodded and said, "Yes, the master of the master is on the hall... He ordered me to wait outside. Without his summons, none of the disciples on Tongtianfeng were allowed to enter."

Tian Buyi snorted and said coldly, "I remember that you are a disciple of Longshoufeng, but why did you run to Changmen Tongtianfeng and take care of the door for Brother Daoxuan?"

Lin Jingyu's face turned white, bowed his head slightly, and said nothing.

Tian Buyi ignored him, raised his legs and stepped on the stone steps.

Lin Jingyu next to

was stunned, took a step and said, "Uncle Tian, what are you doing?"

Tian Buyi said lightly, "When I come here, I naturally want to go in. I want to talk to my brother-in-law."

Lin Jingyu frowned and said, "Uncle Tian, the head of the family said that no one wants to see it. Without his permission, all under the door of Tianfeng..."

"I'm not a disciple of Tongtianfeng!" Tian Buyi interrupted Lin Jingyu's words coldly.

Lin Jingyu was suffocated, and Tian was so choked that he couldn't speak for a moment.

Tian Buyi said less and walked up the stone steps to the ancestral hall.

Lin Jingyu moved and seemed to want to stop it, but then he stopped and looked at Tian Buyi's short and fat body, and his eyes flashed.

Stepping into the high threshold, a faint sandalwood fragrance suddenly came towards him, and the huge shadow gently gushed out from the depths of the palace, gently blocking the light that had just existed outside the ancestral temple.

Tian Buyi stood in place for a moment, and then slowly walked into the depths. With the slow rise and fall of his footsteps, the expression on his face also seemed to be slowly changing.

Huge, red-painted pillars stand in the hall, supporting the majestic hall. The yellow cloth hanging from the ceiling dome hung quietly beside the pillar. Many of them looked a little dilapidated. In my eyes, it seemed to be a vicissitudes of life, revealed from the aging yellow.

The past time seems to have solidified here.

The ancestral hall was very quiet, and almost no sound could be heard. Only Tian's footsteps echoed in the shadow of the silence around him.

After the huge table in the distance, countless incense burn brightly and quietly, just like a mysterious and strange eye, staring at the figure shuttling in the shadow of the hall.

Turning over the thickest pillar in the hall and passing behind the low yellow mantle, Tian Buyi finally stopped.

In front of me is an open space. There are three rows of futons on the ground, seven in each row. On the middle of the first row, there is a familiar figure sitting there, motionless. In front of the futon, there is a huge offering table, and the fruit sacrifices are full of the table. In the middle is a large incense burner, but it is very strange. Only three fine incense sticks are inserted, and the light smoke floats slowly.

Through the smoke-wrapped table, in the deep darkness behind the table, countless spiritual cards can be faintly seen, each of which seems to have handwriting, which is placed upright on the spiritual position in the shadow.

Tian Buyi's face slowly became heavy with a trace of respect. Facing the spiritual position of the ancestors of Qingyunmen, his eyes first stopped on the once familiar back for a moment, and then walked up silently.

Dao Xuanzhen's body moved slightly, but did not look back.

Tian Buyi slowly walked to the table, looked at the countless spiritual positions shrouded in the shadow, inhaled deeply, and then pulled out three fine incense sticks from the incense bag next to the incense burner, carefully lit the candlelight next to him, stepped back, stood three feet in front of the table, and respectfully worshipped the incense three times.

The place where Dao Xuanzhen sat in the futon was only six feet away from the table, but the faint light in front of him seemed to be unable to shine on him. In the dark shadow, he slowly looked up, and Tian Buyi's figure stood in front of him with his back to his back.

In the depths of darkness, suddenly, like a ghost fire in the depths of the underworld, "suddenly" rose up, and the two lights shone in an instant. Almost at the same time, like an invisible ghost roaring wave swept across the hall, all the incense candle lights, except for the three fine incense sticks held in Tian Buyi's hand, all lit up.

Tian Buyi had finished his visit at this moment. He took a step and was about to insert the fine incense into the incense burner, but his body suddenly paused, and even the hand holding the incense stopped in the air.

In the hall, it fell into a dead silence in an instant. The two figures, standing and sitting, seemed to be frozen and motionless. The yellow mantle in the distance, somehow, seemed to have a breeze blowing in the hall, gently fluttered a few times, and then slowly stopped.

Outside the ancestral hall, Lin Jingyu was frowning and pondering, but suddenly he felt something. He suddenly looked up and looked into the depths of the quiet and dark ancestral hall, with a faint surprise on his face.

In a trance, this temple, which used to be a quiet sleep, was like an awakened monster, coldly opening its eyes.

I don't know how long it took, the mysterious ghost fire in Dao Xuanzhen's eyes suddenly disappeared again. It came suddenly and went quickly. As the strange eyes slowly closed, the hall, which had been killed, suddenly eased, and the candlelight around it gradually lost its brightness and returned to the original faint light.

The fine incense in Tian Buyi's hand was still ignited, and three subtle incense loomed in the dark. It's just that when the fragrance trembles, the white catkins-like ash fell gently and fell on Tian Buyi's hand.

Tian Buyi's face was indifferent. He took a cold look at the incense ash on the back of his hand, stood silently for a moment, shook his hand gently, shook off the incense ash, and then took a step and respectfully inserted three fine incense into the incense burner.

Six fine incense sticks, lit in the incense burner at the same time, with light smoke floating and curling up.

Tian Buyi didn't say a word, and worshipped the spiritual position three times. Then he slowly turned around and faced the figure sitting on the ground futon.

"Brother Dao Xuan," he looked deeply at the man. Somehow, his eyes were surprised, sad and indignant, and a little sad. He said slowly, "We're meeting again!"

Most of the face of Dao Xuanzhen is shrouded in shadows, which is not real. In response to Tian Buyi's voice, he seemed to be deaf and had no reaction at all. He still sat so quietly.

Tian Buyi stood and looked at him for a moment, and didn't say anything more, but his expression on his face became heavier and heavier. He moved the corners of his mouth gently and stepped away, but he walked to the side of Dao Xuanzhen and sat down on another futon less than three feet away from him.

Above the main hall, there is silence.

Southern Xinjiang, 100,000 mountains, Jiaohei Mountain Peak.

Along the way, the gloomy ghost howling is getting stronger and stronger, and the gloomy wind from nowhere is also whining, blowing like a knife on people. If it weren't for the depth of ghosts and golden bottles, I'm afraid that this ghost crying wolf howling and cold gloom alone is enough to make people crazy.

The gloomy atmosphere around was getting stronger and stronger, and the two of them were more and more cautious, but until they reached the valley, they had reached the place where they could see the deep and dark hole of the ancient cave of Zhenmo, and they had not been subjected to any danger or ambush. This mountain is like a ghostland, and it is incredibly quiet. Not to mention that there are no fierce beast demons, but there are poisonous insects and beasts that can be seen everywhere since entering the 100,000 mountains.

This gloomy place seems to be the safest place in the land of 100,000 mountains and rivers...

Gui Li and Jin Ping'er stood on a hill, looking at the ancient and deep cave from afar, and the stone statue standing at the mouth of the cave could be faintly seen.

Both of them frowned slightly. At this time and here, the unexpected calm brought them greater worry.

Jin Ping'er pointed to the cave and said, "That's the ancient cave of Zhenmo. When I followed the man in black to come here, I saw the beast god reborn from the cave with my own eyes."

Gui Li nodded slightly, and then looked around the cave. Except for the bottomless dark cave, there were vertical cliffs around the cave, and the strange stones were ferocious, and the height of the cave was dozens of feet high, close to the stone wall with a thick black cloud, slowly flowing in mid-air, like water clouds. Looking at the thick black color, you can see that it must be highly poisonous. At a glance, ordinary people have nowhere to go, but a place of death.

Withdrawing his eyes, Gui Li pondered for a moment and said, "Shall we go in?"

Jin Ping'er was slightly hesitant. After a long silence, he finally nodded and said, "Well, I've come here. How can I flinch? Let's go!"

Gui Li looked at her and saw that Jin Ping'er's face looked a little strange, and her face looked a little pale. Obviously, she still had some scruples about the mysterious cave. In fact, it's not just her, even the monkey Xiaohui on the ghost's shoulder. At this moment, she seems to have changed her temper and looks very quiet.

As if he felt something, Jin Ping'er turned his head and looked at Gui Li. Suddenly, he smiled, showed his beautiful teeth, and smiled and said, "I might as well do anything. Let's go there!"

Gui Li nodded and walked first. Jin Ping'er followed him and walked slowly towards the ancient cave of Zhenmo.

The sound of footsteps stepping on the hard scorched black rock block was quickly submerged in the roaring wind. The closer you approach the mouth of the ancient cave, the stronger the cold wind is, and the colder the gloomy air contained in the wind, the colder it is.

At this moment, both of them have found that the source of the mountain and wild yin and wind is suddenly blown out of the ancient cave.

It is getting closer and closer to the entrance of the cave, and the light around it seems to gradually fade. More and more brilliance is blocked by the black clouds near the entrance of the ancient cave of Zhenmo, as if such a place is not allowed to enter.

Standing at the mouth of the deep cave, facing the stone statue in the depths of the cave finally appeared clearly in front of them.

This road is not very long, but for the two of them, it seems to have walked for a long time. When they finally stood at the entrance of the ancient cave of Zhenmo, the sky had completely dimmed, and the sunshine that had warmed on them not long ago had completely disappeared above the black clouds.

Gui Li slowly turned to the entrance of the cave and stood in front of the woman's stone statue.

The dim light shone on her...

Thousands of years of wind and frost have slowly carved the initial soft and beautiful smoothness into roughness. In the changing time of the sea and mulberry fields, there are many eyes that have stared at your face so faintly and quietly.

Time is like the water in the long river, never stopping at half. The initial touch, the initial memory, the countless strands that have been deeply engraved in the heart, it turns out that it will still be forgotten after all.

Only a trace of the remnant of the legend was left. After a long time, it was inadvertently mentioned by future generations.

You used to be beautiful, once strong, in front of the time, the ashes and smoke dispersed.

The cold wind swept over the skirt of the clothes and blew on the body. The eyes of the eyes of thousands of years may not be as good as regret in a thought!

The soft hand gently patted on the shoulder, and the monkey's little gray squeaked in his ear. The ghost's fierce body shook slightly and suddenly took a step back. Then he woke up unconsciously, when he was staring at the young woman's stone statue, he was addicted to it.

At this thought, Gui Li's back was as if he had been stabbed by a needle, and his heart was slightly shocked. With his practice at this time and the strength of his heart, when facing this exquisite witch stone statue, he would not be unconsciously Taoist. The strange power contained in this stone statue is really not small.

Gui Li calmed down, and then turned his head to Jin Ping'er. If it hadn't been for Jin Ping'er to remind him just now, I really don't know how long he would be addicted to this stone statue. But how can Jin Ping'er be wary of this unconscious stone statue? Could it be that this woman is unexpected, and there is still hidden strength?

Gui Li turned his head and looked at it, but he couldn't help but be stunned. Although Jin Ping'er stood beside him and reached out and patted him on the shoulder, his whole body was in the opposite direction of Gui Li's standing. Facing the hole in the ancient cave of Zhenmo, he turned his back to the stone statue and did not look

Gui Li frowned and said, "What are you doing?"

Jin Ping'er smiled and said, "This stone statue is very powerful. Didn't I tell you?"

Gui Li frowned again, hummed, and took a deep breath. At this time, Xiaohui, who had been lying on his shoulder, seemed to be a little impatient. The monkey's tail shook and suddenly jumped out of the ghost's shoulder. Suddenly, he jumped on the stone statue. After climbing a few times, he finally sat on the head of the stone statue.

Gui Li's face changed, and he suddenly said in a low voice, "Xiao Hui, come here."

The monkey looked at Gui Li, reached out and grabbed his head and squeaked twice, but after all, he jumped back to Gui Li's shoulder from the stone statue.

Jin Ping'er smiled and said, "Why do you scare the monkey? It's just fun..."

Before he finished a sentence, Jin Ping'er showed a little surprise. Seeing the ghost's sharp face and tidying up his clothes, he saluted the stone statue with respect.

Jin Ping'er was surprised and said, "What are you doing here?"

Gui Li's face was indifferent, but he didn't answer. He just stared deeply at the stone statue, arched his hand, then turned around and said lightly, "Nothing, let's go in!"

The ancient cave is deep, and the wind is blowing, just in front of them.

Jin Ping'er followed Gui Li, looked at the monkey Xiaohui, who was looking a little bored, and then looked at Gui Li and said, "Why did you salute the stone statue just now?"

Gui Li's footsteps paused for a moment, and then continued to walk forward, saying indifferently, "The demeanor of the predecessors, even if it has long been annihilated, there is always something worthy of respect in people's hearts."

Jin Ping'er frowned. Obviously, he was puzzled by Gui Li's words like a riddle. He was about to ask, but Gui Li had approached the hole.

Jin Ping'er quickly chased after him and frowned, "Hey, I'm talking to you! Why did you walk so fast? I haven't told you yet. The last time I came here, there was a fierce spirit here. Although it was mostly removed by the beast god later, this hole was mostly..."

At this point, Jin Ping'er's voice suddenly swayed down. Almost at the same time, the ghost's footsteps also stopped.

The two of them stood a few feet away from the entrance of the ancient cave in the town. Looking at the gloomy and dark cave, a white air slowly rose, blowing under the cold wind, but it did not dissipate at all.

Seeing that the white gas gathered more and more, the volume became larger and larger, and finally gradually condensed into shape, faintly appeared a huge figure in the white gas, roaring, roaring bursts, mixed in the roar of the yin wind, more powerful, like a fierce ghost god.

Jin Ping'er looked at the white gas, sighed, shook his head and said, "Well, now you see, there is a powerful and bad-tempered fierce spirit here!"