Zhu Xian

Chapter 2 Confusion

At night, looking into the city from the head of Heyang City, although the lights of thousands of families are indebable, the bright lights still give people a warm feeling.

For Gui Li, or is he the most strange place?

He stared at the light silently and then turned around. The wall, which is neither tall nor strong, is empty at this moment. The bleak evening wind blew from the empty fields outside Heyang City, swept over the walls of the city that were damaged by the beast demon catastrophe, and blew on him and Zhou Yixian.

I don't know why Xiaohuan and the wild dog Taoist are not here. Only Zhou Yixian and Gui Li stood at the head of Heyang City on this night. However, Zhou Yixian looked calm. He held the bamboo pole and mantle that showed the way to the fairy in his hand, and there was a wine pot in his other hand. At this moment, he was taking a big sip and sighed with satisfaction.

Good wine. He smiled a little, and then said to the ghost. The wine is still a little warm. Would you like to have a sip?

Ghost Li shook his head silently and said: Senior, drink it yourself

Zhou Yixian laughed and took another sip. But after a bite, he shook the wine jug and threw the jug off the wall. It seems that there is only one last sip of wine left in the wine pot. I'm probably sorry, so I asked the ghost.

This night, the moon stars were sparse, the moonlight was like water, and the secluded wall was quite bright by the moonlight. After drinking, Zhou Yixian looked up at the sky, stunned, and had nothing to say for a moment. Gui Li walked slowly to the edge of the city wall, and then his eyes fell on somewhere on the city brick, where there were deep claw marks. Near the claw marks, there were more claw marks covering the brick wall.


Those are all left by countless beast demons in the catastrophe. Zhou Yixian came over at some point, saying faintly.

On the wall where the two of them are located, the old man in this game seems to have a little less usual joke, but a little more compassion in the eyes of the watcher.

Ghost Li stretched out his hand and gently stroked it from these deep claw marks. From his fingertips, it was the hard feeling of the rough brick wall, but I don't know how many wronged souls had called out in these claw marks.

He sank for a long time and said: Did the innocent people in Heyang City die a lot at the beginning?

Zhou Yixian sighed, walked to the edge of the city wall and looked down. In his eyes, the lights in the city reflected: many, although many people have fled to the north early, at least 50% of the people in Heyang City died innocently and died at the hands of those beast demons.

Gui Li looked at Zhou Xian and suddenly said: Senior, you said that those innocent people who lost their lives, which one of them is not the same as us, and the other is not living well in this world, not to mention all, but at least 90% of the people, they are harmless to humans and animals, but why is there such a flying disaster? And why do they come to life like them?

Zhou Yixian looked at Gui Li, holding the city wall in his hand and said, "You can stand here today, and those people are innocently killed. Let me ask you, what do you think is the reason?

Ghost Li silently for a long time and said: I am different from them. I practice Taoism. Even if the beast demon comes, I can avoid it.

Zhou Yixian nodded and said: That's it. You see, everyone has a big vision and a big realm, just like the equality of all sentient beings in the Buddhist sect of Tianyin Temple. That's what it means. In fact, according to Buddhism, it is not only human beings, but also ants and beasts, and we are not the same. He paused, smiled and said, but can this world be a kind of thing that can be seen clearly? With great powers and great power, you can survive in a desperate situation, and you can be detached from all sentient beings. That is to say, all sentient beings are equal, but the subtleties have never been equal.

The ghost looked confused and slowly shook my head and said: I don't want to be detached from all sentient beings, and I don't have the compassion of all sentient beings, just like although I practice Taoism, I have no interest in the eteranlife.

Zhou Xian said lightly: So what do you want?'

The ghost smiled bitterly, and his smile was only full of dryness. He whispered: That's it. What I want, but I don't even know myself.

The expression on his face changed. The bright moon in the sky gradually reached the middle of the sky, and the moonlight was even more brilliant. It spilled down from the sky and pulled his shadow very long.

Zhou Yixian did not say anything and looked at the ghosts quietly, but his eyes were very different from the past. Even if standing in front of him was the only ghosts in the world who had practiced the four volumes of {Heavenly Book}, his Taoism was already unpredictable, but Zhou Yixian seemed to be taller than him at this moment. < /P>

His elegance, his calmness, the night wind passes through his white hair, and even it seems that even the brilliance of the bright moon is quietly gathered on his side.

It's just that Gui Li didn't find anything strange. In fact, Zhou Yixian just stood calmly in front of him, and he himself seemed to be immersed in his own thoughts.

For a long time, Gui Li smiled bitterly and said, "It seems that I'm really unscure. I can't even figure out why I live and what I want.

The Monday fairy looked at the ghost calmly, with a faint smile on the corners of his mouth, and said: You're wrong, young man.

Gui Li was stunned for a moment. This was the first time he heard him call himself a young man from Zhou Yixian, but this was obviously not the point. After he was stunned for a moment, he asked, senior, you said I was wrong. What's wrong?

Zhou Yixian said lightly: Do you think you can't figure out this problem? In my opinion, on the contrary, if you can think about this problem, you are far better than others in the world.

The ghost was stunned and said: What?

Zhou Yixian smiled and waved: Come and see

Ghost fierce walkway Zhou Yixian's side, follow the direction of his finger to the countryside, in the city of Heyang, under the moonlight, the light in the quiet, flashing non-stop...

Zhou Yixian looked at the light, and there seemed to be a complex emotion in the extension. After a moment, he said: What do you see?

Ghost said: This is the light in the homes of countless people>

Zhou Yixian nodded and said, "Yes, it's the light." That little light is like a living person. They all live in this world, either proud or unhappy, but they will or go down in the end. Let me tell you, I don't know how many people live just to live for life. There is no one like you who are so distressed to reflect on why they are alive.

Ghost and dumb, he never thought of this statement, but what he heard from Zhou Yixian's air seemed to make a lot of sense, and he couldn't refute it.

Zhou Yixian looked at him, and suddenly there was a sad look on his face, but this kind of application passed in a blink of an eye. Then he sighed gently and stretched out his hand and patted Gui Li on the shoulder.

Although Gui Li can't be said to be frightened at this moment, there is always turbulence in his mind. With the reflection of his practice, he almost subconsciously wanted to give up Zhou Yixian's palm, but the thing of defection suddenly happened. The Zhou Yixian, who always pretended to be a ghost, the seemingly floating Dao Xing didn't dodge, so he was gently patted by Zhou Yixian.

Gui Li's heart was really shocked. Before he could reflect it, the words that made him even more turbulent were said from Zhou Yixian's mouth:

What's more, you are the only person in the world who has studied four volumes. How can you be the same as others?

As soon as this statement came out, the ghost's body was shocked, and the practice of the fourth volume has always been a secret and undeclared matter for him. In fact, the third volume obtained from the treasure house of the Heavenly Emperor and the fourth volume obtained from the wordless jade wall of Tianyin Temple are Lu Xueqi and those monks of Tianyin Temple. They do not know that those wonderful texts are in line with the same vein. Only from the beginning to the end did he understand that these are four volumes.

However, at this moment, Zhou Yixian is in front of him. Please clearly and clearly broke this secret. How can he not be shocked? For a moment, his face is full of disbelief. The stare at Zhou Yixian.

Zhou Yixian smiled faintly and said: Although you are surprised, you don't have to do so.

Gui Li carefully looked up and down at the old man in front of him. After a long time, he suddenly smiled, took a step behind his legs, straightened his clothes, and saluted respectfully: The boy is rude, and the past has neglected the senior, but there is a puzzle in his heart. I hope the senior can solve it for me?

Zhou Yixian looked calm, and he was so respectful to him for the task of being famous in front of him. It seemed that he didn't feel embarrassed at all. He just said: If others can tell you what others can tell you, with your invisible and mystery, how can you not understand it?

Gui Li was silent, Xu said: Could it be that the senior thought that the doubts in my heart were actually unsolve?

Zhou Yixian shook his head with a smile and said: Yes, understand the nature of words. The Buddha is in the heart, not outside the body, which is close to Buddhism.

Zhou Yi Xian Dao: That's it. The reason why people live for a lifetime is exactly when you understand it. I may call it for you, and I can't say it with you.

After saying that, he smiled and carried his hand and walked aside.

Gui Li sank for another time. After a long time, the confusion on his face did not fade. He said, "Life" and death" farewell. I have only seen these four words all the time in life. Ask the seniors, is human nature bitter?

Zhou Yixian laughed and said: It's wrong. You think everyone is suffering all your life, but in fact, it's not stained. Let me ask you, do you think your life is suffering?

Gui Li was stunned and opened his mouth to stop. Zhou Yixian had already smiled and said, "What's wrong? It's hard to say, right? Take your recently passed away master's wife as an example, do you think they are crying?

Ghost said fiercely: Master and Master's wife...

Zhou Yixian said solemnly: Tian was not easy to die because he died without regrets and left with a smile. Your master's wife, Su Ru, is deeply in love with your teacher and doesn't want to live alone. You think she is sad and committed suicide, but you don't know where her soul returns and can be separated from her husband.

Ghost was stunned and speechless for a moment.

Zhou Yixian said lightly: You are too sad for Tian Buyi and his wife, but you don't know that the two of them may be the most understandable and regretless people. Isn't it ridiculous to use yourself?

Speaking of this, Zhou Yixian suddenly smiled and looked at the ghost and said, "Are you afraid of death?"

Ghost Li hesitated for a moment, sighed in a low voice, and said: Afraid

Zhou Yi Xian Dao: Oh, I'd like to ask you, what are you afraid of? Is it the dead word itself?

Gui Li shook his head silently and said: Since I have no intention of immortality, I don't care about what I die. What I'm afraid of is that after my death, my wish will be difficult.

Zhou Yixian smiled and said: That's it. You can see through life and death, but there are more important things in your heart than life and death. Instead of asking me, why don't you imagine these more important things?'

Gui Li frowned, and his eyes seemed to have some understanding, but he did not show his face. Instead, he fell into deeper thinking. Zhou Yixian didn't bother him. Xiao Xiao walked aside and looked up. He saw that the moon was in the sky, and the moonlight was like anyone else..

On the wilderness, the evening wind is rustling, the stars are moving, and the sky is infinite.

He stared for a long time and suddenly let out a deep sigh.

Suddenly came a fierce voice behind you: Senior, is there anything you can't see through in your heart?


Zhou Yixian did not look back, but still stared at the bright moon in the distant sky. After a long time, I only heard him say lightly. Since I am still wandering in this world, I also have the thoughts that I can't see through.

Oh, what is it?

Zhou Yixian smiled and said, "I can't see through it. It's this reincarnation!"

Qingyun Mountain, Xiaozhu Peak

For a long time, there have been only women on the peak of Xiaozhu, so the atmosphere here has always been quieter and peaceful than the veins of the clouds. Even in the daytime, there is a long silence. Only the song of birds and the fragrance of flowers echoes on this beautiful peak.

However, since Master Shuiyue came back from Dazhu Peak with a group of flutes yesterday, the atmosphere on Xiaozhufeng was calm, with a little solemnity and depression. Many young Xiaozhufeng female flutes have seen Master Shuiyue's unconcealed loneliness and sadness for the first time, and with her current practice, she should have calmed down.

Wen Min has always been the person who knows Master Shuiyue's mind best. She also sent a message to her sisters early to let them pay attention to moderation, especially not talk and laugh loudly, while angering the master. Under such persuasion, Xiaozhufeng is naturally in awe.

After returning from Dazhufeng, Master Shuiyue locked himself in the bamboo forest house and no longer showed up. Wen Min Deng's disciple had the courage to greet him, but he was not allowed to go in, which made Wenmin a little worried.

On this day, Wen Min had not seen Master Shuiyue come out of the bamboo forest for a day and a night. She was anxious, so she asked Lu Xueqi to come with her. Lu Xueqi saw that she was in a bad mood and didn't want to come, but she couldn't stop Wen Min's persuasion. She was also worried about points, so she followed Wen Min.

Wen Min and Lu Xueqi came to the bamboo forest and stood outside the house. Wen Min gave Lu Xueqi a color. Lu Xueqi hesitated for a moment, walked up, knocked them gently, and said: Master, disciple Lu Xueqi and Sister Wen have something to meet.

There was silence in the house, and no one answered.

Lu Xueqi and Wen Min looked at each other. Wen Min frowned and looked more worried. In fact, in terms of Master Shuiyue's nature, it is also a little different from ordinary people. In the past, it is not such an unreasonable disciple, even if he suddenly disappeared for a few days. But somehow, Wen Min, who had just returned from the funeral of Dazhufeng, knew a little about the inside story, and seemed to be a little ** for her deeds.

Wen Min coughed, raised his voice slightly, and said: Master, this morning, Brother Xiao Yicai sent someone to send a letter here, and the disciple submitted it in.

Inside the fine house, it was still sinking. Wen Min took a deep breath, took a step, and pushed open the door of the fine house. Lu Xueqi followed her closely and walked in.

The two walked into the room and glanced at each other. They both frowned slightly. The house was not much, and the decoration in the room was simple. At a glance, the two did not see the figure of Master Shuiyue.

Wen Min sighed and said, "Master is not here. I don't know where she will go?"

Lu Xueqi shook her head silently, meditated for a moment, and said: Sister, let's go back first, or we really worry too much. Although Master and Uncle Su Ru have a deep relationship, they are at most sad. I don't think anything will happen.

Wen Min nodded and said, "I have to do so, but I'm always a little uneasy.

Lu Xueqi sighed, shook her head slightly, turned around and walked out. Wen Min glanced at the room again, then took out a sealed letter from her arms, gently put it on the desk, and then went out. After a while, the door was closed by her from behind and made a soft bang.

In the middle of the room, it fell into silence again.