Zifu Xianyuan

6 taste poisonous weeds

Ye Qin also saw the little fat man, who was the little fat man who spit at the gate of the city. He immediately ran away and drilled into the crowded place. His body was empty, and he knew that he couldn't beat the fat man, so he had to run away.

The yard is very small. The little fat man is very fat and fat. He can't catch up with Ye Qin's small body at all. After chasing for a while, he gave up the chase out of breath, but kept shouting and scolding. It seemed that he was very angry that Ye Qin also entered the medicine collection hall like him, and in

Fortunately, the rest of the children are not people who like to cause trouble. Seeing that Ye Qin's clothes are dilapidated, they are not interested. These children who have a better family background can wear coarse cloth clothes, and those who have a poor family background can also wear clean linen clothes. It is rare to wear sackcloth clothes full of holes like Ye Qin.

Ye Qin secretly glanced at the whole small yard, found a safe place, and avoided the little fat man from afar. Ye Qin hated this little fat man in his heart. Not to mention spitting, I didn't provoke him now, but I even came to chase him. When I have the strength that day, I must beat this boy, no matter whether he is the son of a squire or not.

In the evening, the servants of the medicine collection hall brought more than a dozen buckets of porridge and more than a dozen pots of steamed buns to the small yard. The servant smiled and said, "I'm full tonight, and tomorrow I'll test the medicine in the compound. Otherwise, I will have no energy tomorrow, and I won't be able to eat all day tomorrow!"

The children were hungry for a long time. They dispersed and separated.

Ye Qin is older among the children, but his body is weak, rather than the opponents of children younger than him. He squeezed forward fiercely, and just grabbed a bowl of porridge, a steamed bun, and stuffed it into his stomach. These porridge steamed buns are the most delicious delicacies in the world in his eyes.

For the first time in more than half a year, Ye Qin has been so full.

But when he thought of the big cow outside the courtyard, Ye Qin was extremely sad and indignant. Da Niu is alone in the county, how can he live? If the bull dies. He was the only one left alone when he went out to look for food together in the countryside.

Although there are several houses in the small yard, there can't accommodate so many children, and at most dozens of them can live.

Although the children have only known each other for less than a day, they have begun to form gangs and become dozens of gangs of different sizes.

Ye Qin observed it carefully. These gangs are also differentiated.

Of course. Those rich children gathered together. And civilian children gathered together again. Poor children in the countryside gathered together.

It can be seen from the accent and clothes. The local area of the county. Come to the same town nearby. Somewhere in the countryside. It's almost clear. Never mix together. And he is like a beggar. There is no one. He knows it in his heart. I'm afraid there are no other little beggars. Dare to come to this medicine collection hall to recruit medicine boys. Naturally, no one wants to stay with him.

A few sentry children among the children. Including the little fat man. The number of people is the smallest. But the attitude is the most domineering and tough. Ignoring others, he directly occupied the best house in the small yard.

Several small groups of civilians in the local area of the county did not dare to provoke those sentry children. It occupies a few houses on the remaining land.

Most of the rest of the children from the township are very weak. I dare not say anything. I can only sleep directly in the small yard. It's a little cold to sleep in the open air at night. But there are many people. Squeezing warms up.

Ye Qinwo was in the corner of the courtyard and fell asleep drowsily. I had a nightmare at night, but it was the gloomy face of Wang Cai's pharmacist. He has kept this "the culprit and culprit" who drove the bull away in his heart. If Da Niu has an accident outside, the account will be paid to Wang Cai's pharmacist.

The next day, early morning.

The largest flat land in the courtyard of Caiyaotang. A high platform and ten cabins have been temporarily built here. In the flat place, there are hundreds of children between the ages of seven and twelve standing randomly. They got up in the morning and didn't eat anything, so they were driven here on an empty stomach, waiting to be tested for medicine.

How to try this medicine? No one among them doesn't know at all, but vaguely feels that it is very dangerous.

Around the flat ground, there are dozens of fourteen or fifteen-year-old young girls with indifferent and arrogant expressions, wearing gorgeous clothes and holding wooden swords to maintain order at the scene. If anyone runs around, he will have to be pulled up by them.

The children were in pain and immediately learned to be obedient and dared not walk around. Those teenagers told them to do it, so they did it obediently.

The children have speculated about the identity of these older teenagers, who are likely to be the drug-picking boys who were recruited earlier, or the disciples of the inner hall. I can't help but envy secretly. It seems that this medicine collection hall is really good. As long as it takes a few years, I can also wear gorgeous clothes like these young girls and learn a few martial arts that I can show off.

After roughly maintaining the order on the flat ground, one of the cold and arrogant teenagers flew a few meters high on the platform and arched his hand to a rich middle-aged man in silk and satin on the high platform, "General Manager Zhang, everything has been arranged, and the drug test can begin!"

Although he said that he was the general manager, the tone of the young man in brocade was somewhat disdainful. He is the core disciple of the inner hall, worshipped under the door of a deputy hall in the hall. And this general manager is just the general manager of miscellaneous affairs. There is no martial arts, which is not worth mentioning in his eyes. Just because of my identity, I have to call the general manager.

The general manager Zhang didn't care. Instead, he nodded with great pleasure, stood on the high platform with his stomach, and shouted at the children in the courtyard in a big way.

"Ranking up, line up, don't squeeze around! At my command, everyone was divided into ten groups and went into the wooden house to test the medicine one by one. Whether you can become the medicine boy in my medicine collection hall and live a happy life depends on whether you can pass the drug test.

The rules for testing drugs are as follows:

There are 100 different herbs in each wooden house.

Fifty of them are poisonous weeds, with different toxicity. If you eat it lightly, your whole body will be slightly itchy, and the most poisonous will be fatal in half a moment.

The other 30 plants are non-toxic herbs, which are painless and sound.

There are also 20 strains of poisonous herbs, which can heal the wounds of poisonous herbs.

If you are poisoned after eating less than nine plants, you will be directly expelled from the medicine collection hall and will not be hired.

If you eat enough ten plants, you can become a famous medicine boy in the outer hall and observe for half a year.

If you eat more than 20 plants, you can become an official medicine boy in the outer hall.

If you eat more than 30 plants, you can become a domestic pharmaceutical boy. The more you eat, the higher the treatment in the door.

If anyone eats 50 to 70 plants, he can directly worship the seat of the deputy master and become the core disciple of the outside the medicine collection hall.

However, everyone must sign a life and death deed here before testing the medicine. Note that this drug test is purely voluntary and no one is forced to do so. If there is an accident, it will be borne by yourself, which has nothing to do with others. After pressing the fingerprint, you can go in to test the medicine. Who will come first?"
