Zifu Xianyuan

8 Test the medicine by yourself

For the next ten days, there were 20 people every day, and hundreds of children have been caught in the cabin to test the medicine.

It's just that few children have passed the test, and one or two of the ten can pass the test, which is not bad. If they don't pass, they will either die or be poisoned and expelled from the house. These children who passed the test were left in the medicine collection hall.

The only 30 or 40 children who have not yet tested the medicine are still in the small yard.

These children have a bowl of porridge and a few steamed buns every evening. Ye Qin was also among them. He successfully hid for more than ten days and didn't go to the medicine test until now. Now he eats porridge steamed buns, and he doesn't know what it tastes like at all. Every day, he is thinking about how to delay the time and come up with a way to pass the medicine test.

Almost all the remaining children are very clever, and their dodge ability is no less than Ye Qin.

On this day, Ye Qin was overcast by a civilian child from the county and pushed him to the ground. As a result, a young man in brocade grabbed the chicken and carried it to the high platform. In front of General Manager Zhang, he pressed the handprint of life and death, and then threw it into a cabin.

The cabin is not big, only one table, two stools, and a middle-aged man in a green robe. There is a wooden plate on the table, no more or less, and there are a hundred different herbs. There is also a large incense burner on the table, in which there is a lot of burnt dust.

The middle-aged man sat on the stool and looked at him coldly.

"Kon, you should also know the rules of the drug test, so I won't say more. Pick one and eat it. After eating one plant, after a fragrant time, eat the second plant until there are more than nine plants. Nine plants are poisoned. Don't expect that this pharmacist will save you. You will be driven out of the house directly. If more than nine plants are not poisoned, they are the people of the medicine collection hall.

Ye Qin recognized the man in blue, which turned out to be the pharmacist Wang Cai, whom he had seen at the gate of the medicine collection hall, and he couldn't help but be shocked. Unexpectedly, it was this person who personally supervised the medicine test. He was resentful and a little afraid. He carefully stuck his buttocks on the stool and looked down at the herbs on the table.

His heart is already in a mess.

Here are a hundred herbs. Fifty of them are poisonous. It accounts for half of it. Thirty ordinary non-toxic herbs. Twenty healing herbs.

Twist a plant casually. Half of them may be poisonous herbs.

Unless he can recognize which herbs are poisonous weeds. Those are not poisonous weeds.

But these strange herbs. Where does he recognize it?

As long as you accidentally eat a poisonous weed. If it is serious, you will die immediately. Throw the corpse into the wilderness. He was driven out of the house because of poisoning. He also can't afford to go to the county's local medical centers and pharmacies for medical treatment.

It is inevitable that there is a sense of desolation and sadness in Ye Qin's heart.

Before Da Niu could enter the medicine collection hall, he was swept out by the king's medicine master because of his leg injury, and his life and death in the county were unknown.

He is now in the medicine collection hall, but he is facing the barrier of life and death, which is not far from death.

Under grief and indignation, Ye Qin gradually forgot his fear. Instead, he calmed down and stared at the herbs in the wooden plate.

Ye Qin is not completely ignorant of herbs.

He was born as an ordinary hunter in the countryside. When he was only ** years old, he once followed his father to the mountain to hunt and work as a helper. In the past three years, I have at least entered the deep mountain forest for at least 10 or 20 times, and I will stay in the mountain for more than ten days, or even a month or two at a time. In the mountain forest, when you are hungry, you always dig wild vegetables to eat. If you accidentally get a skin and flesh abrasion, you will also get some herbs that can stop the bleeding.

Dad also wanted him to be an hunter in the future and learn the craft of making a living, so he taught him to identify some herbs. If it hadn't been for this year's drought and the scarcity of mountain and forest prey, he would have stayed in the countryside as his little hunter.

Ye Qin stared at the hundreds of herbs on the plate and carefully distinguished them. Dad taught him several of the same herbs as the herbs here, but after a long time, he forgot some of the herbs.

Ye Qin racked his brains, recalled the herbs he had tasted in the past, and found that several of them turned out to be the healing herbs he had eaten. He picked out the three-flavor healing herbs he had eaten first and put them close to him.

Wang Cai took a column of incense, inserted it into the incense burner on the table, lit it, and then looked at Ye Qin's behavior coldly without urging.

After Ye Qin picked out the herbs he had eaten, he hardly knew the rest. He hesitated for a moment and began to classify the remaining herbs. He doesn't recognize most of these herbs, but he knows a little common sense.

The colorful herbs in the old forest, very bright herbs, fishy and smelly herbs, and stench herbs, these types are very likely to be poisonous herbs. In addition, the most poisonous thing in the deep forest is the mushroom. It is the fastest to die, and those who don't know will never eat it.

Ye Qin put 20 or 30 herbs with bright colors, stench and fishy smell on the plate, including a few mushrooms, whether they are poisonous or not. First, carefully find them far away from him for insurance.

For the remaining sixty or seventy herbs, he can't guarantee that the rest is absolutely free of poison. Because there are some herbs in the old forest, even if they are odorless and colorless, they are also highly poisonous. He tried his best to recall the herbs he had seen and picked out the ordinary non-toxic herbs that impressed him.

Wang Cai was a little surprised.

He has supervised more than 30 or 40 children's drug tests in the past ten days. Many children have taken one with their eyes closed and ordered to stuff it into their mouths, completely betting on the sky. A few children know some herbs, and they only choose what they have seen to eat, and don't touch what they haven't seen.

As careful and serious as the boy in front of him, he also separates toxic herbs, healing herbs and ordinary non-toxic herbs, which is rare. Although a large part of the herbs are wrongly divided, I'm afraid the reason is that the boy doesn't know these herbs, not the wrong way to classify them. This is enough to show that his mind is in the middle and above, which is not comparable to ordinary children.

Wang Cai's pharmacist was secretly satisfied.

The "drug test" test of Caiyaotang, on the surface, tests whether you know herbs, but what really tests is courage, mind and calmness. In the face of the courage to live and die, is it stupid or witty? Can you still keep your head calm and clear at the critical moment of eating poisonous grass, poisoning, and falling into a desperate situation?

As a drug collector, you often have to break into the extremely dangerous Jedi alone to collect precious herbs. In that lonely place, there is no one else to help them. Identifying herbs is important, but mental and calmness are more important than identifying herbs. If you are not calm enough, even if you can identify herbs and fall into panic in a desperate situation, it will be a dead end.

As long as children who take part in the drug test account for any of them in their courage, mind and calmness, in fact, even if they do not eat enough ten herbs, they will be admitted exceptionally.

As for those who randomly stuff herbs into their mouths, do not take their own lives, and rely on luck and luck to pass the test, once they take poison weeds by mistake, they will be directly eliminated. Even if those children enter the medicine collection hall, they will die sooner or later.

In a quarter of an hour, Ye Qin picked out three healing herbs and four ordinary herbs from a hundred herbs. He is very sure of these seven plants, and he should not be poisoned if he eats them.

However, there are still two plants missing to make up nine plants.

Ye Qin began to sweat on his forehead.

As long as one of these two herbs is highly poisonous, it is enough to make him lose his life.

"It's almost time for a sip of incense. Eat one immediately!"

Wang Cai's cold voice suddenly sounded and pointed to the incense burner.

Ye Qin looked up at the incense burner in astonishment. It turned out that the incense was used for timing. Unconsciously, the column of incense in the incense burner had finished quickly and was about to go out.

He had to pick up an ordinary herb that had been identified and stuffed it into his mouth. With a trace of fear in his heart, he prayed that he would not make a mistake.

Seeing that Ye Qin ate an herb, Wang Cai immediately took out the second column of incense and lit it in the incense burner.

The smoke was swish, and every other column of incense, Ye Qin was forced to eat an herb.

Time passes little by little.

In a blink of an eye, five columns of incense had been burned out in the incense burner. Ye Qin also ate four ordinary herbs and one therapeutic herb, and there were still two therapeutic herbs left in his hand. But he became more and more anxious, because he had not been able to choose the non-toxic herbs he was sure to eat from the remaining pile of herbs.

Ye Qin panicked.

What should I do?

At this time, Ye Qin suddenly stopped and looked at the two healing herbs in his hand!

He remembered one thing. He remembered that General Manager Zhang once said that if he ate 50 to 70 herbs, he could directly worship the door of the deputy master.

However, General Manager Zhang said that there were 50 poisonous weeds here, which would be poisoned. So how can you eat 70 herbs?

Ye Qin's heart suddenly moved. Could it be that poisonous weeds can actually be eaten? The 20 healing herbs here can treat the poison of 20 poisonous herbs, which add up to 70 plants!? Yes, it must be like this. Otherwise, it is impossible for anyone to eat 70 herbs without dying.

He turned his eyes to the poisonous weeds he had pulled far away.

Ye Qin recognized the two healing herbs in his hand, and naturally recognized their corresponding poisonous herbs. Poisonous weeds and poisonous weeds are a pair in themselves. Only when you recognize the poisonous weeds can you take the poisoneds.

Otherwise, what's the use of knowing the healing weed?

Ye Qin immediately stretched out his hand and took the two poisonous weeds. These two poisonous weeds are actually common poisonous weeds in the countryside, and the toxicity is not strong. Occasionally, when animals eat grass, they will be poisoned and sick. People will also be poisoned if they eat it.

Wang Cai, the pharmacist, was slightly moved and looked at Ye Qin with deep meaning.

No more, no less, just nine plants.

It is allowed to use healing weeds to remove the poison of poisonous weeds.

If you eat another plant to ten plants, you will reach the minimum limit of entering the medicine collection hall and becoming the minimum limit for the medicine collection boy.

This last plant, poisonous and non-toxic, is no longer important, and the medicine collection hall will cure it.

After that, for every extra plant you eat, the treatment in the medicine collection hall will be one point higher.

In this drug test, Ye Qin took a total of 11 herbs and was poisoned in the eleventh plant, but he did not find the corresponding detoxifying herbs in the pile of healing herbs. Wang Yaoshi stopped the drug test and detoxified him.

Wang Cai said in an indifferent voice, "Well done. From now on, you are the named medicine boy of the medicine collection hall, and you are also a disciple of the pharmacist. After all the children's medicine test is over tomorrow, you and other children who have passed the test will follow me for training.


Ye Qin carefully hid his resentment against Wang Cai's pharmacist in his heart. He nodded very honestly and withdrew from the cabin.

In the final analysis, he is also a child from a decade Orion. He has just crossed the dead gate and entered the medicine collection hall and became a medicine collection boy. And the status of Wang Cai's pharmacist is respected. Just the respectful attitude of those doorkeepers and young men in brocade to Wang Cai's pharmacist can see that he can't pose any threat to Wang Cai's pharmacist.

If you show a little resentment, that is, you are just looking for death, you can't get any justice for the bull at all.

When he walked out of the cabin, Ye Qin only felt that his whole body was soaked as if he had been drenched by water, and his feet were weak. He is not happy now. He just wants to find a place to sleep immediately to make up for the physical and mental strength consumed in these hours.

An arrogant girl in brocade led him to a courtyard to rest.

And the next child waiting for the medicine test was caught by the young men in brocade and sent to the cabin where Wang Yaoshi was in a panic to test the medicine.
