Zifu Xianyuan

36 white jade embryo

I was willing to rush into the top three desperately. This is the second chapter of today. Baili once again pay homage to all brothers and sisters, o(∩_∩)o... Brothers and sisters who have tickets, don't hide them.


Ye Qin walked on the bustling county street, saw the name of a "spring jade shop" jade shop, and then walked in.

The store is very spacious and can accommodate at least dozens of people. There are four rows of counters against the wall. The counter is full of large and small pieces of jade, including coarse jade, and finished carved jade for people to buy.

Several servants in blue are accompanying several guests in gorgeous clothes to choose jade pendants. Perhaps because jade is expensive, almost all the people who come here to buy jade are rich and common people in the county, and there are no poor people.

A young servant in the store greeted Ye Qin with a smile.

"What kind of jade do you want, this guest officer? Our spring jade shop is the top-class jade shop in Zhuqi County. There are all kinds of jade, such as soft jade, hard jade, white jade, green jade, red jade, jasper, black jade, topaz, etc. The texture is very hard and the color is bright. Carve them into jade pendants and wear them on the body, which has the effect of clearing the mind and ward off evil spirits and awakening the brain, or making jade bracelets, jade rings, jade hairpins, sword accessories, etc. There are many kinds. As long as you say it, our store can take it out.

When the young servant saw Ye Qin wearing a green shirt, he secretly guessed that he was probably a disciple of the largest medicine-picking hall of the first rich family in the county, and did not dare to neglect it. Moreover, the servant also knows that as long as they meet the will of the disciples of the Jianghu Gang, they are often very generous and will not care too much about the price.

Ye Qin listened to the introduction and nodded without saying anything.

This store is already the third jade shop he found in the county, and the jade shops in front of him are also blowing up, but they didn't say that the jade in their shop is the stars in the sky. However, he didn't find the kind of spiritual stone he wanted at all.

Ye Qin said, "I want a kind of jade, and the whole piece of jade is full of a kind of aura. Even if you are a few steps away, you can clearly feel the aura in it. I don't know if there is such jade in your store?

The young servant was stunned for a moment.

In fact, all earth jade has aura. Otherwise, they will not be called jade. Instead, it is called mortal stone. The jade land is good or bad. It also lies in whether the aura is strong or not. Most of the jade. They all contain very little aura. Weak and uncheckable. Only the best jade. Only then can you clearly feel the aura in it. Of course. The price of this kind of jade. It's also ridiculous. It is often the treasure of the jade shop. It will not be sold easily.

He heard it. Ye Qin wants the most outstanding jade. He looked at Ye Qin's expression again in surprise. I'm sure it's not a joke. For Ye Qin's identity and financial resources. He couldn't think about it. I dare not make the decision without permission. I had to enter the inner room immediately. I invited the owner of the Chunyu store to come out.

That's a six or seventy years old. The white-haired old man. He came out of the inner room in a hurry. Smile. Chaoye Qinyi arched his hand:

"This little brother. Do you want the treasure of my Chunyu store? At the owner of the Xiachunyu store. Zhao Yuanshan. I don't know what this little brother is called. What position do you have in the medicine collection hall? As long as the little brother can afford the money. The old man gave the treasure of the town store to the little brother. It's not impossible."

"My surname is Ye. As for my position in the medicine collection hall. It doesn't matter. The important thing is whether your store has the jade I want. As long as there is. I can definitely afford this money."

Ye Qin is quite confident about this.

The old shopkeeper Zhao's vision is much better than that of the servant. At a glance, he can see the leaf flap logo embroidered on Ye Qin's clothes, which means that the person in front of him is only a drug collection disciple outside the medicine collection hall, and he is a very young generation. Such a person's status in the medicine collection hall is

However, taking medicine disciples does not mean that they have no money. Many medicine disciples take their lives to collect medicine, and they have a lot of money in their hands. In particular, some disciples who do "private business" in Caiyaotang are even rich and generous.

Mr. Zhao looked at Ye Qin playfully. Could it be that the one in front of him was a disciple of "private business"? Otherwise, it is impossible to spend so much money to buy the best jade.

The old shopkeeper Zhao thought of this and suddenly laughed and said, "Haha, my Chunyu store is also the number one jade shop in Zhuqi County. The jade of my shop is definitely the best jade, and Brother Bao is satisfied. Brother Ye, please, let's go into the inner room to talk!"

Ye Qin's spiritual consciousness is very **.

The sight of the shopkeeper Zhao who just looked at him immediately made him feel very uncomfortable, as if the shopkeeper Zhao had something to plot against him. However, Ye Qin asked himself that there was nothing for the shopkeeper of Zhao.

Mr. Zhao's shopkeeper led Ye Qin into the inner room.

There are still a few counters in the inner room, but they are much more exquisite and high-end than the outside store. There are also many seats, and fragrant tea is placed on the coffee table for guests to quench their thirst. A waitress was serving with tea next to her.

Mr. Zhao personally introduced these boutique jades on the counters to Ye Qin.

They are not the best jade, but they are far from those ordinary jade outside. I want to see if Ye Qin is satisfied with them.

However, Ye Qin was not satisfied at all. He could not feel any aura leakage on these jades. I remember that when he was hanging from the wall of Eagle Peak and dug out the green rock marrow, he felt a strong aura coming from his face, which was the real spiritual stone.

Instead of thinking about it, the shopkeeper Zhao became more happy. Ye Qin's attitude confirmed his idea more. This young disciple of the medicine collection hall must be doing "private business" and should be very rich in his hands.

The old shopkeeper Zhao asked the maid to serve Ye Qin. He personally entered a secret room next to him. After a while, he came out with a heavy wooden box in his hand.

"There is also a best jade embryo in our store. Please ask Brother Ye to have a look."

The big wooden box was carefully opened by him first. A piece of white jade is exposed, which is the size of a sea bowl. The color is white, the texture is pure and delicate, and the luster is moist. There are also white and soft cotton folded under the box to prevent collision.

"This white jade embryo is the treasure of our store's spring jade store. It is very rare. The jade craftsman in my store has been thinking about how to carve it. It has not been done for a long time, so it is still a jade embryo. This thing has a calming effect on the little brother's cultivation of internal skills, and reduces the risk of going crazy.

Mr. Zhao introduced the use of this white jade embryo.

Ye Qin gently stroked the white jade embryo in his hand, closed his eyes and slowly took a breath to feel its aura. It can be faintly felt that there is a faint aura emanating from this white jade. He thought to himself that he could feel the overflow of aura. This white jade embryo should be regarded as a spiritual stone. Although this white jade embryo is much worse than the aura concentration of the blue rock he once dug, and it is much smaller.

He was able to find a piece of Lingyu that met his requirements in the "Chunyu Store", which made him feel somewhat surprised.
