Zifu Xianyuan

38 Pharmaceutical selling money

It seems that we must come up with a safe way to sell the medicinal herbs while trying to avoid exposing your identity.

Ye Qin thought of this, took back his feet that were about to step out of the inner room, and turned back to Mr. Zhao's shopkeeper and said lightly, "I'm laughing. I don't know what Mr. Zhao's shopkeeper has. Would you like to listen to it?"

The shopkeeper Zhao laughed.

"That's right. It must not be the first time for Brother Ye to do such a thing. Let's have a good talk. Counting it, we are the same people. I am the incense owner of the Pingzhou Bahe Association in Zhuqi County, and my main business is to manage jade. However, the top-quality medicinal materials and top-quality drugs in the Yaotang have always been a must-have for people in my world, and they are also the items that our Eighth Party will buy at great expense.

I don't just do business with Brother Ye. Many disciples of the medicine collection hall have sold drugs to me in private. Of course, the names of these people cannot be disclosed to you, otherwise it will cause a lot of trouble.

Brother Ye, if you sell me part of your top-quality medicinal materials, it will definitely be more cost-effective than handing it over to you. If the little brother can get the best medicine, then I can't wait for it. The price given by me is also absolutely fair. Buy your medicinal materials and medicines at 50% of the price of the county trading market. How about it?"

Ye Qin was shocked to hear the price offered by the old shopkeeper Zhao.

Pigative drug apprentices, hand over medicinal materials to the drug collection hall, and can only get a reward of 5% to 10% of the price of medicine. Pharmacers are treated better, with a 10% to 20%. About 30% to 50% of pharmacists.

If you sell it to this old shopkeeper Zhao privately, you can get 50% of the money, which is ten times higher than the income of the pharmacy apprentice, which is more than the income of the pharmacist.

However, the risk is also huge, and it is found to be a dead end.

Mr. Zhao's shopkeeper also did private business with many drug-picking disciples in Zhuqi County. As long as one of them was found and he touched the Chunyu store, he was likely to be involved in himself.

Mr. Zhao's shopkeeper said that he was from the Pingzhou Bahe Association.

Ye Qin had a sneer in his heart.

What kind of third-rate gang is this? He hasn't even heard of the name of this gang before. Such a small gang. It is not in the eyes of the medicine king of Pingzhou's fifth largest gang. If the Yaowang Gang knows that the Bahe people instigated the disciples of the gang to sell medicinal materials privately. Maybe the King of Medicine was furious. It will destroy the Bahe Association. Those disciples who once went to the ground in private with the Bahe. It is also possible that the earth will be served in one pot. So I do private trading with the people of the Bahe Association. Very unsafe.

Ye Qin knew that Mr. Zhao's shopkeeper was fine. I don't have any confidence in this old shopkeeper Zhao. I secretly made up my mind. Try to completely get out of any business with the Chunyu store. In order to avoid burning yourself. As long as you don't fall into the hands of Zhao's shopkeeper. Even if the Yaowang Gang tracked down the old shopkeeper Zhao one day. It can't be empty because of the shopkeeper Zhao's words. It implicated me.

As for the spring jade store, the treasure of the town's white jade embryo. The price is expensive. Zhao's old shopkeeper should not be able to sell it in the short term. Find a way to get some money first. Think about a complete solution in the future. Get it safely.

"Zhao's old boss. There is no need to mention this. This white jade embryo. Sell it to whoever you want. There is a drug collection disciple in our district. Money is limited. I can't afford it." That's it. Ye Qin did not give the shopkeeper Zhao more opportunities to persuade. Then he went out of the inner room. I quickly left the Chunyu store.

Mr. Zhao got up with a smile and gave him a gift, holding his old pipe in his, swallowed the clouds and fog, and looked at Ye Qin's back when he left. He sneered: Boy, you are still pretending. As long as you want to buy my jade, sooner or later you still have to sell medicine to raise money. What's the difference between you selling it to someone else and selling it to me? If you sell it to others, there will only be more people who know about it.

When Ye Qin left the Chunyu store, it was already dark. Lanterns are hung on the main street of the whole county, illuminating the busy night market street.

He had no intention to continue to visit other jade stores and went straight back to the medicine collection hall. All I thought about was how to get enough money to buy the white jade embryo, so as to improve my cultivation speed.

His original plan was to find the people in the county to sell the dew grass in his hand in exchange for some golden leaves, and then go to the jade shop to buy jade containing aura. But now it seems that this plan is not considered enough.

I take the dew grass very seriously and think it is worth at least one golden leaf.

But most people in the world may not know what dew grass is, and it is difficult to sell it at a high price. Most of those who can recognize Lucao are also pharmaceutical masters. I'm afraid they have a deep relationship with the Yaowang Gang.

If you ask someone at the trade fair one by one to ask if you need dew grass, the people in the medicine collection hall will soon realize that they are selling herbs in private.

Ye Qin thought about it carefully for a long time, took out the book of "The Rare Atlas" in his arms, turned it over, and his eyes stayed on the "dew grass" on the last few pages. A formula is recorded above, which can be refined into a dew-refining medicine.

Now it seems that the most appropriate way is to make the dew grass into "clearing heart pills" first, and then sell it. This kind of best breath-adjusting drug is a good thing that everyone in the world competes for. There are many people who know it, and it is easy to sell it, and the selling price will be higher than selling dew grass directly.

However, you should still try to avoid revealing your identity.

In the next two days, Ye Qin used dozens of silver leaves to buy medicinal bowls, waxes and other items in different places at the trade fair in the county, as well as some side medicine to make Qingxin pills.

Then he came alone to a remote and dense forest ten miles away from Zhuqi County to secretly refine medicine.

As a disciple of the medicine collection hall, he mainly mastered the two skills of drug collection and drug identification. In fact, he is not good at pharmaceuticals. Ye Qin only knows several very common methods of healing and treating poisons such as "hemostatic powder", "clearing poison powder" and "insect repellent incense".

Fortunately, he has a complete formula of "Qingxin Pill" in his hand, and some books on drug collection and pharmaceuticals in the collection cabinet of the collection hall do not restrict too many disciples, so it is not difficult to learn primary pharmaceutical techniques.

The main medicine dew grass and more than ten flavors of side drugs "licorice, dried pearls, musk, ox yolk, lianzi" and so on are dried, ground into powder, put into a bowl according to a certain ratio, and refine it for half an hour on a fire. The medicine is fully refined and dissolved, the After refining medicine, mixing medicine, making pills, and sealing four procedures, it is made into a heart-clearing pill and put into an elixir bottle.

He just started to refine this Qingxin pills. He failed to master the heat, failed twice, and made two waste pills.

With the increase in the number of refining drugs, it gradually became better, and successfully refined a light blue pill. Smelling the fragrance of the medicine, it seemed to have a refreshing atmosphere, which woke up the mind.

Ye Qin was overjoyed, which was exactly the same as the color and smell of the Qingxin elixir recorded in the medicine book. It was made of a best breath-adjusting pill.

He found that a dew grass can refine a heart-clearing pill, and with more than a dozen side effects, the cost of pharmaceuticals is not high. As for the price of Qingxin pills, it's hard to say. The Yaowang Gang hasn't refined this kind of best breath-recoating medicine for some years.

Ye Qin refined four more pieces one after another, and was ready to find a buyer to sell them to see how the price was. If the price is good, he plans to make more, make enough 30 gold leaves, and then find a way to buy the white jade embryo from the spring jade store.
