Zifu Xianyuan

57 low-key disciples

Although the fast sand spell is listed as the most basic earth spell, there is no limit on its power. In the first layer of the refining period, it can create a flowing sand whirlpool the size of a sea bowl. By the second floor of the gas refining period, it has been able to turn the vortice of Liusha into a half-square circle. The higher the cultivation, the greater the power.

Once ordinary mortals and beasts fall into it, it is difficult to escape being buried alive.

However, Ye Qin easily found that this earth spell has two very chicken ribs. First, the casting takes a long time, and the formation of the spell is too slow. When the casting is completed, I'm afraid the enemy will run away for a long time. Second, once the spell is cast, its position is fixed, and the breath is very conspicuous. People with discerning eyes can know its existence at a glance.

If the two immortals are also fighting, if you see the other party casting this spell, you will naturally not run stupidly into the sand whirlpool. Therefore, although it is very powerful and lethal is not weaker than other offensive basic spells, its effect is extremely small. It is only listed as an auxiliary spell to hinder the enemy's movement, and is not included in the offensive spell.

After roughly mastering the wind, wind binding and sand, Ye Qin tried earth escape, water escape, wood escape and winding with great interest.

Earth escape, water escape and wood escape belong to earth, water and wood spells respectively. The required casting environment is different, but their function is the same. They are all used to escape and move at high speed in land, water and trees.

Once the caster casts the spell, he can disappear from the original place in one breath, drill into the earth, water, wood, and then appear dozens of feet away. In contrast, the imperial wind can only fly a few feet away in one breath, which is more than ten times worse than the escape distance of earth escape, water escape and wood escape.

Of course, in order to drill through the soil and water, the mana consumed by the earth escape and the water escape are far higher than the royal wind. The immortals in the second layer of the gas refining period will run out of the mana after dozens of earth escapes in a row.

is usually only used in the most dangerous situations to save lives.

The last one is the winding spell, the wooden spell. Put the mana into the grass vine and control the grass vine to imprison the opponent's action in a winding way. In addition to the mana, the power is also directly related to the toughness of the grass species and the grass vine itself. Using ordinary grass seeds, the effect of the winding technique is not good.


Ye Qin lived in a simple place. Every day, I go back and forth between the medicine collection hall and my own private yard. Quietly practice the second level of "Sitting Forgotten Sutra ยท Sitting and Looking Without Me". And a few spells that I have just learned.

This period of time. As the drug trading event is getting closer and closer. The number of Jianghu characters in Zhuqi County has greatly increased.

Fighting and causing trouble in a pub inn and other events. Nature is also endless. Often restaurants and inns are smashed. There are also some enemies in the world. Bloody revenge killing with a knife drawn to the ground.

The Medicine Collection Hall is the local host. There is an inescapable responsibility for this. Several anti-fighting orders have been issued one after another. Dispatch the disciples in the hall to mediate the frequent ground fighting and troubles in various parts of the city. The tasks of the disciples in the hall are becoming more and more arduous.

Even Ye Qin has always been "extremely poor in martial arts" in the hall. A low-key and inconspicuous young disciple. He was also sent to carry out various heavy tasks. Maintain the security and order of the county.

But nevertheless. There are still endless fights in the county. It can't be help. The medicine collection hall can't find enough people to mediate. Some masters of the world are fighting. The disciples in the door can't even intervene.

In order to reduce all kinds of private fighting and troubles in Zhuqi County, the senior management of the medicine collection hall decided to open a large-scale martial arts arena next to the trade fair in the northwest of the city for the people in the world to compete in the world. Caiyaotang sent a public security patrol composed of young disciples to maintain the order of the competition in the martial arts arena, arrange the competition, and be responsible for the emergency treatment of those injured.

Whether it's a martial arts competition, a private fight or revenge, just go to the martial arts arena to test, and the medicine collection hall will no longer intervene.

This move of the medicine collection hall is very popular with people in the world.

The hot-blooded people who caused trouble everywhere in Zhuqi County went to the martial arts arena for an open competition.

These Jianghu people who like to fight are mainly young people. Most of them just want to be famous in the world, and want to establish their own reputation when the Medicine King Gang holds the Medicine and Medicine Conference, so they participate in the fight.

This move of the medicine collection hall naturally favors it.

In order to establish their own reputation in the world, young disciples from gangs all over Pingzhou jumped into the ring one after another and challenged other gang disciples to compete in martial arts. They have studied martial arts for more than ten years, and they are all the best in their respective gangs. They regard themselves very high, and they are at the age when they want to show their prestige in the world.

Real top masters in the world, as well as some middle-aged and elderly masters, often hold their own identity, but will not easily stage a competition in the martial arts arena. They have won the lives of those young people, and they are also suspected of winning. If you lose, you will lose your value, your prestige will be swept away, and you will have a lot of scruples.

As an apprentice of the medicine collection hall, Ye Qin naturally needs to obey the arrangement of General Manager Zhang in the hall.

He is often assigned to the security patrol, performs security maintenance tasks around the martial arts arena, or is arranged to do some heavy chores.

But every time he performs the Wei'an mission, Ye Qin is the lowest-key silent one. Never take the initiative to come forward when encountering a fight, let alone show yourself. Even if someone fought to death in front of him, Ye Qin immediately stood in the distance and watched coldly, with no intention of dissuading him at all. And the work is also the most laborious one, and the assigned heavy chores are never picky.

His performance will inevitably be despised by some people in the court as a sign of timidity and cowardice.

The disciples of the medicine collection hall almost all know that he is practicing a kind of kung fu that specializes in enhancing physical strength without force. Behind his back, he secretly mocked him for practicing scalper skills, only knowing how to farm, which was of no other use at all. To stop the fighting in the county, you have to rely on them, who are strong in martial arts.

For Ye Qin's usual hard work, carrying water and chores, and the diligence of handymen, no one will deliberately embarrass him.

Ye Qin is indifferent to the fight for a reason. Since mastering the immortal spells and trying their terrible power, Ye Qin's vision has also greatly improved. He is really not interested in interfering in these not-so-so-talent combat.

He would rather work as a handyman while thinking about the spells he had just learned than waste his time on these hot-blooded young people who are full of food and have nothing to do.

As for the cynicism of the disciples in the hall, it is even more directly ignored.


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