Zifu Xianyuan

64 Young Master

Since the disappearance of the mysterious family for 20 years, it has gradually disappeared from his memory. If everything ends here, the family has become an eternal memory of Elder Huang and is gradually forgotten.

But more than two months ago, a mysterious man in black suddenly appeared to find him, directly exchanged a clear heart pill for a piece of jade with "aura", and asked for more jade with aura and precious grass with aura.

Elder Huang felt that the scene was vaguely familiar at that time, but he couldn't recall it for a while.

After that, Elder Huang slowly thought and finally remembered this 20-year-old past.

Only then did he suddenly realize that the mysterious man in black he met was so similar to the mysterious family that once ruled the top ten gangs in Pingzhou. He had a great opportunity to meet this mysterious figure.

This made him sigh.

If the man in black is really a member of that family, it means that this mysterious family will appear in Pingzhou again. It is easy to unify the top ten gangs in Pingzhou with the terrible strength and means of this family.

Although this family has ruled the top ten gangs in Pingzhou with an iron fist for nearly a hundred years, they are only interested in collecting spiritual objects, but not in disputes in the world. They never interfere in dealing with the trivial secular chores of major gangs.

This family is used to supporting an agent to deal with the affairs of the family and the Hepingzhou Gang. This agent comes to maintain daily contact with the family.

More than 20 years ago, the agent supported by this family was the old leader of the Yaowang Gang.

It was precisely because of this relationship that the Yaowang Gang jumped from a medium-sized gang with only dozens of places in the world, jumped up like a fireworks rocket, and jumped into the ranks of the top ten gangs in Pingzhou.

Elder Huang is the most eager. I just hope that I can become a secular agent of this family.

If you can make a comeback in this family. Meet the members of this mysterious family as soon as possible. Let them set his golden tiger as the family agent. Then he is in charge of the highest level of secular affairs of the top ten gangs in Pingzhou. It's his golden tiger.

At that time. He will no longer be the chief elder of a treasure gang. It is an agent above the top ten gangs in Pingzhou. How majestic it is.

Elder Huang every moment every day. Thinking of this. My heart is about to burst.

But when he figured out these things. It seems a little late.

Because the mysterious man in black changed the spirit stone two months ago. Then it disappeared without a trace. It never appeared again. Black hats. This is the most common hidden identity dress in the world. It is impossible to trace the whereer's place.

For more than a month, Elder Huang has been regretting, only hating that he did not keep the mysterious man in black at that time, and did not have more and deeper conversations. I didn't know the temporary residence of the man in black, and I didn't know how to take the initiative to contact the man in black. I had to sit and wait for the man in black to come to him again in exchange for jade.

However, Elder Huang waited for nearly two months, and he didn't see the man in black appear again for a long time, which made him anxious and suffer day and night.

Just now, a man in strong clothes came to report that a man in black came to the trade fair with his treasure order, which made Elder Huang feel happy that fell from the sky, and a huge golden mountain hit his forehead.

Here we go, the mysterious man in black finally appeared again!

It's true that the emperor pays off. Fortunately, he left a treasure order for the mysterious man in black. Otherwise, he really doesn't know how to confirm which man in black is the mysterious family figure he wants to find in the vast sea of people in Zhuqi County.

Elder Huang was so excited that he couldn't help speeding up three points again.


On the third floor of Yongfu Building, under the respectful eyes of several strong men, Ye Qin slightly pressed the bamboo hat, walked into the third floor, and came to the lobby of the trade fair.

In the spacious hall, there are many gorgeous and exquisite glazed lamps, which are brightly lit. In the center is the trading display stand, and a trader is holding a treasure knife to demonstrate its sharpness to everyone present.

In the rest of the hall, there are about hundreds of VIP tables.

There were about two or three hundred guests sitting in the whole trading floor. While drinking, they were bidding for treasures. The scene was quite lively.

There are two kinds of VIPs participating in the trade fair.

One is the senior management of major gangs in groups.

One is a famous lone tycoon, who often acts alone.

qualified to participate in this small treasure fair hosted by Elder Huang, the chief elder of the treasure gang, personally. The leaders and senior officials of various gangs in Pingzhou are at least the incense masters, deputy hall masters, elders, worship and so on.

Each gang occupies a table, and it doesn't seem crowded at all.

The remaining dozens of scattered guests are also famous lone tyrants in the world. They sit at a table in twos and threes, talking less, or drinking, or watching the hustle and bustle, chatting about the latest events in the rivers and lakes of Pingzhou.

There are many solo tycoons like Ye Qin who come to the trade fair with hats, black clothes, and hiding their identities.

Those big people have a deep background and don't care that others know that they have treasures. However, some lone walkers do not want others to know their identity, let alone to let others know that they bought and sold treasures. They are very careful to keep their identity secret to avoid being plotted.

Ye Qin took a casual glance in the hall and was staying in a remote place in the hall, looking for a place to sit down.

His eyelids suddenly jumped.

Ye Qin saw a few familiar people on the table in the front row of the trading floor, Li Dashan, the owner of the medicine collection hall, the deputy hall owner of Ma, and the deputy hall of Ji. As the principal and deputy owners of the Medicine Collection Hall of the Yaowang Gang, they are the local host of the "Medical Materials and Drug Trading Conference" held by the Yaowang Gang, and their identity is naturally extremely important. So their tables are also placed in the most eye-catching place in the whole trading floor.

A striking wooden sign is placed on the table, "Drug King Gang, Seat No. 1."

Ye Qin was puzzled. Although the medicine collection hall belongs to the Medicine King Gang, in this Zhuqi County, the people in the medicine collection hall have always claimed to be the people of the medicine collection hall, and rarely say that they are the people of the Medicine King Gang. In many cases, the name "medicine collection hall" is used in most cases. What's going on today? Did you type out the big brand of Medicine King Gang?

There were six people at the table of the Medicine King Gang.

Ye Qin's eyes swept over the three people at the same table with Li, Ma and Ji.

Among the three people, one of them, a slightly frivolous young man with a slightly arrogant and a crooked mouth and nose, was pointing at the treasure knife on the trading table and humming a few words.

There are also two other majestic-looking old men with ruddy faces and full temples. Obviously, they are the top masters of the deep-rooted inner family.

But looking at Li, Ma, Ji and the two majestic old men, these five top masters are actually looking at the face of the young man in gorgeous clothes, with a smile on his face from time to time and praise him. The gorgeous teenager actually enjoyed the direct flattery to them.

Ye Qin was a little puzzled.

He has never seen Li, Ma and Ji so polite to others before.

And tonight is Xie Yun, the first disciple of Li Dashan, the head of the hall, to carry out the wheel guard battle. When they hit the key of the seventh round, they don't care about Xie Yun's situation, but accompany the young man here to the fair together. Who is this young man?!

During this period, the disciples in the hall have been rumoring that the general altar of the Yaowang Gang is going to send a big shot to inspect. It is said that Li Hong, the leader of the Yaowang Gang, intends to let his son make contributions to the preparation of this conference. Could it be that this person is Li Pingxi, the young master of the Yaowang Gang? If he is a young master, then most of his coming this time has something to do with the drug conference.

Ye Qin's thoughts flashed by.

He walked to a remote table, which was not too far from the table of the Yaowang Gang. He planned to listen to what they were saying. With his ear strength, as long as it is within dozens of feet of this hall, even the sound of mosquitoes flying by can be heard without any difference.
