Zifu Xianyuan

106 half a year

PS: There is still a gap of dozens of votes from the total ticket list. Brothers and sisters will go up to the top. On October 1st National Day, "Zifu" was put on the shelves in the early morning to celebrate the most wonderful Lingwu Grand Canyon plot, which is about to be staged, and Zifu will gradually show its unique role----------

Ye Qin stayed in a small inn in the city

The most surprising thing about him when he tried to make alchemy with a copper sand alchemy furnace was that he found that the copper sand alchemy furnace could be sent to Zifu. Originally, he wanted to make alchemy in Zifu, but there was a lack of fire in Zifu, so he could only go to the alchemy room provided

In the alchemy room specially provided by the inn for monks, Ye Qin sat in front of the alchemy furnace. The alchemy room of the furnace had specially provided refined charcoal. The blue flame burned was much more intense than ordinary wood, and the fire was very stable, which saved him from making trouble for firewood

combine the dewyn and more than ten side effects with the water of the spring, pour it into the copper sand alchemy furnace, close the lid of the furnace and then burn the charcoal. This is already he has refined the delu elixir at least a thousand times. The technique is very skillful. The size of the copper sand alchemy furnace is Charcoal, wait until it's almost time to condense the elixir, and then take a closer look at the alchemy furnace. You don't need to take special care of it at other times

Ye Qin took out the paper bag wrapped with three first-order spiritual shrubs and thorn seeds, took one of them, and sent it into the purple house with divine consciousness

In the floating island of Zifu, next to the field next to the dew grass, he specially drew a new field to plant wood thorns, and used a cyan wood spirit stone in his hand to cultivate the seeds of wood thorns

For how to plant dew grass, he is very familiar with using only cyan wood spirit stone, or white miscellaneous stone to cultivate dew grass. If it is a fire spirit stone to grow dew grass, the dew grass will die immediately because it is not in line with the growth environment required by dew grass

If there is no accident, the wooden spirit stone should also be able to plant this wood thorn

He took a piece of blue wood spirit stone to plant the seed of this wood thorn. The seed of the wood thorn was put in the field. He sprinkled some spirit stone powder on it. The seed moved, and quickly broke the hard shell, gave birth to tender buds, and began to grow

Ye Qin's great joy

It is really useful to wait for the thorns to grow up and bear berries. He can quickly harvest a lot of ground thorn seeds

Continue to sprinkle spiritual stone powder

After using nearly half of the spirit stone, the thorns have grown into a shrub and began to bloom. More than a dozen pink flower bones bloomed, and then everything stopped

No matter how Ye Qin added wood spirit stone powder to it, the wood thorns did not absorb the aura in the spirit stone and did not continue to grow. Naturally, there was no fruit that Ye Qin wanted

Ye Qin is very depressed. The white light ball floats on the thorns and I can't figure out the reason

Since the seeds of wood thorns can grow and bloom, then what is normal is the last link to produce berries!

The dew grass can bear seeds directly. Why doesn't this thorn bear fruit?

Ye Qin thought for a long time, but he didn't figure out what was going on

His consciousness withdrew from the purple mansion and returned to the alchemy room

Ye Qin took a seed of wood thorn from the paper bag. This time, he did not send it into the purple house, but directly instilled a lot of mana, wrapped the wood thorn, and used the winding technique

He wants to give it a try and stimulate the thorns. What will be the effect

The winding spell is finished

Ye Qin scanned the whole alchemy room to find the target

A flick of a finger

The wood thorn seeds wrapped in mana immediately shot out, and the seeds of wood thorns germinate on a table in the corner of the alchemy room. The branches grew crazily, and soon wrapped the whole table to death. With a click, the hard table was directly crushed and broken by the strong entanglement of the wood

After a long time, the entanglement of wood thorns stopped

Ye Qin walked over and picked up a wooden thorn

The branches of wooden thorns are finger-thick and iron-blue, with a faint blue luster. There are some half-inch-long cyan spikes on them, which look a little scary. It is said that it contains strong wood toxin how poisonous it is. I haven't tried it. It's hard to say

Ye Qin has no antidote and dares not touch these spikes at will

The seeds of wood thorns grow rapidly by the stimulation of mana. It seems that they overdraw their vitality and do not live long. Soon after the casting, they will gradually wither and die. The wood thorns stimulated by mana will not bloom at all, let alone produce berries

Ye Qin carefully pinched the place where there were no thorns on the branches and pulled it hard. He found that the wooden thorns were abnormally tough, and the normal power could not be broken. He was afraid that he would use the "divine possession" and it was difficult to break it

He tried hard with the medicine knife he carried with him. It took half a cup of tea to barely cut a little skin of the thorn branch and cut it completely. At least half a day. I don't know if I can try it with a spiritual weapon. Can you cut it off at once?

Ye Qin is quite satisfied with the tenacity of this wooden thorn

Do you have any weaknesses in this thorn?

Ye Qin thought for a moment and meditated on the fireball spell. A small red blazing fireball quickly appeared above his palm and hit the wood thorns. The small fireball touched the wood thorns. Just like a dry man met a spring, it burned fiercely. In just a few breaths, he burned the branches of the wood It has become ashes

Ye Qin was stunned

Although this wooden thorn is extremely tough, and the ordinary sword is difficult to break, it can't stand the fire. In the burning smell of wood thorns after burning, Ye Qin suddenly smelled a trace of elixir fragrance from the elixir furnace

"Oh, Dan is coming out so soon!"

He quickly returned to the alchemy furnace, stared at the fire, and prepared the elixir time of the copper sand alchemy furnace, which was several times shorter than the iron alchemy furnace

In the inn, alchemy, closed-door practice

In a blink of an eye, half a year has passed, and it's almost time for each school to issue the task documents of selecting disciples every year

In the past six months, Ye Qin has taken a large number of low-grade delu elixir, impacting the realm of the five layers of the gas refining period. Although the delu elixir is a low-level elixir, the quality is not enough to supplement the quantity, at least it can produce some effects

This day, a small golden light suddenly flew out of the window and disappeared into Ye Qin's room

Ye Qin was collapsing and meditating. He noticed the golden light. He raised his eyebrows and grabbed his left hand. He grasped the slippery golden light and spread out his palm. It was a golden rune of several inches long. It was sent by the notes of the Zhang brothers and sisters. They invited him to get together and discuss the matter of

Ye Qin was stunned

He is going to the Lingwu Grand Canyon so soon. He has not left the inn for more than a month. He has now broken through the fifth floor of gas refining, and it's time to go out and have a look.

In the streets of Xianyuan City, there are obviously many more hurried immortals than in the past. Usually, only hundreds of people can be seen coming and going on the street. Now there are at least thousands of people, monks from hundreds of scattered cultivation and immortal cultivation families from hundreds of countries, quite turbulent feeling

Ye Qin left his inn and came to the Ximen Inn where Zhang's brother and sister were located

The two inns are not far apart

Every time Ye Qin practices behind closed doors for a period of time, he will take time to visit Zhang Zhe, Zhang Qiao brothers and sisters, as well as Xia Laohei, Fan Qiongsui, Zhang Shi and others occasionally get one or two copies of alchemy raw materials, and will also ask him for help with alchemy

In the past six months, the five of them have become quite familiar with each other

Ye Qin went up to the hall in the middle of the third floor of the pavilion, with some seats and a coffee table on the table. On the left and right of the hall are six rooms. The whole third floor has been covered by the second chapter, Xia, Fan and others. At present, the four immortals are living together to practice together

I saw a sword-bearing blue-shirt chivalrous man dressed up as a young man, a bronze-skinned black-faced man in a short shirt, sitting in the hall, talking about a blue-shirted girl dressed as a chivalrous woman, listening quietly

In the corridor outside the hall, there stands a middle-aged scholar in a white Confucian costume, with white hair, simple and simple, a little dry and dull, with a face full of book atmosphere that can't be concealed. He holds a bamboo scroll that he doesn't know what the book is, and from time to time he catches a few words "

Ye Qin, the middle-aged scholar, came upstairs and immediately saluted and said, "Brother Ye is polite. I'm waiting for you!" Please!"

"I dare not, Brother Fan, please"

Ye Qinzu once had a scholar, so he always respected the scholars very much

This scholar is no one else. He is a scholar who has teamed up with Zhang's brother and sister and Xia Laohei to practice. Fan Jiasheng is nicknamed Fan Qiongxiong acid by Zhang Qiao because he likes to drop his book bag. He is a scholar in Nanliang Kingdom

It is said that this person claimed that when he was young, he studied hard in a broken temple because of his poor family. He accidentally found a book of secrets. He just fooled around and practiced his body, and knew that he was not very interested in immortal cultivation at that time. Instead, he was dedicated to seeking official reputation. In order to go back to Guang Only one scholar was admitted. After losing consecutive examinations, he was disheartened. Finally, he abandoned his fame and official career and met other immortals by chance. Only then did he know that he had no intention to insert willows and willows into shade. He was already counted as "half an immortal". With the guidance of the immortal practitioner, he came all the way Wait for others, make friends and practice together

Ye Qin listened to Fan Jiasheng's origin at that time, and he was even happy. Nanliang is worthy of being the hometown of immortals. There are so many immortal legends, isn't it all like this?

He followed Fan Jiasheng into the hall, and smiled at Zhang Shi, Xia Laohei and others, "I'm sorry to keep you waiting for a long time"