Zifu Xianyuan

207 Unextinguished Fire

In the day, Ye Qin appeared at the end of the Fire Palace.

At the end of the Fire Palace is a square hall. In the middle is a transmission array, and next to the transmission array is a huge fire beast, which is more than twice as tall as the fire leopard he had encountered before. It is a fourth-order mythical beast.

Under its feet, there is also a flaming treasure box. This treasure box is made of jade made of fire jade, with many patterns carved on it, which is quite exquisite, and the grade is obviously much higher than the box I have seen before.

This treasure box is a value item at the end of the Fire Palace.

The fire beast has not been killed, and the treasure box has not been opened. Ye Qin is obviously the first monk to arrive here.

You should know that among the 50 foundation monks who came to explore the maze, there are several grass-roots monks, and there are also many monks on the five or six floors during the foundation period. You should know that Wu Zhangmen, Elder Yan and others in Qingdanmen have only built the seventh floor of the foundation period. The senior management of each sect usually gave up whole-hearted cultivation because of the lack of hope of elixir, and mainly focused on the management of the power of the sect and the family, so the cultivation is not too high. Most of the foundation-building monks who are really hopeful of making elixir are in retreat and practice, and rarely interfere in the daily chores of the sect.

Ye Qin's cultivation is only a layer of foundation, which is almost the bottom level among the monks. With such a low cultivation as Ye Qin, he was the first to reach the end of the Fire Palace, which is simply an incredible thing. Whoever sees him here, I'm afraid his eyes will stare out in surprise.

Ye Qin himself was also very surprised, but he couldn't help showing a proud smile.

After he arrived at the end of the Fire Palace, he did not delay. He directly released the dementor bell, Xuanyin sword, purple knife and other three-level magic weapons at the same time, and suddenly attacked the giant fire beast, killed the fourth-order giant fire beast as soon as possible, and took out the items in the treasure box.

At the same time, he couldn't help thinking of how he had come here all the way.

The inland terrain of the Fire Palace is roughly like this with a large number of different channels. At the same time, it extends to the center of the Fire Palace. Each monk occupies one of the places. In these channels. There are a lot of fork roads. It's easy to go in the wrong direction. So it's a waste of time.

If anyone is the first to reach the end of the Fire Palace. Then you will see the scene that Ye Qin saw.

For ordinary monks. The complex fork in the terrain of the Fire Palace is a big trouble. Because it is just to find the road to the end of the Fire Palace. It will take a lot of time.

And the consciousness in this maze is strongly suppressed. It is impossible to explore the road on a large scale with divine consciousness. Even if the nine-story monk in the foundation period is in this maze. You must also honestly explore the passage in person. Only then can we know whether the road ahead can be passed.

But there is a fork in the fire palace. For Ye Qin, it's a piece of cake. You can get to the end in the shortest time with your eyes closed. Let's talk about it. It also makes some people. Because of the purple jade ancient slip in Ye Qin's hand. There are eight miniature mazes in it. And it is completely a reduced version of the underground labyrinth of this fairy temple. All ground passages are exactly the same.

Although Ye Qin can't use his divine knowledge to explore the maze road of the Fairy Temple. However, the maze terrain in the ancient purple jade is clear.

With the help of Ziyu Gujian, he will naturally not go the wrong way.

With the help of Bat King Wing, it only took him a short time to pass through the Fire Palace.

He even killed many fire beasts along the way, opening at least dozens of small tches. There are almost everything in the box, such as an ordinary ore, a low-order elixir, or a spiritual weapon, a refinery formula drawing. These are worth some money, and they can be exchanged for a lot of spiritual stones. Of course, these items are of little value to foundation monks.

Despite this, Ye Qin was still the first to arrive at the end of the Fire Palace, which he did not expect.

Most of the fire beasts in the fire palace are third-order, and the foundation monks can easily clean them up one by one. And the fourth-order fire beast at the end of the Fire Palace is one level higher. The gap of this level is the difference between the practice period and the foundation period, which also greatly increases its power. Even if it is a magic weapon, it is difficult to cause much damage to it.

However, Ye Qin has already appeared. The mythical beast derived from the forbidden array in the maze has no intelligence to speak of. He only knows how to attack and attack, and even the moves are always the same. If you want to kill it, you can definitely do it.

Ye Qin did not intend to kill it. He didn't have the time.

It will take at least half an hour to kill this fourth-order fire beast. And in this half hour, it is likely that other monks will arrive. At that time, this treasure box may not belong to him.

Ye Qin attracted the huge fire beast from dozens of feet away.

Then a flash disappeared from the eyes of the giant fire beast and appeared next to the treasure box. The giant fire beast, while still turning its head to look for Ye Qin's whereing, Ye Qin had opened the exquisite fire and jade treasure box to see what was in it.

He was very disappointed to see that the fire jade box was empty, and there was nothing in it.

, there is a very weak fire. Only one red bean is very weak. If you don't look carefully, it's easy to ignore the past.

Ye Qin was puzzled and reached out to pick it up.

He was so surprised that he made an empty space by himself, and the weak fire actually penetrated through his palm. He clearly felt a faint fire spirit passing through his palm, but he didn't get anything.

"What kind of flame is this? It should not be an illusion, otherwise you can't feel the hot aura.

He carefully looked at the fire jade box in large quantities, and there was a paragraph engraved on the top of the fire jade box.

Ye Qin glanced at it quickly and wrote:

This fire is a small group of original fire that appeared in the abyss of a certain place when the ancient monk Guangyu Zhenren was traveling abroad. It is not extinguished, so it is also called the fire that is not extinguished. The real person in Guangyu speculated that this fire was the root of the earth fire. However, this source of fire has just been born and is extremely weak. Without tens of thousands of years, we can't grow up at all. The real person of Guangyu took it back to Xianyuan City for research, and then was placed in the underground maze to wait for the predestined person. This fire is invisible and intangible, and it cannot be taken away by normal means.

"The fire that will not be extinguished!"

Ye Qin took a cold breath.

You know, no matter what kind of flame is in the world, it will be automatically annihilated after a long time. Even if it is a foundation-building monk, the flame from the golden elixir monk will gradually dissipate in the air without the support of aura.

But this small fire source can always burn, which is too strange.

Ye Qin smiled. Since this is something left by the ancient monk, he naturally wants to take it away, learn the legendary Guangyu real person, and study it. Let's not think so much about what can be studied for the time being.

But it made him depressed. This small fire could not be picked up at all, and it automatically penetrated in the palm of his hand.

Ye Qin had a bitter face. He had already noticed that the huge fire beast rushed towards him. What made him feel most bad was that he also heard a loud shout from the distance, and a monk rushed over to stop him from taking the items in the treasure box.

Ye Qin gritted his teeth and used the last method. With a wave of his sleeves, the divine consciousness covered the fire and transferred it to Zifu. This small fire disappeared from the treasure box.

His face showed joy, and he flashed on the teleportation array of the Fire Palace.

In the blink of an eye, Ye Qin disappeared in the Fire Palace and entered the next wooden palace in the fairy maze.

In this fire palace, there is only one yellow-robed monk and the giant fire beast left. The giant fire beast lost Ye Qin's trace and naturally rushed to the yellow-robed monk.

The yellow-robed foundation monk had been angry for a long time because he was taken a step ahead of it. He was harassed by the giant fire beast, and he was even more angry. A thunderbolt appeared in the palm of the hand, boom! The huge fire beast was directly blown dozens of feet away.

"Son of a bitch, how can anyone be one step ahead of me?"

The yellow-robed monk opened the fire jade treasure box and saw that there was nothing empty inside, so he was very angry.

He is no one else, but the yellow-robed monk of the Sanxiu Alliance who led everyone into the maze, with seven floors during the foundation period.

Although he is a member of the Sanxiu Alliance, and the Sanxiu Alliance controls the maze. However, as long as any item is sent into the maze, it cannot be taken out directly. You can only go into the maze in person and take out the items from the treasure box in the maze.

However, all the items in the treasure box appear randomly. Even if you want to find something left by an ancient monk, you may not be found. This is the rule set by the ancient monks on the maze forbidden formation, which cannot be changed at all. Even the Jindan monk of the Sanxiu Alliance can't be changed.

However, most of the treasure box is an ordinary item. Only at the end of each palace in the maze will there be a good thing. What exactly is it? It also appears randomly.

The eyes of the yellow-robed monk swept over the top of the fire jade treasure box and saw a line of words above.

He was stunned for a moment, took a breath of cold air, and hit the treasure box fiercely. The blue veins burst out and he was extremely angry.

"If you don't turn off the engine, what was taken away is actually a real person of Guangyu, one of the eight scattered practitioners in Lingwu Xianyuan City, leaving without turning off the engine! Son of a bastard, I have broken into the Fire Palace dozens of times. Why have I never met it once?! This is the treasure of the Fairy Palace. How can it be taken away by outsiders?

The yellow-robed monk was not late. He flew to the transmission array at the end of the Fire Palace, disappeared, entered the Wooden Palace, and chased Ye Qin.

The maze is full of single-person transmission arrays, and everyone will be transported to different places in the wooden palace. Even if the yellow-robed monk enters the wooden palace, there are so many passages that Ye Qin can't find where he is. However, at the end of the wooden palace is also the only way for a transmission hall to the earth palace.

He is going to the hall of the wooden palace to intercept Ye Qin.