Zifu Xianyuan

309 Return to Zhuqi

Because of this call order, in the streets and alleys of Lingwu City, in the attic inn, many foundation-building monks gathered together to discuss the trip to the East China Sea excitedly.

is obviously divided into two factions.

A small number of foundation-building monks are very happy. When it comes to the East China Sea, they are very interested.

Because many monks have been to the East China Sea and travel to and from Middle-earth, the monks in Middle-earth also have a little understanding of the East China Sea, which is not completely strange.

The whole Middle-earth continent is surrounded by seas.

Since ancient times, countless monks have wanted to leave the Middle-earth mainland and go overseas to open up the cave of cultivation of immortals, all in the direction of the East China Sea.

The other three sea areas are all dead-sad, and there is no return.

Only the East China Sea can go. Although there are sea beasts in the East China Sea, it is the easiest sea to leap. After arriving in the East China Sea, many monks took root and their cultivation progressed extremely fast. The attraction to Middle-earth monks has naturally increased.

According to the monks who have been to the East China Sea, the East China Sea is wider than the whole Middle-earth continent, and it can't reach the border. There are a large number of sea beasts in the sea. Although the way across the sea is dangerous, the spiritual products there are richer than the spiritual fog world. In particular, some rare intermediaries and high-level elixirs in the Middle-earth continent are relatively easy to find on the islands of the East China Sea, which can help foundation monks and Jindan monks quickly improve their cultivation.

And if the foundation monk wants to break through the bottleneck of Jindan, the best way is to go to the East China Sea, where there is a greater chance.

Of course, many foundation monks are full of fear of their trip to the East China Sea.

The East China Sea is not for anyone who wants to go.

At the lowest level, you have to fly the imperial aircraft to have the opportunity to cross the dangerous East China Sea and reach the islands in the East China Sea.

Therefore, only monks who have been cultivated in the foundation period are qualified to go to the East China Sea.

The monks of the training period who can't fly the imperial weapon. If they want to cross the sea, it's a dream, how much to go and how much to die.

Sea beasts may be encountered at any time in the East China Sea, which is no less dangerous than a battle in the immortal world, or even more terrible. For hundreds of thousands of years, there have been countless monks who have died in the East China Sea. There are only a few monks who really survived on the East China Sea island.

But then again, although so many immortals have died, the monks who went to the East China Sea still followed. Even if there is only one in ten thousand hope to break through the bottleneck of Jindan, there will be countless foundation-building monks rushing to the East China Sea enthusiastically. There is no chance to break through Jindan in Middle-earth, so it's better to try your luck in the East China Sea. If you want to live a long life, you always have to pay some price. Horizontal and vertical is a dead word. Instead of dying because of the exhaustion of longevity, it is better to die at risk. Maybe there is a chance to live longer. The lowest-level monks also understand this truth.

Especially those monks who have reached the eight or nine floors, but have been unable to find the elixir to break through the bottleneck of the golden elixir. Their idea of going to the East China Sea was even more fanatical. As soon as the call order was issued, many high-level monks took the initiative to go to the East China Sea.

After a few days of trouble, the summoning order of the Lingwu Alliance was issued and sent to every sect and family.

Ye Qin had no choice but to find that he was on the list of conscripts in Qingdanmen. This list was made by Huangpu Laozu himself, and you can't go if you don't. In the Qingdan Gate, there are four Jindan ancestors and more than 70 monks in the foundation period who will go to the East China Sea.

The three immortal worlds finally stopped fighting, and it is difficult for a war to break out for at least a hundred years after this war. There is less killing in the fairyland of spiritual fog cultivation, which seems to be quiet. The foundation-building monks and the monks who originally gathered in Lingwu City for refuge left one after another and returned to their respective territories. In various countries in the spiritual fog world, monks began to appear, and gradually became lively.

On this day, the light of one gold, one ice blue, and two flying swords left Lingwu City, skimmed through the sky and went in the direction of Wuguo.

More than ten days later.

Two rays of light arrived at Zhuqi County in the State of Wuhan.

A man and a woman, two young foundation monks in Qingdanmen costumes, stepped on the flying sword and appeared in the sky of Zhuqi County.

Although the man is ordinary in appearance, he looks low-key and gentle, and even a little shy. But in the depths of my eyes, I was really calm.

And the woman's face was veiled, dressed in white, and her clothes were fluttering, but she was a peerless beauty. Although she couldn't see her delicate face clearly in the tulle, her cold and snow-like eyes under the tulle made people dare not look directly. She followed her even more at this moment. She looked at the man from time to time and occasionally lowered her head. She didn't know what she was thinking.

The State of Wu is a very small country in the spiritual fog world, and it is poor in mountains and rivers, remote and desolate, and lacks spiritual things, and has not been affected by the war of immortal cultivation. Even the enemy monks were too lazy to come here to search for spirits.

This secular small city in Zhuqi County is still the same as before. Mud grass and vines can be seen everywhere on the low wall, dilapidated and dilapidated. More than a dozen people in the city guarded the gate lazily, shouting and scolding the peasants who led mules and donkeys into the city.

In this thousands of miles of poor valley, the people in the county live a poor life day after day.

The young monk looked at Zhuqi County for a while, looked back, and saw that the masked woman was secretly looking at his back.

He couldn't help smiling faintly.

"Bing'er, what are you looking at?"


Mengsha woman opened her teeth gently and said with a smile, "The fairy fate is wonderful, and all the scattered monks are accidentally embarking on the fairy road. My mother was not like this at the beginning. If she hadn't cultivated immortals by chance, I'm afraid I wouldn't have come to this world.

Ye Qin nodded slightly. While talking and laughing, he was suddenly stunned.

He saw the Yang family's iron shop and Yang's house in Zhuqi County.