Zifu Xianyuan

457 beat in an instant

Brother Du, good job! Show off your unique skills and let this boy see that the power of us fairy palace monks can't be compared with any cat or dog.

In the square in front of the main hall of the Purple Sword Palace, many Jindan monks and foundation-building monks who took action in the fairy palace shouted loudly to cheer for Du Qingliang.

After all, Du Qingliang's wind genius Jindan monks have heard of it for a long time, and Ye Qin is unknown. Many Jindan monks don't even know where he came from. They don't know what kind of luck they have ascended to heaven and become the elders of the Purple Sword Fairy Palace. Naturally, most monks are more optimistic about Du Qingliang. Even if they are Yuanying monks, these thousand-year-old ancestors are more optimistic about Du Qingliang. Only a few monks are optimistic about Ye Qin's strength. Huangfu Binger, she unconditionally supports Ye Qin, and does not think that Ye Qin can't beat Du Qing

In addition, there were several cold-eyed nine-story monks in the corner who looked at the foundation-building period. They disapproved of Du Qingliang and whispered to him.

"Du Qingliang, what is he! The direct descendant of the elder of Shangtang Palace, a second-level monk of Jindan, is known as a talented monk of the wind department. In fact, his cultivation is a little stronger than Laozi. "It's just a little more famous than Laozi's. Can he be compared with the direct descendant of Yu Weifeng, the suzerain? What's the end of Yu Weifeng, hum~-..." Du Qingliang felt that he had some strength in Shangtang Palace and a little fame in Baifu City, so he didn't overempower to challenge Brother Ye. He really didn't know how to live or die!

Jin Zhongshan snorted coldly in a disdainful voice, "I think that I was also a famous Jindan monk in the Jubao Palace at the beginning. I didn't pay attention to Brother Ye, but I went to the sea, and I didn't recognize a little brother obediently. After Du Qingliang had a fight with Brother Ye, he knew that he had gone astray.

"What Brother Jin said is exactly that you, me, and Zhou and Liao, are all famous Jindan monks in their respective fairy palaces, not much worse than Du Qingliang, but I dare not have the idea of competing with Brother Ye. Brother Ye has always kept a low profile, and few people have seen him take action. Even if he is a monk in the middle of Jindan, he may not be his opponent.

Brother Ye's defeat of Du Qingliang should not be a big problem. The question is whether you need a scall of incense or two columns of incense. Pan Lin shook a jade fan in his hand and said with a serious expression. A saccent is enough." Jin Zhongshan didn't think about it and said it directly.

He also muttered in his heart that Ye Qin didn't need a stick of incense to deal with him. It took a lot of incense to deal with Du Qingliang, which was already very faceful. This dialogue attracted the side eyes and white eyes of some foundation monks around.

But seeing that Jin Zhongshan and Pan Lin are just foundation-building monks. Everyone just listens to it as a joke, and no one takes it seriously. It was soon drowned in a lot of noises. The noise in the square in front of the hall did not affect the two people who were about to fight at all. There are hundreds of feet of open space over the square. Brother Du, please!"

Ye Qin had come to the square and didn't say much. He just pinched the magic, opened his mouth and spit out five small swords, hit a yellow earth guard mask, and then looked at Du Qingliang opposite calmly.

Seeing this, the red Mo ancestor's eyelids suddenly jumped, slightly changed color, and said in his heart, "Five Yuanshen magic weapons, gold, wood, water, fire, earth, five elements are complete! _. Is it possible that this boy has learned the "Big Five-eline Sword Array" of the Purple Sword Palace?! Oh, if it's really a big five-eline sword array, I'm afraid Qingliang is not such a long opponent!"

In fact, the real big five elements sword array of the Purple Sword Palace, because the spiritual root conditions required for cultivation are too harsh than 1, no monk has been trained for thousands of years. The invincible prestige of the big five elements sword array has gradually become a legend in the East China Sea.

Low-level monks didn't even know that there was such an almost invincible sword secret in the Purple Sword Palace. There are only some older monks who know more about the prestige of the big five elements sword array from the mouth of their ancestors.

How could the ancestor of Hongmo expect in advance that the new elder of Jindan in the Purple Sword Palace actually had five full five elements of Yuanshen magic weapons in his hand, which was likely to be the rumored big five elements sword array. He almost regretted to death. He should not have understood the strength of his opponent, so he sent his direct disciples

However, now the fighting is about to begin, and the monks of the major fairy palaces are watching. Zhou Yu, Zhou Hong and other Yuanying ancestors seem to have a smile on their faces, as if they are waiting for the Tang Palace monks to make a fool of themselves. How can they say what Hongmo ancestors regret.

Du Qingliang saw that Ye Qin's attitude towards this fight was quite casual, and the anger in his heart somehow burned up. The more Ye Qin looked calm, the more angry he became. Such casualness is clearly a contempt for him, a talented monk of Shangtang Gongfeng. The five-handled yuan magic weapon really has some strength!"

Although Du Qingliang was angry, he was cautious in his heart. He also added a wind shield to himself and flew in the air. However, the Purple Sword Fairy Palace has a forbidden array, and he can't fly high, only a few feet.

Du Qingliang suddenly clapped his hands and hit a strong mana, urging more than ten cicada wings around him. These more than ten top-level wind weapons roared and swirled quickly, rose in the wind, and turned into a ten-foot-long wind giant sword.

The speed of the wind flying sword is so fast that you can't see the body of the sword clearly. You can only see countless light red wind blades passing through the air, with Du Qingliang as the center, forming a violent light red gas whirlpool with a range of a hundred feet.

Thousands of onlookers stood upside down by the cyclone, almost inhaled into the whirlpool, and were not disreeted. Fortunately, there are many Jindan monks here watching the battle, quickly playing the Guanghua shield, and protecting the surrounding foundation monks.

If they are involved in this violent flying sword cyclone, I'm afraid they can't resist it for a moment, and they won't even be strangled.

Long before he came to the Purple Sword Palace, the ancestor of Hongmo ordered that if he fought with the disciples of the Purple Sword Palace, he would never be defeated. Otherwise, Shangtang Palace will lose face in front of the Purple Sword Palace, and the consequences will be very serious. Therefore, as soon as Du Qingliang took action, he was the strongest means of attack. The wind arc cuts the storm, go!" Du Qingliang shouted fiercely and waved his right hand. A strong storm surge of nearly 100 feet formed by more than ten top-level flying swords.

In the gas whirlpool, thousands of one-foot-long wind arcs suddenly shot out, forming a light red torrent, pouring at Ye Qin. Big Five Lines Sword Array!"

Ye Qin also shouted loudly, manipulating five Yuanshen magic weapons in his hand, turned into five flying rainbows, and instantly guarded him tightly within half a foot, connecting into a tight five-eword sword array.

The other party has hit too many wind blades, and it is overwhelming from all directions. He did not attack, but tried his best to shrink the scope of the sword array to resist the wind blade.

The big five-element sword array is mainly based on the most powerful earthen sword of Huangtian thick dust sword, and the rest of the four swords of gold, wood, water and fire are used as the auxiliary. It defends with all its strength and tightens to the minimum, emitting a colorful array of bulence. Sssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss The torrent of storms composed of thousands of wind arcs, roaring and completely holding Ye Qin and his five elements "Dong, Dang..." I.,

made an extremely dense golden sound. In the blink of an eye, at least thousands of attacks were made, splashing countless dazzling lights, and the sound was extremely harsh. Each of these wind arc slashes is equivalent to the attack of the middle-order spells of the wind system, which is equivalent to thousands of wind arc slashes in the early stage of building the foundation at the same time. The number is too large and the power is extremely terrible. There are too many leeches, and they can also bite the monsters to death. What's more, it's the wind arc cutting of several trunk roads. If the foundation monk was attacked by such a powerful attack, there was no doubt that he would die, and there was no chance to escape.

Ordinary Jindan monk, if you are hit by such a storm, I'm afraid that if you don't die, you will be seriously injured and spit blood, and the top-level magic weapon will also be attacked like this, which will be seriously damaged.

From the outside of the storm torrent, you can't see any shadow of Ye Vou and his sword array at all. It's like a flood rushing through a dead tree. I don't know where to rush the dead tree in the blink of an eye, and I can't even find a shadow. Du Qingliang's wind sword formula is really extraordinary.

"Elder Ye, won't he be killed by thousands of wind arcs?"

"I won't die. After all, it is not too easy for a golden elixir to die. What's more, there are more than a dozen Yuanying monks from various fairy palaces here. If there is really a danger of death, they will definitely rescue them.

"The attack power of Elder Du's wind sword array far exceeds that of Elder Ye's five elements sword array. The ending is doomed. Du Qingliang, a talented Jindan monk in Tang Palace, has won the game and there is no suspense. The foundation-building monks who gathered around the square were shocked and exclaimed. The five clear-color yuanshen magic weapons in Elder Ye's hand are more powerful than Du Qingliang's more than ten top-level magic weapons, and he will never be able to win or lose so quickly." Now it seems that Elder Ye's chances of winning are probably greater. The eyes of Jindan Miaoshi are vicious, which is much better than that of foundation-building monks.

Sure enough, the thousands of storm blades shot by the cicada wing wind escape sword array came quickly, went quickly, and quickly dissipated in the air.

The big five-eline sword array swallowed up by the storm was revealed again. The brilliance of the big five elements sword array was a little dim, but it was still intact. Obviously, the wind arc cut storm failed to break through the sword array. This result made the foundation monks take a breath of cold air. Even many Jindan monks who are optimistic about Du Qingliang feel incredible. How could this happen? Thousands of wind arcs hit the sword array, but they failed to be godless to him

Du Qingliang's expression was obviously stunned and unbelievable. The cicada wing wind escape sword array poured out the extremely salty wind arc cut, and he could not even shake Ye Qin's sword array. Is this your strongest means?"

Ye Qin showed his appearance from the big five elements sword array and looked coldly at Du Qingliang, "In this case, it can end this battle! After saying that, he didn't shiver and pointed to his right hand. A water sword in the sky, hidden!"

Among the five Yuanshen flying swords, Tianyi Youshui Sword, which exudes a dark black luster, suddenly the body of the sword becomes thinner and thinner, and then disappears in the open air. Where is that water sword? Why can't I find any breath?"

Du Qingliang's eyes shrank sharply, and the divine consciousness swept through the place where the water sword disappeared, but no breath and trace of the water sword were found. His expression suddenly changed, and he was horrified and cold-haired.

"No, the water sword disappeared, and it must be to attack itself!"

Du Qingliang just reacted and was about to use the wind multiplication spell to dodge.


Tianyi Youshui Sword appeared again, crossed a hundred feet of distance, a silent sword, across the sky flashed through Du Qingliang's wind system to protect himself.

With a clear sound, Du Qingliang's wind system protected his body and collapsed. A water flying sword full of the breath of silence was less than half a foot on Du Qingliang's neck, which made Du Qingliang stiff on the spot and did not dare to move at all. You lost!" Ye Qin controlled Tianyi Youshui Sword with one hand and said lightly. The outcome of this fight was expected to him, and for him, he was not surprised.

However, since he has been promoted to the elder of the Purple Sword Palace, it is right to show a little strength and add some prestige to the Purple Sword Palace by the way. Otherwise, there are really few golden elixir monks inside and outside the fairy palace who will see him. Du Qingliang's expression was dull, and the silence emanating from the water sword made his forehead sweat coldly

If Ye Qin has a murder in his heart, this close sword will be cut off, and I'm afraid that even the ancestor of Yuanying may not be able to save him in time. Obviously, Ye Qin's men were merciful. Otherwise, if he doesn't die, he will be seriously injured." Admit it!" Ye Qin took the flying sword. Du Qingliang was speechless, bowed his hand to admit defeat, and retreated to the group of Shangtang Palace monks. In front of the Hall of the Purple Sword Palace, thousands of monks were silent. The monks who watched the battle, the disciples of the Zhou family of the Purple Sword Palace, and the guests were extremely stunned. No one expected this result.

Even if it was Zhou Yu, Zhou Hong and other purple scraping palace Yuanying monks, they also showed surprise. They also did not understand how the Tianyi Youshui Sword suddenly disappeared and came out again.

Because of Ye Qin's Tianyi Youshui Sword, the demon elixir essence extracted from the ghost demon shrimp demon elixir is added, which has the special effect of hiding the breath of the flying sword. The Tianyi Youshui Sword refined by the Purple Sword God King in those years is not the essencelessness of the monster, but the essence left by the monks of the Golden Elixir period. The effect is naturally different.

Ye Qin had no choice but to change the sword refining formula of "Ziyu Gujian" because he did not have the essence left by the golden elixir monk in his hand. The effect of the yuanshen magic weapon is unique.

So several Yuanying ancestors of the Purple Sword Palace looked at each other and didn't quite understand what was going on, but they were just a little surprised. The Jindan-monks in Shangtang Palace were stunned and couldn't say a word for a while.

In an instant, Du Qingliang was defeated and had no power to fight back. Although Tianyi Youshui Sword was too strange to hide, Du Qingliang failed to prevent the sneak attack. However, if you lose, you will lose. You can't blame your opponent's Yuanshen magic weapon for being too powerful. Even if the monks in the middle of Jindan are in the battle, I'm afraid they will be defeated. Unless you are a powerful monk in the late Jindan period, you can defeat Ye Qin with many yuanshen magic weapons and magic weapons in your hands.

However, can they let the late Jindan monks play against a Jindan first-layer monk in the Purple Sword Palace? Even if he wins, Shangtang Palace's reputation will be ruined. The immortal world in the East China Sea will know that a late Jindan monk in Shangtang Palace won a Jindan early monk in the Purple Sword Palace. This is incompetent! The big five-emen sword array founded by the Purple Sword God King, the same-level monks are invincible, and it is really not a lie! I really looked at it and underestimated the new little elder. I admit defeat!"

The ancestor of Hongmo was scared for a while and stared at Ye Qin fiercely to remember the face of this strange young monk. After saying that, he rolled his eyes at Du Qingliang and roared with a hot temper, "I'm forced to go back to the palace to think about it, and I'm going to retreat and practice hard!" Don't be humiliated within ten years. The ancestor of Hongmo was angry and drove away in the red clouds.

He was originally excited to find an opportunity to sweep the face of the Purple Sword Palace and humiliate the new elders of the Purple Sword Palace. But he didn't expect that Du Qingliang, a talented monk of the Tang Palace, was defeated so quickly that he couldn't hang on his old face. How could he stay in the Purple Sword Palace?

Dozens of Jindan monks in Shangtang Palace, one by one, were dejected and had already lost their arrogance. They quickly followed Hongmo Laozu away like burning their buttocks. Stealing chickens can't eclips rice. This face is a loss. Go back and think about how to make up for it. F