Zifu Xianyuan

567 Big Wing Battleship!

Ye Qin looked at the cave, full of thousands of devices piled up like mountains, emitting all kinds of spiritual breaths, and couldn't help marveling.

He and Huangfu Binger looked at each other.

Although I know that the warship is a giant magic weapon assembled, it is still shocking to see so many devices.

"These devices cost 300 million yuan to purchase raw materials above the tenth order, and nearly 200 million yuan is used to refine magic weapons and engrave various arrays. I'm afraid it will take a lot of effort to assemble this final assembly. No wonder ordinary monks can't have such a warship at all. Only the lords of the fairy palace and the elder monks can have such a warship.

Ye Qin picked up an even useless device from it and sighed with a wry smile. If there are no warship assembly drawings, even if you have these devices, you don't know how to deal with them.

"Once this large-winged warship is assembled, it is a small magic-level combat tool. The monks below the Yuanying period are no longer the opponents of their husbands. Even if you meet the early monk of Yuanying, even if you can't fight, you can completely run away.

Huangfu Binger smiled.

"Well, let's start assembling!"

Ye Qin nodded, took out the jade slip of "Battleship Refinery", and read the design drawings of the first-level wing warship again.

Then he handed the jade slip to Huangfu Binger.

Ye Qin stretched out his right hand and suddenly grabbed thousands of devices.


The huge keel, which is more than 200 feet long, is suspended in the air in the cave.

This hull keel refined from the tenth-order star black original spirit wood, the whole body is like ink, extremely hard, and the material is light. The keel has been engraved with formations such as stability, enhanced defense, and lightness.

The deck, mast sail and other important devices of the warship are also engraved with various formations.

Then, with a move of his left hand, he flew out a device from many devices and installed the keel.

There are the assembly drawings of "Big Wing Battleship". He doesn't need to pay too much attention to it, just assemble it directly.

Huangfu Binger quickly read the assembly drawings, and then assembled the warship with Ye Qin.

What Ye Qin and Huangfu Binger have to do is to assemble these devices one by one, and add the top spirit stone to the formation to provide aura attack for the warship. The whole warship is composed of different five elements of magic weapons. With different formations, the required spiritual stones are also completely different.

The barrel of the warship is a gold system, the deck is engraved with an earth-based defense array, ten light bombardments are gold-based offensive magic weapons, the giant sail is a wind-based acceleration weapon, and there are armor puppets.

In this huge project, it took Ye Qin and Huangfu Binger a month to assemble the large-wing warship day and night.

Although it is time-consuming, it is conducive to enhancing the familiarity with the formation of each part of the warship. The two know the functions of the whole large-wing warship well. Once the warship is damaged, the damaged parts can also be found immediately.

A month later, a light and large-winged warship suspended in the cave.

Ye Qin and Huangfu Bing'er, looking at the large-wing warship that had finally completed after countless efforts, was quietly suspended, and the excitement and sense of achievement in their hearts could not be increased.

This amazing little magic first-level large-winged warship is more than 100 feet and more than 300 feet long. The hull is cyan, with star black wood material, which can not only be strong in defense, but also light, which can reduce weight and improve the flight speed of the warship.

The bow is a dragon head magic weapon made of a gold-based material. It is lifelike, extremely majestic and magnificent. At the same time, it is also extremely strong enough to act as a collision angle and break the mountain.

The towering mast and sail of the warship are the main driving tools of flight, engraved with a small magic power-level wind formation, which provides spiritual power for the sails from the spirit stone cabin in the cabin.

However, on both sides of the hull, there is also a pair of wooden-like blue wings.

Ye Qin looked at the instructions on the warship's drawings. When the warship opened this pair of huge blue wings and cooperated with all the raised sails, the speed and flexibility were comparable to the early monks of the wind system Yuanying, and they tried their best to control the magic-level flying sword.

This large-winged warship, even among all kinds of warships, is a warship with extremely high speed and flexibility.

This is the origin of the name of the "big wing warship", which is why Ye Qin did not choose other types of warships and decided to refine this big wing warship.

After all, you can fly fast, so you have a greater chance to survive on the fairy and demon battlefield.

On both sides of the hull of the large-wing warship, there are also five turret launch windows, each of which is divided into five small magic light and spiritual cannons. The dark and huge muzzle, the air projected by the air makes people feel cold at a glance.

On the deck of the warship, there is a critical transmission array, which can be the same as the transmission array of the East China Sea Fairy City. As a last resort, give up the warship and send it back to the East China Sea.

In the front of the warship, there is also a small sail artifact with three giant characters of "Tiandao League" and the lightning sea logo of Tiandao League.

Ye Qin deliberately put this sign up.

In this way, other monks can know at a glance that this is the warship of a monk of the Tiandao League, which can also be easily identified in the war. In the cultivation of immortals in the East China Sea, it is estimated that no one dares to move the warship with the logo of the Tiandao League.

However, he didn't dare to get the logo of the Purple Sword Palace up.

In case of being bumped into by the enemies of the Purple Sword Palace, such as the Yuanying monks of Shangtang Palace, Wanluo Palace, Wunuer Palace, etc., he was worried that he would be unlucky.

On both sides of the bow and the deck on the side of the ship, there is also a war drum magic weapon, as well as 18 flag magic weapons used for deployment, etc., in case of emergency.

At the same time, there are several golden armor puppets and more than ten foundation-level puppets on the armor. Each of these armored puppets in the golden elixir period has consumed nearly 10 million spiritual stones. It is mainly used to assist monks in manipulating warships, and it can also have a certain attack power. However, these puppets usually stay in the cabin to operate warships and rarely come out to fight.

As for the interior of the cabin, it is not much different from ordinary warships. There are dozens of bedrooms, practice rooms, alchemy rooms, living rooms, wing rooms, spiritual stone reserve rooms, and so on. It is completely a small house.

"Husband, is this the little magic warship we assembled by ourselves?" Although Huangfu Binger participated in the whole process, when she saw such a towering warship standing in the cave, she still couldn't believe her eyes.

"Yes, this big-winged warship is finally finished!"

Ye Qin couldn't help stretching out his tired hands and looking at the warship in front of him, feeling satisfied.

"I have seven layers of Jindan now, and Bing'er, you are also the peak of the seven layers of Jindan. As long as you practice for a few more decades, you can reach the peak of the later stage of Jindan. It's time for us to prepare some magic weapons to overcome the great disaster. This warship is used in the battlefield of the fairy and demon war. As a last resort, it cannot be damaged in the big sky disaster.

I saw the skeleton demon crossing the great disaster with my own eyes. With my five yuanshen magic weapons and your ice and fire double swords, I'm afraid it's not enough to survive the disaster safely. Moreover, during the disaster, the thunder is so powerful that it is likely to destroy the magic weapon used to cross the disaster. Our yuanshen magic weapon is not easy to refine. If we fight against the heavenly disaster, I'm afraid it will be destroyed. As for the Xunlei ancient mirror and the red sword magic weapon, it needs to consume vitality to stimulate it, which is also not suitable.

"Well, it happens that the spirit stone of the big wing warship has been cleared, and a lot of spiritual stones have been accumulated for sale of the tenth-order elixirs. Let's go to the major merchant pavilions of Linhai Chengfang City to have a look and purchase some items used to cross the disaster, and consume the powerful defense magic weapons

Huangfu Binger nodded and smiled.

Ye Qin took out a large storage bag and loaded the warship more than 300 feet long. Later, he and Huangfu Binger left the temporarily leased reef.


One day later.

Linhai City, Fangshi, Fengqing Business Pavilion.

"Elder Ye is coming, and he will welcome you from afar! I don't know if Elder Ye sells elixirs or buy magic weapons as usual?

At the counter, a lazy sergeant with spiritual tea tasting tea. As soon as he saw Ye Qin enter the Shangge, he came this way, hurriedly put down the tea cup in his hand, and greeted him with a smile on his face.

In order to raise the huge spiritual stones needed for warships, Ye Qin has sold a lot of nine-order elixirs in the major business pavilions of Linhai City for more than 20 years. Naturally, it also includes the Fengqing Business Pavilion. However, after Ye Qin became an alchemist, he did not come again.

The sergeant dare not neglect. Alchemists like Ye Qin are the most stable source of money for their business pavilion, and all of them are regarded as guests.

"General Li!"

Ye Qin nodded slightly.

"Is this...?"

Manager Li was slightly surprised.

Huangfu Binger, who stands beside Ye Qin, rarely appears at ordinary times, so Manager Li doesn't know him.

Manager Li entertains monks from all sides in the Shang Pavilion. He has also seen a lot of stunning women, but it is really rare for him to have a refined temperament like Huangfu Binger. However, he looked at the expressions of Ye Qin and Huangfu Binger, and also vaguely guessed the relationship between the two.

"The close woman around Elder Ye should be Mrs. Ye. I heard that he is also an alchemist, and Elder Ye has so many elixirs for sale. Both of them look shallow, but they have such cultivation and alchemy attainments, which is really unbelievable!"

Manager Li thought to himself, and the look on his face couldn't help but be more respectful.

"This is my wife Huangfu. Manager Li doesn't have to be so discerned. I'm here today to buy some defensive magic weapons and magic weapons used by the late Jindan monks. I don't know if you can get enough treasures?

Ye Qin said with a faint smile.

He doesn't care too much about whether he can buy suitable magic weapons and magic weapons here.

In this city, there are also many large chambers of commerce in this city, such as Tiandao Pavilion, Tianmo Pavilion and Bloody Shangge. He is going to visit these Shangge, and he will definitely find a lot of magic weapons for crossing the disaster.

"Elder Ye joked. Elder Ye often comes to this cabinet and has a deep understanding of this business pavilion. In terms of scale, types and quantity of treasures, it is indeed not as good as the other major chambers of commerce, but there are no small number of good magic weapons! Ye Chang is really a coincidence. A new batch of top-level defense weapons, runes, etc. have arrived in this business pavilion, as well as some rare treasures. I dare to say that it must be worthwhile for the couple to come to this cabinet!"

Li Guan was stunned in advance. Hearing Ye Qin say that he wanted to buy magic weapons, he couldn't help but be overjoyed and said with a smile on his face.