Purple Light Seal Sword Record

Chapter 5 Kirin from the Sky

The autumn wind passed by, tearing away people's hearts like nightmares in the dark night. The yellowed world was a little confused, little by little, withered fallen leaves, like dead colorful butterflies, spinning in the cold wind and rain without vitality. In the air, I heard the darkness emitted by flowers turning into soil. Fragrant.

After the autumn rain, before the sky was clear, there were two depressed people kneeling in a bloody maple forest, one dressed as white as snow, as beautiful as a fairy. A heroic and heroic, it was Zhang Yufei and Li Yuehua, who had just escaped from danger. Their eyes were dull and they were kneeling in front of a tombstone in the maple forest thousands of miles away from Jianfeng Mountain. Several big words were neatly written on the tombstone: the tomb of the beloved wife Sikongjing.

For a long time, Zhang Yufei cheered up and asked Li Yuehua with concern, saying, "Now, the seals that imprisoned your skills have all been lifted. Do you feel better?"

Li Yuehua slowly put away his grief, and his haggard face showed a beautiful charm again. He said, "Now my breath is stable, my true breath is smooth, and I have returned to the realm of heaven." Practice level, detailed in later chapters)

Zhang Yufei stared at Xuanyuanjing's tombstone for a long time, with a sad look on his face and said, "Jing'er, it's Brother Fei who is incompetent. He mistakenly made friends and harmed you!"

"What did you say!" Li Yuehua was shocked to hear this and asked, "What do you mean by bad friends?"

Zhang Yufei's teeth clenched his lips, clenched his fists, and his nails were deeply trapped in the flesh. He said fiercely, "The three of us are besieged in the Chongyang Sword School. There must have been betrayed by someone. Who else knows our whereabouts besides those brothers?"

Li Yuehua frowned and thought, "Now that I think about it, I also think my brothers are different, but I really can't think of who is obstructing it!"

Zhang Yufei smiled sadly and said, "I don't believe that they will do such treachery. I hope all this is just a misunderstanding."

Li Yuehua was silent. Obviously, after Zhang Yufei said this, there were also waves in her heart, and she no longer respected several brothers as much as before!

Zhang Yufei pondered slightly and said, "It's okay if you don't mention this matter. You can bring Lin Yu from the inn and let Jinger see him."

Li Yuehua nodded and walked in the direction of the inn. Zhang Yufei felt another panic in his heart. The name that had been whispered countless times in his dream seemed to be smiling with a mysterious smile and laughing at the infatuation of the world. The fog permeated the forest, and the smoke and rain floated in my heart. Only when I fell in love with the willow's heart can I know what it is!

Not long, Li Yuehua came, with white clothes fluttering, her hair flying, and her jade-like face was extremely elegant and beautiful. In his arms, Zhang Linyu was wrapped in thick breams and slept soundly.

Li Yuehua stroked the baby like a kind mother, exuding the charm of maternal love. Zhang Yufei took over the baby, lifted the baby, and pulled out a dagger from his waist. Li Yuehua was not surprised, but frowned and said, "Don't be so anxious about a tattoo!"

"No," Zhang Yufei said seriously, "From today on, he is the real descendant of the Zhang family!"

Zhang Yufei held a dagger in his hand and carved scars on the child's arm. The baby's tender crying echoed in the maple forest. Li Yuehua turned around and couldn't bear to look any more.

After a while, Zhang Linyu stopped crying. On his arm, there was a wolf-shaped tattoo, which still emitted golden light and engraved vividly.

Zhang Yufei put the baby in front of the tombstone with a solemn expression and said, "Jinger, Lin Yu is already the 37th generation of my Zhang family!"

At this time, a black cloud suddenly swept over the sky, making the sky full of black clouds more dark. Zhang and Li were shocked and looked up at the sky. A sense of ominousness enveloped their hearts. The black clouds continued to converge. The wind blew in the maple forest, and the bright red maple leaves were swept into the sky by the wind, hovering in the air, and each other Friction, rattling, like a fierce ghost crying, desolate and horrible!

The dark clouds gathered more and more densely, as if they wanted to crush the earth. Suddenly, a few thunders crossed, and the thunder roared all over the fields and resounded through the nine days. In the dark clouds, the purple light and shadow flashed, and the dark light surged, which was very strange and enchanting. In the dark clouds, lightning collided and crackled, which made people shudder!

Zhang Li and Li frowned, looked at the strange phenomenon in the sky in horror, and forgot Zhang Linyu lying in front of the tomb...

, suddenly, the purple light and shadow in the air gathered together like water, forming a huge purple whirlpool, with vast energy, rotating rapidly, and the sound of the wind intensified in an instant. The maple forest was filled with indescribable gloomy and horror. In the whirlpool, a huge purple uni shadow appeared.

Suddenly, clouds and smoke boiled in the sky, the earth trembled violently, and the figure of Kirin became clearer and clearer. This thing was more than 100 feet long, with electric eyes and blood tongue, red scales and fire hyenas, thousands of thunder around its body. Its head is like mountains, claws are like swords, the body is like a long river, and the tail is like a giant broom, indescribable brave and fierce!

Zhang Yufei secretly knew what was wrong and wanted to take his son back to the tomb. Unexpectedly, there was a thunder in the air

Under the sky, he hit Zhang Yufei's head directly. Zhang Yufei shouted loudly. In a hurry, his body flashed and avoided several feet away. The purple unicorn in the sky roared up to the sky and roared loudly, as if to tear heaven and earth apart!

Zhang Li and his wife were surprised and full of unprecedented panic. A tall and insurmountable light wall suddenly appeared in Zhang Linyu. The light inside the light wall rolled and the energy overflowed. After the light wall, Zhang Linyu could faintly see lying in front of his mother's tomb, and his breath was very weak!

The giant unicorn flew in the air. Suddenly, the huge unicorn head looked down at the ground. There was a strange light in the eyes of the red unicorn. When the giant head swinged, the whole body turned into a dazzling and thick pillar of light, whistling down with the momentum of swallowing the sea, and the black clouds suddenly ran like the tide. The sound of thunder and lightning is also more and more shocking and frightening.

The pillar of light transformed by Kirin God, shining with incomparable brilliance, rushed straight to Zhang Linyu.

hong! A loud noise, purple light all over the sky, and the vast energy shocked Zhang Li's life more than a hundred feet. The purple light filled the whole maple forest, reflecting the bright red maple leaves into a dark purple!

After a long time, the purple light dissipated, a sad unicorn cut through the sky, the dark clouds dissipated, and the light of the sun warmed the earth again...

Due to the huge impact, the maple forest was shrouded in dust. Li Yuehua, who woke up, roared, rushed into the forest with flying ashes and tears to find the only remaining vitality. Zhang Yufei's eyes moved forward mechanically. Every step was very difficult. His expression was in a trance, and his heart was already painful. Numb!

At this time, a baby's cry broke his stiff thoughts. Li Yuehua burst into tears and laughed and came slowly with a baby in his arms. It was Zhang Linyu, whose life was hanging by the line just now!

Li Yuehua waved to Zhang Yufei and said happily, "Brother Fei, the child is fine! The child is fine!"

Zhang Yufei smiled and rushed to take the child, held him in his arms and kissed again and again. He stared deeply at the child, as if it was difficult to give up.

The autumn wind is bleak, with countless cold sighs. The exhausted Zhang and Li snuggled together decadently. This shocking catastrophe is really unprecedented in their lives. Although they did not leave any trauma in the end, the two masters were shocked by this momentum alone.

Zhang Yufei held Li Yuehua and said nothing for a long time before she recovered. She looked at the sleeping beauty in her arms and smiled sweetly, "Let's leave. What are you going to do in the future?"

Li Yuehua half opened his eyes, his charming eyes, and said softly, "I am now humiliating my teacher and absconding for fear of sin. It is difficult to stand in the world. I just want to stay away from this disputed land with you, find a pure land, stay together for a long time, and never be separated..."

"Hmm, it's impossible!" Before Li Yuehua finished speaking, a cold voice came from the jungle. Li Yuehua quickly broke away from Zhang Yufei's arms and looked at a figure not far away. He was very frightened and said in a trembling voice, "Master...Master?!"

End of this chapter