Purple Light Seal Sword Record

Chapter 1 Saving

The sun is like fire, hanging in the blue sky, the clouds seem to have been burned by the sun, disappearing without a trace, the earth is as hot as a steamer, the vegetation is drooping, as if dying, and the heat wave on the ground is surging, suffocating. The light of the sun shines viciously, as if to squeeze out the little water vapor left on the earth. Unbearable summer! Unbearable heat!

In a vast field, an old farmer ploughed hard against the hot sun. His weather-beaten hands skillfully waved his sickle, and a pinch of ears of wheat answered, and bean-sized sweat hung on his face, but he still sweated regretlessly and placed the happiness of the second half of the year in the rolling wheat waves. .

"Dad, drink water!" A childish voice came, and the old slave shook. He raised his head and saw a seven or eight-year-old child walking carefully on the path in the field with a ladle of clear water. A pair of pure eyes flashed with a delicate light, and his eyebrows revealed a purple and purple handsome temperament. His beautiful appearance and his ragged clothes were extremely Dissportable.

"Light," the old farmer said in surprise, with a reproachful tone, "It's so hot that you don't rest at home with your mother. What are you doing on this field that doesn't shit? Alas, this damn day!"

When the "Dad" boy heard the rebuke, his eyes were filled with a layer of fog, as if he was about to cry, and said, "I heard from my mother that there was a shortage of water in the field these days. I was worried that my father was short of water and heat, so I asked for a ladle of water from nearby people. Unexpectedly, it made my father angry..."

The old farmer immediately restrained his anger, and added a smile to his wrinkled face. He stroked the boy's head and said with concern, "Ha ha, Dad is not angry. Dad knows that Guang'er is the most sensible. Dad was just afraid of Guang'er's heat and was in a hurry to drive you back, but our family is so far from the field. Who brought you here? ?"

The old farmer looked at the child's already dilapidated cloth shoes and exposed his toes, with sporadic blood stains on his toes.

"I ran here by myself!" The boy known as Guang'er said proudly, and then he looked down with a look of embarrasment and said, "It's just... the shoes are worn out..."

There were still many burn marks on his toes and toes. He was moved for a moment. He took the water ladle in the child's hand and drank half a ladle. He tried his best to hide the tears that had already come out of his eyes and choked, "Child... you also drink..."

Guang'er held the water ladle in his arms and gently wiped his tears for his father with the other. His expression was serious and lovely. He cleverly said, "Dad doesn't cry. It's because it's not good for Guang'er. Guang'er made his father sad..."

The old farmer held the child in his arms and stroked it for a long time before he said reluctantly, "Go and play first. Go back with your father later!"

Guanger hummed and happily ran to a pile of wheat straw to play alone. The old farmer looked at the child's playing back, and there was a trace of melancholy in his eyes. He sighed and continued to wave his sickle.

Another farmer came to him, gently patted him on the shoulder and whispered, "Zhang Laosan, I think you are sick! Others can't ask for such a lovely child as Guang'er. If you don't cherish it well, you have to find some biological parents for Guang'er. You have to send back the child you have worked hard for seven years. You are really fooled by this ghost!"

The old farmer Zhang Laosan snorted coldly, ignored him, and continued to bow his head to harvest wheat.

The farmer patted him heavily when he saw the situation, breathed a sigh of relief, and said, "Ho honestly, suffer alive. As long as you find a doctor to remove the tattoo of Guang'er, we won't say anything. Even if his biological parents come, they can't identify Guang'er as their flesh and blood!"

Zhang Laosan sighed and shook his head and said sadly, "Why don't I know what you said? It's just that Guang'er is smart and clever. The teacher has said several times that he should go to the county to study. We, a remote country, will only delay his future in vain! When I first picked him up, I found that his baby was made of silk, which showed that his family was not bad. Purple was his biological parents, so he had the money to study in the city.

The farmer who persuaded him was stunned, and then excited. Obviously, he was moved by Zhang Laosan's selflessness and simplicity. He nodded and said, "Ok... OK... Since you have this heart, I will accompany you to the county government to post the family search notice tomorrow!

Suddenly, a frightened scream cut through the silence of the wheat field: "Dad...Dad...blood...blood..."

When Zhang Laosan heard the cry, he heard the sound of his son Zhang Ziguang. He put down his sickle and quickly ran in the direction of the sound. At the same time, other farmers who heard the scream also came one after another.

Before several wheat stacks, many people gathered. Zhang Ziguang trembled all over, pointed to a gap between the wheat stacks and said, "Blood...blood...there is a dead man..."

Everyone was shocked and hurriedly opened the wheat stack. They saw a man in white with his eyes closed, his face as pale as paper, and he lay in the wheat pile, with blood flowing from his chest, and his snow-white clothes were dyed red by blood.

Zhang Laosan looked at the man in surprise, looked at Zhang Ziguang, who was trembling in his arms, and said in surprise, "Lighter, how did you find him?"

Zhang Ziguang leaned against his father's arms like a frightened deer and said tremblingly, "When I played... he... he... was there..."

This is a farmer who dared to explore the nose of the man in white and suddenly exclaimed, "He still has breath!" Save it! Save it!"

When everyone heard the words, they rushed up to investigate the injury of the man in white. The doctor-like man put some medicinal wine on the man in white and stopped the blood from his chest.

"You need to find a place to rest!" A farmer said, "But who will take this person in?"

Everyone frowned. It is difficult to provide for the food harvested every year in such a poor mountain village, and adopting another person will undoubtedly make the already difficult family situation worse!

Just as everyone staggered, Zhang Laosan said, "Just stay at my house. When he wakes up, send him to the sect of Jianfeng Mountain to recuperate!"

Everyone nodded one after another. Zhang Laosan was kind-hearted and really admirable. They looked at the towering mountain not far away, which was still surrounded by fairy clouds, like a dream like smoke, faintly revealing a noble and holy momentum, sacred and inviolable!

Seeing that it was not early, everyone came home one after another. Zhang Laosan carried a man in white on his back and walked hard on the road. He clenched his teeth tightly, and bean-sized sweat fell like rain. Zhang Ziguang followed and saw that his father was tired and said sensiblely, "Dad, take a break!"

Zhang Laosan smiled hard and said, "It doesn't matter, it can hold on!"

It took a lot of effort to get home. The father and son saw that the broken house had ignited curling smoke, and a burst of rice fragrance rushed to his face. Zhang Ziguang smiled and quickly ran home and said happily, "Mom, the meal is ready..."

A woman in coarse linen robe leaned her head out of the kitchen wrapped in an apron and said, "You boy, you haven't seen anyone all day. Where are you going crazy?"

End of this chapter

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