Purple Light Seal Sword Record

Chapter 6 Hometown Adventure

Time flies through his fingers. Since he came to the Jianfeng School, Zhang Ziguang has spent most of his time in intense and fulfilling cultivation. Unconsciously, three years have passed.

This is a sunny morning. The warm morning sun shines on this towering mountain. The looming fog in the mountains is reflected into beautiful colors by the sun, like ribbons hanging on the mountain.

Just after the morning practice, Zhang Ziguang, who was ten years old, stretched out and walked out of the practice room. Because his lonely temperament, he did not like to associate with people, and as a proud disciple of Qingyang Zhenren, he was extremely noble in the school. Therefore, he was specially allowed to open another courtyard on a small hill. Live. The environment here is quiet and the scenery is beautiful. It is a good place to practice.

Today, Shangguan Mu was sent to do business and left early. After practicing, Zhang Ziguang was hungry and had to cook by himself and get some food.

Just as he made breakfast and was ready to start, a figure fell to his side. The man was broad, round, thick and narrow eyes, always with a smile. It was Yang Ruihao, one of the elders of the Jianfeng School.

Seeing Yang Ruihao's arrival, Zhang Ziguang hurriedly saluted and said, "See you, Elder Yang."

Yang Ruihao smiled, patted him on the head and said, "Son, it's hard to practice. How about your master?"

"Master, he had something to do today and went out early in the morning." Zhang Ziguang bowed his body and said obediently.

"Hm... That's it..." Yang Ruihao nodded thoughtfully, then smiled, looked at Zhang Ziguang, who was shorter than him, rubbed his hands and said, "Son, can you help me do something?"

"What's the matter?" Zhang Ziguang scratched his head and asked slowly.

Seeing the other party's expression, Yang Ruihao couldn't help smiling bitterly and said, "This... You also know that I was sent to guard the lock sword pool this year and couldn't get out for a long time. My disciples, no one can use the retreat and travel when I am not at home.

"If there is anything, just say it directly." Zhang Ziguang's little face flashed a trace of impatient expression and said.

Yang Ruihao suddenly smiled happily, gave him a thumbs-up and said, "Okay! Sure enough, he spoke quickly and had the demeanor of a hero. Then I'll say it too. I don't like that kind of ancient antiques. Recently, I heard that a very old porcelain pot was unearthed in Yulin Village at the foot of the mountain, which is very exquisite! I'll give you enough silver. How about you go down the mountain to buy it for me?

Zhang Ziguang curled his lips and said, "What did I think it was?" So you asked me to go down the mountain to buy something for you.

"Hey, I'm sorry to trouble you." Yang Ruihao rubbed his hands with a smile and stuffed a large ingot of silver into the child's little hand.

Zhang Ziguang smiled and nodded. Yang Ruihao left at ease. Before leaving, he told him to bring the porcelain pot back.

After sending away this wordy middle-aged man, Zhang Ziguang breathed a sigh of relief, took out a long sword, stepped on it, and broke through the air.

Looking at the top of the mountain from afar, a streamer swooped down. Yang Ruihao looked envious and sighed, "It's really a good talent. In just three years, it has reached the mysterious intermediate level."

When he came down from the mountain, Zhang Ziguang quickly rushed to Yulin Village. It took him much time to buy the cultural relic. At this moment, it was still early. He was also young and greedy, so he decided to take a leisure trip in the area near Jianfeng Mountain to relax after practice.

Everything here seemed to be a little familiar, but he couldn't remember where he had seen it. He walked aimlessly and unconsciously came to a weed-grown place.

In front of him, there was no way. The densely growing weeds grew year after year witnessed the ruthlessness of time. His lonely figure walked into this dusty place and sighed heavily by this desolate color.

In the overgrown weeds, you can faintly see the ruins and broken walls of those years. In the breeze blowing in the wind, there is no longer the bloody smell of the past, but the weeds are slightly green and fragrant. Passing through one broken door after another, looking at the stone steps wall that is crooked and quietly covered by moss, has the happiness you once had drifted away with the wind?

Zhang Ziguang's face was slightly pale and gasped. This place where he grew up, where he appeared in countless dreams, is now lying quietly in front of him in a dilapidated posture.

Suddenly, his eyes moved to a broken stone tablet, and his eyes were full of tears.

Niki Village, this place has long been lost!

He sat quietly in the corner of the wall, trembling with sobs, and the wind came out, fiddling with his clothes and fluttering gently.

The sun rises and the moon sets, the morning and the night, the morning and evening, the stars change, the white clouds in the sky are like dogs, disappear like meteors, and time is like water. After all, they will definitely go and never stop for anyone. In the grass in the distance, the sound of insects came from somewhere. Except for the wind, this is the most dynamic sound here. Maybe in a few years, this place will become a prosperous place again, or it will remain the same.

Who cares?

He looked at everything around him and slowly turned around. In the place he was once familiar, everything slowly appeared in his mind, and even the wind blowing had a trace of familiar smell.

The fragrance of the land of my hometown...

He stood in the center of the village, standing for a long time and watching for a long time. After a long time, he turned around and walked on the path that could barely distinguish the spacing between the rooms. He walked very slowly and every step was extremely heavy. Until the second cabin in the third row, he stopped.

This is a house that is no different from other broken houses. The same doors and windows fell off, and the same desolation and abandoned. Zhang Ziguang's lips began to tremble gently. Slowly, he knelt down in front of the hut and pressed his head deeply on the ground. The faint sound from the wind was choking. The struggling whispered: "Dad, mother..."

He knelt like this and immersed himself in the memories of the past. After a long time, the sky gradually darkened. He sighed low, stood up reluctantly, restrained his sad feelings, and was about to fly back to Jianfeng Mountain again. However, at this time, his eyes suddenly lit up and then narrowed slightly.

He found that in front of the door of his old house, there was no weeds or moss, which seemed incompatible with everything here. For some reason, even the tenacious weeds did not want to enter here. His breath was a little heavy, and he gently pushed open the door he was once familiar with.

Suddenly, a stunned expression appeared on his face. He found that in the narrow courtyard, there was a huge thing lying, occupying almost all the space here. It was a huge creature similar to a peach, with a pink body and surrounded by dense vines.

Looking at the largest "peach he has seen since he was born", Zhang Ziguang's face was a little more curious. He tried to touch the thick vines with his thighs with his hands. At the moment his arm touched the vines, this huge "peach" suddenly burst into a dazzling colorful light, and the vine seemed to suffer. It floated slowly like some excitement and swarmed towards Zhang Ziguang.

Not long, Zhang Ziguang's body was entangled by strong vines. He waved his sword desperately and cut at the vines, but it didn't work at all.

He gritted his teeth and felt that the vines were getting tighter and tighter. Zhang Ziguang endured the pain, put his sword in front of him, and said to the message gem on the hilt of the sword, "Master, I'm in danger in my former residence, Ximu Village. Come and save me."

A surprised voice came from the gem: "Why did you go there? Hold on, I'll rush back."

As soon as he finished speaking, a vine suddenly rushed to him, rolled up his sword and sent it back. The huge "peach" suddenly cracked a gap, revealing its white and sharp teeth. He bit off the sword on the vine and chewed it.

Zhang Ziguang was stunned and his body trembled involuntarily. Although his sword was not a magic soldier, it was also made of extremely hard black iron. This strange creature could even bite the sword, not to mention his flesh and blood.

At this time, the vine wrapped around him had raised him high and sent it to the mouth of the peach. He struggled desperately, but to no avail.

The huge mouth of "Peach" exudes a fishy saliva, which is obviously full of interest in this upcoming thing.

Just as Zhang Ziguang was about to enter its mouth, a dazzling purple light and shadow rose to the sky, and the shadow of a huge unicorn suddenly appeared behind Zhang Ziguang.

The unicorn shadow suddenly raised its huge head, and a fierce suction rushed to the "peach" with a big mouth. Pink brilliance rushed out of the "peach" and continued to enter Zhang Ziguang's body along the green vines.

The thick vines began to roll and struggle. As the pink light flowed out, the peach quickly became smaller, and the unicorn shadow made a sharp roar. The vines suddenly became a stream. The pink river gurgled into Zhang Ziguang's body. After a while, the latter's body had been dazzling. Covered with pink light, there was a click sound from his bones.

Before long, the huge "peach" withered, turned into a pile of mud with a strong stench, and the vines turned into yellow branches scattered all over the ground. Zhang Ziguang lay on the ground and was unconscious. Behind him, there was no shadow of the ferocious unicorn.

At this time, a purple light flashed through the air, and a figure fell on the ground and walked towards the place where Zhang Ziguang was. He saw the mess on the ground, his face darkened, and he accelerated his pace to his lover. He attached his hand to Zhang Ziguang and observed his injury, a kind of The incredible expression appeared on his indifferent face.

He was surprised to find that in just one day, his apprentice's Taoism actually jumped from the mysterious intermediate level to the void level!

End of this chapter