Purple Light Seal Sword Record

Chapter 11 desperate

Wu Zhilong dragged Zhang Ziguang and walked on the street in a panic, bumping around like a headless fly. Zhang Ziguang had changed his blood coat just now, looking calm and calm, allowing him to pull.

The night is getting deeper, and the lights in Yundu City have gradually darkened, and this famous city has fallen into a peaceful sleep.

After running for a long time, Wu Zhilong saw that it was far away from Ling's family, so he stopped and accused Zhang Ziguang, "Bad boy, I have suffered by you. I ran all over the street with you, a murderer, how can we go back to Qingchan Temple now?"

Zhang Ziguang said slowly, "That's hard to say. Go back and describe the cause of this matter in detail. After listening to it, those bald donkeys will not only not kill me, but may also give me a chivalrous name to replace the sky and eliminate violence and peace."

Wu Zhilong calmed down, thought carefully for a while, and said, "Yes, teachers have taught us to punish evil and promote good since childhood. We are obeying the teacher's orders. Killing the evil young man of the Ling family is also a means to eliminate harm for the people!"

Zhang Ziguang had a complex expression on his face, looked leisurely at the dark blue night and sighed softly, "Oh, Ling family, damn Ling family..."

Suddenly, Wu Zhilong shouted and his voice trembled, "Look, that's... it seems..."

Zhang Ziguang withdrew his eyes and looked in the direction pointed by Wu Zhilong. He saw a ten-foot-long giant shadow walking in the night, and a pair of faint green eyes emitted bursts of cold light. Wherever he passed, the houses collapsed one after another.

"Fire-headed lion leopard!" Zhang Ziguang, who had always been calm, changed his face and said, "Why did the ancient fierce beast sealed under the Ling family come out?"

The roar of the fiery lion and leopard shook the sky, and the four pillar-like thick giant legs hit the ground fiercely. Where they passed, the house collapsed, and the sand and stones flew in a mess. The lights in Yundu City were shocked by this loud sound. The residents woke up from their sleep one after another and looked at the shadow as tall as a hill. They were frightened. They exclaimed, screamed, and fled everywhere. However, just as everyone fled, several figures quickly entered the city and disappeared into the dark night.

It is said that the fire-headed lion leopard was a fierce beast that was evil in ancient times. Finally, it was sealed by a hermit master. It was suppressed under the ground and guarded by a family surnamed Ling for generations. This family surnamed Ling is now the Ling family in Yundu.

Zhang Ziguang saw that the fire-headed lion leopard was powerful and broke out of the ground. The seal on his body seemed to have been untied. He hurriedly pulled out the long sword in the scabbard, put a gem on the hilt of the sword in front of his mouth, and said, "Master, come to Yundu City to help. The fire-headed lion leopard has broken the seal."

At the same time, Wu Zhilong also contacted his master Yang Ruihao in the same way.

At the other end of the gem, two voices came at the same time and replied with one voice: "I'm on my way!"

Just as the fire-headed lion and leopard were raging, a huge word "Buddha" appeared in the blue night sky, shining with holy golden light. Zhang and Wu fixed their eyes and saw the wise air host of Qingzen Temple with his hands folded and sitting cross-legged in the void, surrounded by a golden Buddha bead. Suddenly, the golden light in the night sky was as bright as the bright sunshine, and the sound of the Buddha suddenly resounded through the nine days.

The Taoist monk, with a faint color of compassion on his face, put his hands together, but from the tip of his palm, the golden light bloomed, from childhood to big, and instantly brilliant, radiating thousands of golden lights, straight to the sky. In the golden light, a magic weapon in the shape of Buddha beads is slowly sacrificed. The golden light is brilliant, the whole body is golden, and the diameter is square. The edge is engraved with the golden body of the Arhats. In the middle, it is the Buddha's single palm, which is compassionate and universal to the true Dharma of all sentient beings.

"Thunder Pearl?! As expected, it lives up to its reputation." A strange color flashed in Zhang Ziguang's eyes and praised it.

The fiery-headed lion leopard roared repeatedly, and his face was fearless. One head hit the golden light, and the Yundu city suddenly filled with anger.

Unexpectedly, when the huge shadow collided with the brilliant golden light, there was no sound, and there was no expected earth-shaking scene. The golden light suddenly turned around and surrounded from all directions, and the original anger suddenly became smaller and gradually contracted, but still flew. Shoot forward, and in the end, the huge figure of the fierce beast was compressed to less than one-tenth of the original.

The brilliant golden light spewed out, which was simply unsightly. Like the Buddha flame in the sky burning everything, swallowing up all the black in front of it, and raising a huge golden light mass in mid-air. Such a spectacular scene is really rare in the world. Many people who fled in panic actually stopped and stopped to watch, forgetting the danger for a moment.

However, when everyone was stunned, the anger that seemed to have been deterred by the unparalleled power of the Buddha suddenly flashed tenaciously from the golden light. In a brilliant brilliance, it was like a thin black needle, stabbing the thunder beads.

On the Buddha's door to the treasure thunder sound beads, the originally compassionate Buddha's face suddenly flashed a black strangely for a moment. Almost at the same time, the solemn Sanskrit singing suddenly stopped, and the noisy world suddenly stopped strangely.

Master Zhikong retreated a few times, spit blood, and shook his head helplessly.

The fiery-headed lion leopard roared proudly a few times, with a bloodthirsty light in its eyes and strode towards the direction of Qingchan Temple.

At this moment, light and shadow cut through the darkness of the night sky and hit the huge beast of the fiery-headed lion and leopard. Roar!" The fire-headed lion leopard roared repeatedly, turned the huge beast's head, and stared at the southern sky angrily.

I saw two figures standing in the air. It was Shangguan Mu and Yang Ruihao. Zhang Ziguang and Wu Zhilong hurried up and came to their respective worlds and bowed to salute.

Yang Ruihao said, "After the two apprentices retreated, this fiery-headed lion leopard is an ancient mythical beast. It is difficult to raise and the earth is difficult to bury. It is an immortal body, which is not comparable to Taoist people like you."

Zhang and Wu bowed and retreated. At this moment, there were four lights. The four old men stood side by side in the void, and the two on the left said in unison: "Ziying sent Su Hua and Su Jie, come to help. The two people on the right were dressed as Taoists and said in unison, "Shushan Taoism, Taoism first, come to help."

Master Zhikong covered his wound and said with a smile, "Three sects, six elders come to help, and we will be able to seal this beast!"

The six people nodded together, and Yang Ruihao said, "The swordsmanship of Shangguan's nephew is the best. The five of us entangled this beast, and Shangguan's nephew took out the sword, beat it seriously, and then sealed it."

Everyone responded in unison, and sword lights intertwined in the air, forming a dazzling net. The fire-headed lion leopard was trapped in the net and struggled.

Shangmu's purple broken sword suddenly came out of its sheath and made bursts of sword calls. The purple light surged in the wind, and soon rose to more than three feet. Shangguan Mu split the huge sword, the wind roared, the lightning flashed thunder, and the sky was deeply shocked by this fierce power.

Wow... A column of blood spewed out, and the huge head of the fire-headed lion leopard was cut off by the fierce sword spirit, hit the ground heavily, and overturned a large house.

"Take advantage of it now!" The Suhua elder of the Ziying School shouted, correct people, formed a magic array with their hands, and said words in their mouths, and a huge golden chain appeared in the void.

However, at this time, there was a rattling sound like bone growth in the night sky. Everyone couldn't help exclaiming. At the fracture of the head of the fiery lion leopard, a new head grew. The fierce leopard opened its mouth and spit out a fishy red tongue. Several figures were lying on it. On his tongue, he has fainted!

These people lay quietly on the tongue of the fiery-headed lion and leopard. They don't know whether they are dead or alive, but looking at their clothes, they are all the people of Yundu City. They are right people and friends with the people, and generally do not easily hurt the lives of ordinary people. Shangguan Mu put away the fairy sword, and his eyes were murderous. The other five people also put away their swords and confronted the fiery lion and leopard in the air.

The situation immediately became critical. As long as the righteous people launched an attack, the fiery lion leopard could swallow them into their stomachs with a long tongue. This move made the righteous people shocked and angry, but there was nothing they could do.

Zhang Ziguang and Wu Zhilong, who were watching the battle in the distance, were furious and their faces were solemn. Wu Zhilong said angrily, "This beast is really conscienceless!" Zhang Ziguang pondered for a moment and said, "I'll go and have a look!"

After saying that, he put the sword under his feet and flew towards the fiery lion and leopard.

"Brother Zhang, it's dangerous!" Wu Zhilong exclaimed repeatedly, but there was no sign of Zhang Ziguang in front of him.

When the righteous people were helpless, they suddenly saw a light and shadow flashing on the mouth of the fiery lion and leopard. A figure landed on the scarlet tongue and rescued the crowd and left. The fiery lion leopard seemed to feel strange, and the blood basin quickly closed.

"Purple light!" Shangguan Mu, Yang Ruihao, and Wu Zhilong, who had just arrived, shouted together.

It was late. At that time, just as Zhang Ziguang's figure was about to be swallowed by the huge mouth of the fiery lion leopard, a lightning-like light and shadow flashed out in an instant. Zhang Ziguang stood in the void not far away, gasping for breath. On his long sword, several people who had just been in the mouth of the fire lion leopard were lying peacefully.

Everyone breathed a long breath. Yang Ruihao looked at Shangguan Mu in surprise and joy and said, "The speed of purple light is too... exaggerated!"

Shangguan Mu smiled and said, "I don't know why. Ziguang has a very high understanding of the speed system of my sword front faction, as if it is a gift!"

"Let's start!" This time, it is Dao Xian of Shushan. Suddenly, the huge lock appeared again, and the golden chain was full of colorful and colorful.

A huge black hole appeared in the lock, which sucked the fire-headed lion leopard with the momentum of destruction. The fire-headed lion leopard roared unwillingly and struggled desperately. The huge lock was impacted and trembled, and many small cracks appeared on the chain.

hong! Under a thunderbolt, Shangguan Mu leaned on his sword and pointed to the sky, and a long gown hunted in the blowing of the night wind. The thick electric snakes hit the head of the fire-headed lion leopard. The fire-headed lion roared and gently closed its green eyes.

The black hole on the golden lock is more powerful, turning the fire-headed lion leopard into a virtual shadow and sucking it in.

Soon, the huge lock in the air disappeared, and a golden chain appeared in the hands of the Suhua elders of the Ziying faction. Yang Ruihao smiled and said, "Thanks to the help of the Ziying faction, we will save ourselves from danger."

Elder Suyun shook his head with a faint smile and said, "What are you talking about? If it hadn't been for the meritorious Shangguan Mu and Zhang Ziguang, it wouldn't have helped if I brought ten more locks!"

Everyone looked at Shangguan Mu and saw that he was cold and arrogant and wiping the long sword in his hand. Everyone looked at Zhang Ziguang again and saw that he was anxious and whispering in Master Zhikong's ear, as if explaining something...

After this incident, Zhang Ziguang's "Qingxiu" room came to Master Zhikong's next door

End of this chapter