Purple Light Seal Sword Record

Chapter 15 Strange Cave

Zhang Ziguang was shocked and angry, and his face turned pale. He said, "The senior is kind and heartfelt, but as a disciple of the Jianfeng School, I must not learn his skills!"

The giant snake stared straight at him, and the scarlet snake's eyes seemed to spit fire. He said, "Zhang's son doesn't learn to pass on magic skills. Instead, he has to learn the skills of the Jianfeng School. If it spreads out, he is not afraid of being laughed at. I just want to ask you, do you not learn?

"I'd rather die than learn!" Zhang Ziguang resolutely said that there was no intention of compromise.

The giant snake said angrily, "Zhang's people are all stubborn. Alas, it seems that I can only use some special means today."

After saying that, circle-shaped light waves shot out of his eyes, "Dementor?!" Zhang Ziguang was shocked that although he had been on guard, he was still hit by these light waves. Soon, he became dizzy.

"Go and write down those swordsmanships!" The giant snake ordered, and Zhang Ziguang was expressionless, like a puppet, and mechanically replied, "Yes!"

The giant snake's eyes emitted a proud light and said, "Stay here for a few days and I'll get you something to eat!"

After saying that, he rolled up his huge body and climbed out of the cave.

Zhang Ziguang felt that his brain was as if he had been controlled, blank, and his eyes only had Zhang's swordsmanship engraved on the wall. Although he was unwilling to do so, he couldn't help but immerse himself in this mysterious skill.

Zhang's swordsmanship is divided into four parts, namely: skylight and moon shadow, moon dance star movement, meteor chasing the moon and bright moon alone. Each has more than hundreds of sword moves, each of which is ever-changing, but each has its own strengths and exquisiteness.

Although Zhang Ziguang's body is out of control, his spiritual consciousness is still there. He deeply feels that Zhang's sword formula is unpredictable and changeable. One move is both unexpected and reasonable. Not to mention that the swordsmen who are not good at using swords are unmatched, even the Ziying schools famous for swordsmanship are difficult to compare with them!

Zhang Ziguang's heart is like stopping water. He learns swords at ease. When he is hungry, he eats some wild animals from giant snakes. When he is thirsty, he drinks some lake water oozing from the stone wall. Unconsciously, five days have passed!

In fact, as early as the third day, the giant snake relied Zhang Ziguang's dementor, but Zhang Ziguang was addicted to swordsmanship and had no perception of foreign objects and did not detect them at all.

Five days later, Zhang Ziguang completely recovered his mind. He carefully looked through every detail of Zhang's swordsmanship in his mind and found that it was difficult to give up, so he made up his mind to secretly practice Zhang's swordsmanship and never had to go out until he had to!

Seeing that Zhang Ziguang was slightly small, the giant snake said, "At first, you didn't want to die, but now it feels like that?"

Zhang Ziguang said, "I have benefited a lot, and I feel that my skills have improved another layer!"

The giant snake said, "Go and go and have a good time in the world. I know that the Zhang clan has encountered an unprecedented crisis. This set of swordsmanship is passed down from generation to your family. It is unique and will be of great benefit to you!"

Zhang Ziguang nodded and said, "Senior, I'm not the descendant of the Zhang family you mentioned, but I'm very grateful for passing on this set of swordsmanship from the senior. Doesn't you go out?

Speaking of this, a complex look appeared on the giant snake's face, and his tone was desolate. He said, "I have been a slave of Zhang for thousands of years. Zhang Yunjie has treated me as much kindness. After he ran to the stars, I wanted to martyr the Lord, but I found the last words he left for me. He told me that he would leave the best part of Zhang's swordsmanship. In this hole, let me come to guard it. Only people with Zhang's special blood will crack the organs outside the cave!

Zhang Ziguang wondered, "Senior, what is Running Star? How to defeat those monsters outside the cave?

The giant snake slowly said, "I don't know what the running star is. I only know that after running the star, Zhang's previous generation will fall, and Zhang's new generation will rise. Those monsters outside the cave were deliberately placed outside the cave by Zhang Yunjie to ensure safety in the cave. They are all comparable to heavenly masters. Only Zhang's descendants can only have Zhang's descendants. Only then can you break through with speed. If you learn this set of swordsmanship, you can also scare away these demons.

Zhang Ziguang nodded, knelt on the ground, bowed three times to the giant snake, got up and left. A low voice came from behind him: "You can admit the identity of Zhang's descendants or not, but what you have must be Zhang's blood!"

After listening to this, Zhang Ziguang felt an inexplicable warmth in his heart after five days of getting along with him. He seemed to have a deep affection for the old snake. He looked back and found that the huge snake was a little lonely. He waved his hand gently and said goodbye. His nose was sore and his clear eyes were full of tears.

"Young people, etc." Just as Zhang Ziguang was about to turn around and leave, the snake suddenly said, "I want to ask you to do something for me."

Zhang Ziguang was a little surprised and raised his eyebrows. He wanted to hurry back to go to Kunlun Mountain to participate in the sword test conference with his peers, but he couldn't ignore the benefits of the snake these days, so he had to bravely ask, "What do you want me to do?"

A trace of cunning flashed in the big snake's red eyes, raised the corners of his mouth and smiled and said, "My body has lived for hundreds of years. Although I don't have the advantage of life for the time being, it is already a little inconvenient, so I want you to help me find an elixir that can dredge the meridians."

Hearing this, Zhang Ziguang's expression was a little helpless. He spread out his hands and said with a wry smile, "Senior, you know that I am just an ordinary disciple of the sword front school. I am in an average position in the sect. How can I find that kind of elixir that can activate meridians?"

The snake turned its huge head, as if thinking for a moment. Suddenly, the snake's eyes lit up and thought of something and said, "I heard in my early years that there was a mysterious realm in a forest northwest of this county, where there was a kind of ganoderma, which has the effect of promoting blood circulation. I can't leave because of the restrictions of vows. I can only ask you to get it here.

Zhang Ziguang frowned, scratched his head awkwardly, and said with a smile, "Excuse me, is there any danger in that place?"

The snake gave him a fierce look and said angrily, "Well, thanks to your boy's question, I kindly taught you swordsmanship and let you do things, but you are afraid of danger. Just let my old skin die here. That's it! That's all!"

Seeing that the big snake was a little angry, Zhang Ziguang couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed, so he changed his words and said, "The kindness of the predecessor is unforgettable. I will definitely hold the lucidum you with both hands and deliver it to you, and I will help you find it."

The big snake raised the corners of its mouth and nodded. Zhang Ziguang waved his hand and flew to the northwest.

After flying for about half an hour, a dark green forest came into his eyes. He circled a few times above the forest and entered the forest at ease after confirming that there was no danger.

As soon as he landed, he suddenly felt that it was getting dark. It turned out that the forest was lush and lush, covering the sky and blocking the light of the sun. Walking in it, it was like walking on a path at night, which was very gloomy.

Zhang Ziguang breathed a sigh of relief and eased his mood. Then he strode into the depths of the forest and walked along the dark path. I don't know how long it took, and his footsteps stopped in front of a stone tablet.

This is a wordless stone tablet, which is engraved with a handprint, which is exactly the same as the one at the entrance of Sleeper's Lake.

Is this another relic of the Zhang family? Zhang Ziguang thought and stretched out his hand to the stone tablet. At the moment when his palms overlapped, a colorful light rose to the sky. The woods behind the stone tablet suddenly turned into a seven rainbow bridge, which was charming and beautiful. At the end of the rainbow bridge, there was a faint holy silver. The white light is shining.

Zhang Ziguang smiled proudly and thought that Ganoderma lucidum was not far away, so he happily stepped on the Hongqiao and walked over.

After walking for a long time, he finally saw the scenery at the end of Hongqiao. At this time, a dark cave blocked the view. I don't know how deep it is.

"What a powerful illusion!" Zhang Ziguang muttered softly. After what he had just seen, he knew that the forest behind the stone tablet and the silver-white light just now were illusions, which should be intended to cover up something.

Thinking about it, his eyes suddenly lit up, and then narrowed slightly. He vaguely saw a figure standing at the mouth of the cave for a moment, and then flashed into the hole.

Is there anyone who is also paying attention to Lingzhi? Zhang Ziguang thought and couldn't help speeding up his pace.

He took three steps and two steps, quickly walked through the Hongqiao and entered the cave. The cave was dark and he couldn't see his fingers. There were only some glowing stones, shining sporadic light, but it was not enough to illuminate.

Is that the figure just now an illusion? But when he moves forward on such a dark road, there must be some light. Why can't I see it at all? He frowned and thought, and his worries were a little heavier. He polished the fire and walked towards the depths of the hole

Before he took a few steps, the sound of breaking through the air came one after another. Zhang Ziguang narrowed his eyes and felt that an object was approaching him quickly. His body jumped like a bird, and the cold light of the sword flashed, blocking all the flying things.

He carefully observed the movement around him, then bent down and picked up a thing that had just fallen on the ground in his hand. He approached the fire and folded it to observe it carefully. He saw that it was a metal arrow, and the arrow was still stained with green **, emitting a fishy smell. It turned out to be venom.

"Damn, someone is plotted!" He cursed in a low voice, and his cold eyes alerted around again.

Just before he figured out the situation, the sound of breaking the air sounded again, many times louder than before. With the firelight, Zhang Ziguang clearly saw that countless metal arrows rushed towards him, and the source of the arrows was the dark wall.

"So it's an organ!" Zhang Ziguang whispered to himself, dispersing his soul to explore the surrounding environment.

"At your feet!" His eyes sank and he suddenly said. He looked down and found that he had inadvertently stepped on a stone.

Understanding the reason, he soared into the air again, resisting the roaring arrows, keeping his body away from the ground. As he flew up, the sunken stone rose again, and the arrow stopped.

Wow... Zhang Ziguang wiped the cold sweat on his forehead and breathed a sigh of relief. The stone he stepped on just stepped on was the same size as the surrounding stones, mixed in it, and he could not detect that it was an organ at all.

End of this chapter