Purple Light Seal Sword Record

Chapter 8 Converge and prepare for war!

The night is as cool as water, and a few stars dotted in the dark blue night, like the eyes of the night, shining with a silver halo.

Zhang Ziguang sat cross-legged in a secret jungle. At this time, it was late at night, most of the disciples had fallen asleep, and a few disciples yawned and patrolled listlessly.

It will be Jiannan City tomorrow. Hurry up and practice! Zhang Ziguang said secretly in his heart that a dark blue halo wrapped around him, and at the same time, a golden light followed.

Zhang Ziguang carefully felt this mysterious feeling and felt the sound of wind passing by his ears. The earth was desolate and the sky was quiet. Time was like a hanging river, vast and endlessly. Life was just a grain of rice millet in the vast river, which was fluttered by the exciting wave. That small feeling, in Zhang Ziguang's heart was infinitely enlarged... There was a tremor on his body and he suddenly opened his eyes.

"What a strange feeling!" Zhang Ziguang said secretly, "I've seen it there!"

Suddenly, Zhang Ziguang's eyes flashed, and a golden shadow appeared in front of him. On the cover of the book, there was a simple seal character: Xuan. It is the secret of the Jianfeng School.

Zhang Ziguang raised a page of book, and the excitement on his face became clearer and clearer under the golden light. Hu... Zhang Ziguang put away the shadow of the book and felt that the power in his body was as surging as the sea. He lay on the ground excitedly and felt extremely comfortable. Even if a golden and green light shined all around him, he did not accept it. Back.

"Breaking the top!" Zhang Ziguang whispered to himself excitedly. This is destined to be a night that he will remember for a lifetime.

A 17-year-old teenager, breaking the top!

Jiannancheng, a pub

Jiannan City was originally an important coastal town with a population of 100,000, but at this time, Jiannan City was desolate and miserable. Buildings stood alone in the wind. On the street, the wind swept the leaves and turned weakly. It was difficult to find anyone on the street. There were only shops that were still in the future and closed, and they were still open. The door seems to be telling the glory of the past.

In the restaurant, Han Zilin sat alone on a chair and drank by himself. In the whole tavern, he was the only one. His face was slightly vicissitudes. He quietly looked at a blood book beside him. There were several lines of words on the blood book: May 13, Dongying practitioners occupied Yuyang Pass, and then Dongying's army came and slaughtered the city for three days, eight Thousands of fathers were slaughtered.

Han Zilin clenched his fist, his nails sank deeply in the palm of his hand, and his slightly vicissitudes eyes were covered with blood. He split the table heavily, clenched his clothes with his hands, clenched his teeth, and said fiercely, "Dongying. I want you to die!"

On the edge of the sky, a glow flew this way. Han Zilin knew that the right person was coming, hurriedly stabilized his mind, and tried to squeeze out a smile on his haggard face.

The glow in the air flew closer and closer, and a group of people in blue and white shirts appeared in front of Han Zilin in Xiangyun. The clothes of the Three School have their own characteristics. The Jianfeng School is a white purple shirt, embroidered with a purple sword on the cuffs. Shushan is a gray linen dress, like the Shushan School, mysterious and simple. The blue coat and white shirt is the clothing of the Ziying School.

Han Zilin smiled and said, "Thank you for sending Ziying to help. You have a deep understanding of righteousness and saving the country. It's respectable! Pei!"

Elder Soun, the leader of the Ziying School, laughed and said, "How can we admire the contribution to the country and our practitioners?"

Han Zilin nodded with a smile. Suddenly, his eyes flashed over a disciple's clothes and saw blood stains. Han Zilin frowned and said, "Have you ever been attacked on the road this time?"

Elder Sooyun showed hatred and said, "Yes, we were halfway and suddenly killed a team of people in the demon realm, causing us to break dozens of disciples. We Ziying faction still has nine teams. I don't know how other teams are doing.

Han Zilin has a bad feeling in his heart, and various situations show that the Demon Realm has participated in the war!

In a short time, other teams of Ziying faction came one after another, and the disciples in blue and white surrounded the street where the hotel was located. There were countless people on the ground and in the air. Two of the female disciples are particularly eye-catching, which are Lu Bingyan and Shangguan Juan, known as Ziying Shuangbi.

Elder Suyun and the other four heavenly masters of the Ziying faction read the blood book and were all angry. They all looked solemn and vowed to die with the Dongying people.

In the next hour, disciples from various factions came one after another. Although most of them belonged to the small faction, the number of people almost caught up with the sum of the Ziying faction.

Han Zilin stood with the elders who came to the sect and said, "Most of the sects that plan to participate in the war have come, only Jianfeng, Shushan, Qiuyue Valley, and Penglai Fairyland have not yet arrived."

"The Sword Front and Autumn Moon Valley are coming!" A young disciple of the Ziying School ran in and said excitedly that he had only seen him in his life when so many practitioners gathered together. How could he not be excited?

The people of the Jianfeng faction have gathered outside the city. Now more than 2,000 of them have entered the city together, and the huge momentum can be imagined.

After the Jianfeng faction, Qiuyue Valley followed closely. Although the number of people was not as large as the Jianfeng faction, there were more than 1,000 people.

All the practitioners have gathered together, and the number of people has already increased by 10,000. Fortunately, Jiannancheng is already an empty city at this time. Otherwise, the lives of the people will be affected by the influx of so many practitioners.

Suddenly, several huge shadows appeared in the eastern sky. The shadows flew closer and closer. A giant eagle appeared in the air, and the back of the giant eagle seemed to be full of people.

Shangguan Mu and several heavenly masters looked at each other and sighed. Su Yun and Zhao Lao sighed, "Penglai Fairyland actually sent blue-winged purple and gold eagles to transport disciples. It's really a great hand."

The blue-winged purple-gold eagle spread its wings ten feet long. Every time it stirs up its wings, there is a gust of wind. Their wings are dark cyan, and their bodies are indeed arrogant purple-gold, and their back is as wide as a square. The blue-winged purple-gold eagle flew over Jiannan City, casting huge shadows. Disciples in the city, A shout of exclamation.

Nearly a hundred figures fell from the wide back of the blue-winged purple gold eagle. The leader was a man in blue. He was tall and had several beards on his face, which set off a solemn temperament. Behind him, a young man in white waited respectfully. This group of people revealed an extraordinary With a refined temperament, many righteous disciples sigh that they are inferior

Shangguan Mu looked at the man in blue, and a light flashed on his face and said, "Qingyi Sword Fairy, long time no see!"

The man in green looked at Shangguan Mu, his face darkened and said, "Shangguan's nephew, long time no see!"

Penglai Fairyland and his party were hugged into a house. Ouyang Juan of Ziying stood quietly and looked at the white young man next to the sword fairy in blue, and his tender eyes never moved away.

This big house used to be an aristocratic mansion in Jiannan City, but now it has become the residence of heavenly masters, and those ordinary disciples can only live in houses. After all, Jiannan City is already an empty city.

End of this chapter