Purple Light Seal Sword Record

Chapter 18 Meet Again

In the Dongying camp, Toyotomi Xiuying was holding a beautiful woman in a kimono and couldn't help kissing her. He pressed the woman on ** and peeled off her clothes one by one. The woman smiled coquettishly and let him play with her, not twist her body a few times to show her pandering.

Suddenly, the woman asked, "General, the tactics you formulated in Yuyang Pass are good, but the Zhongyuan practitioners are not fools. If you have a good situation in Yuyang Pass, they may not jump into the bureau!"

Fengchen Xiuying smiled, stroked the woman's water-s smooth skin and said, "Beauty, you don't understand. This Central Plains practitioners have always been compassionate and Bodhisattva's heart. They regard the people as life. This time, I asked for 50,000 prisoners of war, and then threatened each other. They want Yes, it's coming, that is, throwing yourself into the net. If you don't come, you will be branded with an unkind and unjust reputation. Which one do you think they will choose?

The woman covered her mouth and smiled and said, "I heard that there is a saying in the Central Plains that you want to die and suffer, but I guess they will still put face first!"

"Hey..." Toyotomi Xiuying smiled and said, "Beauty is really smart!" After saying that, he pressed the woman directly under his body...

Zhang Ziguang woke up in a coma for a day and a night. Everyone wanted to break their scalp and couldn't figure out why Zhang Ziguang, who slaughtered dozens of ninjas like searching for things, would be scared and fainted by the corpses all over the mountains.

At this moment, Shangguan Mu is discussing with more than 20 heavenly masters in the council chamber. Shangguan Mu said, "Yesterday, I received a war letter from the Dongying people. The Dongying people said that they had 50,000 prisoners of war and were imprisoned in Yuyang Pass and asked us to take them back!"

All the people frowned. Yuyang Pass is surrounded by mountains on three sides, which is easy to defend and difficult to attack. Once the Dongying people block the city gate, ordinary air-level practitioners can't escape even if they insert their wings.

"Five thousand prisoners of war, how can they be rescued?" Elder Qingyun covered his broken arm and frowned. Liu Yunjian said, "This is simple. Send 3,000 disciples in, take a few out by one person, and get a few in and out, and it's almost done!" Chu Qingguang snorted coldly and said, "You just want to save people, so what about our disciples? If you lose an excellent disciple in order to save prisoners of war, it's really not worth it!" The hearts of everyone in the hall sank, and the breathing of the heavenly masters could be heard quietly in the council hall.

"According to me, since you are suffering from gains and losses, we will not save these 50,000 people. Those captured are all soldiers of the Central Plains court. Let the court figure it out by itself!" The speaker is Zheng Yunchu of the Chongyang Sword School. He is the youngest of all the heavenly masters, but he is in his early 30s, and he is also the most scattered one.

Elder Sooyun shook his head and said resolutely, "How can this work? If everyone is like you, we will definitely carry a bad name, which also requires us to stand on the world!"

The cultivation sect is like a fairy in the hearts of the people in the Central Plains. Therefore, helping the weak and practicing the way for heaven has become the purpose of the right people. It can be said that the people are the root of the cultivation sect. Most of the practitioners of each sect come from the people. It is with the trust of the people that they can have a lot of talents. A steady stream of young people came, and the incense of various factions continued.

Shangguan stood up slowly, took a deep breath, and said, "I decided to save people!"

Shangguan Mu's words made most people in the scene suddenly light up. Shangguan Mu continued, "As Uncle Liu just said, we allocated 6,000 disciples and divided them into two groups, one batch of 3,000 people, one in to save people, one batch outside, two rounds of rotations, and we know how to save people!"

Everyone nodded and agreed. At present, this is the only way feasible. Suddenly, the Taoist elder of Shushan said, "We in Shushan suffered heavy losses in the previous battle, so this time we can only produce 300 people at most!" As soon as he said, everyone looked at Shangguan Mu. Shangguan Mu hesitated for a moment and said, "Okay, the Jianfeng faction will make up for the remaining number!"

Several elders of the Jianfeng faction secretly said that it was not good. The disadvantages of Shangguan Mu's election as the leader of the alliance were finally revealed. Su Yun Sufeng of the Ziying faction exchanged glances. Su Yun got up and said, "To the leader of the alliance, the Ziying faction lost a lot after a battle outside Jiannan City, so this time there can only 300 people!" Everyone's dumb eyes moved to Shangguan Mu again.

Shangguan Mu gritted his teeth and said, "Okay, 300 is 300!"

After that, the elders of more than 30 sects who participated in the battle with Dongying have reported the number of disciples who participated in this rescue operation, all of which were lower than before. Shangguan Mu added up to the total number of these people, only about 1,500, which means that the number of people in the Jianfeng faction is at least 1,500, and A total of 2,000 disciples of the Jianfeng School came this time.

The Jianfeng faction's face was blue and looked at each other in consolent. No one could make up their minds. Everyone else thought of this side as if they wanted to see Jianfeng send out ugly. Finally, Shangguan Mu opened his mouth. He stared at the crowd coldly and said, "Jianfeng faction, 1,500 people participated in the war!"

The elders in the hall looked at each other and were proud. The intention of the Jianfeng faction to dominate in recent years has become more and more obvious, causing them to be more or less wary of the world's largest faction, so weakening the Jianfeng faction has become their common purpose.

In contrast to several people sent by Jianfeng, they were all pale and extremely ugly, but they had no choice. After the crowd dispersed, Chu Qingguang stood up first and said to Shangguan Mu, "Well, this group of people are simply bullying people too much. Is it still the right way to retreat like this?" Shangguan's eyes flashed and said, "They gave me the position of alliance leader. They only wanted to be the alliance leader, and they would become the target of public criticism, but they didn't think that the alliance leader also had the benefits of the alliance leader!"

The rest of the people heard that there was a mystery in Shangguan Mu's words and couldn't help but be stunned. Elder Qingbi asked, "What do you mean? No matter what they say, they are our colleagues." Shangguan Mu suddenly smiled gloomily, then nodded and said, "Uncle, don't worry, my little nephew has his own measure"

Zhang Ziguang is still lying ** and sleeping. Since his trip to the Red Flower Valley, he has been tired a lot. In addition to eating and practicing, he sleeps in the house every day, occasionally in a daze at the peeling wall. Wu Zhilong and other friends are anxious about this. But helpless, Zhang Ziguang deeply felt that his heart was like a layer of black clouds that could not be dispersed. The past events 17 years ago kept emerging in his heart. He gradually sank in that painful memory.

However, just this morning, he suddenly felt a brilliant beam of light shining through the haze in his heart, and his soul seemed to be immersed in a warm ocean, emitting happy tremors. He opened his eyes lazily, stretched out his waist, and found that the soft morning light was warm. It shines on his face. He suddenly came with strength, jumped up from **, straightened his clothes, and walked out of the house.

He walked to build the south city. The morning light was like broken gold, covered with the road. The morning breeze blew away the sadness in his heart, and several unknown birds sang happily in the distance. Zhang Ziguang felt that his nerves were much relaxed and loved the morning of Jiannancheng more and more. He kept walking and forgot everything, only this pleasant natural scenery in his mind.

"Brother Zhang is so elegant!" A familiar and pleasant voice came, and Zhang Ziguang was excited and saw Jiang Yuexia in light yellow clothes standing beside him with a bright smile.

They stood side by side, and Chenguang pulled their shadow very long. Zhang Ziguang felt a fragrance coming. His heart beat violently, and his face turned red for a moment. Zhang Ziguang himself did not understand why as soon as he saw Jiang Yuexia and Lu Shiyan, he would have an inexplicable tension. There was no such thing at all. A kind of elegant man's demeanor.

Jiang Yuexia saw all this in her eyes. She smiled like a blooming lotus flower and said delicately, "Brother Zhang, the sun is so good today. Your face is red!"

Zhang Ziguang nodded awkwardly. Suddenly, he found that in the morning light, Jiang Yuexia's face was as red as peach blossoms, her lips were as delicate as peonies, and her eyes were as clear as clear water. Her soft hair was a little messy and floating gently with the morning breeze. She was so beautiful that she didn't seem to come from the world.

Zhang Ziguang couldn't help but be infatuated. He and Jiang Yuexia walked in this beautiful morning, and everything they saw seemed to be smiling.

The two walked for about an hour before they were reluctant to leave. During the conversation, Zhang Ziguang learned that Qiuyue Valley is located in the east of the Central Plains, and the four seasons are like autumn, always giving people a desolate feeling. Jiang Yuexia has not passed summer since she was a child, so this time she came to Jiannan City and was immediately attracted by the summer scenery.

Zhang Ziguang smiled and returned to the dormitory. Wu Zhilong saw Zhang Ziguang come back with a smile on his face. His face was ruddy and immediately in a good mood. He rushed to pat Zhang Ziguang's shoulder and said, "You have been scared by the dead for three days, you finally woke up today!" Zhang Ziguang knew that when he was depressed a few days ago, it was these relatives who helped him and guided him out of his predicament. Therefore, Zhang Ziguang was full of gratitude to Wu Zhilong. He hugged Wu Zhilong, hugged Wu Zhilong and whispered, "Thank you...thank you!"

Wu Zhilong was stunned. He didn't expect Zhang Ziguang to suddenly become so serious. He patted the dust on his clothes for Zhang Ziguang and said, "Kid, don't do this in the future. If you have something in mind, just tell your brothers!"

Zhang Ziguang was excited. He nodded and said, "What's for breakfast today?"

Wu Zhilong hasn't answered yet. A figure appeared beside them out of thin air. This man is slender, handsome and arrogant. He is Zhang Ziguang's mentor, Shangguan Mu.

End of this chapter