Purple Light Seal Sword Record

Chapter 22 Meteor Catches the Moon

When the disciples saw the demon realm fighting with the Dongying people, they took this opportunity to rush to the entrance crazily. Chu Qingguang and Qingbi just rushed out with more than 100 remaining disciples. They saw Yang Ruihao kneeling on the ground at the mouth of the valley and cried bitterly. There was only Qian Zhen next to him, waiting and persuading them bitterly.

Chu Qingguang rushed forward, grabbed Yang Ruihao and said angrily, "Why are you crying like a woman here? What about the others?

Yang Ruihao ignored him, but continued to cover his face and cry. Yunkong's fingers trembled and pointed forward.

It was a sea of corpses. In front of the corpses of countless righteous disciples, the bodies at the entrance piled up into hills, almost blocking the entrance. It can be seen that when these people were dying, a large number of people rushed to the entrance.

Chu Qingguang knelt on the ground with a long roar. Elder Qingbi was calm, but his face was pale and there was no blood on her lips. She patted Yunkong's shoulder and said with great painstakingly, "What about the other two heavenly masters?"

Yunkong's face was full of tears and couldn't help choking. After a while, he reluctantly said, "My uncle Daoying, and Uncle Sujing of Ziying... they... are all killed in battle!

When Elder Qingbi heard this, he sighed sadly. This time he came to save the prisoners of war, but several prisoners of war were not rescued. On the contrary, the 3,000-person brigade was lost, and even the heavenly master could not be spared.

At this moment, the desert in front of Shangguan Mu and others has disappeared. Shangguan Mu's face is a little pale. He lies on an elder and can't help breathing. Obviously, breaking this illusion this time consumes a lot of his energy.

He stood up laboriously and said to Elder Sooyun beside him, "Come on, let the disciples enter the valley to save people, come on!" After saying that, Shangguan Mu's body softened and fainted.

Suuyun hurriedly sent the order, and the righteous disciples rushed to the valley.

Zhang Ziguang came to a forest alone and felt that the breath of Haotian Tower was getting closer and closer. He carefully walked on the path in the forest and felt carefully. The forest was full of ancient trees covering the sky. It was dark. The sunlight could only pass through the cracks between the branches to form a stream of light and shadow, which was mottled and flowing on the ground. . Suddenly, Zhang Ziguang's face changed and looked back, and he saw a green figure standing silently on the road behind him.

Zhang Ziguang was shocked and saw that the woman was charming, seductive, bright and enchanting, and charming as the wind. She was the demon girl she had seen in the Ziying School in Kunlun, Sikongyue.

Sikong Yuelian moved gently, and the style came. As she walked, he said, "Ha ha, Zhang Shaoxia, what's the wind is blowing you here today?"

Zhang Ziguang's heart was cold and secretly said: Sikongyue is a strong man among the heavenly masters. Even Lu Shaoyang, who is famous in Ziying's school, is not her opponent. As an air-level trueist, it is even more difficult to take advantage of her. Now he has to get out first and then find a master to decide! Thinking of this, he was shocked again, because he clearly felt that the Haotian Tower was on Sikongyue.

Sikongyue's eyes were like autumn water. She looked at him quietly for a while, as if she could see through her mind at a glance, and said, "Zhang Shaoxia, are you looking for this?" While talking, he took out the Haotian Tower at his waist and shook it in front of Zhang Ziguang.

Zhang Ziguang's heart raised his throat, and Si Kongyue smiled so evilly that he must want to do some tricks.

Sure enough, Si Kongyue said with a faint smile, "Zhang Shaoxia, you don't have to be too nervous. In fact, there is no malice this time. I just want to ask you a few questions. If your answer can satisfy me, I will give you Haotian Tower."

Zhang Ziguang was worried and hesitated for a moment, saying, "Okay, you can ask!"

Sikongyue said, "What's the relationship between you and your brother-in-law Zhang Yufei!"

Zhang Ziguang was shocked and couldn't help stepping back a few steps. Sikongyue's question was the same as that asked by the giant snake in Zhang's cave that day.

Zhang Ziguang sneered and replied, "You must have heard of Zhang Yufei and Jianfeng's kindness and resentment!"

While talking, Zhang Ziguang held the Yueyun sword in his hand tighter. Once Sikongyue had any conspiracy, he would defend himself.

How smart Si Kongyue is. She saw all this in her eyes and sneered in her heart, but her face was still smiling and said, "Then please tell me your identity!"

Zhang Ziguang said coldly, "My father, Zhang Laosan, farm for a living!"

There was a cold light on Si Kongyue's face and said, "Zhang Shaoxia, your answer is very dissatisfied. Today, don't leave this forest!"

Before Sikongyue finished her words, dozens of blue light split down on her. Yueyun sword was auspicious, and the sword light shuttled through the woods. Sikongyue was shrouded in endless blue light in an instant.

Sikongyue in the blue light has no fear, with a relaxed smile and a flash of her body, disappearing from the blue light.

Zhang Ziguang was afraid. He knew in his heart that Sikongyue's journey was unfathomable and could not be trapped by this sword light. The most urgent thing was to get out. Zhang Ziguang quickly flew up and suddenly felt a huge pressure and hit him back to the ground. Zhang Ziguang felt as if his body was pressed by a mountain. It is difficult to move any more, and the part below the knee has sunk into the ground.

Si Kongyue appeared again with a smile, with an extra black whip in his hand and said, "Didn't I tell you last time that I would come to grab the sword? Ha ha, I'm coming now!

With that, Yue Yunjian was taken away from Zhang Ziguang's hand, and Yue Yunjian suddenly lost its glory and was dead, like scrap iron.

Si Kongyue said again, "I don't know the reason why you hide your strength, but you should know that even if you burst out all your strength today, you will never hurt me. You'd better stop it!"

After saying that, the black light appeared on the whip in her hand. At first glance, the black whip looked like a black snake, emitting a strong cold air, and even the air showed faint signs of freezing. Sikongyue casually shook the long whip and made a crisp sound.

Zhang Ziguang was afraid, but at this time, he was trapped on the ground by an inexplicable force and could not move, and under this pressure, even breathing became more and more difficult.

Bang! The long black whip danced like a long snake, and at the same time, the long whip automatically became longer, from the previous one foot long to nearly three feet long, as thick as the mouth of a bowl, like the tail of a giant python, and hit Zhang Ziguang heavily.

Zhang Ziguang felt a burst of bone pain and wanted to cure the injury, but the true qi in his body seemed to be sealed, solidified in the Dantian, motionless.

Papa! With a continuous crisp sound, blood marks appeared on Zhang Ziguang's body. Si Kongyue simply loosened the long whip, and the long whip slowly flew into the air, attacking Zhang Ziguang a little harder.

At this time, Zhang Ziguang's shirt had been torn, and there were shocking blood marks on the exposed skin. The blood marks flowed out of the blood marks, and in the middle of some blood marks, there were faint white bones.

Zhang Ziguang felt that his body was getting heavier and heavier. Gradually, he could no longer feel the pain. He only saw the whips hitting him heavily, and his eyes had gradually blurred...

Suddenly, a warm breath spread all over his body. He felt that his strength was recovering rapidly, and golden lights flew out, and the inexplicable pressure on his body suddenly dispersed.

Si Kongyue's smile froze on her face, and Zhang Ziguang was bathed in the dazzling golden light. The forest was dyed into holy gold. Yue Yunjian let out a cheerful sword sound. The golden light flew out of Si Kongyue's hand and returned to Zhang Ziguang's side.

Zhang Ziguang looked at his body with a surprised face. This golden light was dozens of times stronger than the previous cyan light. Sikongyue looked at all this in amazing way and felt that such a scene was particularly familiar.

Suddenly, a light ball appeared on the tip of the moon cloud sword. As it grew bigger and bigger, it instantly rose to the size of a wheel. The light ball roared out, like a golden moon. Behind the "moon", a smaller light ball followed it, with a golden tail, like a meteor. Chase the moon tightly!

Si Kongyue stayed in place and didn't pay attention to the big and small flying, two light balls. She seemed to be be bewitched by something, with a demented expression, and muttered, "Brother-in-law...brother-in-law..."

Suddenly, a giant snake flew out of the long whip in the air. It was really the Sirius snake that fought with Lu Shaoyang on Kunlun a few days ago.

The Sirius snake suddenly opened its mouth, and a huge suction came out of its mouth, and countless trees and dust were sucked into its mouth, roaring! The Sirius snake roared, and the big and small light balls were sucked into its mouth.

The body of the Sirius snake was suddenly swallowed by the golden light. It made a painful cry and couldn't help rolling in the forest. The huge force made countless trees fall one after another. The Sirius snake rolled for a long time before it stopped. The huge snake couldn't help trembling on the ground. After a long time, a light smoke came out of its mouth. As if he was weak, he weakly returned to Sikongyue's long whip.

Suddenly, a black gas spewed out of the long black whip. Zhang Ziguang, who had just flown out of the forest, was fascinated by the black gas and fell down. Si Kongyue caught him from the air, and his eyes were full of love and pity, tidying up his messy hair!