Purple Light Seal Sword Record

Chapter 26 Tokugawa Ieyasu

Build the south city late at night.

Shangguan Mu walked out of a room with a blank face. Yang Ruihao was the first to meet him and said, "How is his injury?" Shangguan Mu said, "Ziguang suffered a serious internal injury this time, and many internal organs showed signs of rupture. Fortunately, we found it in time, otherwise his life would be in danger!"

Yang Ruihao's heart is much more relaxed. Shangguan Mu's meaning is that Zhang Ziguang's life is no longer threatened at this moment.

Shangguan Mu suddenly darkened his face and said to Yang Ruihao, "Don't you think it's strange that Dongying Camp was found?"

After he said this, Yang Ruihao also frowned and said, "Well, indeed, the process of Jiang Yuexia's discovery of Dongying Camp alone is suspicious. Is it possible that there is a master's guidance?"

Shangguan Mu sneered a few times and said, "Huh, master's advice? I think it's true that someone wants to borrow my hand to get rid of Dongying!"

Yang Ruihao suddenly realized and said, "Is it... the demon realm?"

Shangguan Mu said, "I'm not sure about this. The general of the East Camp, who was just captured, said that Toyotomi Xiuying is the top practitioners of Dutian, and his strength is comparable to mine. I'm just curious how Ziguang can kill a master who is so much higher than him?"

Yang Ruihao laughed and said, "This is simple. You will know when he wakes up and you ask."

Shangguan Mu nodded and said, "That's the only way!"

On the bank of the East China Sea, the morning fog is ethereal, the east is white, the breeze blows the waves, and the summer sun is warm on the sky-blue sea.

Two people stood side by side on the beach. A man on the left was tall and burly, wearing a loose black kimono, thick eyebrows and big-eyed eagle hooked nose, and his face was as cold as a knife. The man on the right was wrapped in black cloth and black yarn, revealing only a pair of bright eyes.

The tall man looked at the beautiful morning light, but his eyes showed a faint worry and said, "It's my fault that I didn't listen to my husband's words and continued to use Fengchen Xiuying as a general, causing thousands of soldiers to die in a foreign country!" The person who spoke was Fujiwara, the first commander who led the Dongying practitioners to fight this time.

The man in black beside him shook his head, his eyes were cold, and said, "What you have lost is only more than 6,000 ordinary practitioners, mainly prefecture-level practitioners. The number of empty-level practitioners is relatively small, and there are few sky-level masters. Such a lineup, you have to fight with the Central Plains practitioners led by the official twilight. Failure will be sooner or later, even if you They can use the five spirit array to win a momentary victory, but the five spirit array comes from the Central Plains, and the people of the Central Plains will not know how to break the array?

Fujiwara bowed his head and said, "It's negligence, and I hope Mr. Tiangui will give me some advice!"

The man in black called Mr. Tiangui said: "I promised to give you only four ideas before, but now I have told you the use of the five spirit array. This is the first one, and I can give you three suggestions!"

Fujiwara said modestly, "Although the five spirit array is the array passed down from generation to generation, I can only use it, and I don't know how to use it. After my arrival, I immediately taught me the array, and I am very grateful. I don't know what you have next?"

Mr. Tiangui talked and said, "Dongying does not lack masters, but the masters are mixed with ordinary practitioners, and it is difficult to give full play to their due strength. If you want to defeat the Central Plains practitioners, you have to unify these masters in one team!"

Fujiwara shook his head helplessly and said, "Sir, I don't know anything about it. We have tried this idea, but the masters in the army are often the generals in the army, putting them in a team, and no one can command them."

Mr. Tiangui's eyes sparkled with a smile and said, "Last night, I looked at the stars and found a glow around the emperor's star. One day, a good general will be born. Tonight, you just need to do what I said, and you can find this good general!"

Fujiwara was suddenly overjoyed and leaned down and said, "Please give me some advice!"

Mr. Tiangui came to her ear and whispered. Fujiwara nodded and said, "I'll do it now!"

At night, the Dongying camp was brightly lit, and each tent was full of wine. The generals and soldiers gathered together, tasting wine and delicious food while enjoying the dance of the dancers.

Those dancers are all carefully selected by Dongying people from the occupied areas, and some of them are plundered from some Xiuzhen sects. Beautiful.

A Dongying general laughed loudly under the stimulation of the wine. He narrowed his eyes and stared straight at the ** part of the dancer for a long time. Finally, he couldn't help picking up a dancer he had been coveting for a long time, tearing her clothes crazily, and vented it on the spot. The rest of the soldiers looked at her and were greedy. Press the rest of the dancers hard on **!

This kind of waste** thing seems to be contagious. The same thing happened in each camp. For a moment, the ** smile of the Dongying people and the sobs of the dancers were intertwined over the military camp.

On a hillside near the East Military Camp, it was dark. A young man lay on the ground and cried bitterly. He looked at the brightly lit scene in front of him, and his eyes seemed to spit out fire. He looked up at the ink-like sky and roared: "Dongying is dead! Dongying is dead!"

At this time, a voice appeared abruptly in the night sky, with a faint joy: "Young man, what's your name?"

The young man lowered his head and his face turned pale with anger. He didn't look for the source of his voice at all, but said four words in agruly: "Tokugawa Ieyasu!"

A man in a black kimono came out of the night, chewed the name carefully, and said for a long time, "You came here late at night and shouted the words of the death of Dongying. Aren't you afraid of being punished by the general?"

Tokugawa Ieyasu did not raise his head and said, "In the battle with the Central Plains practitioners, more than 5,000 soldiers died. These people did not know how to reflect, but indulged in beauty. Do you think there are such soldiers in Dongying, is not reasonable to subjugate the country?"

The man in the dark smiled faintly, with a little more relief on his face and said, "Okay, that's right, but do you know who I am?"

Tokugawa Ieyasu suddenly woke up from grief and indignation. He looked at the man in black carefully and suddenly knelt on the ground and said respectfully, "See you, prince!"

The man in black is Fujiwara, the king of Edo. He said loudly, "I think you are a young man who is a little patriotic, far better than those indulgent waste people. How about giving you an official position?"

Tokugawa Ieyasu quickly declined and said, "I'm not good at learning, and my Taoism is low. I'm very satisfied to be a soldier, and I'm afraid I can't take on the responsibility."

Fujiwara smiled and said, "It's rare for you to have such patriotism at such a young age. You will definitely become a pillar in the future. I don't think you have to refuse. Three days later, I will give you a unit called Blood Eagle. You have to take care of it for me!"

When Tokugawa Ieyasu saw that Fujiwara had made up his mind, he immediately refused and said, "Thank you, Prince!"

The next day, the martial arts arena of Dongying's barracks was full of people. All the Dongying soldiers stood neatly in several rows and gathered together. Fujiwara stood on a high platform and said loudly, "Recently, I have decided to set up a blood eagle force. Please invite sergeants and generals and generals above the air level to sign up!"

In a short time, more than 100 practitioners above the empty level went to sign up, and everyone speculated that they didn't know what Fujiwara was going to do.

Three days later, Fujiwara sat alone at the table and looked at the list in his hand with a smile on his face. This time, as many as 150 people signed up, including more than 30 heavenly masters. This team is definitely the elite among the elite and the trump card among the trump cards.

Fujiwara put away his smile and ordered to the people under him, "Find Tokugawa Ieyasu."

That man responded respectfully, not long. Tokugawa Ieyasu came to Fujiwara's tent. Fujiwara handed over the list in his hand with a smile and said, "Look, General Tokugawa, this is the list of your branch."

Ieyasu Tokugawa took over the list, and his face suddenly changed greatly. Even his voice began to tremble and said, "Your Majesty, this... such a difficult task can never be accepted by the villain."

Fujiwara waved his hand to the left and right, and the guards in the tent left. In the tent, there were only Fujiwara and Tokugawa Ieyasu. Fujiwara said in a loud voice, "I have decided this matter. You don't have to refuse it anymore. You know, this army is my elite army, which is extremely difficult to discipline, so you must Do your duty."

Tokugawa Ieyasu bowed down and said apologetically, "To my lord, this matter is really powerless. Under today's strength, he can't accept the importance of leading those masters at all."

Fujiwara smiled and said, "Ha ha, this is simple." After saying that, he stretched out his right hand, and Tokugawa Ieyasu suddenly felt a huge suction. His body involuntarily flew to Fujiwara's side. Fujiwarashi put his hand close to the back of Tokugawa Ieyasu, and a surging force entered Tokugawa Ieyasu's body. After about a cup of tea, the suction disappeared. Tokugawa Ieyasu looked at Fujiwara in surprise and asked, "Your Majesty, what did you just do?"

Fujiwara Shirou laughed and said, "Haha, you will have three opportunities to use the power of heavenly masters in the future. Remember, there are only three opportunities, and the duration of each power will not exceed one hour. You have to make good use of it!"

The Tokugawa family suddenly became grateful. He kowtowed respectfully and said, "Thank you, General, I will live up to the general's kindness."

Fujiwara waved his hand with a smile and said, "You don't have to be polite. If you can lead this army well, you will be able to show your ambition in the future. If you are defeated like Toyotomi Hideo, I will not forgive you."

Tokugawa Ieyasu's expression was resolute and said, "I swear to defend the honor of Dongying to the death!"

Fujiwara nodded with an expression of approval, and Tokugawa Ieyasu bowed deeply and retreated.

The next day, Tokugawa Ieyasu stood in heavy armor and stood in the martial arts arena with a little more heroic spirit. In front of him, 150 Dongying masters stood in five rows, but everyone's face was disdainful, and obviously he did not pay attention to Tokugawa Ieyasu, a young general.

Tokawa Ieyasu said loudly, "You are the best in my Dongying army. We should put the country first and try our best to kill the Central Plains practitioners. I will try my best to lead you and kill the enemy bravely!"

As soon as he finished speaking, there was a burst of laughter from the ground. A heavenly master laughed and walked out and said, "Elite troops need elite generals to lead, but where are our elite generals?" The rest of the people laughed, but Tokugawa Ieyasu's face turned cold and asked the official in charge of criminal law beside him, "If you offend the officer, what kind of criminal law should you be subject?" The official replied loudly, "If you collide with the long tube in the army, you should be roasted for two hours!"

Tokugawa Ieyasu said, "Take it out and torture it and roast it with a white tiger on fire for three hours."

The soldier who had just contradicted Tokugawa Ieyasu's face suddenly changed. With a pair of tiger eyes, he glanced at Tokugawa Ieyasu coldly and roared, "I want to see who dares to touch me!"

Suddenly, a powerful force pressed him heavily on the ground. He kept wiping the sweat on his forehead and looked at Tokugawa Ieyasu in surprise. Tokugawa Ieyasu was also looking at him with cold eyes, as if to freeze him.

The Dongying soldier finally got his arrogant head, because he felt that compared with Tokugawa Ieyasu, it was simply a gap between heaven and earth. Several soldiers dragged him out and walked in the direction of the execution ground.

At this time, the official in charge of criminal law just came forward and reported: "The villain just said that he contradicted the leader and used the fire of rosefinch to roast for three hours, but you ordered to roast it with the fire of the white tiger. Is the punishment too heavy?"

Tokugawa Jiakang held his chin, meditated slightly, and immediately said to everyone with apologies: "Guys, I'm very sorry that I was angry for a moment just now and wanted to punish that person, but I accidentally imposed too much punishment. Then, he turned around and asked the official in charge of criminal law, "How should the commander be punished for mispunishment?"

The official replied loudly, "It needs to be roasted for five hours with the fire of rosefinch!"

Hearing this, Tokugawa Ieyasu immediately took off his armor and said, "Please take me to the execution ground!"

There was an uproar in the martial arts arena, and some people came forward one after another and said, "General, you are the commander of the army, you can't use it!"

Tokugawa Ieyasu said coldly, "If the general makes a mistake, he should commit the same crime as the soldiers. If I don't go to prison, what other military laws are there in my Dongying battle in the future?"

After saying that, he took off his upper coat and walked to the execution ground with his bare arms...

The masters of Dongying, who had just sneered at Tokugawa Ieyasu, suddenly became silent. The daring image of Tokugawa Ieyasu has penetrated into everyone's heart. Such a general can't help but convince people from the bottom of their hearts.

On a mountain not far from Dongying Camp, Fujiwara stood side by side with Mr. Tiangui. Their eyes coincidentally fell on the two people who were executed on the execution ground. Fujiwara looked happy and said, "It seems that Tokugawa Ieyasu is indeed a rare general!" Mr. Sky Ghost nodded faintly, and the black veil covered his face and couldn't see his expression clearly

End of this chapter