Purple Light Seal Sword Record

Chapter 40 Bat

Jianfeng Mountain, Xuanyang Hall.

Qingyang Zhenren, the leader, was leaning his back on the leader's seat and closed his eyes to refresh himself. Suddenly, he opened his eyes, with a serious expression and straightened his ears, as if he were listening to something. After a while, he stood up, bowed respectfully in this empty hall and said, "Yes, my lord, I'll do it!"

At the same time, Ouyang Hong's room, Ouyang Hong, with a rare smile on his face, said in this empty room, "Have you finally decided to take action?"

Although he nodded and whispered something, the expression on his face had not changed, but he was always the only one in the whole room. The disciples waiting outside the door were surprised. One of them whispered, "When did the leader like to talk to himself?"

The main hall of Shushan, the imperial sword pavilion, and the leader Dao Qianzhen knelt in the hall with more than 30 elders, with endless respect on their faces. Soon, this group of people kowtowed together and said in unison, "Respecting the ancestral order!"

Deep in the mountains, in Crescent Village, Zhang Ziguang leaned against a lounge chair and was intoxicated in the charming sunset glow.

The afterglow of the setting sun gently sprinkled in the courtyard, and the sky was like a purple and red skirt, gently swaying under the gentle blowing of the wind. Several pairs of birds returning to the nest flew by the sunset and shuttled between the colorful clouds...

The sunset is infinitely good, but near dusk!

Zhang Ziguang sighed softly and put away his wandering thoughts, as if he saw the picturesque smile again, fixed between heaven and earth, clear and innocent! As if the wind can't blow the knot, some people, turning around, is to say goodbye!

"Dear, it's time to eat!" A woman's crisp voice came. Zhang Ziguang turned around and saw a girl standing beside him with a little shyness. It was Li Xiaohong, the daughter of the old man Li she had saved.

Zhang Ziguang smiled and said, "Little red girl is really getting more and more beautiful!"

Li Xiaohong's face is red as if to bleed. Against the backdrop of this sunset, she has a simple beauty. She is a rural woman. In front of Zhang Ziguang, she is always a little reserved and shy.

Zhang Ziguang smiled awkwardly and said, "Hey, why is the little red girl blushing? Let's go to dinner!"

After saying that, the two walked side by side towards the house.

Suddenly, there was a rapid knock on the door. Zhang Ziguang frowned and opened the door. The person who came was Zhou Wenyuan, the second leader of the imperial gang brought here by Zhang Ziguang from the emperor's gang a few days ago.

He looked anxious and strode over when he saw Zhang Ziguang and said, "Your excellency, something happened. Several of our brothers went into the mountain to hunt. They haven't come out yet. The brothers have looked everywhere and found them. Now there is only the mountain that they haven't been found!"

Zhang Ziguang said, "Are you sure? Have you looked elsewhere?

Zhou Wenyuan nodded and said, "Yes, I have found everything I can find!"

Zhang Ziguang sighed and said, "It seems that I have to go to the mountain!"

"I can't go, my father-in-law!" Li Xiaohong's eager voice came with a little fear: "Sir, I heard that the mountain god never blinked, and his methods were cruel and heinous. That time, there was a single person in our village went to ask for medicine for his child. As a result, his body was chopped into several pieces at the entrance of the village the next day. Now that I think about it, I'm still afraid!"

Zhang Ziguang held a white cloth in his hand, gently wiped the moon cloud sword, and said, "When I come back tomorrow, I will chop the body of the mountain god into a few pieces and put it at the entrance of the village, haha!"

After saying that, Zhang Ziguang turned into a blue light and flew to the highest mountain in the distance...

In a long time, Zhang Ziguang had flown to the foot of Shanshen Mountain. As soon as he landed, he felt a depressing atmosphere coming towards him. The mountain road was covered by lush woods. Zhang Ziguang walked among the woods, but he saw that the trees were tall and straight, the branches and leaves were dense, covering the already weak light. The woods were dark and silent. I could only hear the sound of footsteps, and there seemed to be a veil-like mist in the depths of the forest.

Zhang Ziguang felt nervous. This terrible silence was more frightening than before in Yuyang Pass. He looked around and held the moon cloud sword in his hand tighter.

"Master! It's dangerous in front!" Yue Yunjian's voice came, and Zhang Ziguang's face changed and said, "Let's go back. There may be something strange hidden in the depths of this forest!"

After saying that, Yue Yunjian took him up into the air, but he did not fly too high. A huge impulse took him down again. Several times in a row, Zhang Ziguang did not fly.

"Master, this..." Yue Yunjian's voice was a little panicked, and Zhang Ziguang's face was also very ugly. He calmed down and said, "It's impossible to fly. How about the way we followed?"

After saying that, the man turned back with a sword. As soon as Zhang Ziguang turned around, the exclamation of Yueyun's sword soul sounded in his mind: "Master, look ahead!"

Zhang Ziguang looked forward and saw several figures on the trees in front of him. These people were hung on and could not see their faces clearly because of the dark environment.

Zhang Ziguang was shocked and hurried forward to find that the people hanging on the tree were the lost people in the Crescent Village. At this moment, they lowered their heads one by one, their faces were as pale as paper, and there was no blood color. Zhang Ziguang explored one by one and found that these people were dead and had no life. The strangest thing was that there was not a drop of freshness on their bodies. Blood seems to have been sucked dry by something.

Zhang Ziguang frowned and said something was not good. Suddenly, his eyes lit up and he looked carefully at a person's neck, which clearly showed a small toothmark on his neck.

Zhang Ziguang observed carefully for a while. Seeing that he had no clue, he put down the bloodless corpse and continued to walk to the depths of the forest and walked for a while, but saw the ancient trees towering and the cloudy wind. Suddenly, in the darkness that could not be seen, there was a sharp roar, and suddenly the wind was blowing, and many trees Rooted

Zhang Ziguang's face changed slightly and whispered, "Here we go."

In the dark distance, a bright white flashed suddenly, and a giggle echoed in the dark forest, which was not only creepy.

Zhang Ziguang felt that his spine was shining and cold sweat flowing out, but he still bumped into his courage and shouted, "Evil, don't pretend to be a ghost and have the guts to appear."

"Yo, this little brother is not old and has a bad temper!" A soft and bone-to-bone voice came. A white light and shadow, like a beam of light in the dark, a frost, gently shone down, reflecting the ethereal fog, gently drifting. In the depths of the darkness, a woman in white slowly came, standing in the light, looking this way, looking faintly.

is an extremely soft woman. Her long and straight hair is not coiled up. She is as soft as water on her shoulders. On her white skin, she has graceful eyebrows, slender nose, and her eyes are like water. She looks over, as if she can see the depths of other people's hearts at a glance.

She is a loving woman at a glance. He stood there timidly, staring at Zhang Ziguang, with endless darkness behind her.

Time seems to have stopped at this moment.

Zhang Ziguang bit his lip, calmed down and shouted, "Did you kill the people outside?"

The woman in white smiled and said, "Yes, those people offend the dignity of the mountain god. Damn it!" With that, she also licked the remaining blood stains on her fingertips.

Zhang Ziguang felt numbness in his scalp again, calmed down, and continued to say, "You man-eating monster, you still call yourself a mountain god. It's simply shameless." At this moment, he was a little relieved, because he had sensed that this woman's path was only broken in the air.

The woman in white smiled disdainfully and said, "A void boy is still talking wildly here to find a fight!"

The night is deep, behind them. It seemed that something was throbbing quietly. The woman moved gently, like fallen leaves, swinging around in the air. Zhang Ziguang held the moon cloud sword. Just as he was about to make a move, he suddenly felt a sinking in his hand. At this moment, the moon cloud sword seemed to weigh a thousand pounds, and involuntarily fell from his hand. Zhang Ziguang was shocked. At this time, the moon cloud sword kept calling.

Then, the woman in white stopped in the air, her sleeves flew and suddenly opened. For a moment, the demonic spirit in the woods prevailed. In the darkness behind him, countless giant eyes opened at the same time.

Zhang Ziguang worked hard again, and a dark blue air mask protected him. His figure was erratic, shuttled through the woods, and he had flown far away for a moment.

Just when he was in shock, he heard countless carnival sounds from behind, and a dark shadow jumped out of the darkness and rushed to him with his teeth and claws.

Due to the sudden failure of Yueyunjian, Zhang Ziguang did not have any attack ability at this moment, so he had to rely on the skills of the sword front faction and passive defense. Those fierce shadows went forward and frantically tore the air mask. Soon, the blue light began to shake, and the air mask collapsed.

"Moon Cloud Sword Soul!" Zhang Ziguang roared under the surrounded by countless fierce shadows, and the moon cloud sword rose again, like an arrow from the string, flying into Zhang Ziguang's hand.

A small blue tree floated in the air. On the trunk, the old face appeared, and a huge hammer suddenly appeared in the air. With the roaring wind and shining blue light, it hit the ground heavily. The land within two kilometers was smashed by this hammer, and countless trees were smashed into the ground. Bottom.

For a moment, the sound of screaming was endless, and the countless fierce shadows suddenly turned into invisible.

The woman in white flew up from the collapsed ground, pale and gasped. Suddenly, her beautiful face began to become ferocious and twisted, and the snow-white skin on her face fell off piece by piece, replaced by disgusting black fluff and the bat face.