Purple Light Seal Sword Record

Chapter 42 Mountain God

Zhang Ziguang looked at all this with a surprised face. He carefully looked at the clothes of the corpses on the ground, all of which were gray and black. He had never seen them before, and those monsters were mainly tigers and leopards, and occasionally saw the bodies of several birds.

"Master, there is light!" The sound of Yueyun's sword soul sounded in his mind again. Zhang Ziguang fixed his eyes and saw a huge stone leaning against the nearby cliff, and there was a faint firelight in the cracks.

Zhang Ziguang's heart suddenly rose to his throat. He tiptoed over there for fear of shocking the mountain god who was still hiding in the dark!

As soon as he walked to the boulder, a man's voice came: "B bitch, hand over that treasure!" Zhang Ziguang's expression changed and he didn't want to have anyone in this hidden cave. At present, he put his face into the gap between the boulder and the cliff and looked inside.

There is a cave behind the boulder, and there is a cave inside, but unlike the barren entrance of the cave, it seems to be a living room of a rich family. The lights are bright and magnificent, the ground is dust-free, and many wooden furniture carved with gorgeous patterns are neatly placed there, and countless gold and silver jewelry are piled up in one. It shines brightly.

In the middle of the cave, there are more than a dozen men, led by a middle-aged man with long beards and bright clothes, giving people a sense of old age.

Opposite this group, a graceful and gorgeous woman in gorgeous clothes was tied to a stone pillar, with a few blood stains on her white and charming face, but it could not hide her mature and charming charm.

With a pair of phoenix eyes, with resentment, she glanced at the group of people coldly, and then said fiercely, "You bastards, can't get that baby, especially you! Chu Yuezhi, you are a heartless person, I was blind in those years and took a fancy to you as a beast!"

The middle-aged man who just spoke turned pale and said, "You bitch, don't have much blood. Tell me, where is that baby?"

"Hmm!" The young woman tied to the stone pillar tilted her head and said, "You unintentionally, you don't want to die!"

"B bitch! I'll kill you!" Chu Yuezhi, a middle-aged man, had a cold light in his eyes and gritted his teeth and said. A thick whip suddenly appeared in the air and hit the young woman in the face heavily.

But the young woman smiled angrily and said, "Haha, Chu Yuezhi, didn't you kill me? You killed me. Where did you find that baby?"

Chu Yue's face changed, and another whip shadow hit the young woman. The young woman laughed more arrogantly and her voice was hoarse, like the roar of a fierce beast

The more Zhang Ziguang looked at it, the more strange it became. He didn't know what enmity this group of people had, but he faintly felt that several people in this group were unfathomable. Far above him, he did not dare to act, so he had to look further.

At this time, a man ran over and said excitedly to everyone, "Master, I found a secret door in this cave. Please go over and see if the baby is inside."

Chu Yuezhi was happy to hear this, and a smile appeared on her face and said, "Let's go and have a look!"

The lady tied to the stone pillar was suddenly anxious. She said hurriedly, "Stop, there is absolutely no treasure there, it's just a dark pavilion for ordinary savings!"

Chu Yue smiled evilly and looked at the lady and said, "Xiaoqing, I have never heard that you have the habit of storing things in the dark pavilion."

The lady known as Xiaoqing suffocated and suddenly had nothing to say. She hit the stone pillar behind her fiercely with her head and hissed, "The sky has no eyes, the sky has no eyes, God!"

A few wild laughs came from everyone, and a thief came out and said proudly, "Hey, I didn't expect you, a bitch, to have today. What a good eye, haha!"

Chu Yuezhi waved his hand, and the group followed the disciples who had just come to report and walked to the other side of the hall.

Xiaoqing's haggard and pale face smiled proudly. Suddenly, her eyes looked in the direction of Zhang Ziguang. Zhang Ziguang's heart tightened. He felt that the man's eyes were like a knife and pierced straight into his chest. On his forehead, cold sweat flowed, and the gap between the two was in this look. It has been revealed.

"The guests outside the door haven't come in yet!" Xiaoqing's voice came, and Zhang Ziguang's face changed and hesitated for a moment. He still leaned over the huge stone at the mouth of the cave and came in.

"What's the matter with you coming to my mountain?" Xiaoqing looked at Zhang Ziguang and asked coldly.

Zhang Ziguang said respectfully, "I'm here to look for a few friends who are lost in your place!"

"Hmm! I guess the people you mentioned have already fed the bats!" Xiaoqing curled her lips and said indifferently. Then she looked at Zhang Ziguang again and said, "What are you still doing? Let me down quickly!"

Zhang Ziguang's body suffocated. If such a powerful figure puts her down, it is hard to guarantee that she will not harm her. But Xiaoqing obviously saw what he was thinking and then said, "My skills have been sealed by those people, and I can't hurt you anymore. If you don't let me down, I will let the villagers in several nearby villages live worse than death!"

Zhang Ziguang suddenly said, "It turns out that you are the mountain god!"

"Do you want to put it away?" Xiaoqing, the mountain god, nodded and then asked.

Zhang Ziguang pondered for a moment, gritted his teeth, flew up, cut off all the rope tied to Xiaoqing, and then gently leaned her against the wall and said, "Do you dare to ask why you have a grudge against that group of people?

Xiaoqing, the mountain god, looked weak and angry at this moment. Compared with just now, she was a little weaker. She said feebly, "Young man, I think you have a little conscience. How about we make an agreement?"

"Agreement?" Zhang Ziguang raised his eyebrows and asked, "I don't know what agreement the senior wants to make with me?

The mountain god said, "You swear that you will kill Chu Yuezhi's group of people in your life, and I will give you this ring!" With that, she took out a ring from her cuff. The rings of the ring were made of gold, and the ring was a purple gemstone, shining.

Zhang Ziguang shook his head without hesitation and said, "Senior, my ability is low, and it is difficult to take on a big job. I'm afraid of what you want..."

"What? Don't agree?" Shanshen Xiaoqing's tone suddenly turned and then said, "If you don't agree, I will let all the people in this mountain village die!"

"What?" Zhang Ziguang stepped back in surprise and said, "Please show mercy. The people in the village under the mountain are innocent!"

"Okay, it's not difficult for me to show mercy!" The mountain god had a smile on his haggard face and said, "As long as you agree to my request!"

Zhang Ziguang smiled bitterly and had mixed feelings. After thinking for a long time, he finally gritted his teeth and nodded, "Okay, senior, I promise you!"

"Hahaha..." The laughter of the mountain god Xiaoqing echoed in the empty cave. He looked at Zhang Ziguang and said, "Swear, come on!"

Zhang Ziguang knelt down, pointed to the sky and said, "I, Zhang Ziguang, swear to heaven that I will kill one of Chu Yue in my life. If I violate this oath, the five thunders will be destroyed and the gods will be destroyed!" The true practitioners often value the oath, because for the true practitioners, the oath is a promise to God. If the promise is broken, it is a blasphemy to God, and the content of the oath will also come true.

"Good! OK!" Xiaoqing, the mountain god, said with a smile, and then stuffed the ring into Zhang Ziguang's hand and said, "This ring is called Ziming Xuanjie. What Chu Yuezhi's group wants is this treasure. Keep it well. It will be of great benefit in the future!"

Zhang Ziguang nodded and received the ring in his hand. Suddenly, a blood light spewed out in front of his eyes. Xiaoqing, the mountain god, pulled out a dagger from his waist and stabbed it into his chest fiercely. Zhang Ziguang was shocked and said, "Senior, senior, why are you suffering?"

The mountain god Xiaoqing was full of blood, and her delicate body trembled with pain. She held her last breath of strength and said intermittently, "Remember... Remember... Revenge for me... Revenge..."

Finally, she closed her eyes, and a blue light rose to the sky. The mountain god Xiaoqing's body quickly became bigger, and her clothes were all torn. Her snow-white skin was covered with a layer of scales. Soon, a three-foot-long, pillar-like thick green snake appeared in front of Zhang Ziguang. At this moment, the green snake is out of breath. There is a dagger inserted in the snake's abdomen, and blood is dripping from the wound...

Zhang Ziguang's face changed greatly. He moved forward and moved the python. Seeing that it was dead and there was no response, he was obviously dead, so he was slightly relieved.

At this moment, the voice of the moon cloud sword soul came to my mind: "Master, that is the mutant super monster silver flower python. Once this monster reaches the strength of the intermediate monster, it can call for wind and rain and control the solar terms of the place."

Zhang Ziguang nodded and glanced at the body of the python. He found that at the strength of the python's neck, there were several silver patterns, like a circle of silver flowers, and the python was cyan, and the name of the silver-flowered blue python came from it.

"Master, someone is coming. Get out of here!" The voice of Yueyun's sword soul was a little frightened, and a messy footsteps came into Zhang Ziguang's ears. Zhang Ziguang flashed through the gap between the boulder and the cave and came out.

Behind him, there was a shout of scolding: "Damn, this bitch actually fooled us. There is nothing in the dark pavilion except a few stones!" Chu Yuezhi was quite calm. He said loudly, "Since the brothers have searched all over the place and can't find the baby, let's go back to see the mother-in-law, baby, it must still be on her." Everyone shouted and walked towards the place where the mountain god Xiaoqing was. As soon as they came here, they exclaimed. Chu Yuezhi's face changed and came to the huge python and explored it carefully, but in the end he found nothing. He hammered the wall around him heavily and said, "Everyone is looking around. There are absolutely people in this place. I came here and stole the ring.

Everyone answered and looked for it separately. While looking for it, they couldn't help cursing. Zhang Ziguang, who had been eavesdropping outside, felt tight at this moment. He hurriedly looked around and saw that the four fields were empty and there was no place to hide. There was only a stone pillar, standing alone, barely enough to hide. In a hurry, he had to hide behind the stone pillar.

End of this chapter