Purple Light Seal Sword Record

Chapter 45 Back

In Lingji Town, in the Zhengdao camp, Shangguan Mu looked at the map hanging on the wall and was stunned. At this time, a disciple came in and said respectfully, "Lord of the alliance, we have just received a joint letter from the leaders of Jianfeng, Shushan and Ziying. Please have a look!"

"What?" Shangguan Mu raised his eyebrows and sent a joint letter from the heads of the three factions. It was a rare occurrence in a hundred years, and something big must have happened.

He opened the envelope, and the content of the letter was only a few lines: three days later, he sent all his hands to attack the Dongying Camp, and there must be no mistake! Inducted: Qingyang, Daoqian, Ouyang Hong.

Shangguan Mu quickly summoned everyone to the council chamber. As soon as everyone arrived, the joint letter from the head of the three sects was passed down. When all the elders saw it, they were stunned and talked about it.

The Taoist elder of the Shushan faction took the lead in saying, "Lord, this is inevitable. Fujiwara's Dongying army is stuck in a city called Liang'an near the East China Sea. This city is as solid as gold. If we attack rashly, we must hit the stone with a pebble!"

Chu Qingguang shook his head and said, "What is the status of the leaders of the three factions? They will never joke about the lives of the disciples of the sect. If the leaders do so, there must be their reason." Elder Sooyun said, "Please write back to the leaders of the three factions and ask them the reason for doing so. As soon as he said this, everyone nodded in agreement.

Shangguan Mu said with a faint smile, "If the head wants to tell us the reason, the letter will not just write those words!" Soo Yun's voice stagnated and suddenly had nothing to say.

The elders had different opinions, insisted, and quarreled loudly, but in the end there was no result. Shangguan Mu pondered for a long time, patted the armrest on the chair and said, "Send my order, prepare for the war, and attack Liang'an City with all your strength three days later!"

"Lord, think twice! The sound of persuading Shangmu to take back his fate suddenly sounded, but Shangguan Mu waved his hand and said, "I have made up my mind. My swordsman will definitely follow the will of the leader. If you want to disobey the will of the leader, I have nothing to say!"

Seeing Shangguan Mu's attitude, everyone stopped talking and had to retreat to prepare for the war.


In Liang'an City, in the Dongying camp, Fujiwara sat opposite Mr. Tiangui and talked happily. He only heard Fujiwara say, "Mr. Tiangui came back this time, which really raised my morale of Dongying. Now our troops are ready to go. As long as Mr. Tiangui nod his permission, we can destroy the Central Plains practitioners!"

Mr. Sky Ghost's veil moved and said, "General, how many tricks have I made for you?"

Fujiwara said, "The use of the five spirit array is one, and the choice of Tokugawa Ieyasu will be the second one, the third one is the night attack to build Nancheng, and the fourth one is to order me hide my light and keep my time. According to Mr. Tiangui's promise, you also need to provide us with a suggestion!"

Mr. Tiangui said, "We will talk about this suggestion three days later. Now, you can prepare for war!"

Fujiwara looked suspicious but finally nodded!


Zhang Ziguang flew in the air, and suddenly a childish voice sounded in his mind: "Master, I'm Junfei. I forgot to tell my master something!"

"What's the matter?" Zhang Ziguang asked. That's it, master!" Junfei said, "Last time I told you to look for resources, but I didn't tell you what resources are?" Junfei said with apologies.

"What exactly is that resource?" Zhang Ziguang asked that there were too many mysteries of Ziming Xuanjie, and he also missed this question himself.

Junfei said, "Resources are coal, metal, and raw iron, which can be found in some deep mountains and can also be bought in ordinary cities."

Zhang Ziguang nodded and said, "Okay, now you first return the whip-shaped artifact to the furnace, and then I will get you some resources, and you can start to build the third-class magic armor for me!"

"Yes, master!" Junfei responded to the order. Zhang Ziguang was secretly happy. He fought with Dongying and fought with air-level practitioners. The defense of third-class artifact armor was more than enough to deal with air-level practitioners.

After flying for a while, Zhang Ziguang had arrived at Crescent Village. As soon as he landed, Li Xiaohong greeted him. As soon as he saw Zhang Ziguang come back, he said eagerly, "Brother Zhang, someone is looking for you!"

"Who is it?" Zhang Ziguang asked in surprise. Li Xiaohong said, "It's a man and a woman. The man is handsome, and the woman is dressed in white and looks like a fairy. Many men in our village are stunned when they look at him!"

"What did they come to me for?" Zhang Ziguang suddenly guessed the identity of the person and whispered. Suddenly, a voice came from afar: "Brother Zhang is well!" Zhang Ziguang looked up and saw Lin Yuqing in a green shirt, looking at him with a smile in the air in the wind.

Zhang Ziguang waited for him and said, "My master ordered me to wait in this village and observe the movements of the Dongying people. If you come to me, won't you expose my hiding place?" Zhang Ziguang was in a hurry and moved the master Shangguan Mu out as a cover.

Lin Yuqing smiled and said, "Brother Zhang, let's laugh!"

Zhang Ziguang secretly complained in his heart. Lin Yuqing actually saw through his lies in an instant. At this time, a white figure flew this way, and the long wind was blowing and dancing her clothes. The dark and soft hair dances in the wind, and the watery eyes are looking this way.

"So you're here!" Lu Bingyan said coldly. Zhang Ziguang felt his heart pounding. Every time he saw Lu Bingyan, he had a feeling of heart palpitation. I don't know if she was too beautiful or for some other reason.

"Brother Zhang! Come back with us!" Lin Yuqing smiled and said, "Sister Jiang said she would thank you well!" Zhang Ziguang's face changed, and an imperceptible loss flashed in Lu Bingyan's eyes.

"Brother Zhang, please come here!" Lin Yuqing said and walked away with Zhang Ziguang. Lu Bingyan stared at them coldly and walked away knowingly.

Lin Yuqing took Zhang Ziguang to a deserted place and said with a smile, "Brother Zhang, I don't know why you refuse to return to my camp?"

"Stop talking nonsense! I was ordered by the teacher..." As soon as Zhang Ziguang said half of his words, Lin Yuqing interrupted him and said, "Brother Zhang, your Ximu Village is far away from Dongying Camp, and Dongying people have never been interested in this remote mountain village. You said that the alliance lord wants you to observe the movement of Dongying people here, and you won't believe anything! I guess that Brother Zhang refuses to go back. I'm afraid it has something to do with Sister Jiang!"

"No!" Zhang Ziguang said coldly. Lin Yuqing still smiled and said, "Brother Zhang, I'll tell you..." He came to Zhang Ziguang's ear and said in a small voice that only people could hear: "Sister Jiang is still perfect!"

Zhang Ziguang's face suddenly changed, and he lost his voice and said, "How do you know?"

Lin Yuqing waved his hand and said, "If you don't mention this, won't Brother Zhang go back?" All right!" Zhang Ziguang nodded and felt relieved. The boulder pressed on his heart suddenly turned into powder and dissipated.

"Call Sister Lu, let's go back now!" Lin Yuqing said that after a while, Lu Bingyan came here. Zhang Ziguang smiled and said, "Let Sister Lu bother. Let's sit down and go back!"

Lu Bingyan's beautiful face showed a faint smile, like a beautiful lily, quietly blooming under the breeze, clear and unrespitable.

The three called out their magic weapon at the same time and were about to leave when suddenly a hoarse and harsh voice came with laughter: "Haha, none of you three can leave?"

The three were shocked and hurriedly turned around and saw a black ninja hanging upside down on a branch, like a black bat.

"All three of you are going to die!" The ninja said in Chinese, and then he pointed to Lin Yuqing and Lu Bingyan and said, "You two little guys are really careless. I came with you to find this Crescent Village, but you didn't find it!"

Lin Yuqing and Lu Bingyan looked at each other and immediately changed their color. If what the ninja said is the truth, then the ninja's strength is definitely above them.

Zhang Ziguang said, "You guys are so angry. Are you following them? Are you coming to me?"

"Not bad! I'm mainly here for you!" He endured and said fiercely, "You boy, kill our prince's son!"

"What?" The three were stunned. Lu Bingyan and Lin Yuqing looked at Zhang Ziguang. Zhang Ziguang's face was dark, but they couldn't remember that he had killed someone recently!

"Die!" The ninja suddenly shouted. Three ninja cross darts attacked the three people, and the three of them were slightly moved and cleverly avoided. Suddenly, a sharp momentum came from behind.

The three looked back together and saw that the three darts they had escaped had turned into three figures exactly the same as those hanging on the tree. The three figures emitted a black light at the same time, which was dizzying fast. The three of them were hit by the black light, all spitting blood and flew backwards.

They stood up with difficulty and looked at the ninja still hanging on the tree like a bat. They were shocked. The ninja laughed a few times and said, "Remember, it was the ninja mentor who killed you, wind and fire!"

End of this chapter