Purple Light Seal Sword Record

Chapter 6 The Secret of Autumn Moon Valley

Autumn Moon Valley, this four seasons like autumn, the blue sky looks quiet and high. The path made of bluestones is full of withered yellow leaves, and gusts of autumn wind blow with coolness. There is a desolate feeling in the whole valley, but the most eye-catching thing in Qiuyue Valley is the red maple leaves. Because the climate is like autumn, the maple leaves in the autumn valley are also red all year round!

A man stepped on the fallen leaves on the ground and walked on the bluestone road. His face was like jasper, exuding a warm and mature feeling all over his body. He was the current valley owner of Qiuyue Valley, Jiang Feng!

The river wind walked along the winding path for a while before stopping. This is a partial house in Qiuyue Valley, about five miles away from the main building area in the valley.

Jiang Feng pushed open a door and entered the room. The room was neatly decorated and spotless.

He walked straight to the wall in the room, and the wall suddenly waved like water, and a huge suction sucked the river wind into the wall.

The room is still so clean and elegant, as if no one has been here.

"See your ancestors!" Jiang Feng came to a dark space, knelt on one knee and said respectfully.

A faint blue flame floated towards him. In the middle of the flame, there was a human face, which was reflected into a strange blue by the firelight.

"Are you here?" The face in the flame said, "Get up and talk!"

Jiang Feng stood up and said, "Ancestors, there is still one thing left to help you recover your real body!"

The face in the flame smiled and said, "Haha, well done. It seems that you have got the purple gold key from Shushan!"

"Not bad!" Jiang Feng nodded and said, "For this purple gold key, I asked Xiaer to go to Shushan to help seal the demon lake!"

"Very good, very good!" The face in the flame said with satisfaction. He looked up at the endless darkness, and there seemed to be a mass of anger burning in his blue eyes!

"Ancestors!" Jiang Feng said respectfully, "I have a question. I don't know if I should ask it or not?"

The face in the flame sighed and asked, "You are curious. Who made me like this?"

"Exactly!": Jiang Feng nodded and said.

The face in the flame was blurred, and he laughed at himself and said, "For thousands of years, I can also say that I have been a momentary hero. At the age of 30, I defeated many long-known masters. At that time, I was also a powerful figure. At the same time, a talented young man appeared in the north, that is, his ancestor of the Zhang family, named Zhang Lingfei. At that time, one of us was in the south and the other in the north, so we were called Nanjiang River and North Lingfei.

The name of the person in the flame is Jiangchuan, who is ancestor of Qiuyue Valley.

"Is the killing of the ancestors related to this Ling Fei?" Jiang Feng asked doubtfully.

"Not bad!" Jiangchuan in the flame nodded and said, "At that time, we were so strong that no one was convinced, so we had a big battle in a ring. We fought fiercely for three days, and in the end, I was defeated, but it was not until then that I found that Zhang Lingfei was a beast and a demon who should be slaughtered!"

Endless anger suddenly erupted in Jiang Chuan's voice, and the nearby space seemed to be taken by his voice and trembled slightly.

"Excuse me, how did that Lingfei harm you?" Jiang Feng asked eagerly.

The blue flame accompanied Jiang Chuan's body couldn't help trembling. After a long time, Jiang Chuan slowly said, "That Zhang clan is not a descendant of human beings at all. They are all monsters from ancient times!"

"What?" Jiang Feng was shocked and exclaimed, "Do you think the Zhang family is a monster?"

Jiang Chuan said in a low voice and said lightly, "It should be said that they are the common descendants of people and monsters. They always maintain a ferocious nature. Once they are murderous, countless people will suffer!"

Jiang Feng bowed and said, "Jiang Feng is stupid. I really don't understand what the ancestors said. Please make it clear!"

Jiangchuan smiled angrily and said, "The ancestor of the Zhang family is a great-term Northern Pluto wolf. He turned into a human form, fell in love with human women, and then multiplied offspring. At that time, the family should not have been called Zhang, but the descendants of the family are all belligerent and will be murderous when forced. He was heart-hearted and killed crazily, so the human who turned into the Northern Pluto star gave an order when he left and absolutely did not allow his descendants to walk in the world. This situation lasted for thousands of years until the appearance of Zhang Lingfei.

Jiang Feng's heart tightened and vaguely felt that things were extraordinary.

Jiang Chuan continued: "Zhang Lingfei is not only talented in cultivation, but also outstanding in practicing medicine, especially the human body. He found that the reason why his family is killing is because there is something called blood evil in the body, and this blood evil is from What their ancestors inherited from the Northern Pluto were born with!"

"Blood evil?" Jiang Feng frowned and muttered.

"But the hateful Zhang Lingfei found a way to eliminate the blood in his body!" Jiang Chuan said fiercely, "To expel blood from the body, we need a carrier, a talented young man as a carrier!" Only in this way can we withstand the power of the blood evil, because if the blood evil enters the body of ordinary people, it will make the person unbearable and die, and the blood evil will automatically return to the original host's body. In fact, the reason why Zhang Lingfei wants to fight with the master is to find a carrier for the blood evil!"

"Do you mean..." Jiang Feng exclaimed that he vaguely felt something.

Jiang Chuan nodded and said, "Yes, I am the carrier of the bloodshed. In those years, after Zhang Lingfei defeated me, he took me to a secret place, told me all these things, and injected the blood into my body. Then, he married, had children, and passed on the family. Since then, the Zhang family has not With the threat of bloodshed, it is no different from ordinary people!"

Jiang Feng nodded and said, "It turns out that Zhang did not have the surname before, but had no name. It was only because Zhang Lingfei borrowed the surname Zhang when he made his debut, so he had the Zhang family!"

"Not bad!" Jiang Chuan said, "Since I had blood, I have suffered day and night. After all, my body is not the constitution of the descendants of the Northern Wolf. Blood is in my body, and I am more or less unconvinced. Therefore, I am crazy from time to time, kill people, and even my favorite wife was cut to death by me!" In the end, Jiang Chuan's voice was a little choked.

"At that time, as the owner of the valley, I hid in a deep mountain and dared not come out, afraid of bringing danger to my relatives again. Later, an alien found me. He claimed to be a swordsman and said that he could relieve my pain, but I want to bear darkness and loneliness!" Jiang Chuan laughed at himself and then said, "The man used a strange method and wrapped me in this flame, and my pain suddenly disappeared. Then he built this room for me to live here all year round, saying that it could maintain the power of flames. Therefore, I faced endless darkness and practiced in this secret room for thousands of years. Finally, we have reached this dream state.

Jiang Feng said with anger and hatred, "This clan has now lost its children and grandchildren, and it is also retribution!"

Jiang Chuan laughed a few times and continued to say, "Later, your grandfather found me and often came to talk with me. Then it was your father, and then you. At that time, I had nothing else to ask for, but to enjoy the joy of family in this darkness. Until later, about 17 years ago, a man named Yang Feng came here. Blood has existed in my body for thousands of years, and I also know something about blood. When I saw Yang Feng at a glance, I knew that he was the person I needed!"

Jiang Feng suddenly realized and said, "No wonder Yang Feng came to visit the valley and left in a hurry after only three days, and since then, there has been no news of this person in the world!"

Jiang Chuan said proudly, "Then Yang Feng accidentally came here and was captured by me. I gave him all the power of blood evil in my body, and then let him go. I don't know what happened after that, but although the blood in my body has disappeared, this flame that relieves my pain has become the one who walks out of the secret room. Obstacle, the predecessor of Kendo told me that if one day, the blood is lifted, and three sacred weapons can be found to break the flame. The purple moon crown is originally my treasure of the autumn moon valley. You have also borrowed the purple gold key from Shushan. Now, only the blue moon autumn wave map is left.

Jiang Feng frowned and said, "This blue moon autumn wave map is the treasure of the Chongyang Sword School. It's really difficult to borrow it!"

Jiang Chuan smiled and said, "If it really doesn't work, you can just bring someone to grab it. It's just that Qiuyue Valley may lose some losses. By the way, I heard you say that Zhang Tianlong is a descendant of the Zhang family. Today, tell me what is the qualification of this person?

"Zhang Tianlong's qualification is absolutely rare in ten thousand years!" Jiang Feng praised: "When he died, he was only 20 years old and reached the peak of the crossing level. He once hit many elders of the Jianfeng faction in one breath. However, the man was besieged and killed by the Jianfeng faction for offending a woman from the evil domain!"

Jiang Chuan shook his head and sighed, "It's a pity that I planned to destroy Zhang's descendants in person, but I didn't expect them to be extinct now. I don't think that Lingfei would have thought that I could live for thousands of years. Haha, their ancestors are Beiming Sirius, super monsters. Their qualifications are not comparable to mortals. They are cultivating It's normal to achieve such an achievement!"

"Ancestor, I still have something unknown!" Jiang Feng then asked, "Why, Zhang's people are very short-lived. I have also heard of Ling Fei's strength. It is reasonable that he should have had a permanent life, but he lived for more than a hundred years and died. This is really hard to understand!"

Jiangchuan's eyes in the flame were also confused. He pondered for a moment and said, "I don't know why. Maybe God punished them, haha!"