Purple Light Seal Sword Record

Chapter 10 Discrete

At this time, the voice of Yunkong came: "Guys, I just saw that the entrance to the next floor is behind the python, but the python is thick and long, surrounded by about five adults to hold it tightly. Its snake body, coiled in the hole, almost occupies a wall tightly. Even if there is any entrance, it is difficult to find.

"Brother Yunkong, are you sure?" Ouyang Juan asked, and Yunkong replied loudly, "It should be right. It's blocked by this guy's body. Let's work together to kill it first!"

After saying that, Yunkong threw out the fairy sword in his hand, and the fairy sword stood upright in the air, emitting a crisp sword sound, a fossil, a hundred into a hundred, a hundred into a thousand. The whole cave is full of endless sword shadows.

The unique learning of Shushan, the secret of ten thousand swords!

The shadow of the sword fell like raindrops, and part of it fell on the wall, but most of them were stuck on the body of the giant snake, but the giant snake's body was shaken, and all the silhouettes were thrown to the ground by this huge power. Yun Kongdao took a breath of cool breath, and Shushan swordsmanship actually had no effect on the giant python.

At this moment, Lu Bingyan also crushed an amulet, and a dazzling blue light suddenly burst out of her body. Her delicate body, like a butterfly in the wind, danced, and a blue phoenix appeared in an instant and looked up to the sky. The phoenix sounded as crisp and pleasant as the nine heavenly sounds, with a strange sound. The giant snake roared repeatedly. Lu Bingyan fought with her hands, like a phoenix spreading its wings and flying in the air. There was a long roar in her mouth and the sound moved for nine days. The phoenix behind her suddenly became several feet tall and gradually turned into color. The sound was amazing and beautiful.

Zhang Ziguang could see that the move Lu Bingyan used today was still the move Fengyi Tianxiang used when she fought with the Shangren mentor that day. At that time, because Lu Bingyan was in a hurry when she set out and did not wear a talisman, she only remembered the power of breaking the air at that time, and the momentum was naturally much smaller, and it has been used recently. In the case of the amulet, this move is absolutely comparable to the superior attack of ordinary heavenly masters.

Suddenly, the phoenix behind Lu Bingyan spread its wings and flew. It was full of glory, like beautiful fireworks. It bloomed in the air and rushed to the giant snake. The giant snake suddenly opened its mouth, revealing a few fishy red fangs. The forked tongue quickly became longer and turned into a red light and greeted the phoenix. "Boom!" Two extremely violent energies dispersed, and the stones in the cave collapsed one after another, and thick cracks were removed from the stone wall.

A long bright red tongue fell to the ground. The giant snake's mouth was already bloody, and the snake scales on its body took off a lot, revealing his bright red body. The situation was very awkward.

Yunkong was overjoyed and hurriedly soared into the air. The long sword danced wildly, and the dense red sword light shot at the giant snake. Most of them poured into the part where it fell off. The giant snake hissed, and the huge snake fell to the ground and was dying. Until now, everyone saw the length of the giant snake, which was unexpectedly super More than ten feet!

The snake's body fell together and trembled. Just now, a black hole appeared on the wall against which it leaned. Yunkong gestured to everyone. When she entered first, Ouyang Juan held Lu Bingyan, whose face was a little pale, followed her. Chen Jingfei followed Ouyang Juan, talking and laughing. Ouyang Juan looked impatient. Annoying and barely dealing with it, Zhang Ziguang and Jiang Yuexia looked at each other and walked in side by side.

While walking, Zhang Ziguang suddenly said, "Ah, I lost something important in the cave just now!" After saying that, he hurried back and walked away.

Yunkong turned to his back and said, "Brother Zhang, you can go and get it. We'll wait for you here!" After saying that, he sat down and rested with the rest. Zhang Ziguang came to the cave where he had just fought and saw that the Bichan green python was still lying on the ground. His breath was weak and obviously injured. Zhang Ziguang smiled proudly and pointed a ring on the python on his left ring finger. The purple gem on the ring suddenly shot out a purple light. The body of the Bichan green python was shot by this purple light and gradually Gradually, it gradually became light, and soon the huge body turned into a virtual shadow and entered the ring.

In the passage, Yunkong and his party sat on the ground, waiting for Zhang Ziguang's return. For a long time, Yunkong asked, "Sister Lu, there is something unclear below. I hope you can teach me."

At this moment, Lu Bingyan's pale face has shown some rosy and luster due to overwork. She said, "Brother Yunkong, I don't know what you want to ask?"

Yunkong said, "You and I are both breaking the air level. Even if we use amulets, our strength will not be much different. Why can you seriously injre the python in the war just now, but my ten thousand sword formula is difficult to damage it?"

Lu Bingyan still looked indifferent and asked, "Has Yunkong forgotten the characteristics of the three schools of swordsmen in Ziying and Shushan?"

Yunkong thought for a moment, and suddenly his eyes lit up and suddenly said, "Oh, I almost forgot that the Jianfeng faction is mainly practicing internal strength and pays attention to defense. Your school is mainly practicing swordsmanship, so the attack is strong. Our Shushan is both sword spirit and defensive, so it is difficult to compare with Lu Shimei in terms of attack alone."

Lu Bingyan nodded with a smile, like a flower quietly blooming in the spring breeze. Ouyang Juan beside her suddenly interrupted and said, "Actually, each fact, each faction has its own strengths. In terms of Taoism alone, Brother Yunkong is better."

At this time, a series of footsteps came from the other end of the channel. Zhang Ziguang smiled and came to the crowd and apologized, "I'm really sorry to have kept you waiting. Let's go now."

Everyone chatted a few more words, got up and continued to walk forward. The passage was dark, as if it was very long. Along the way, the group of six people didn't have many words, but they were on guard around with a solemn look. As they walked, Zhang Ziguang suddenly felt that the corner of his clothes had been pulled. He looked back and saw Jiang Yuexia smiling. He looked at him and whispered in his ear, "What did you just go back to get?" Zhang Ziguang touched her soft hair with a smile and whispered, "Just now, I went back to pick up the jade pendant you gave me before." Jiang Yuexia's heart suddenly rose, and a warm feeling surged into her heart. Thousands of words only turned into two trembling words: "Thank you!" Zhang Ziguang let her lean on her shoulder, and the two of them were close to each other in the dark, feeling each other's breath and walking forward all the way. However, the deeper they went, the colder it became. With the physique of these two practitioners, they were also trembling with cold. The other four people were the same. Ouyang Juan and Lu Bingyan directly released their true defense against the cold.

In front, there was a light, and the exit to the next floor was already in front of everyone, but everyone's face was covered with a layer of frost, and there seemed to be something terrible in front of them, watching them.

Finally, these people came to the front of the exit. Yunkong took a deep breath and stepped in first. The other five people followed. At the moment of stepping out, Zhang Ziguang's ears suddenly sounded a huge roar, as if a thunder suddenly sounded in his ear, and there was a violent tinnitus in his ears. He began to tremble. Suddenly, his eyes turned white and he fell to the ground. He didn't know anything...

He seems to have fallen into endless darkness. Even if the cold wind is piercing, he just wants to sleep. Life looks extremely heavy at this moment!

At this moment, a dark blue light and shadow flashed through his mind. The darkness was shattered by the dark blue light and shadow, and a simple and old voice sounded in his ear: "Master, wake up, master..."

Hearing the shout of Yueyun Sword Soul, Zhang Ziguang woke up leisurely. He opened his eyes and found that wherever he could see, white dazzling, white and cold, snow-covered, silver makeup, wind and snow roared, icebergs, snowflakes blowing on his face, as if to freeze the world, that is, that is On the seventh floor of Zhenyao Lake, thousands of miles of snow! This is the world of ice and snow!

The cold deep into the bone marrow is absolutely beyond ordinary people's tolerance. Zhang Ziguang's body is shrouded in blue light to resist the cold. Suddenly, he found a figure of a person in the thick snow under his feet. He hurriedly threw away the snow and found that the clouds in gray were lying in the snow, and his clothes were covered with ice and clinging to his body.

The violent snow roared across Zhang Ziguang's cheeks, and all the feelings had disappeared, but the deep cold!

Zhang Ziguang frowned. He stretched out his hand and looked at Yunkong's nose and found that his breath was still strong, but he fainted. At present, he was relieved, and a red flame appeared at his fingertips. He gently shook his wrist, and the flame flew out and turned several times above Yunkong's head. Yunkong's face was a little pale. Suddenly, a trace of blood appeared and gradually became rosy. Soon, he had opened his eyes.

"Brother Yunkong, are you awake?" Zhang Ziguang stood in the wind and snow and asked with a smile.

Yunkong shook his spontaneously dizzy head, shook the snow on his body, looked at the surrounding environment and said, "Brother Zhang, did you wake me up? Is this the seventh floor of Zhenyao Lake? It's really worth the snowfall. What happened to our coma just now? What about the others?

Zhang Ziguang spread out his hands and said, "I was also about to ask you. It seems that we are separated. Let's look for it."

The two flew side by side in the low air and carefully observed the ground. All the way was lonely and white, and they could not see half a human figure. After flying more than ten miles, the two stopped. Zhang Ziguang said, "Maybe they will be buried in the snow like you. There is no way for us to find them like this."

Yunkong nodded and said, "I just explored it with the power of my soul. There is no one's breath within ten miles. Maybe they are not here, or..."

He didn't go on, and both of them's faces sank and the power of their souls disappeared, which was likely to represent a person's death!

Suddenly, a light flashed in their eyes. They looked at each other and rushed in one direction at the same time. They came to the foot of an iceberg and saw Chen Jingfei's fat body lying there, occupying a large area. Yunkong lost an internal force to him. Chen Jingfei was a little angry. After a while, Wake up.