Purple Light Seal Sword Record

Chapter 19 Crazy Sand

The swordsman, in an empty hall.

At this moment, the night is very deep and the surroundings are empty. Most of Jianfeng Mountain has merged with darkness. Only this hall still has sporadic lights.

In the hall, Shangguan Mu and Qingyang Zhenren sat opposite each other. Shangguan Mu's tone was a little dissatisfied and said, "Master, our Jianfeng sent more than 10,000 disciples, and there are also more than thousands of air-level disciples. It is very dangerous to enter the Zhenyao Lake. Why did you send Zhang Ziguang?"

Qingyang Zhenren picked up the cup on the table, took a sip of the fragrant tea in the cup, and said slowly, "Do you think I will be so kind and send elite disciples to work for Shushan? The reason why I sent Zhang Ziguang is that I heard that there is an ancient artifact hidden in the Zhenyao Lake!"

"Is there an artifact in the shocking demon lake?" Shangguan Mu asked in surprise, "Then send Zhang Ziguang forward, this artifact should be stable!"

Qingyang Zhenren smiled and said, "It seems that you are very confident in your disciple. Although Zhang Ziguang is talented, he is involved in too many confidential matters. It is always a scourge for him to be outside!"

Shangguan Mu's face changed and said, "Master, do you want to..."

Qingyang Zhenren waved his hand and said, "I'm just vigilant. If you really want me to kill Zhang Ziguang, I really can't bear it. As for the matter of the artifact, let Zhang Ziguang stay in the faction for a long time and devote himself to practice. In this way, in a few decades, there will be another genius in my faction that will deter all directions. If so, you will inherit the leader. After that, there will be another effective helper!"

Shangguan Mu suddenly felt much more comfortable. With a respectful face, he looked at Qingyang Zhenren and said, "Master is far-sighted, and I admire him!"

Qingyang Zhenren nodded and said, "That's all. If it's okay, you can go back and have a rest first."

"Master, there is one thing. I have been thinking about it for a long time and have no clue. Today, I still want to ask the master for advice." Shangguan Mu paused and then said, "In the battle with Dongying, why did the leaders of the three sects suddenly send a joint letter? Are some strange events in the last battle related to this joint letter?"

Qingyang's real face sank, lowered his voice and said, "There is no outsider here. Since you asked, I'll tell you that this matter is actually related to the destruction of Huo Xiangtian. One night, Huo Xiangtian suddenly sent a message to my soul and asked me to order you to use all your disciples to fight. The next day, I received Shu Shantian. A letter from the head of the Hua Er faction to discuss the war, so the three of us jointly wrote a letter urging you to attack Liang'an City. In fact, at that time, the three of us were also confused and didn't know what Huo Xiangtian wanted to do. Later, you returned from victory and listened to your story about the wartime situation, and then did I understand that Huo Xiangtian took action in the dark!"

Shangguan Mu also nodded and said, "The forbidden area of heaven is not attacked and broken. A large number of Dongying masters outside Liang'an City were inexplicably killed, and Fujiwara Zhi was directly smashed into the ground by a tombstone. These things are definitely not what ordinary Qi Tian-level masters can do, but if Huo Xiangtian really wants to take action, why should he do it secretly ?”

Qingyang spread out and said, "I'm not sure about the idea of destroying the heavenly masters. It's absolutely not what we can conjugate. Speaking of the war with Dongying, I also heard today about the reason why Moyu first united with Dongying and then suddenly defected!"

"Oh?" Shangguan Mu's eyes widened and looked at Qingyang Zhenren. Qingyang Zhenren said, "They united with Dongying because they wanted to find out the whereabouts of Haotian Tower. They suddenly defected because Haotian Tower had been found, and they no longer needed to cooperate with Dongying. Moreover, I also heard that a master who had been hidden in the demon realm for more than ten years. He was born. The monsters you met in the battle with Dongying were raised by him.

Shangguan Mu was shocked. He shuddered when he remembered the two monsters, Yu Qilin and the iceberg silver dragon. The breeder of the monster, I don't know what it will be. Qingyang Zhenren saw his mind and then said, "In fact, you are familiar with this person. He is your childhood playmate, Nangong Xuan!"

Shangguan Mu was silent for a long time, as if he fell into his childhood memories. After a long time, he slowly said, "Nangong Xuan made friends with me when he was a child. We are neighbors, about the same age. We play together all day long. Nangong Xuan's cultivation is extremely talented. No matter how difficult it is, he can quickly get the secret book of intensive cultivation brought back by his father. Wu, later, his father joined the Demon Realm, and their family also moved to the West. Since then, we have not seen each other again. Now it has been counted for decades.

Qingyang Zhenren sighed and said, "The world is about to be quiet!"

Shocking Demon Lake, the fifth floor, full of sand.

As its name suggests, the sky here is earthy yellow, surrounded by endless deserts, endless yellow, and no other colors can be seen. In the desert, there are also many sand dunes, neatly arranged in a line, winding like a river.

The six people walked carefully on the soft sand. With each step, they would leave a deep footprint. They looked around alertly. Here, except for sand or sand, they could not see half of the living creatures.

Suddenly, Zhang Ziguang felt a sinking under his feet, and a strange force pulled his body and suddenly sank down. He leaned over and saw a pair of earthy big hands as if they were growing in the sand sea, desperately pulling his body down.

The cold light appeared in Zhang Ziguang's eyes, and Yue Yunjian suddenly came out of the sheath and split the two palms fiercely. The palms struggled in the sand for a few times, but did not move, and the dark green ** flowed to the ground.

At the same time, the other five people were also attacked by this strange arm, among which Chen Jingfei was in the worst situation, and half of his body had been trapped in the sand sea.

The two swords in Yunkong split the palm of his hand. He inserted the sword into the sand, and a sword gas shot into the ground. Suddenly, the yellow sand flew, and a strange sound came from the ground.

A few dozen earthy humanoid monsters came out from under the yellow sand. There were dozens of these monsters gathered together. Each of them is tall, full of earthy, like mud, bare faces without facial features, indescribably ugly.

Zhang Ziguang did not change his face in the face of this group of monsters. He patted the clouds and whispered, "This monster should be a loess stone demon, a super monster, right?"

Yunkong took a look at Zhang Ziguang with a relaxed face and smiled, "Brother Zhang, how about we kill more monsters than anyone?"

Zhang Ziguang smiled bitterly and said, "Brother Yunkong, I'm not as tall as you. In this test, I will naturally suffer losses."

Before Zhang Ziguang finished speaking, Yunkong rushed into the loess stone demon group and put one sword into two. After Ouyang Juan and Lu Bingyan followed the cloud sky, one blue and one purple two beautiful sword shadow swept in all directions, leaving a piece after another of green** on the ground. The loess stone demon was made of mud. The limbs formed by soil were scattered all over the ground.

Zhang Ziguang and Jiang Yuexia looked at each other and joined the battle group side by side. The loess stone demons were in different places one by one. Only Chen Jingfei was still standing in place, with a disgusting face and patting the sand on their bodies.

After about a rag of incense, dozens of loess demons were slaughtered by these five people, and the surviving ones dragged their injured bodies into the sand.

However, everyone's face did not relax because of this. Yunkong said, "Don't take it lightly. The appearance of the loess stone demon indicates that the blood stone demon is about to appear."

The loess stone demon and the blood stone demon are both earth-attribute monsters. The loess stone demon is relatively weak, so they are often used as food by the blood stone demon. Although the two monsters are both super monsters, their strength is far different. An adult loess stone demon is only equivalent to the Taoism of an empty-level practitioner, and an adult blood stone The devil is comparable to a true man who breaks the peak of the sky.

Suddenly, a column of blood rushed out from the bottom of the desert and crawled out of the ground with blood. These monsters were almost exactly the same as the loess stone demon just now. The difference was the fishy blood and more than an inch of nails on their arms.

There are more than 100 blood stone demons in this team. They walk this way step by step. Every step, they will leave a blood-red footprint on the desert. Ouyang Juan flew up first, and the purple sword light fell from the sky. Several weak blood stone demons were hit by the sword light and fell to the ground. The first blood stone demon sent out With an angry howl, he suddenly flew up, stretched out his claws and patted Ouyang Juan.

Ouyang Juan roared and blocked it with a long sword. Suddenly, she felt a burst of pain in the tiger's mouth. The blood stone demon waved its five claws one after another. The speed was so fast that the naked eye could not see through it at all, leaving dozens of vague claw shadows in the air. Although Ouyang Juan tried to resist, she had lost her color and was in a very dangerous situation.

Just as Ouyang Juan fought with the leader of the blood stone demon in the air, a large number of blood stone demons attacked the five people on the ground crazily. Lu Bingyan wanted to save them, but she was overwhelmed. For a while, various sword shadows and blood-red claw shadows were intertwined, and Zhang Ziguang became more and more difficult to fight. The body of the blood stone demon was composed of extremely hard stones. The defense was super strong, and the five people tried their best to completely break through.

The clouds suddenly flew up and shouted loudly, "Don't fall in love, let's go!"

All four people on the ground stepped on the fairy sword, soared into the air and rushed in the other direction. The red sword wave of Yunkong Road hit the head of the blood stone demon. The leader of the blood stone demon made a painful roar and rushed to the cloud. Ouyang Juan took this opportunity to leave the battle group.