Purple Light Seal Sword Record

Chapter 20 Destiny Demon

More than a few beautiful lotus flowers opened on the long sword in the sky. His wrist shook gently, and the lotus flower flew in the air, wrapped around the waist of the blood stone demon leader back and forth, forming a fiery red aperture. The blood stone demon leader was trapped in this aperture and could not move. He could only make a sound to the distant figure of the cloud and sky. Gan's roar.

The six people have flown far away. Ouyang Juan took a look at the blood red behind her, frowned, and said, "This blood stone demon, the defense is too domineering. I try my best to hurt its body!"

Yunkong said: 'These monsters survive with turtle-like defense. If we had tried our best just now and used the amulet, I'm afraid that Sister Murong would fall down a lot."

Ouyang Juan's eyes flowed and looked at Yunkong. Yunkong's words were indescribably useful to her, who had just been defeated.

At this moment, the sky has gradually darkened, and the yellow sky here is covered with a layer of black. Zhang Ziguang looked at the sky and the desert below, and said, "Now it's getting late. Let's find a place to rest first. By the way, Brother Yunkong, this is the first few days we have entered the Zhenyao Lake?"

"This is..." Yunkong thought for a moment and said, "On the third day, we still have five days to repair the seal array. If we follow this speed, it will be too late to get to the first floor in five days."

Jiang Yuexia shook her head and said, "That's right, but the more the monster goes down, the more powerful the monster is. It's difficult to maintain the current speed! Besides, there is almost no battle on the next floor, so it didn't take much time. At the future level, I'm afraid we won't have such good luck.

Yunkong's face was covered with a layer of frost, but Jiang Yuexia's words were reasonable. Even if they travel day and night in the future, they may not be able to repair the seal array within the specified time.

Yunkong was a little depressed and flew for a while and said, "Guys, you can rest here now. I'm going to find the guardians at this level. If I find it, I will send a signal to inform you again, so that I can save some time!"

"This is too dangerous!" Ouyang Juan shook her head, and Chen Jingfei beside him said with a smile, "Don't worry, I should take a nap."

Zhang Ziguang stared at Chen Jingfei with disdain and said, "I didn't expect the children of the four families to be so sleepy."

Chen Jingfei turned his head, stared at Zhang Ziguang, and suddenly pulled out the fairy sword. He thought that this purple light stabbed over. Zhang Ziguang twisted his body, dodged the sword, and sneered, "What, before the big thing is done, do you think of the infighting?"

Chen Jingfei was about to make another move when his wrist suddenly hurt. Yunkong held his wrist with one hand and suddenly exerted force. His fairy sword fell from the air to the ground. Yunkong said coldly, "If Mr. Chen doesn't want to stay in the shock lake anymore, please go back!"

Chen Jingfei felt a chill on his face. He was stared at like a cloud knife, and he couldn't help but panic. He lowered his head, bent down and flew down to find his fairy sword.

Yunkong came to Zhang Ziguang's ear and whispered, "The children of the four families are pavemented and arrogant. You don't have to know them."

Zhang Ziguang's mouth was covered with a smile and a cold smile.

Chen Jingfei stepped on the fairy sword and hovered low in the sky, looking for his fairy sword that had been knocked down by the clouds. He gently recited a spell. In the desert below, a vague light appeared. He was happy and flew in the direction of the light. At a glance, he recognized that the glowing object was his sword.

He picked up the fairy sword and was about to go up to round with his companions when suddenly a woman's cold voice sounded in his ear: "Since you are here, why do you have to go back?"

He was shocked and looked in the direction of the sound, but when he saw a giant monster three feet high coming this way in the dark, he could faintly see that the monster still had two heads.

Chen Jingfei was so scared that he screamed and flew up. Yunkong and others also noticed the strangeness here and flew quickly. When Chen Jingfei saw Yunkong, he said breathlessly, "Monster... a two-headed monster!"

"Roar..." A loud roar came, and a low man's voice echoed in the empty desert: "Outer, die!"

The moon cloud sword in Zhang Ziguang's hand suddenly shined, and the blue halo cooled the night sky, which also made everyone see the appearance of the monster. This is a monster more than three feet high, walking in the desert like a moving hill. The monster has a sphinx ponytail and is dotted with leopard-like spots. The strangest In particular, this monster has two heads, one is a beautiful girl, and the other is a white-haired old man, but these two heads are more than ten times larger than ordinary people.

"What kind of monster is this?" Ouyang Juan was shocked and asked. Yunkong was also at a loss at this moment. He looked at Zhang Ziguang and Jiang Yuexia. They also shook their heads with a bitter smile. Lu Bingyan also shook her head and said, "This monster is too strange. I have only seen it in my life."

At this time, the monster stopped. He dug the soft sand with a pair of sharp claws, took out a few blood stone demons from the ground, stuffed them directly into his mouth, chewed them, and his mouth was full of red blood.

The six people looked at this creepy scene, and their faces were not good-looking. Of course, what they were more afraid of was the strength of the monster, which could treat the blood stone demon as food. The strength of the monster was absolutely extraordinary.

The monster came this way while chewing the food in its mouth. The girl's face suddenly opened its mouth and made a sweet sound: "You don't have to look at it. Next time, it's your turn."

The six people's faces darkened and took out an amulet at the same time. Of course, Zhang Ziguang's amulet was taken out and put back. He would never easily expose his strength until the critical moment.

"We will make a move at the same time and try to kill it with one blow!" The clouds shouted loudly, and six lights rose to the sky, illuminating the night sky, pillars of light, sword shadows, vast, like fireworks blooming all over the sky, and hit the monster's body together. The violent energy shook the nearby space violently.

The two faces of the monster gave a harsh laugh at the same time. The two faces grew up at the same time, and a huge suction swept in, sucking all the energy into their mouths like wind and clouds.

The faces of the six people suddenly turned pale. They looked at this scene in surprise and couldn't believe their eyes at all. The power of the attack just now was equivalent to the power of five sky-level masters and an air-breaking practitioners to launch an attack. This kind of attack, even at the Qitian level The master did not dare to take it, but he was easily swallowed into his stomach by the monster.

"Hey, die!" The old man's face suddenly said in the man's voice. A pair of fierce claws of the monster caught the six people with the roaring wind. The six people dodged, but the other fierce claw of the monster came again, and the clouds could not dodge and were directly photographed on the ground.

"Brother Yunkong!!!" Zhang Ziguang shouted, and Yunkong flew over from the ground with a gray face. Chi Li said, "I finally remembered what kind of monster this is. The name of this monster is called the fate demon. I don't know what its body is. Even this name was whim and randomly caused by some people, but this is a rare event in ten thousand years. Super monsters, and they belong to the more powerful super monsters. They have their own inheritance talent.

I'm really sorry, it's a little late today...